
2022-12-09 09:41:29

水泥市场需求仍然呈现旺季不旺特征,价格的修复幅度较往年更显温和。在疫情管控优化、政府致力于扩大内需的情况下,预计2023 年需求的逐步企稳有望实现。


冀东水泥12 月7 日公告和天山股份共同出资成立合资公司,致力于促进东北地区水泥行业的优化升级。公司计划出资9 亿元,占50%,并对合资公司并表。我们认为这一强强联手有助于创造整合发展的新机遇;优化区域市场竞争格局。考虑到4Q22 以来水泥价格依然疲软,将公司22/23/24 年EPS 分别下调38.7%/17.0%/9.0%至0.68/1.25/1.41 元,目标价下调3.6%至10.05 元,基于8x2023 年P/E,较可比公司历史平均估值折价20%,以反映公司核心市场相对更弱的需求前景。虽然水泥行业供需的再平衡路径或仍将波折,但供需改善的方向已较明确。


虽然合资公司后续的具体投资项目仍具备不确定性,我们认为对冀东水泥而言,一个重大的发展新机遇已然明晰。首先,这一合作深化了东北市场两大企业精诚合作、推动市场整合的共识,公司凭借市场整合的丰富经验和在东北市场优于同行的竞争优势,有望推动新一轮的由市场整合带动的发展。其次,截至2021 年,冀东水泥和天山股份的水泥产能分别占东北市场的9%和23%。合资公司的成立,有望进一步提升东北市场的集中度,为区域市场供给侧的进一步优化奠定基础。

旺季不旺,4Q22 盈利或继续承压

4Q22 以来,水泥市场需求仍然呈现旺季不旺特征,价格的修复幅度较往年更显温和。其中北方(华北/东北/西北,冀东水泥90%产能位于该区域)市场的表现相对更为疲弱,4Q22 以来最高价格较3Q22 低点仅上涨12 元/吨,显著低于南方(华东/华南/西南)的69 元/吨。受此影响,我们预计公司4Q22盈利仍将承压,同比和环比可能都将继续回落。

2023 年需求逐步企稳的方向更为明晰,虽然路径可能仍有波折尽管2022 年需求的大幅回落使全行业出现了供需失衡和盈利大幅回落的局面,我们预计2023 年行业供需有望逐步恢复平稳。在疫情管控优化、政府致力于扩大内需的情况下,我们预计2023 年需求的逐步企稳有望实现,从而推动公司利润率的改善。当然,由于新房销售市场持续疲弱,房建投资的企稳可能仍需要更长时间,这可能使供需修复的路径仍显波折。

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In 2024, China's cement enterprises completed 10 mergers and acquisitions, involving a total amount of 6.425 billion yuan, an increase of about 80.17% over the previous year, reaching the highest level in the past five years. During this period, overseas mergers and acquisitions still account for the majority, but the leading enterprises have begun to gradually promote the integration of mergers and acquisitions in the domestic market.

2025-01-17 09:40:59

Relevant data show that the industry lost about 1.2 billion yuan in the first half of the year, with sales falling by 11%. Conch Cement: In the first half of the year, the Company achieved an operating income of RMB45.566 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 30.44%, and a net profit of RMB3.326 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 48.56%. Tapai Group: achieved operating income of RMB1.976 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 31.17%; net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB226 million, representing a year-on-year decrease of 53.43%. It is expected that with the arrival of the traditional peak season of cement sales, the demand side will be better in the second half of the year than in the first half, and the price side is expected to continue to repair.

2024-08-30 10:06:24

In the short term, rigid peak staggering is the only way out for the cement industry. We must accurately stagger the peak and stop at the same time. If it is difficult to start at the same time, we should stop at the same time first. In the long run, further improving the concentration is an effective way to reduce production capacity in the cement industry.

2024-08-23 13:13:52

According to the research and statistics of the People's Bank of China, according to the issuance plans announced by various places, the issuance scale of new local bonds in the third quarter was as high as 1966.9 billion yuan, an increase of 605.3 billion yuan over the same period last year; plus the maturity scale of 1067.6 billion yuan of local bonds, it is expected that in the third quarter

2024-07-10 14:08:28

The serious decline in demand, coupled with the fierce market competition, the low opening and low going of cement prices, continued to bottom out, and the loss of the industry expanded. The loss of the industry in the first quarter exceeded that of 2016, and the pressure of enterprise operation was unprecedented.

2024-05-31 14:35:19

According to the incomplete statistics of China Cement Network, there are about 24 companies with aggregate business in A-share motherboard and Hong Kong listed companies, of which 16 listed companies disclose specific aggregate income..

2024-05-28 16:59:57

Affected by insufficient infrastructure support and the continuous downturn of real estate, the demand of cement industry continued to be weak throughout the year. In 2023, the national cement output was 2.023 billion tons, down 5% from the same period last year. Under the influence of the decline in demand, the contradiction of excess capacity was further intensified, the market competition was extremely fierce, the price of cement dropped significantly, the industry profit shrank sharply again, the annual profit dropped by more than 50%, the development of the cement industry entered an unprecedented difficult period, and many companies suffered heavy losses.

2024-05-23 14:01:48

In the first quarter of 2024, the industry as a whole showed the operational characteristics of "shrinking demand, fierce competition, high inventory and low price".

2024-05-07 09:20:19

Recently, a number of cement listed companies have been surveyed by institutions and expressed their views and judgments on the market trend this year.

2024-04-18 11:15:12

In 2024, what are the development plans and layouts of the major cement enterprises in the market? According to the annual report of the enterprise, the following are arranged..

2024-04-03 13:45:12

At present, the cement industry is facing serious internal and external troubles, which can be said to be "the autumn of life and death".

2024-04-02 17:13:02

China Resources Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd. held the 2024 Working Conference of "Opening the New Situation" in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province.

2024-03-01 10:13:56

Except for the year-on-year increase in net profit of Tapai Group, the rest of the cement enterprises have experienced a sharp decline year-on-year.

2024-02-01 09:34:13


2023-12-15 09:16:08


2023-12-06 10:28:44


2023-11-10 16:40:41


2023-10-30 19:14:58


2023-10-25 13:22:49


2023-10-25 10:04:34


2023-09-21 09:42:44


2023-09-20 13:52:49


2023-08-18 17:51:07


2023-07-05 15:33:49


2023-05-26 09:33:35


2023-04-25 15:52:22


2023-04-07 09:15:10

报告称,2022年,全国原煤产量45.6亿吨,创历史新高;全国规模以上煤炭企业营业收入4.02万亿元,同比增长 19.5%;利润总额1.02万亿元,同比增长44.3%,再创历史新高。

2023-04-04 09:07:41


2023-04-03 09:52:18


2023-03-30 09:36:08


2023-03-14 23:17:32


2023-03-09 09:18:01


2023-02-22 09:18:16


2023-02-04 13:23:44


2023-02-02 16:26:43


2023-02-01 09:10:49


2023-01-03 09:36:41


2022-12-09 17:25:53

水泥市场需求仍然呈现旺季不旺特征,价格的修复幅度较往年更显温和。在疫情管控优化、政府致力于扩大内需的情况下,预计2023 年需求的逐步企稳有望实现。

2022-12-09 09:41:29

寻找新的收入增长极,打造拥有完整产业规模的企业“航空母舰” 。

2022-12-04 14:47:33


2022-11-10 16:33:10


2022-10-27 10:31:07


2022-10-24 10:33:18


2022-10-18 10:12:07


2022-09-26 16:30:17


2022-09-23 09:32:00


2022-09-20 13:42:12


2022-09-08 09:39:45


2022-08-30 09:16:48