Industry Summit | "2024 13th China Cement Industry Summit Main Forum and TOP100 Award Ceremony" was held grandly

2024-03-29 18:00:30

On March 29, the "2024 13th China Cement Industry Summit Main Forum and TOP100 Award Ceremony" was held grandly.

On March 29, the "2024 13th China Cement Industry Summit Main Forum and TOP100 Award Ceremony" was held grandly. Qiao Longde, former President of

China Building Material Federation;

Lu Yanchun, Director of Price, Cost and Certification Center of National Development and Reform Commission;

Xiao Jiaxiang, Executive Chairman of China Cement Association;

Zhang Liqun, Researcher of Macroeconomic Research Department of Development Research Center of the State Council; Pan Zhonghong, Deputy General Manager of

Anhui Conch Cement Co., Ltd.;

Chen Jinliang, General Manager of China Railway Material Trade Group Co., Ltd.;

Lv Zhijian, President of Xinjiang Building Material Industry Association; Wang Aizhen, Chairman of

Henan Building Materials Industry Association;

Ma Weiping, former Chairman and President of Yaobai Special Cement Group Co., Ltd.;

Zhang Zhenkun, Chairman of China Cement Network Council and CEO of Asia Cement (China) Holding Company; Ding Junfeng, Chairman of

China Cement Net Council and General Manager of Tianrui Cement Group Co., Ltd.;

Yang Dan, Chairman of China Cement Net Council and General Manager of China Gezhouba Group Cement Co., Ltd.; Chen Zhongsheng, Chairman of

China Cement Net Council and Vice President of Shandong Shanshui Cement Group Co., Ltd.;

Wei Huashan, Chairman of China Cement Net Council and Chairman of Queshi Cement Group Co., Ltd.; He Kunhuang, Chairman of

China Cement Network Council and General Manager of Guangdong Tapai Group Co., Ltd.;

Wu Shufang, Sales General Manager of Oriental Hope Group Co., Ltd.;

Kuang Hong, Executive Vice President and Secretary-General of Shanghai Cement Industry Association; Wang Rui, Vice Chairman

of Yaobai Special Cement Group Co., Ltd.;

Xu Li, Vice General Manager of Tangshan Jidong Cement Co., Ltd.; Council unit of

China Cement Network,

< IMG SRC = "" He said that overcapacity and shrinking demand are the main contradictions in the current development of the cement industry. In response to these difficulties, Lu Yanchun proposed that we must implement the new development concept, adhere to the synergy between supply and demand, strengthen the expected management, and continue to deepen the supply-side reform. We will achieve green development through clean and low-carbon transformation, eliminate polluting and backward production capacity, speed up digital and intelligent empowerment, promote the industry to reduce costs, improve quality and increase efficiency, and actively expand the demand market. Give full play to the advantages of China's super-large-scale market, fully explore new market demand, and actively expand overseas markets to eliminate excess capacity.

< IMG SRC = " he sees both opportunities and challenges in 2024." It is predicted that the demand of cement industry will decline by 3-5% in 2024, and the sales volume will fall below 2 billion tons, which will face the further aggravation of overcapacity, high cost fluctuation, insufficient market confidence, deterioration of industry ecology, aggravation of market competition, low start at the beginning of the year, aggravation of regional and enterprise differentiation, and serious losses in some regions. Some enterprises have a series of challenges, such as the pressure of survival and the pressure of steady growth of benefits. Faced with the above difficulties and challenges, Xiao Jiaxiang proposed that the cement industry should maintain rationality and resilience, strengthen confidence, overcome difficulties and promote high-quality development of the industry.

< IMG SRC = ", he said that in 2023, China's cement industry will face a big trough, with both industry profits and output declining." It is predicted that the industry situation will remain grim in 2024. Data show that the national cement output in January-February is 183 million tons, with an absolute decline of 7. In view of the above dilemma, Shao Jun believes that the industry should analyze its internal and external causes, take the initiative to solve the problems of overcapacity, the elimination of the elimination, the merger of the merger, the volume of the volume, and the development of the development.

< IMG SRC = ", he pointed out that the contraction of demand is the main crux of China's current economic difficulties." This is reflected in the decline in the growth rate of demand for exports and investment. At the same time, he believes that Chinese-style modernization has huge growth potential and broad development space, and the key to solving economic difficulties lies in expanding domestic demand and accelerating the pace of high-quality development in an all-round way. Finally, he predicted that China's economic growth would continue to pick up in 2024, with an economic growth rate of no less than 5%., she said, The revised content of GB175-2023 "General Portland Cement" has a certain impact on cement enterprises. For example: Cancellation of composite Portland cement 32.

< IMG SRC = "" He believes that in recent years, under the double pressure of cost side and demand side, With the intensification of competition in cement industry, enterprises urgently need to optimize the allocation of resources, improve energy efficiency and expand the scope of sales. He stressed that digital transformation and upgrading is essential to enhance the competitiveness of cement enterprises. However, at this stage, there are some differences in the level of automation, intelligence and informatization of enterprises in the cement industry, and the level of digitalization needs to be improved. He pointed out that the integration and innovation of emerging technologies and industrial Internet will enable the digital transformation of various industries and promote high-quality economic development.

< IMG SRC = "" He said the futures market could provide price signals for the cement market to help business decisions; Improve the synergy and consistency; lock the sales profit and procurement cost through hedging; help the enterprise to reduce the capital cost through the margin mechanism; provide the futures power for the standardized and standardized development of the industry, which can help the enterprise to better respond to market risks and promote the better and more stable development of the industry with high quality.

< IMG SRC = "" He said that the overall management of the current construction industry is extensive and the level of informatization is low, and there is an urgent need for digital transformation. Improve the efficiency and management level of the industry. He made it clear that state-owned enterprises should deeply understand the significance of digital transformation, comprehensively accelerate the development of digital industrialization, ensure the smooth implementation of the transformation, and promote the development of digitalization, networking and intellectualization of enterprises.

< IMG SRC = " He believes that the cement industry will face many challenges in 2024, such as the accelerated decline in national demand; Overcapacity is further aggravated; the effectiveness of the steady growth policy is diminishing; the industry is disorderly competition, the price is low; the profit is declining, and the enterprise is difficult to operate. He proposed that the cement industry should first establish and then break, first stabilize and then advance, and must realize that there is no winner in low-price competition, enterprises should look at the world; use differentiated competition, technological innovation and cooperation to replace low-price competition; rigid capacity reduction should be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

< IMG SRC = "" He said that there are many challenges in the development of the cement industry, such as the limited resources of limestone and other raw materials. Global environmental protection requirements for carbon emissions in the cement industry. In this regard, Wang Dongmin put forward two technical approaches of low carbonization of cement, namely, improved type and subversive type. The improved type is low calcium cement clinker, characteristic cement, reducing clinker consumption, etc. The subversive type is alkali-activated/geopolymer cementitious materials, zero-calcium cement/cementitious materials.

< IMG SRC = " Supply chain management is new in China, especially in the construction industry," he said. There are some problems at all levels, such as insufficient understanding, institutional and institutional constraints, multiple levels of management, long chain and low efficiency of decision-making. He also pointed out that the operation of the whole system is facing severe challenges in terms of cost, technology, globalization, standards and credit system, and put forward the strategic idea of "extending, building, strengthening and supplementing the chain" to continuously promote the high-quality development of the supply chain.

< IMG SRC = "The overall rebounded to the level of the third quarter of last year, with a large gap between the first and second lines and the fourth quarter of last year.". He said that the two sessions set the situation of the real estate industry, defused real estate risks, reduced restrictive measures, increased the supply of affordable housing construction, and promoted new urbanization. He predicted that in 2024, the scale of the industry would decline again, the sales of commercial housing would fall by about 5%, the area of new housing construction would fall by 15% -20%, the area of completed housing would rise by 5% -10%, and the total scale would stabilize in the next three years, reaching about 800 million by 2026, and the increment in the next ten years would still reach 7-9 billion.

< IMG SRC = ", he said that in 2023, China's cement output was 20. The cement industry has the basic conditions to implement the allocation of carbon quotas based on the industry benchmark method, and can adopt the industry benchmark method of historical output/actual output. As for the impact of incorporating the national ETS on cement enterprises, he emphasized that the specific profit and loss of an enterprise depends on the setting of the specific benchmark value and the overall position of the enterprise's own emission intensity in the industry, and that the impact of individual enterprises with particularly high carbon emission intensity is greater.

< IMG SRC = "" He said that changes in government investment projects could lower expectations for infrastructure growth. The growth rate of infrastructure investment is likely to drop slightly from 8.2% in 2023 to about 7%. < a href = "https://price.ccement. He believes that in 2024, the policy side will change from increasing production and guaranteeing supply to stabilizing production and guaranteeing supply, and the expansion of coal production capacity will be narrowed, and 20 million tons of production capacity is expected to be withdrawn." Including 8 million tons of steam coal and 12 million tons of coking coal.

< IMG SRC = ", she said that in 2023, the overall price of sand and gravel showed a downward trend, approaching the reasonable price range of sand and gravel." Looking forward to 2024, Liu Xiaodan analyzed that the sand and gravel industry will usher in a key "shuffle year". In 2024, a number of large-scale aggregate projects will be put into operation one after another, while the downstream demand is insufficient, the industry is facing the risk of overcapacity, the price is expected to decline steadily, and the profit margin may be further squeezed. She emphasized that the price war in the sand and gravel industry would be carried out in the future, and even there would be a dangerous situation of "1 yuan decides life and death".

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