水泥厂注意了!2023—2024年 京津冀、汾渭平原秋冬季大气污染这样治

2023-12-30 08:53:42












为贯彻落实《中共中央 国务院关于深入打好污染防治攻坚战的意见》《空气质量持续改善行动计划》,着力打好重污染天气消除攻坚战,制定本方案。


基本思路 :以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻习近平生态文明思想,全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神和全国生态环境保护大会精神,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,有效统筹经济平稳运行、民生保障和大气污染防治工作,以减少重污染天气和降低细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度为主要目标,强化多污染物协同控制,持续开展秋冬季大气污染综合治理攻坚行动。  坚持问题导向,突出精准治污、科学治污、依法治污,有序推进钢铁、水泥及焦化行业超低排放改造、挥发性有机物(VOCs)综合治理、散煤治理等“十四五”规划重大工程 ;深入开展柴油货车、锅炉炉窑、扬尘、秸秆等综合治理,积极培育大气治理标杆企业;强化区域联防联控,有效应对重污染天气;加大监督帮扶和考核督察力度,切实压实工作责任。

实施范围 :北京市,天津市,河北省石家庄、唐山、秦皇岛、邯郸、邢台、保定、沧州、廊坊、衡水市以及雄安新区和辛集、定州市,山西省太原、阳泉、长治、晋城、晋中、运城、临汾、吕梁市,山东省济南、淄博、枣庄、东营、潍坊、济宁、泰安、日照、临沂、德州、聊城、滨州、菏泽市,河南省郑州、开封、洛阳、平顶山、安阳、鹤壁、新乡、焦作、濮阳、许昌、漯河、三门峡、商丘、周口市以及济源市,陕西省西安、铜川、宝鸡、咸阳、渭南市以及杨凌农业高新技术产业示范区、韩城市。

主要目标: 按照稳中求进的原则,综合 2023 年年度目标和“十四五”空气质量改善要求,将 2023—2024 年秋冬季(2023 年 10 月1 日至 2024 年 3 月 31 日)目标分两个阶段设置,根据过去两年同期各城市空气质量状况和改善程度,分类分档确定各城市的 PM2.5 浓度和重度及以上污染天数控制目标,对 PM2.5 浓度高、近两年改善不明显的城市提出更高的要求。2023 年底前,各城市确保完成上级人民政府下达的 2023 年空气质量改善目标。秋冬季期间,各城市完成 PM2.5浓度控制目标和重度及以上污染天数控制目标。


(一)有序推进“十四五”规划重大工程高质量推进钢铁、水泥、焦化行业超低排放改造工程。 实施超低排放改造的企业要因厂制宜选择成熟适用的技术路线,严把工程质量,加强运行管理,确保全工序、全环节达到超低排放要求。各地要认真落实已出台的地方排放标准和差异化管理政策,协调解决企业改造过程中的困难和问题,提升企业改造积极性和运行管理水平。2023 年 12 月底前,完成钢铁行业全流程超低排放改造并公示的产能超过 5000 万吨。完成超低排放改造的钢铁企业,要严格按照指标要求、监测技术规范等开展评估监测。经评估监测确认全面达到超低排放要求的企业,按程序公示后纳入动态清单管理。加强评估监测工作质量管理,对评估监测弄虚作假的企业,一经发现,取消相关优惠政策,绩效等级降为最低级,并按规定对相关企业和单位进行处理。 

扎实推进 VOCs 综合治理工程。 以石化、化工、工业涂装、包装印刷和油品储运销为重点,按照《关于加快解决当前挥发性有机物治理突出问题的通知》提出的10个关键环节,持续开展源头、过程和末端全流程治理改造提升。分类推进低(无)VOCs 含量原辅材料源头替代、储罐综合治理、装卸废气收集治理、敞开液面逸散废气治理、加油站油气综合治理、有机废气收集处理设施升级改造、VOCs治理“绿岛”项目等重点工程。加强企业运行管理,  规范开展泄漏检测与修复(LDAR), 全面提升动静密封点精细化管理水平;强化有机废气旁路综合整治,确需保留的应急旁路要加强监管监控。2023年12月底前,完成企业VOCs治理设施建设或改造1036 家、VOCs 无组织排放治理 1237 家、储罐及装载设施废气综合治理 3017 个。 

稳妥有序推进散煤治理。 将确保群众安全过冬、温暖过冬放在首位,因地制宜、稳妥有序推进平原地区清洁取暖改造。各地要科学规划清洁取暖技术路线,确保居民可承受、效果可持续,纳入中央财政支持清洁取暖试点范围的城市,保质保量完成改造任务。“煤改气”要严格执行“以气定改、以供定需”,按要求提前签订气源合同。坚持“先立后破、不立不破”,新改造尚不具备安全稳定供气条件、尚未经过一个采暖季稳定运行检验的,严禁拆除原有供暖设施。持续深入推进烟叶烘烤、农业大棚种植、食用菌加工、中药材烘干、粮食烘干、畜禽养殖等农业生产散煤清洁能源替代工作,建立农业散煤设施清单。各地要全力做好清洁取暖天然气、电力等能源保障工作,确保能源安全稳定供应;依法划定高污染燃料禁燃区,细化禁燃管理要求,打击违法销售散煤行为,巩固散煤治理成效,加大散煤复烧监管力度,防止已完成清洁取暖改造的用户散煤复烧。2023 年采暖季前,完成散煤治理 78.2 万户,其中,北京、山西、山东、河南分别完成 2 万户、7.2 万户、45.2 万户、23.8 万户。2023 年 12 月底前,完成农业用煤设施清洁能源替代 5509 台。 

(二)深入推进锅炉、炉窑综合整治推动落后燃煤锅炉、炉窑淘汰更新。 各地加强生态环境与市场监管、工业和信息化等部门信息共享,开展全面排查,完善锅炉和炉窑清单,覆盖全燃料种类、各行业领域、不同炉型。在保障供暖安全的前提下,依法依规淘汰 35 蒸吨/小时及以下的燃煤锅炉(含茶水炉、经营性炉灶、储粮烘干设备等燃煤设施)。原则上不再新建除保障电力安全供应以外的燃煤锅炉,确有必要建设的,依法落实煤炭消费等量或减量替代,原则上达到超低排放要求,并纳入锅炉清单统一监管。推动间歇式固定床煤气发生炉新型煤气化工艺改造;取缔燃煤热风炉;对使用煤炭、重油等高污染燃料的加热炉、热处理炉、干燥炉等炉窑以及燃料类煤气发生炉,加快推动使用清 洁低碳能源或利用工厂余热、集中供热等进行替代。2023 年 12 月底前,淘汰燃煤锅炉 47 台、煤气发生炉 168 台;山西关停炭化室高度4.3 米焦炉,陕西制定炭化室高度 4.3 米焦炉退出方案,明确时间进度安排。

深入推进锅炉、炉窑综合治理。 以脱硫脱硝除尘工艺适用性、关键组件表计和控制系统完备性、装备质量可靠性、治理设施运行维护和自行监测规范性等为重点,各地组织开展低效失效治理设施排查整治工作。对无达标排放能力的依法予以淘汰,对装备质量低劣、关键组件缺失、自动化控制水平低的进行升级,对运行维护不到位的实施整改;对问题集中的行业和领域,制定专项整改方案。加快推进燃气锅炉低氮燃烧改造;推动取消烟气再循环系统开关阀,确需保留的可通过设置电动阀、气动阀或铅封等方式加强监管,  有分布式控制系统(DCS)的将开关阀开度信号接入 DCS。 生物质锅炉应采用专用炉具,配套袋式等高效除尘设施,氮氧化物排放浓度难以稳定达标的应配备脱硝设施,禁止掺烧煤炭、垃圾、工业固体废物等其他物料;加大生物质锅炉排放监管力度,以燃煤锅炉直接改燃类为重点,开展抽查抽测,对于污染物无法稳定达标排放的,依法依规实施整治。 

加强无组织排放管控。 各地以水泥、玻璃、铸造、砖瓦、有色金属冶炼、煤炭洗选、石材加工、石灰、耐火材料等行业为重点,在确保安全生产的前提下,推进粉状、粒状等易起尘物料储存及输送过程密闭、封闭改造,破碎、粉磨、筛分、混合、打磨、切割、投料、出料(渣)等工艺环节及非封闭式炉窑,无法在密闭设备、密闭空间进行作业的,应设置集气罩,根据废气排放特征确定集气罩安装位置、罩口面积、吸入风速等,确保应收尽收,并配套建设静电、袋式等高效除尘设施。全面排查治理设施及烟道、炉体密闭负压情况,杜绝烟气泄漏。 


加快推进运输结构调整。 各地要全面梳理 2019 年以来列入国家和地方规划的铁路专用线以及纳入本地多式联运规划的重点项目,建立重点建设项目台账,制定工作方案,明确时间节点、责任单位和责任人,确保按期推进。开展涉大宗货物运输的大型工矿企业、物流园区和港口铁路接入情况摸底调查,新建或迁建大宗货物年运输量 150 万吨以上的企业、物流园区、储煤基地、粮食储备库和港口,原则上要接入铁路专用线或管道。唐山市推动水曹铁路运力不断提升,2024 年 3 月底前,大宗货物运输量力争达到 0.2 亿吨。推进煤炭、火电、钢铁、焦化、建材等行业企业清洁运输,中长距离运输主要采用铁路、水路运输,短距离运输优先采用封闭式皮带廊道或新能源货车。深入实施城市公共交通优先发展战略,转变城市交通发展方式,推进城市绿色低碳集约化出行。 

推进老旧高排放车辆淘汰更新。 新增或更新的公交、出租物流配送、轻型环卫等公共领域车辆中新能源汽车比例不低于 80%;加快推进火电、钢铁、水泥等行业重型货车以及铁路货场、物流园区、港口、机场、工矿企业等场内作业车辆和机械新能源化。严格执行机动车报废有关规定,依法加快推进国三及以下排放标准汽车淘汰更新,符合报废标准的车辆按照国家有关规定送交报废机动车回收企业规范拆解。 

加大移动源排放达标监管力度。 实施移动源达标监管定期调度制度,省级生态环境部门按要求定期向生态环境部报送各地市上月移动源监管工作情况。2024 年 3 月底前,各地组织开展排放检验机构专项检查,严查检验过程数据异常的检测线和机构,重点核查分析仪和工控机之间是否桥接硬件作弊设备或安装作弊软件。按照国家统一要求,统筹开展新生产货车和非道路移动机械环保达标监管,核查核实环保信息公开、污染控制装置、车载诊断系统(OBD)、在线监控和排放等情况,基本实现系族全覆盖。常态化开展路检路查和入户检查,重点就主要物流通道和涉大宗货物运输的工矿企业、物流园区、施工工地、港口码头、机场、铁路货场等重点场所重型柴油车和非道路移动机械开展执法检查,实现重点场所全覆盖。严格查验车辆排放控制装置和 OBD,开展排气检测;针对国六燃气货车,重点核查三元催化器和后氧传感器是否完好,严厉打击制售假冒伪劣三元催化器及回收、私拆三元催化器行为。加快推动非道路移动机械编码登记,做到应登尽登。 

加强车用油品综合执法。 各地要持续清理整顿无证无照或证照不全的自建油罐、流动加油车(船)和黑加油站点,坚决打击非标油品。开展车船和工程机械实际使用柴油和尿素抽测,摸清本地实际使用油品质量现状,对发现的非标油问题线索进行追溯,查处劣质油品存储销售集散地和生产加工企业;加强城市间合作,涉及跨行政区域的线索要及时移交,收到问题线索的城市要及时开展突击检查,有条件的区域可开展联合执法,从源头杜绝假劣油品。 


强化扬尘综合管控。 各城市平均降尘量不得高于 7 吨/月·平方公里,鼓励各地细化降尘量控制要求,逐月实施区县降尘量监测排名。加强施工扬尘精细化管控,城市施工工地严格执行“六个百分之百”,强化土石方作业洒水抑尘,增加作业车辆和机械冲洗次数,防止带泥行驶。对扬尘在线监测系统安装、运行、联网、管理情况开展全面排查,确保应装尽装、规范运行。强化道路扬尘综合整治,加强清扫与保洁,对进入城市市区主要道路(除高速外)采取设置固定式监测点位、道路积尘负荷走航监测等方式,开展道路扬尘监测。对城市连片裸露地面、易产尘堆放场所以及废旧厂区等进行排查建档并采取围挡、苫盖、洒扫或绿化、硬化等抑尘措施。

加强秸秆综合利用和禁烧工作。 地方各级人民政府要切实落实主体责任,坚持“疏堵结合、以用促禁”,统筹推进秸秆综合利用与禁烧工作。完善综合利用政策措施,加强作业指导,因地制宜选择秸秆还田模式,提升科学规范化还田水平。健全秸秆收储运体系,培育壮大秸秆加工利用主体,推进秸秆高效离田、产业化利用。深入推进秸秆禁烧管控,完善网格化监管体系,以往年火点较多的市县、乡镇为重点,充分发挥村、组等基层组织作用,加强田间地头禁烧巡查管理。加强秸秆禁烧监管能力建设,充分利用卫星遥感、高清视频监控、无人机等技术手段,精准发现秸秆焚烧火点。对秸秆焚烧问题突出的市县和乡镇,以及在秸秆火点复核工作中弄虚作假的,由地方政府或主管部门严肃通报批评。 

稳步推进畜禽养殖业氨排放控制。 京津冀及周边地区各省(市)开展大气氨排放控制试点,全面排查试点范围内养殖场现状以及氨排放控制等设施建设运行情况,建立养殖场基本情况台账,制定试点实施方案。以减排潜力大以及恶臭投诉集中的大型规模化养殖场为重点,加强养殖场粪污处理设施建设,推动氨等恶臭气体治理设施建设,做好氨排放监测监管,探索建立畜禽养殖氨排放控制技术体系。 


依法依规开展重污染天气应对。 受厄尔尼诺事件影响,今年秋冬季京津冀及周边地区、汾渭平原出现区域性、长时间污染过程的概率增大,各地要以改善空气质量为核心,按照依法依规、实事求是的原则研究修订重污染天气应急预案,优化重污染天气预警启动标准,完善责任体系,明确政府领导责任、部门监管责任、企业主体责任。  进一步完善应急减排清单,明确应急减排措施,确保可操 作、可监测、可核查,   工业源清单要确保涉气企业全覆盖,含电厂、供暖锅炉、小微涉气企业等,移动源清单应包括道路移动源和非道路移动机械清单、涉大宗物料运输单位清单和货车白名单等。 

强化区域联防联控。 当预测发生区域性重污染过程时,生态环境部视情组织开展区域联防联控;各省(市)人民政府按照预警提示信息,及时组织相关市县开展区域应急联动,发布预警,启动重污染天气应急响应,相关部门按应急预案明确的分工组织落实应急减排措施;省内应急联动城市原则上启动同一级别预警。规范重污染天气应对工作流程,根据预测预报结果和预警启动条件,及时启动和解除预警,不得出现达到预警启动条件但未依法启动的情况;不得以完成空气质量改善目标为理由,不按应急预案要求随意启动预警、提高预警级别、延长应急响应时间;公开空气质量预测预报信息,接受全社会监督。 

实施绩效分级差异化管控。 各地严格按照重污染天气重点行业绩效分级技术指南及补充说明要求开展绩效分级,指导重点行业企业制定差异化减排措施,可视情减少小微涉气企业管控措施。   对于保障民生、保障城市正常运转或涉及国家战略性产业的工业企业和重大工程项目,需纳入保障类的,经地市级人民政府同意,由省级生态环境部门审核后,统一报送生态环境部备案。生态环境部在监督帮扶中,加强对保障类企业的抽查核实。省、市两级生态环境主管部门要研究建立针对重污染过程应对的事前研判、事中跟踪、事后评估技术体系,充分运用污染源自动监控、工业用电量、车流量、卫星遥感、热点网格等远程信息化技术手段,督促落实重污染天气差异化应急减排措施,依法依规查处应急减排措施落实不到位的企业,按规定下调绩效等级。 


积极创建大气治理标杆企业。 各地以钢铁、建材、有色、石化、 化工、铸造、工业涂装、包装印刷等行业为重点,按照“建设一批、培育一批、提升一批”的原则,分行业分类别建立绩效提升企业名单, 着力培育一批绩效水平高、行业带动强的企业,推动环保水平整体提升。 新建企业原则上对照行业标杆水平建设;推动基础较好、治理水平较高的企业补齐短板、提高运行管理水平,全面达到环保绩效 A 级、引领性企业要求;支持鼓励绩效评级较低的企业,对标先进、夯实基础,加大改造力度,不断提升环保绩效水平。中央企业、国企及行业龙头企业要主动承担社会责任,切实发挥模范带头和引领示范作用,加大资金投入,强化运行管理,率先创建一批行业标杆企业。 

充分发挥政策引导作用。   充分发挥绩效分级、 差异化管控措施 的引导作用,在重污染天气应急响应期间,绩效水平高的企业可以不采取或少采取应急减排措施,绩效水平低的企业则须加大减排力度,鼓励“先进”,鞭策“后进”,促进行业整体转型升级。切实突出正向激励, 对环保绩效 A 级和引领性企业实行自主减排,对纳入正面清单的标杆企业,监督执法做到“无事不扰”。 完善绩效等级动态调整机制,对满足条件的企业支持提升绩效等级,对有违法违规问题的企业按照相关规定下调绩效等级,引导企业依法依规生产经营、提质升级。 



加强大气环境监测能力建设。按照《关于印发〈“十四五”全— 17 —国细颗粒物与臭氧协同控制监测网络能力建设方案〉的通知》要求, 持续推进环境空气 PM2.5组分、VOCs 监测站点及路边交通、工业园区、产业集群、港口码头等环境空气监测站点建设 ,并与各级生态环境部门联网。未建设本地 PM2.5 组分自动监测站点的城市, 应尽快建设并在 2024 年 1 月 1 日起投入运行, 与中国环境监测总站实时联网。完善城市空气质量监测网络,加快推进乡镇空气质量自动监测站点建设,基本实现污染较重乡镇全覆盖,并与国家、省、市三级联网。加强环境空气质量监测网络日常运维和质量管理,开展区县、乡镇站点监测数据质量抽查,充分运用各类站点监测数据进行综合研判,快速识别污染高值区域等,为精准施策提供依据。强化空气质量预报体系,提高预报准确率。

提升污染源监测监控能力。 大气环境重点排污单位依法安装自动监测设备,与生态环境部门联网并按规范要求稳定运行。 鼓励企业安装工况监控、用能用电监控、视频监控等设备。 各市、县根据大气环境管理和执法监管需求, 加快配备红外热成像气体泄漏检测仪、手持式氢火焰离子检测仪、手持式光离子化检测仪、便携式紫外烟气分析仪、便携式烟尘分析仪、便携式氨气分析仪、便携式不透光烟度计、林格曼烟度仪、便携式油品和尿素检测仪、油气回收三项检测仪、OBD 诊断仪等装备。

提高自行监测和执法监测数据质量。2024 年 3 月底前,对排污单位自行监测和社会化监测机构承担的执法监测开展部门联合监督抽查,加强对监测点位设置、仪器设备功能参数、原始监测记录、自行监测信息公开的检查力度,推动委托单位保存原始监测记录,更换性能不满足标准规范要求的自动监测仪器设备。 强化手工监测报告和过程数据的平台化管理,严厉打击监测数据弄虚作假行为, 依法公开一批人为干预、篡改、伪造监测数据的机构、单位和人员名单。


强化日常监管执法。 各地聚焦秋冬季攻坚重点任务,整合大气环境管理、监测、执法等力量组建专门队伍,精准开展监督执法,切实传导压力,提高监管效能;对于企业污染防治短板弱项以及共性问题,送政策、送技术、送服务,助企纾困解难。对于可立行立改的轻微违法行为,给予企业适度的容错改正空间,实施审慎包容执法,保障企业正常生产经营;对于偷排偷放、超标排放、自行监测数据弄虚作假、不正常运行治理设施等突出环境问题及后果严重、屡查屡犯的,要依法严厉查处,公开曝光,形成有力威慑。在涉 VOCs产品质量、煤炭质量、扬尘管控等领域,实施多部门联合执法,加强信息共享,形成执法合力。

精准高效做好监督帮扶工作。 生态环境部深化“线上+线下”两个战场工作模式,完善上下联动、同向发力的工作机制,优化部、省、市三级联动措施,实行“识别线索、排查整改、调度督办、抽查复核”闭环管理工作流程,逐级压实工作责任,协同高效推动攻坚任务落实。积极发挥卫星遥感、自动监控、用能用电监控等远程识别技术手段优势,精准识别高值区、冒泡区内企业或在线数据异常等线索,按轮次推送至相应地市现场检查组。针对重点企业治理、自行监测、散煤治理等不同问题,安排差异化监督帮扶任务。启动重污染天气应急响应后,现场监督帮扶工作组全面转入重污染天气响应监督检查,全力排查应急减排措施执行情况,以及地方政府和相关部门重污染天气应对责任落实情况。对监督帮扶中发现的问题实行跟踪管理,对现场检查应付、问题排查不实、整改落实不力的城市加大现场抽查复核力度,确保问题排查到位,整改落地见效。


落实好财政政策。 多渠道募集资金支持大气污染防治,优化投入结构,强化“十四五”规划重大工程、大气治理标杆企业创建等项目资金支持,发挥资金最大效益。完善清洁取暖长效机制,各地根据实际情况,因地制宜制定清洁取暖补贴政策,区别不同地区、不同人群差异化精准施策,重点向农村低收入群体倾斜,补贴应及时发放到位。

完善能源价格政策。 建立健全天然气上下游价格联动机制,合理制定终端销售价格,减少供气配气层级,保障燃气安全稳定供应。落实峰谷分时电价政策,优化采暖用电销售侧峰谷分时时段划分,鼓励进一步扩大采暖期谷段用电电价下浮比例。强化价格政策与产业、环保政策的协同,完善高耗能行业阶梯电价政策。

积极发挥信贷融资引导作用。 积极支持符合条件的企业、金融机构发行绿色债券,募集资金用于大气污染治理。加大传统产业升级、工业污染治理、铁路专用线建设等领域信贷融资支持力度,鼓励金融机构加大对铁路和多式联运企业金融服务的支持力度,积极引导社会资本以多种形式参与投资建设铁路专用线。各地要积极谋划一批适宜金融支持的大气污染防治项目,申请纳入生态环保金融支持项目储备库,争取金融资金支持。


加强组织领导。 各地要切实加强组织领导,把秋冬季大气污染综合治理攻坚行动作为打好重污染天气消除攻坚战的关键举措,进一步提高认识,既要避免出现不担当作为、放松监管要求等问题,也要坚决防止在实施过程中采取“一刀切”“一律关停”“先停再说”等简单粗暴措施。各地要将秋冬季大气污染综合治理攻坚方案(见附件 2)逐级细化,分解到各区县、各部门,明确时间表和责任人,并将任务完成情况纳入本地督察督办重要内容,建立重点任务推进定期调度机制;组织及时更新“十四五”生态环境领域重大工程项目台账管理系统中项目信息。2023 年 12 月底前,各省(市)将锅炉炉窑清单、村级散煤改造清单、高污染燃料禁燃区划定情况、应急减排清单等报生态环境部,2024 年 4 月 15 日前报送秋冬季攻坚总结。

强化考核督察。 秋冬季攻坚期间,生态环境部定期调度各地重点任务进展情况;每月通报各地空气质量状况;对每季度空气质量改善幅度达不到目标任务、重点任务进展缓慢或区域性长时间污染过程应对不力的城市,对政府采取通报、公开约谈等方式进行问责;对未能完成终期空气质量改善目标任务、重点任务完成情况较差的城市,严肃问责相关责任人。 篡改、伪造环境空气质量监测数据的,依法依纪追究责任。 对问题严重地区,在中央生态环境保护督察中予以重点关注。

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In 2024, the national cement industry continued to show a grim situation of "weak demand, low price and sharp decline in efficiency". According to statistics, the production capacity of the whole industry is less than 53%, the overall profit is cut in half year on year, and most enterprises have issued pre-loss announcements. However, in distress, an enterprise with only 2500 tons of clinker production line per day has grown against the trend and become a bright spot in the cold winter of the industry.

2025-02-17 13:05:31

We will guide facilities for the co-disposal of hazardous wastes in cement kilns to play a better role as a useful supplement to the utilization and disposal capacity of hazardous wastes, focusing on the treatment of hazardous wastes with large storage and landfill capacity and single category. Hazardous waste incineration and cement kiln co-disposal facilities will be carried out in an orderly manner.

2025-02-12 10:11:44

Subsequently, local governments released the allocation of funds one after another, among which a number of cement projects received financial support, with a total amount of 217 million yuan so far.

2025-02-11 09:29:44

At the national level, we should closely follow the requirements of high-quality development, thoroughly implement the strategy of coordinated regional development and major regional strategies, highlight the three major regions of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, coordinate the promotion of high-level protection of the Yangtze River and Yellow River basins, focus on solving common problems across provinces, strengthen regional green development cooperation, and deepen the joint protection of the ecological environment. Form a beautiful layout of China's construction with its own characteristics.

2025-01-16 15:02:31

In the first quarter of 2025, the number of days of peak shifting and kiln shutdown for each clinker production line shall be 60 days. Among them, the number of off-peak shutdown days in January was 17 days, the number of off-peak shutdown days in February was 28 days, and the number of off-peak shutdown days in March was 15 days. Enterprises are encouraged to stop as far as possible when carrying out the monthly off-peak production tasks.

2024-12-31 15:18:09

From the sharp decline in production to the fierce competition in the market, from the imbalance between supply and demand to the continuous shrinkage of benefits, every event has a profound impact on the future direction of the industry. Let's use these key words to review the cement industry in 2024. They not only record the hard journey of the industry, but also indicate the dawn of future development.

2024-12-31 09:15:34

Zhejiang Jinyuan Cement Co., Ltd. 2500t/d cement clinker production line ultra-low emission phase II transformation project allocation amount of 3.24 million yuan.

2024-12-25 13:58:27

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, prices in the Pearl River Delta and western Guangdong markets in central and southern China have loosened and declined, while prices in Guangxi remain stable. Cement prices in many places in Hunan have risen again, and prices in Hubei are mainly stable.

2024-12-20 17:55:11

It is understood that on November 28, the Guangxi Department of Ecology and Environment issued a "public announcement on the allocation plan of the central air pollution prevention and control funds (approved in advance) project in 2025". The central air pollution prevention and control fund (approved in advance) in Guangxi in 2025 totaled 289.95 million yuan. Among them, a number of cement enterprise projects are planned to receive a total of 91.27 million yuan of financial support.

2024-12-17 10:36:33

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the price increase in the Pearl River Delta market in central and southern Guangdong has not been implemented, and the market in Guangxi has fallen steadily. Cement prices in some core markets in Hunan and Hubei have been adjusted back in the early stage, and are brewing to push up again in recent days.

2024-12-13 18:28:28

On December 9, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Shandong Province, the Development and Reform Commission of Shandong Province, the Department of Natural Resources of Shandong Province, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Shandong Province, the Department of Commerce of Shandong Province, the Department of Ecological Environment of Shandong Province, the Supervision Bureau of Shandong Province and other seven departments jointly issued the Notice on Doing Well the Work Related to the Steady and Orderly Development of the Cement Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Notice).

2024-12-10 17:29:53

Recently, the Shandong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology issued a public announcement on soliciting opinions on the Notice on the Steady and Orderly Development of the Cement Industry (Draft for Opinions). In order to implement the spirit of documents such as "Action Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality" (Guofa [2023] 24), "Work Program for Steady Growth of Building Materials Industry" (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Lianyuan [2023] 129), and "Implementation Plan for High-quality Development of Green Building Materials Industry" (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Lianyuan [2023] 261), according to provincial Party committees and provincial governments. We will further implement the relevant work arrangements for the steady growth of the building materials industry and promote the cement industry.

2024-11-28 13:43:57

Ningxia promotes the ultra-low emission transformation of iron and steel, cement and coking industries, plans to complete most of the capacity transformation by the end of 2025, reduce pollutant emissions, and provide tax incentives, financial support and other policy incentives.

2024-11-28 09:49:45

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center news, Fujian cement prices in East China once again pushed up, while the rest of the region was mainly stable in the week. This week, the Yangtze River Delta region is dominated by rainy weather, and the overall market demand is relatively stable, but some leading enterprises in the region still insist on selling at high prices, resulting in sales hovering at a low level.

2024-11-15 17:43:44

Compared with No.80, the Implementation Measures generally require more stringent, precise and standardized capacity replacement, which is of great significance for speeding up the removal of inefficient capacity, guiding the transformation and upgrading of the industry, and accelerating the promotion of high-quality development.

2024-10-31 17:39:56

The Implementation Measures adhere to systematic thinking and problem orientation, encourage the advanced and eliminate the backward, implement differentiated policies for different regions and varieties, optimize the industrial layout, and enhance the green and low-carbon level.

2024-10-31 09:15:54

Li Jian suggested that from the perspective of overall planning of ultra-low emission and pollution reduction and carbon reduction transformation, through multi-dimensional analysis, overall planning of the whole process, diagnosis of all factors, optimization of the whole process, intelligent control and digital management and control, the optimal fit point of carbon emission reduction under ultra-low emission should be explored.

2024-10-30 16:20:00

Strengthen dust control in mines, construction sites and traffic. Mines, sand and gravel factories, stone factories, slate factories, etc. shall stop open-air operations in accordance with the law (enterprises participating in the performance rating shall be implemented in accordance with the performance rating measures); except for emergency rescue (included in security projects), in principle, earthwork operations, building demolition, spraying and painting, slope protection and shotcrete operations are prohibited in accordance with the law at the construction site; Transport vehicles such as coal, dregs, sand and gravel, which are easy to scatter without sealing devices, are prohibited from going on the road according to law.

2024-10-10 09:59:21

The central region includes Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei and Hunan provinces. The Opinions on Implementation put forward 19 specific tasks from seven aspects: accelerating the development of green and low-carbon transformation, continuously deepening the control of air pollution, strengthening the protection and restoration of water ecological environment, strengthening the control of soil and agricultural and rural pollution, strengthening the control of solid waste and hazardous waste, maintaining regional ecological environment security, and strengthening the support and guarantee of ecological environment protection.

2024-10-09 09:45:34

Municipal ecological environment departments timely publicize and interpret the requirements of inefficient and ineffective pollution control facilities and monitoring and control systems for enterprises within their jurisdiction, and organize enterprises to complete self-examination by the end of October 2024. In view of the problems found in the self-examination, enterprises should formulate rectification measures and actively promote rectification.

2024-09-20 11:34:21

In order to implement the spirit of documents such as "Opinions of the State Council of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Deeply Fighting the Strong Battle of Pollution Prevention and Control" and "Opinions of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on Promoting the Implementation of Ultra-low Emissions in the Cement Industry" and "Notice on the Assessment and Monitoring of Ultra-low Emissions in Cement and Coking Enterprises", the State Council of the Central Committee of the Communist We will implement the requirements of relevant documents such as the Implementation Plan for the Ultra-low Emission Reform of the Cement Industry in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (No.117, 2024) and the Plan for the Ultra-low Emission Reform of the Cement Industry in the Corps (No.16, 2024), and accelerate the process of the ultra-low emission work in the cement industry in the autonomous region. September 6, 2024

2024-09-20 09:19:59

Many contents in the Plan are closely related to the cement industry, such as continuously promoting the reduction of excess capacity and capacity replacement, transformation and upgrading of the cement industry; promoting new energy medium and heavy trucks in the cement industry and developing zero-emission freight fleets; striving to complete the treatment of ultra-low emission transformation projects of cement clinker and coking enterprises in key cities by 2025; To study the multi-source and whole-process control and monitoring and supervision technology of volatile organic compounds, and to carry out research on key technologies of pollution reduction and carbon reduction in key industries such as parks, cement and steel.

2024-09-06 10:01:57

By the end of 2028, cement clinker production enterprises (excluding mines, including cement enterprises producing special cement and co-disposing solid waste) and independent grinding stations in the whole province will complete the transformation of ultra-low emission and complete the monitoring, assessment and publicity of ultra-low emission in accordance with the relevant requirements of the state and the province. Cement enterprises or production facilities listed in the shutdown and withdrawal plan of our province are no longer required to implement ultra-low emission transformation, but they should meet the requirements of pollutant emission standards and complete the shutdown and withdrawal of production capacity on time.

2024-08-26 16:23:31

The situation of "approving small and building large" is not an individual phenomenon. The rectification and reform of "approving small projects and building large ones" requires not only the attention of Tibet, but also the strengthening of supervision throughout the country.

2024-08-08 10:28:07

By the end of 2025, the province will have made significant progress in ultra-low emission of cement, striving to complete organized and unorganized ultra-low emission transformation of 50% of cement clinker and coking production capacity; by the end of 2028, the province will strive to complete ultra-low emission transformation of 80% of production capacity.

2024-08-06 11:09:27

Recently, the Bureau of Ecology and Environment of Zhongshan City and the Finance Bureau of Zhongshan City jointly issued the Notice on the Collection of Financial Incentive Projects for Air Pollutant Emission Reduction in 2023, which will temporarily award 10,000 yuan for NOx emission reduction according to the principle of "first reduce, first make up, and use up".

2024-07-31 17:39:16

Market demand is weak and prices are stable and weak.

2024-07-26 14:32:16

Gathering the wisdom of the four seas, condensing the strength of the heroes, the two-day conference is full of dry goods, which will surely make every guest return with a full load, turn pressure into power, and jointly promote the new journey of ultra-low emission transformation of Zhejiang cement industry towards brilliance!

2024-07-24 15:09:50

On July 20, 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on the implementation measures of capacity replacement in the cement and glass industry. The revised Measures for the Implementation of Capacity Replacement in the Cement and Glass Industry will come into effect on August 1, 2021.

2024-07-24 12:08:35

We will jointly discuss and analyze the practice path of ultra-low emission in the cement industry, and promote the industry to move towards a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly future.

2024-07-23 18:02:53

Shandong Province issued the Action Plan for Upgrading the Building Materials Industry (2024-2026), which aims to promote the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the building materials industry. The action plan focuses on the cement industry and puts forward the tasks of stable growth, structural adjustment, digital transformation, green manufacturing and safety improvement.

2024-07-01 17:05:09

Since the second half of 2023, policy documents on air pollution control have been issued intensively, and it is imperative for the government to investigate and rectify inefficient and ineffective treatment facilities and promote ultra-low emissions!

2024-06-26 14:39:55

On July 23-24, the "Zhejiang Cement Industry Ultra-low Emission Transformation and Assessment Monitoring Training Conference and Cement Industry High-quality Development Exchange Conference" will be held in Hangzhou.

2024-06-25 14:32:59

At present, the cement industry is experiencing an unprecedented difficult period of economic and talent shortage.

2024-06-20 16:21:00

Bataibin explained in detail the current situation of denitrification technology in domestic cement industry from the aspects of the necessity of denitrification, the research of Nox, the discussion of out-of-stock technology and the selection of out-of-stock technology.

2024-06-20 09:10:15

Do we have to wait until we are caught in the supervision of ecological environment protection?

2024-06-19 09:12:47

Green is the background of high-quality development of cement industry.

2024-06-18 14:36:10

Wang Lan introduced the concept of 60 cement plant construction with zero purchased electricity, zero fossil fuel, zero primary resources, zero carbon dioxide emissions, zero waste emissions and zero employees.

2024-06-14 10:00:48

On June 13, the 11th China Cement Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference and Equipment Renewal Forum, sponsored by China Cement Network, was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

2024-06-13 16:36:33

Environmental protection is the red line for the survival of cement enterprises.

2024-06-13 14:01:44

On June 2, the General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the Notice on the Assessment and Monitoring of Ultra-low Emissions in Cement and Coking Enterprises.

2024-06-06 22:52:03

By the end of 2025, the proportion of production capacity above the benchmark level of energy efficiency in cement and ceramics industries will reach 30%, that of production capacity above the benchmark level of energy efficiency in flat glass industry will reach 20%, and that of production capacity below the benchmark level of energy efficiency in building materials industry will be completed or eliminated.

2024-05-29 20:21:02

Cement enterprises that fail to carry out ultra-low emission transformation as expected and have poor environmental performance have the risk of closure and elimination.

2024-05-28 09:54:34

By the end of 2024, cement and coking enterprises have basically completed the transformation of organized and unorganized ultra-low emissions.

2024-05-23 15:41:10

The General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a notice on the public solicitation of opinions on the national ecological environment standard "Technical Guidelines for Grading the Performance of Air Pollution Prevention and Control in Key Industries and Emergency Emission Reduction Measures for Heavily Polluted Weather".

2024-05-17 09:12:02

By the end of 2025, 50% of the cement clinker production capacity in the whole region will be transformed; by the end of 2028, the cement clinker production enterprises in the whole region will be basically transformed.

2024-05-15 17:00:23

Newly-established facilities will implement the air pollutant emission control requirements specified in local standards from May 4, 2024, and existing facilities from January 1, 2025. We will promote the construction of new reconstruction and expansion (including relocation) cement projects at ultra-low emission levels.

2024-05-15 16:46:18

Especially in the past two years, due to the sharp decline in profits in the cement industry, many enterprises have encountered one of the biggest obstacles in upgrading and transformation is the shortage of funds. Therefore, cement enterprises should seize this opportunity.

2024-05-11 11:01:06

Anhui Bengbu Area Cement Price Reduction