By the end of 2028, Guangdong cement enterprises will complete the transformation of ultra-low emission in an all-round way.

2024-08-26 16:23:31

By the end of 2028, cement clinker production enterprises (excluding mines, including cement enterprises producing special cement and co-disposing solid waste) and independent grinding stations in the whole province will complete the transformation of ultra-low emission and complete the monitoring, assessment and publicity of ultra-low emission in accordance with the relevant requirements of the state and the province. Cement enterprises or production facilities listed in the shutdown and withdrawal plan of our province are no longer required to implement ultra-low emission transformation, but they should meet the requirements of pollutant emission standards and complete the shutdown and withdrawal of production capacity on time.

Recently, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the Guangdong Development and Reform Commission, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Finance, and the Guangdong Provincial Department of Transportation jointly issued a circular entitled "Work Program for Ultra-low Emission Transformation of Cement Industry in Guangdong Province", requiring that by the end of 2028. Cement

of Guangdong Province Development and Reform Commission of Guangdong Province Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guangdong Province Department of Finance of Guangdong Province Notice

of the Department of Transportation of Guangdong Province on Printing and Issuing the Work Plan for the Ultra-low Emission Transformation of the Cement Industry of Guangdong Province Yue Huan [2024] No.7

Municipal Ecological Environment Bureaus, Development and Reform Bureaus (Commissions), Industry and Information Technology Bureaus, Finance Bureaus, Transportation Bureau:

According to the relevant requirements of the Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of Ultra-low Emission of Cement Industry issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other five ministries and commissions, to accelerate the high-quality development and industrial transformation and upgrading of the cement industry in Guangdong Province, the Work Plan for Ultra-low Emission Transformation of Cement Industry in Guangdong Province is now printed and distributed to you for implementation. Department of Ecology and Environment

of Guangdong Province Development and Reform Commission of

Guangdong Province Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guangdong Province Department of Finance

of Guangdong Province Department

of Transportation of Guangdong Province August 19

, 2024 Work Plan

for Ultra-low Emission Transformation of Cement Industry in Guangdong Province Opinions of the State Council on Deeply Fighting the Strong Battle of Pollution Prevention and Control, Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of Ultra-low Emission in Cement Industry (No.2024), and Implementation Plan of Ozone Pollution Prevention and Control (Coordinated Emission Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides and Volatile Organic Compounds) in Guangdong Province (2023-2025). Accelerate the high-quality development and industrial transformation and upgrading of the cement industry in our province, coordinate the promotion of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and formulate this implementation plan.

1. Scope

of work The scope of ultra-low emission transformation of cement enterprises includes cement (clinker) production enterprises (excluding mines), cement enterprises producing special cement, co-disposal of solid waste and independent grinding stations.

2. All production links of

cement enterprises (crushing, grinding, batching, clinker calcination, drying, collaborative disposal, etc.). As well as the storage and transportation of raw materials, fuels and products) shall meet the requirements of organized emission control indicators, unorganized emission control measures and clean transportation in the Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of Ultra-low Emission in Cement Industry (Huan Atmosphere [2024] No.5) (Annex 1). By the end

of 2028, cement clinker production enterprises (excluding mines, including cement enterprises producing special cement and co-disposing solid waste) and independent grinding stations in the whole province will complete the transformation of ultra-low emission and complete the monitoring, assessment and publicity of ultra-low emission in accordance with the relevant requirements of the state and the province. Cement enterprises or production facilities listed in the shutdown and withdrawal plan of our province are no longer required to implement ultra-low emission transformation, but they should meet the requirements of pollutant emission standards and complete the shutdown and withdrawal of production capacity on time.

3. Key tasks

(1) Strictly control the production capacity of cement clinker. The Pearl River Delta region prohibits the construction and expansion of cement clinker production projects outside the national planning, and other regions strictly implement the Measures for the Implementation of Capacity Replacement in the Cement and Glass Industry. Promote the construction of new reconstruction and expansion (including relocation) cement projects in accordance with the ultra-low emission level. We will implement the Catalogue of Guidance for Industrial Structure Adjustment (2024 edition) and eliminate backward production capacity in accordance with the law and regulations through comprehensive means.

(2) Promoting the transformation of ultra-low emissions in an orderly manner. Listed companies at or above the prefectural level should grasp the rhythm and strength, strengthen the service and guidance to enterprises, promote cement enterprises to clarify the timetable and road map of ultra-low emission transformation one by one, and coordinate the solution of major issues such as clean transportation. By the end of August 2024, the municipalities at or above the prefectural level shall submit the whole process ultra-low emission transformation plan of cement enterprises in their respective jurisdictions as required. Enterprises should choose mature, efficient and applicable environmental protection technologies according to factory conditions. To strengthen source control, the cement kiln is equipped with low nitrogen burners, and low nitrogen combustion technologies such as staged combustion and fine control of oxygen content in other decomposition furnaces are adopted. The kiln tail waste gas adopts combined denitrification technologies such as selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR). The dust removal adopts high-efficiency dust removal technologies such as bag type and electric bag composite; On the premise of ensuring safe production, cancel the flue gas bypass discharged to the environment, and adopt effective control measures such as sealing and closing for unorganized emission control. Railway or waterway shall be preferred for medium and long distance transportation outside the plant, LNG, methanol, electric and other new energy and clean energy powered ships shall be preferred for waterway transportation, and belt corridor or new energy vehicles shall be preferred for short distance transportation; The belt corridor or closed screw conveyor is preferred for material transfer in the plant.

(Three) coordinate the cement industry to reduce pollution and reduce carbon. Enterprises are encouraged to carry out pollution reduction, carbon reduction and cleaner production transformation as a whole in the process of ultra-low emission transformation, and actively explore the technology of coordinated control of pollutants and greenhouse gases. We will actively promote fuel substitution, strictly implement the energy consumption limit requirements of the cement industry, and eliminate clinker production capacity below the energy efficiency benchmark level by the end of 2028, striving to reach the energy efficiency benchmark level.

(4) Carry out fine environmental management in the whole process. In accordance with the requirements of Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of Ultra-low Emission in Cement Industry (No.5, 2024) and Technical Guidelines for Self-monitoring of Pollutant Discharge Units in Cement Industry (HJ 848-2017), enterprises can achieve ultra-low emission requirements by comprehensively strengthening the construction of automatic monitoring, process monitoring and video monitoring facilities for pollutant discharge; Strengthen the operation management of ultra-low emission; build the environmental management platform of the whole plant and strengthen the fine management of the whole process.

(5) Standardize the assessment and monitoring of ultra-low emissions. Enterprises that have completed the transformation of ultra-low emissions shall carry out assessment and monitoring in strict accordance with the requirements of the Notice on the Assessment and Monitoring of Ultra-low Emissions in Cement and Coking Enterprises (No.209, 2024). Industry associations are encouraged to play the role of bridge and link, guide enterprises to carry out ultra-low emission transformation and assessment and monitoring, support enterprises to publicize the progress of ultra-low emission transformation and assessment and monitoring on the association's website, accept social supervision, and promote the industry to implement ultra-low emission transformation with high quality. The organized and unorganized ultra-low emission transformation of cement enterprises needs to be evaluated, monitored and publicized synchronously. Clean modes of transport can be independently assessed, monitored and publicized.

(6) Pay attention to the control and supervision of unconventional pollutants in cement kilns. Regular supervision and spot check on the types and quantities of hazardous wastes disposed by cement enterprises for co-processing solid wastes shall be strengthened at or above the prefectural level, and relevant cement enterprises shall strictly abide by the Technical Specification for Co-processing Solid Wastes in Cement Kilns (GB/T 30760 -2024) and strictly manage the discharge of toxic and harmful substances. Enterprises carrying out ultra-low emission transformation should consider the design parameters or technologies for effective control of condensable particulate matter (CPM) in flue gas as a whole.

4. Safeguard measures

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. The Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Department of Finance, the Department of Transportation and other departments coordinate to organize the implementation of this plan, perform their respective duties, cooperate closely and form a joint force. Municipal ecological environment bureaus at or above the prefectural level, together with the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, shall strengthen organizational leadership, determine annual transformation plans, and do a good job in supervision, management and service. The progress of ultra-low emission transformation shall be submitted to the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment and the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology respectively before the end of the last month of each quarter.

(2) Strengthen the main responsibility of enterprises. Cement enterprises are the main body responsible for the implementation of ultra-low emission transformation, and should formulate specific work plans in accordance with the relevant requirements of the state and the province, so as to ensure that the enterprise leaders really attach importance to, invest in, implement real projects, and improve the management level, so as to ensure that the transformation tasks are completed on time and with high quality, and that the treatment facilities operate continuously and steadily for a long time.

(3) Strengthen policy support. We will speed up the revision of local emission standards for air pollutants in the cement industry in Guangdong Province. To study and formulate differentiated electricity price policies for the cement industry. Explore the differential carbon emission quota for ultra-low emission transformation of cement enterprises. To co-ordinate the central and provincial air pollution prevention and control funds, and support the ultra-low emission transformation projects of cement enterprises that meet the policy requirements. The ultra-low emission transformation projects of cement enterprises will be included in the central and provincial special funds for air pollution prevention and control, and the funds that meet the requirements will be subsidized.

(4) Strengthen law enforcement and supervision.

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This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.