
2015-09-16 09:13:14






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This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.

2024-09-16 10:19:30

According to incomplete statistics, there are about 33 listed companies developing commercial mixing business in A-share motherboard, Hong Kong stock and Taiwan stock, of which 9 companies take commercial mixing as their main business.

2024-09-10 17:04:29

In the first half of 2024, Conch Cement realized an operating income of RMB45.566 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 30.44%, and a net profit attributable to parent company of RMB3.326 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 48.56%.

2024-08-30 14:56:13

Influenced by factors such as the continuous bottoming of real estate investment, the slowdown of infrastructure investment and the increase of seasonal rainfall in Jiangxi and the surrounding areas, the demand for cement in the market areas covered by Evergreen continued to be weak, the contradiction between supply and demand intensified competition, and the low price led to the continuous decline of industry efficiency. According to the Evergreen Announcement, through the organic combination of resource orientation and market regional characteristics, the company has achieved the integration of upstream and downstream development of the industrial chain.

2024-08-28 10:46:16

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the shutdown of kilns in Liaoning, Northeast China, was extended to 20 days in August, the overall price was high and stable, the demand performance was not good, and the momentum to push up again was insufficient.

2024-08-02 17:28:08

According to the market data of China Cement Network, affected by the high temperature weather and rainy season, the demand performance of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is flat and the price is weak.

2024-08-02 17:12:52

According to the cement network market data center news, Ningxia prices continue to decline; Shaanxi region recently due to the contradiction between supply and demand and price competition led to a larger price reduction.

2024-08-02 16:39:35

According to the data center of China Cement Market, due to the low ex-factory prices in various regions, some regions began to resume pricing this week.

2024-08-02 16:30:32

Demand is declining, supply is increasing, and the price of sand and gravel industry is adjusted in an all-round way.

2024-07-31 15:56:20

Listen to the singing of new willow branches, "old trees" blossom and "flowers" are more red. We believe that this cement production enterprise with a glorious history of more than 50 years will create a more brilliant future in the new journey of pursuing high-quality development.

2024-07-02 10:10:04

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, driven by factors such as kiln shutdown and the implementation of the new national standard, the price of cement in Guangxi Province has risen by 30 yuan/ton, and the implementation remains to be observed. The Guangdong market is tepid, and the quotation is temporarily stable. After the market of the two lakes rose, the implementation was not good.

2024-06-07 16:54:49

Taiwan's cement industry has experienced a complete life cycle from germination, growth, prosperity to recession. Study Taiwan cement industry from the development since demand drops period, have draw lessons from a meaning very much to market of current mainland cement.

2024-05-28 11:53:23

According to incomplete statistics, there are about 34 listed companies developing commercial mixing business in A-share motherboard, Hong Kong stock and Taiwan stock, of which 8 companies take commercial mixing as their main business.

2024-05-21 17:09:01

In the first quarter of 2024, the demand for infrastructure fell short of expectations, housing projects continued to shrink, and the concrete industry continued to weaken. By the end of March, the National Concrete Price Index (CONCPI) closed at 122.38 points, down 1.8% from the beginning of the year. Compared with the same period in 2023, the concrete price index fell by 12.8%.

2024-04-22 10:18:23

The general aggregate market is already fighting in the Red Sea, while the high-end fine aggregate market is still the blue sea market.

2024-04-03 14:16:17

On March 29, the "2024 13th China Cement Industry Summit Main Forum and TOP100 Award Ceremony" was held grandly.

2024-03-29 18:00:30

The company continues to streamline the organization and optimize personnel, establish and improve the flexible salary system, and constantly reduce costs.

2024-03-26 09:26:35

Cement demand in 2024 is expected to continue the trend of the previous two years and continue to decrease. The downstream of cement is mainly divided into three parts: infrastructure, real estate and new rural construction. It is expected that the demand for infrastructure and rural market will remain stable. The key is whether the growth rate of real estate investment can stabilize and rebound, thus supporting the demand for cement.

2024-03-18 13:43:28

In 2024, the contradiction between supply and demand in the cement industry is becoming more and more serious, and the battle of "grabbing share" among major cement enterprises is imminent, and the national situation is more complex and pessimistic.

2024-03-13 09:15:24

Therefore, it is easy to form regional monopoly for aggregate enterprises with mines around the demand market.

2024-03-04 10:26:50

On March 28-29, China Cement Network will hold the "13th China Cement Industry Summit and TOP100 Award Ceremony" in Hangzhou. During the conference, awards will be given to the top 100 cement and supplier enterprises. At the same time, experts and scholars, China Railway and other construction units will be invited to discuss the new development trend of the cement industry in the future, and work together to create the future!

2024-02-27 09:41:58

Zhejiang: Construction is expected to start in March, which may lead to a rise in cement prices; 6 billion investment, annual production capacity of 30 million tons of projects put into operation! Huarun's "next success"; Jidong Cement: will promote related acquisition projects according to the annual investment plan; the latest market research on cement and concrete

2024-02-23 13:30:10

The author believes that the expansion of the "concrete city" model also reflects the change of the unequal relationship between the North and the South in the world. In the past, multinational companies grabbed a lot of investment and trade gains, but under the new capitalism of "combination of government and business" in Africa, local political and business elites have risen and formed alliance networks, among which the best have even begun to launch reverse m ergers and reshape "North-South relations". With the retreat of neoliberal influence, a new governance model seems to be emerging in West Africa: the government centralizes the promotion of infrastructure projects, enterprises respond to the call to speed up the landing, and the people vote according to the results of their achievements.

2024-02-07 09:41:37

In 2024, Xinjiang's fixed investment increased by 10%; Conch Cement's losses expanded; Jiangsu Jinfeng Cement Group's "trench spirit" continued; Maanshan Masteel Jiahua's commercial concrete equity was auctioned again with a price reduction of 37.01 million yuan.

2024-01-30 15:32:02

CNBM is a comprehensive building materials enterprise, and the aggregate business is an extension of the cement business of the company's basic building materials sector.

2024-01-03 11:33:34


2023-12-21 14:04:07


2023-12-21 09:21:01


2023-12-15 17:18:06

在冲刺全年目标的关键阶段,中国能建葛洲坝水泥公司所属单位对照“建功葛洲坝 全力保增长”劳动竞赛目标要求,按下“快进键”、拉满“进度条”,以优质的产品、全方位的服务,助力多个重点工程有序推进。

2023-12-07 09:39:51


2023-10-10 09:17:16


2023-09-23 09:29:13


2023-09-13 15:47:33


2023-08-31 19:21:13


2023-08-25 11:19:41


2023-08-23 11:35:40


2023-08-22 09:10:55


2023-08-11 17:17:31


2023-08-08 09:07:52


2023-08-07 16:59:35


2023-07-14 09:30:05


2023-06-30 16:57:52


2023-06-16 17:44:39


2023-06-09 17:24:15


2023-06-06 11:02:44


2023-06-02 17:20:35


2023-05-22 10:45:36


2023-05-19 17:20:22


2023-05-12 11:17:14


2023-05-09 16:21:22

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, cement prices in the Pearl River Delta market in central and southern Guangdong are planned to stop falling and rise again, while prices in individual markets in Guangxi have experienced a second round of decline. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the range of price increases in the two lakes areas has been extended to the whole province, pushing up by about 30 yuan/ton. Since the 10th, some major manufacturers in Henan have pushed up the price of cement by 30 yuan/ton, but the actual implementation is not ideal, some enterprises have not implemented in place, and the quotation remains at the level before the rise.