Industry Summit | Shao Jun: Technological Innovation Is the Cornerstone to Achieve High-quality Development of the Industry

2024-03-28 19:16:46

Cement enterprises need to take green transformation, technological innovation, intelligent transformation and other means to complement each other and support each other as an overall strategy to jointly promote technological progress in the industry and meet the new era of green intelligence in the cement industry.

On March 28, the 13th China Cement Industry Summit and TOP100 Award Ceremony hosted by China Cement Network was held grandly. At the meeting, Shao Jun, chairman of China Cement Network, delivered an important speech.

He said that the current development of the cement industry has come to a crossroads, facing the dual pressures of serious overcapacity and low-carbon green development. Cement enterprises need to take green transformation, technological innovation, intelligent transformation and other means to complement each other and support each other as an overall strategy to jointly promote technological progress in the industry and meet the new era of green intelligence in the cement industry.

He pointed out that the development of new energy fields such as photovoltaic, hydrogen energy, energy storage and traditional industries such as cement, aggregate and concrete is an important topic for the next development of the industry.

The following is the original text of the speech:

Distinguished guests, colleagues in the industry, ladies and gentlemen:

Good morning!

Welcome to the beautiful Hangzhou in this beautiful spring season of March to attend the "13th China Cement Industry Summit Technical Forum" hosted by China Cement Network. First of all, please allow me, on behalf of all the colleagues of China Cement Network, to express my sincere thanks and warmest welcome to all the friends who have given us strong support and accompanied us to witness the changes of China's cement industry for a long time!

In the past decades, thanks to the joint efforts of the vast number of colleagues in the cement industry, China's cement industry has developed rapidly, and new technologies and concepts have emerged in an endless stream. The industry has achieved a global transformation from backward to leading, and cement has become the most internationally competitive industry in the field of bulk industrial products in China.

Nowadays, the development of cement industry has come to a crossroads, facing double pressures of serious overcapacity and low-carbon green development. We must clearly realize that technological innovation is the cornerstone of achieving high-quality development of the industry. Accelerating the implementation of green transformation, that is, greatly reducing carbon emission intensity through energy saving and emission reduction, circular economy and green production, is an important way to conform to the global low-carbon development trend and achieve the goal of "double carbon" in China.

At the same time, intelligent transformation is another key for enterprises to enhance competitiveness and achieve sustainable growth. By introducing advanced technologies such as intelligent production line, big data analysis, Internet of Things technology and artificial intelligence, cement enterprises can greatly improve production efficiency, reduce labor, reduce costs and optimize resource allocation, so as to occupy a favorable position in the fierce market competition, and truly achieve the goal of enabling traditional industries with science and technology and driving high-quality development with innovation.

Of course, neither green transformation nor intelligent transformation is an isolated process, but an overall strategy that complements and supports each other. China Cement Network will continue to give full play to its platform advantages, gather industry wisdom and brainstorm to accelerate the pace of green, intelligent and high-quality development of the cement industry. In

2023, China Cement Network began to make global data of cement building materials to help enterprises go to sea and roll cement out of the country; At the same time, we launched the photovoltaic digital new energy sector, focusing on building a new energy industry big data platform, covering photovoltaic, hydrogen energy, energy storage and other new energy fields, providing users with industry information, market index, industry reports, project industry big data and other services. The integration of new quality productivity and traditional productivity is an important issue for the next development of the industry.

The future has come, let us work hand in hand to promote the technological progress of the industry and meet the new era of green intelligence in the cement industry. Thank you

again for coming. I wish this summit a complete success. I wish every guest can gain something and create a bright future for the cement industry!

Thank you all!

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.