Work Plan for Tianshan, Conch, Jidong, Huaxin and China Resources in 2024

2024-04-03 13:45:12

In 2024, what are the development plans and layouts of the major cement enterprises in the market? According to the annual report of the enterprise, the following are arranged..

On March 29, the online presentation of the 2023 annual performance of Xinjiang Tianshan Cement Co., Ltd. was successfully held at the company's headquarters in Shanghai in the form of "live + online broadcast".

Tianshan shares said that in 2023, due to weak social expectations, slowing investment growth, deep adjustment of real estate and other factors, the company's three main businesses are facing a grim situation. The Company comprehensively promoted optimization and upgrading, cost reduction and foundation consolidation, reform and innovation, business integration and other work, the cost continued to decline, and the performance of some regions improved, but failed to hedge the negative impact of the sharp decline in the price of main products. In

2024, the industry is still facing complex environment and challenges, the company will actively promote the structural reform of the supply side, maintain the healthy ecology of the industry, resolutely implement peak staggering production, promote the industry to reverse the predicament, stabilize the benefit fundamentals, firmly grasp the new industrialization, digital transformation, double carbon policy and other opportunities of the times. Make full use of the advantages of scale, industrial chain and group resources, strive to develop new quality productivity, comprehensively promote high-quality development, and create greater value for shareholders through practical actions. The annual performance report

of Tianshan Stock in 2023 shows that in 2023, the company realized operating income of 107.38 billion yuan, down 19.01% year-on-year; the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 1.965 billion yuan, down 56.74% year-on-year.

It is understood that in 2023, China's cement industry as a whole showed a "cold" state, insufficient demand, expected weakening, overcapacity and so on have become the consensus of the industry. Recently, a number of listed companies in the cement sector have disclosed their performance in 2023. From the overall situation, the overall operating conditions of the cement industry in 2023 were grim, the profits of many listed companies dropped sharply year-on-year, some regional companies suffered losses, and only a few enterprises increased their profits year-on-year. In

2024, what are the development plans and layouts of the major cement enterprises in the market? According to the annual report of the enterprise, the editor arranges as follows:

Conch Cement

In terms of investment and development, the Group will insist on effective investment and continue to strengthen the main cement industry and the upstream and downstream industrial chain. Cultivate high-quality development momentum.

Grasp the opportunity of in-depth reshaping of the market structure, actively seek high-quality merger and acquisition targets, further improve the layout of the cement market and production capacity, and enhance market competitiveness and control;

make every effort to promote the expansion of the aggregate industry and the exertion of production capacity, unswervingly promote the layout of the commercial mixed industry, and create new profit growth points;

Promote the coordinated development of multi-energy and source-network-load storage integration, such as wind, solar, water and storage, accelerate the expansion, excellence and strengthening of environmental protection industry, and promote the quality and efficiency of digital industry;

We will steadily promote overseas development, improve the market layout of invested countries, steadily promote the development of international blank markets, ensure that projects under construction are put into operation on schedule, and strive to improve the quality of overseas projects. In 2024

, Jidong Cement

Company will focus on "benefit improvement" as its core work, focus on marketing, operation management and strategic development empowerment, accelerate the promotion of green low-carbon development and digital transformation, comprehensively enhance market competitiveness, and go all out to win the battle of benefit improvement, so as to achieve the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way. It plans to achieve business income of 32 billion yuan in the whole year.

(1) Focus on task objectives, strengthen marketing empowerment and enhance market traction. Give full play to the leading role of large enterprises, promote the industry ecology to achieve a balanced win-win situation, and promote the price to return to rationality; strengthen brand and channel construction, strengthen in-depth cooperation with key projects and strategic customers, and make full use of digital technology to improve customer experience and enhance service value; We will actively develop and promote special cement for different scenarios, such as oil wells, nuclear power, airports and deep water, to meet the diversified needs of customers.

(2) Focus on lean management, strengthen operational empowerment and enhance comprehensive competitiveness. We will continue to improve the working mechanism of "cultivating excellence", strengthen the management of business benchmarking, and build a first-class enterprise; build a lean operation management system with lean production as the core, and enhance the ability of cost control and value creation; strengthen strategic procurement, give full play to the advantages of procurement scale, and further control and reduce procurement costs.

(3) Focus on industrial layout, strengthen strategic empowerment and enhance development support. Focusing on key areas, the Company will continue to optimize the industrial layout and production capacity structure to form a competitive synergy; steadily promote the acquisition of mine resources, supplement the development potential and enhance the guarantee of sustainable development; deploy the innovation chain around the industrial chain, accelerate the extension of cement to the upstream and downstream, and promote the deep integration development of the industrial chain; Pay close attention to the investment opportunities of the countries along the "Belt and Road" route and the countries that have signed the memorandum of cooperation, give priority to planning the layout of production capacity in southern Africa, strive to achieve new breakthroughs in overseas development, and provide new momentum for the company's high-quality development.

Huaxin Cement

focuses on the target, studies the market carefully, implements precise policies, gives full play to its advantages and keeps ahead. Create a healthy cement market, focus on the core main market share and value customers with flexible strategies; strengthen the construction of product brand market, expand from cement to aggregate, commercial mix, new materials and other non-cement products, and effectively improve the competitiveness of products in the market.

Focus on costs, optimize energy consumption and emissions, and take various measures to continuously reduce all kinds of costs. Cement business continued to reduce costs; direct mining was strengthened to reduce procurement costs; procurement business management processes and system rules were improved to promote clean procurement.

Firmly implement the company's four strategies to ensure the steady development of the company. We will continue to promote the construction of integrated projects and promote the integrated development of the industrial chain of aggregate, concrete, wall materials, environmental protection, equipment engineering and packaging based on cement. Insist on digital innovation to support the company's strategic transformation, and help the company's business develop at a high speed and with high quality.

China Resources Building Material Technology

2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Company and the first year of the official name change of "China Resources Cement" to "China Resources Building Material Technology". In view of the significant changes in the internal and external environment, the Group revised and formed a new "14th Five-Year Plan" development strategy, focusing on the "4 + 1" business of cement, aggregate, concrete, artificial stone and new materials. In

2024, the Group will accelerate the layout of strategic emerging industries, promote green development, promote the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship, and inject lasting momentum into the high-quality development of enterprises.

The Group will focus on the annual management theme of "strengthening the foundation and upgrading, technological innovation to promote transformation", accelerate the pace of upgrading traditional industries, strengthen the foundation and enhance core competitiveness;

increase investment in research and development, technological innovation to enable green and intelligent industrial upgrading of traditional businesses;

We will unswervingly promote high-quality development, provide high-quality products and services and system solutions for the public, lead the transformation of digital intelligence, realize the evergreen foundation, and build a world-class building materials science and technology enterprise.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.