
2014-07-03 13:31:32

按《水泥工业大气污染物排放标准》(GB 4915-2013)规定,现有水泥企业自2015 年7 月1 日起,其大气污染物排放控制按新标准的规定执行。因此,水泥企业实施脱硝,从时间上看,要比行动方案实施期限得提前半年才行。从任务量上看,现有企业从明年7月1日起必须按新标准的规定执行。





  另一方面,按《水泥工业大气污染物排放标准》(GB 4915-2013)规定,现有水泥企业自2015 年7 月1 日起,其大气污染物排放控制按新标准的规定执行。因此,水泥企业实施脱硝,从时间上看,要比行动方案实施期限得提前半年才行。从任务量上看,现有企业从明年7月1日起必须按新标准的规定执行。但到目前,完成脱硝的生产线占比并不大,这无疑表明,水泥脱硝任务的量事实上应大于6亿吨,摆在水泥工业面前的脱硝任务更重。



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The cement industry will soon be incorporated into the carbon trading market, and the importance of green low-carbon transformation has become increasingly apparent. In response to the policy guidance, China Cement Network will hold the "2024 China Cement Double Carbon Conference and the 12th Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference" in Wuhu Conch International Hotel on October 24-25. The conference will focus on the core issues of low-carbon development and green upgrading in the cement industry, discuss the application of energy efficiency improvement and energy-saving and carbon reduction technologies, and how the cement industry can use the carbon trading mechanism to promote its low-carbon transformation.

2024-09-04 15:34:06

By the end of 2028, cement clinker production enterprises (excluding mines, including cement enterprises producing special cement and co-disposing solid waste) and independent grinding stations in the whole province will complete the transformation of ultra-low emission and complete the monitoring, assessment and publicity of ultra-low emission in accordance with the relevant requirements of the state and the province. Cement enterprises or production facilities listed in the shutdown and withdrawal plan of our province are no longer required to implement ultra-low emission transformation, but they should meet the requirements of pollutant emission standards and complete the shutdown and withdrawal of production capacity on time.

2024-08-26 16:23:31

Gathering the wisdom of the four seas, condensing the strength of the heroes, the two-day conference is full of dry goods, which will surely make every guest return with a full load, turn pressure into power, and jointly promote the new journey of ultra-low emission transformation of Zhejiang cement industry towards brilliance!

2024-07-24 15:09:50

We will jointly discuss and analyze the practice path of ultra-low emission in the cement industry, and promote the industry to move towards a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly future.

2024-07-23 18:02:53

Since the 13th Five-Year Plan, more than 16 billion yuan has been invested in the research and development of frontier technologies for energy conservation and emission reduction.

2024-07-23 15:59:45

Shandong Province issued the Action Plan for Upgrading the Building Materials Industry (2024-2026), which aims to promote the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the building materials industry. The action plan focuses on the cement industry and puts forward the tasks of stable growth, structural adjustment, digital transformation, green manufacturing and safety improvement.

2024-07-01 17:05:09

Under the leadership of Dong Shihong, Shijing Science and Technology has never forgotten its original intention of "green", firmly anchored the concept of green development in the torrent of the development of the times, and painted a magnificent and vibrant panorama of green ecological industry with practical actions.

2024-06-20 09:47:34

Bataibin explained in detail the current situation of denitrification technology in domestic cement industry from the aspects of the necessity of denitrification, the research of Nox, the discussion of out-of-stock technology and the selection of out-of-stock technology.

2024-06-20 09:10:15

Green is the background of high-quality development of cement industry.

2024-06-18 14:36:10

On June 13, the 11th China Cement Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference and Equipment Renewal Forum, sponsored by China Cement Network, was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

2024-06-13 16:36:33

Recently, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Henan Province mentioned in its reply to the proposal No.1320253 of the second session of the 13th CPPCC that Henan Province took the lead in completing the ultra-low emission transformation of the cement industry, reducing the emission of pollutants by more than 60% compared with that before the transformation, and 41 cement clinker production lines adopted SCR and other high-efficiency denitrification treatment technologies to play a typical role in the same industry. Achieve positive emission reduction benefits.

2024-05-28 10:31:11

Cement enterprises that fail to carry out ultra-low emission transformation as expected and have poor environmental performance have the risk of closure and elimination.

2024-05-28 09:54:34

By the end of 2024, cement and coking enterprises have basically completed the transformation of organized and unorganized ultra-low emissions.

2024-05-23 15:41:10

The General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a notice on the public solicitation of opinions on the national ecological environment standard "Technical Guidelines for Grading the Performance of Air Pollution Prevention and Control in Key Industries and Emergency Emission Reduction Measures for Heavily Polluted Weather".

2024-05-17 09:12:02

In order to implement the requirements of the national opinions on promoting the implementation of ultra-low emission in the cement industry, further enhance the environmental management level of the Group and reduce the emission of nitrogen oxides, the Company intends to continue to implement the SCR denitrification technology transformation in certain other subsidiaries on the basis of the results achieved in the implementation of SCR denitrification technology transformation in certain subsidiaries of the Company in the early stage.

2024-05-14 09:41:51

"At present, SCR technology has become the absolute mainstream technology." An industry insider said frankly that SCR catalytic denitrification technology is an inevitable choice to achieve ultra-low emissions of nitrogen oxides. However, SCR denitrification technology can be divided into high temperature and high dust SCR, high temperature and low dust SCR, medium temperature and medium dust SCR, etc.

2024-05-09 14:26:01

Let's look back on those historical moments that have gathered wisdom and stirred up thinking!

2024-05-09 10:19:56

In the next step, enterprises at all levels of China National Building Material Co., Ltd. will continue to implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, uphold the enterprise mission of "materials create a better world" of China National Building Material Co., Ltd., further restore green, expand green and increase green, actively carry out the construction of green factories and ecological factories, build garden factories and beautiful factories, and promote the harmonious coexistence of enterprises and nature, man and nature.

2024-05-06 09:24:59

At the meeting, Ba Taibin, senior consultant of China Cement Network and professor-level senior engineer of Zhengzhou Tonghui Design Institute, made a keynote report on "Research and Application of Deep Denitrification Technology at the Source of Cement Plant".

2024-03-28 19:27:49

On March 28, the 13th China Cement Industry Summit and TOP100 Award Ceremony hosted by China Cement Network was held grandly.

2024-03-28 18:30:58

Hefei South has made every effort to build a new modern factory for green intelligent manufacturing, and has built a demonstration line of green low-carbon technology and equipment for cement, which is ready for transformation and upgrading, and realizes the green development of ecological priority.

2024-03-15 11:01:01

Promoting green and low-carbon development is not only an inevitable choice for the cement industry to respond to the challenges of global climate change and implement the sustainable development strategy, but also an inherent demand for the transformation and upgrading of the industry and the realization of high-quality development.

2024-03-01 15:38:02

Anhui Zongyang Conch Cement Co., Ltd. was selected as the national green factory list in 2023, becoming the 27th national green factory of Conch Cement. Relying on intellectualization, environmental protection technology and clean energy, the plant has realized the full utilization of mine resources, zero waste discharge and the improvement of ecological environment, which reflects the efforts and responsibilities of enterprises in promoting green and high-quality development.

2024-02-26 11:34:45

The two sides will establish a communication and coordination mechanism to promote the application, development and promotion of advanced ceramics and artificial crystal materials in cement production lines, so as to achieve the goal of emission reduction, low carbon and green, and achieve win-win cooperation between the two sides.

2024-02-04 14:14:47

On the one hand, the state requires the cement industry to carry out compulsory ultra-low emission transformation, on the other hand, it also gives real gold and silver subsidies and preferential tax policies.

2024-02-04 11:38:14

Through policy support and administrative coordination, we will support 1 to 3 large enterprises of 10 million tons in each province, guide other enterprises to share the market and benefits according to their generating capacity, and then eliminate 1/3 of the production capacity by the large enterprises in a unified and balanced manner, so as to reduce the losses of the eliminated enterprises.

2024-01-24 09:36:27

In 2023, TCC actively responded to the requirements of national energy saving and consumption reduction, pollution reduction and carbon reduction, environmental protection transformation, green development and intelligent development, and revitalized the vitality and competitiveness of traditional industries.

2024-01-23 13:14:23

Of the nine production lines of seven cement enterprises in the city, only two production lines have carried out performance upgrading and creation work, while the remaining five production lines have not yet substantially carried out A-level and B-level creation work.

2024-01-15 09:31:50

When the reference oxygen content of the cement kiln and the waste heat utilization system at the kiln tail is 10%, the hourly average emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and ammonia are not higher than 10, 35, 50 and 8 mg/m3 respectively.

2024-01-15 09:15:17


2023-12-30 08:53:42


2023-12-21 09:43:19


2023-12-08 10:01:48


2023-11-28 10:57:29


2023-11-24 13:39:22


2023-11-09 16:06:25


2023-11-03 11:43:30


2023-10-23 10:09:41


2023-09-25 10:30:14


2023-09-20 15:08:12


2023-09-13 11:02:36


2023-09-12 18:08:43


2023-08-30 09:53:07


2023-08-29 14:29:15


2023-07-11 09:10:31


2023-06-28 11:47:39


2023-06-17 16:22:08


2023-06-07 17:19:13


2023-05-22 09:46:49

“当前水泥厂氮氧化物超低排放治理方式很多,从前段减排到后端治理,各项技术方案都有自己的优势,但是要满足氮氧化物超低排放的同时还要保证氨逃逸小于8mg/ Nm³以下, SCR仍然是首选” 福建远致环保科技有限公司副总经理陈旺珠表示。

2023-05-10 15:06:23

Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.