
2023-09-12 12:28:56



水泥工业碳中和的课题,欧美先进国家已经研讨探索实践了近20年,我国也有3~4年了。如何才能有效的大幅削减单位水泥的二氧化碳排放量,既要不影响水泥的使用性能和运作方便,还要保持比较低廉的水泥生产成本。经历了约20年的探索与实践,这个问题现今国际上已获得了明确而具体的共识。在维持水泥强度和性能不变的前提条件下, 全球水泥界普遍认为有5条有效的水泥工业减碳技术路径。下面我就以2021年我国单位水泥碳排放量610 kgCO2/t.c.为基准。测算出2050年这5条减碳路径可以达到的减碳效果。

减碳路径1是针对水泥的工艺碳排放:就是少用碳足迹最高的熟料(935 kgCO2/t.cl.)和高标号水泥,多用碳足迹低的32.5水泥(~600 kgCO2/t.c.); 研发推广采用碳足迹最低的绿色低碳新型胶凝材料 SCMs (300~500 kgCO2/t.c.) ; 降低熟料系数CF到0.50以下;32.5水泥在水泥总消费量中的占比由23%上升到40%,LC3、SCMs等占比由3%上升到25%(这个任务比较艰巨),42.5水泥占比由48%下降到20%,525水泥占比由26%下降到15%。其减碳效果可达182kgCO2/t.c. ,占2021年单位水泥总碳排放量610 kgCO2/t.c.的30%。

减碳路径2是针对水泥的燃烧碳排放:就是采用可燃废弃物100%替代化石燃料煆烧熟料;将熟料单位热耗降到最低(600 kcal/kg.cl.); 研发氢能替代化石燃料。其减碳效果可达140kgCO2/t.c., 占总量的23%。

减碳路径3是针对水泥的电耗碳排放:就是将水泥单位电耗降到最低(60kWh/t.c.); 提高余热发电效率(40kWh/t.cl.以上); 水泥厂自备光伏电风电+储能系统, 给本厂提供零碳电能。 其减碳效果可达61kgCO2/t.c.,占总量的10%。

上述减碳路径1+2+3的实现必须依靠水泥工业自己的努力来完成。到2050年,预测这三条路径的减碳效果可达383kgCO2/t.c., 占总量的63%.

减碳路径4是计入水泥构筑物和水泥制品的碳汇功能, 全生命周期按100年计算(100kgCO2/t.c.) 。其减碳效果可达100kgCO2/t.c., 占总量的16.4%.





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According to the cement network market data center news, affected by the low temperature weather, the market demand in Shaanxi has further weakened.

2024-01-26 17:48:05

According to the market data of China Cement Network, the price of cement raw materials has continued to rise recently, coupled with the impact of environmental control and shutdown of kilns, enterprises in the region have a strong willingness to raise prices.

2024-01-26 17:04:19

Reasons for the rise and fall of cement prices in Guangxi and Shijiazhuang; Ma Zhifeng: In the era of high cost and low demand, cement enterprises are playing a game between small profits; Conch Cement plans to invest 560 million yuan to build a photovoltaic power generation project; Shanshui Cement is expected to lose 850 million yuan in 2023; the central bank's reduction of reserve requirement ratio and interest rate will help improve the economic and real estate recovery expectations.

2024-01-25 13:05:17

Ma Zhifeng said that the cement industry has been overcapacity for a long time, and off-peak production is the only feasible way for the cement industry to explore for many years. If the off-peak production policy can not be effectively implemented, many enterprises will not survive.

2024-01-25 10:37:28

Through policy support and administrative coordination, we will support 1 to 3 large enterprises of 10 million tons in each province, guide other enterprises to share the market and benefits according to their generating capacity, and then eliminate 1/3 of the production capacity by the large enterprises in a unified and balanced manner, so as to reduce the losses of the eliminated enterprises.

2024-01-24 09:36:27

Zhang Baogui said that the reason why the cement industry in Tibet can still develop well at present is that Tibet can strictly implement the development plan of the cement industry, strictly control the total production capacity of cement clinker, avoid blind expansion, and prevent Tibet from going to the road of serious overcapacity in the region.

2024-01-23 15:01:20

According to the data center of China Cement Network, due to the low temperature and rainy weather, the market demand and sales declined, and the price of cement in the two lakes and parts of Henan Province dropped by 10-30 yuan/ton in the week. The price of bagged cement in individual markets in Guangdong will be raised by 10 yuan/ton, and the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-01-19 16:02:53

The price of Yueyang Cement in Hunan and Chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang Cement in Sichuan has dropped; recognizing the situation is the first barrier for Henan Cement in the new year; 28 production lines will be put into production in 2024.

2024-01-19 13:11:00

The person in charge: "Large enterprises also have to survive, stop too many kilns, the loss is too great, large enterprises can not stand, has been unable to retreat, continue to go on like this, the market environment in 2024 will only be worse.". The person in charge also pointed out that the downward trend of cement demand is inevitable, and it is impossible to return to the past in the future. Overcapacity will only become more and more serious, which is the basic aspect of the current cement industry.

2024-01-19 09:18:51

The price of cement in Kunming and Chongqing of Yunnan Province declined; Wang Aizhen said that the cement enterprises in the whole province suffered large losses and the pressure in 2024 was even worse; the national cement output dropped to the lowest level in 13 years.

2024-01-17 14:03:46

Talking about the situation of Henan cement market in 2024, Wang Aizhen said that due to the drag of real estate, the contradiction between supply and demand is likely to further intensify in the new year, and the price competition among enterprises may be unavoidable. If the industry can not reach a consensus on steady growth, the Henan cement market will remain difficult in the new year, and the loss may be more serious.

2024-01-16 20:10:05

The survival of the fittest and the elimination of uncompetitive production capacity by market competition.

2024-01-16 14:24:36

Although the industry has created brilliance during the ten years of capacity removal, it has not really solved the problem of overcapacity in the end.

2024-01-15 11:05:10

The price of cement in Chongqing has dropped; the cement industry will be in a difficult period in the next ten years; "rigid capacity reduction" is the feasible solution to resolve overcapacity.

2024-01-12 14:45:33

In the long run, Zhang Zhenkun believes that the cement industry will be in a difficult period in the next ten years, and the demand for cement will drop from 2.04 billion tons to 1.4 billion tons or even less in ten years.

2024-01-12 09:27:58

Guangdong up 10 yuan/ton, Hainan down 50 yuan/ton; cement industry missed the good opportunity to cut production capacity; Shanxi 2023 second batch of A-level, B-level, leading enterprises list announced

2024-01-11 15:08:22

It is precisely because the industry once "indulged" in high investment stimulated by high profits that it can be said that it has lost a good opportunity to resolve the serious overcapacity.

2024-01-11 14:26:07

Yang Dan believes that the fundamental reason for capacity removal is not "rational capacity removal", but "rigid capacity removal".

2024-01-10 13:53:30

Staggered peak production of cement, only reduce the output, not reduce production capacity.

2024-01-08 15:12:46

How should cement enterprises deal with this industry situation or continue to continue in 2024?

2024-01-08 09:27:17

Cement market price shocks; Zhang Xiaohua: "Rational capacity reduction" is an important strategy for the cement industry to get out of the predicament; the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the list of typical application scenarios and cases of industrial green microgrid in 2023.

2024-01-04 13:09:03

Through fierce market competition, most enterprises will realize the importance of "rational capacity removal" to the industry and jointly promote "rational capacity removal".

2024-01-04 10:35:09

Bright Future of Cement Industry in 2024; Tu Shunzu: There Is No Winner in "Price War"

2024-01-03 14:09:40

湖北宜昌水泥价格下滑;水泥巨头纷纷“出招破局”; 薄克刚:维护行业正常秩序是第一要务

2023-12-29 15:33:05


2023-12-29 11:01:32


2023-12-29 10:22:03


2023-12-15 14:59:23


2023-12-15 14:44:41


2023-11-13 15:20:48


2023-11-13 09:32:38


2023-11-10 13:40:48


2023-11-09 14:13:34

1. 贵州、浙江、湖北武汉等地水泥价格上调。 2. 陈文胜表示,水泥行业应保持合理利润,转型升级是“必修课”。 3. 山东省发布2023-2024年度水泥常态化错峰生产工作通知,采暖季错峰生产共计120天。 4. 贵州省多家水泥企业获得大气污染防治资金,主要用于大气污染物超低排放改造。 5. 吉林省3家水泥企业入选省级节水型企业名单。

2023-11-03 14:31:42


2023-11-02 15:45:18


2023-11-02 13:29:45


2023-11-02 11:35:44


2023-11-01 13:40:32


2023-11-01 11:42:12


2023-10-26 13:44:27


2023-10-25 13:22:49


2023-10-25 09:29:32


2023-10-23 14:30:12


2023-10-21 09:59:33


2023-10-20 14:16:31


2023-10-20 09:18:36

终端需求疲态难改; 1.水泥冷暖大佬谈|何坤皇:去产能任重道远 促转型迫在眉睫 2.新疆:预计2023年水泥需求增长5%以上 3.两家水泥企业拟被列入全国工业领域电力需求侧管理典型案例! 4.多项补贴支持广西水泥外销,广东水泥市场再增压力

2023-10-10 13:56:36


2023-10-09 16:01:14

多地调涨水泥价格; 1.水泥冷暖大佬谈|邱景河:国企打价格战损人不利己! 2.新建5000t/d熟料线!又一水泥企业在重庆投资40亿 3.一4960t/d水泥熟料搬迁项目已完成 4.两个月,又有21家混凝土企业破产

2023-09-22 13:45:31


2023-09-21 17:18:06


2023-09-19 17:30:26

The agreement is effective from January 1, 2025 and lasts for three years until December 31, 2027. According to the agreement, CNBM will provide comprehensive cement kiln co-processing services and related support services to the Company. As CNBM holds a 50% equity interest in Haijian Hong Kong, a subsidiary of the Company, the renewed transaction constitutes a continuing connected transaction of the Company.