Splendid achievements made by years and brilliant future made by joint efforts — — a brilliant review of all previous China Cement Industry Summit

2024-03-04 09:45:56

On the occasion of the opening of the 13th China Cement Industry Summit, let's review the historical moments of gathering wisdom and stirring thinking!

Spring flowers and autumn fruits, the passage of time. Since the first meeting, "China Cement Industry Summit" has gone through 12 years, leaving a deep impression in the long river of time.

Looking back on the past, every China Cement Industry Summit is a grand gathering of China's cement industry, a stage for the collision of wisdom and the blending of ideas in China's cement industry, an important position for leading the development of the industry and drawing a blueprint for the future, and a deep combing and forward-looking insight into the development of the industry. The forward-looking views, innovative ideas and practical experience put forward at previous summits have become an important driving force to promote the progress of China's cement industry. On the occasion of the opening of the

13th China Cement Industry Summit , let's review the historical moments of gathering wisdom and stirring thinking!

China Cement Industry Summit is like a bright star, illuminating the road of industry development. It not only builds a high-end platform for industry exchanges and cooperation, but also sets an authoritative benchmark in macroeconomic situation analysis, policy interpretation and market trend prediction. Faced with many challenges such as overcapacity and environmental pressure, previous industry summits have led the industry to break the ice, explored the development path of green transformation and innovation-driven, and laid a solid foundation for the upgrading of the cement industry.

In recent years, the China Cement Industry Summit has carried out in-depth discussions around national strategies such as "supply-side structural reform", and promoted the industry to move towards high-quality development by sharing successful cases, analyzing the crux of the problem and advocating technological innovation. Every keynote speech and every C50 dialogue, like bright stars, lit up the sky of the cement industry, making the concept of resource sharing and win-win cooperation among enterprises deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

With the rapid development of intelligent and digital technology, China Cement Industry Summit focuses on intelligent manufacturing, green environmental protection, circular economy and other fields to guide the cement industry into a new era of scientific and technological innovation. From the construction of intelligent mine to the optimization of production process, from the practice of energy saving and emission reduction to the exploration of circular economy model, many new technologies and models were fully displayed and discussed at the summit, which provided a continuous impetus for the transformation and upgrading of China's cement industry. In the previous summits of

integration and value

creation, there are not only the foresight of experts and wise men, but also the practical experience of entrepreneurs; there are not only the macro interpretation from a global perspective, but also the specific operation at the micro level. Diversified topic settings and interactive forms have promoted the deep integration of upstream and downstream industrial chains, promoted the process of integration of industry, education and research, and jointly created huge social and economic benefits.

Looking back on the past, we have witnessed the progress of China's cement industry in twists and turns and breakthroughs in changes. Every China Cement Industry Summit is like a milestone, engraved with the footprints and glory of the struggle of China's cement industry.

Looking forward to the future, the upcoming 13th Summit will continue to be brilliant and become another new starting point to promote the transformation and upgrading of China's cement industry and move towards high-quality development. Let's look forward to sharing this industry feast and drawing a bright future for the cement industry!

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Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.