The Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a document! New Index of Grading and Differentiation of Atmospheric Prevention and Control Performance in Cement Enterprises

2024-05-17 09:12:02

The General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a notice on the public solicitation of opinions on the national ecological environment standard "Technical Guidelines for Grading the Performance of Air Pollution Prevention and Control in Key Industries and Emergency Emission Reduction Measures for Heavily Polluted Weather".

On May 16, the General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a circular on public solicitation of opinions on the National Eco-environmental Standard "Technical Guidelines for Grading the Performance of Air Pollution Prevention and Control in Key Industries and Emergency Emission Reduction Measures for Heavily Polluted Weather" (hereinafter referred to as "Draft for Opinions"). The draft

for soliciting opinions specifies the scope of application. This standard specifies the differential indicators for performance classification of cement industry enterprises, emission reduction measures and verification methods for heavily polluted weather. It is suitable for the performance classification of cement industry enterprises and the emergency management of heavily polluted weather, and can also be used as a reference for cement industry enterprises to improve the level of pollution prevention and control in the whole process. This standard is not applicable to the performance classification management of raw material mining enterprises or production processes in cement mines. The draft

for soliciting opinions specifies the emission limits in the performance indicator classification requirements:

the performance indicator requirements of Class A enterprises: the emission concentrations of PM, SO2 and NOx (benchmark oxygen content of 10%) of the cement kiln and the waste heat utilization system at the kiln tail shall not be higher than 10, 35、 50 mg/m3 , ammonia escape ≤ 8 mg/m3 (using ammonia-containing substances such as urea and ammonia water as denitration agent). Requirements for performance indicators of Grade

B enterprises: the emission concentrations of PM, SO2 and NOx (benchmark oxygen content 10%) of cement kiln and kiln tail waste heat utilization system shall not be higher than 10, 50, 100mg/m3 , ammonia escape ≤ 8 mg/m3 (using urea, ammonia water and other ammonia-containing substances as denitration agent). Requirements for performance indicators of Grade

C enterprises: the emission concentrations of PM, SO2 and NOx (benchmark oxygen content 10%) of cement kiln and kiln tail waste heat utilization system shall not be higher than 20, 100, 260 mg/m3 , ammonia escape ≤ 8 mg/m3 (using urea, ammonia water and other ammonia-containing substances as denitration agent). Requirements for performance indicators of Grade

D enterprises: the emission concentration of each pollutant shall be in accordance with GB4915, G30485 or local standards.

Independent grinding station, slag powder, cement products performance leading enterprise: independent heat source. When natural gas boilers are used, the emission concentrations of PM, SO2 and NOx (reference oxygen content of 3.5%) are not higher than 10, 20 and 50 mg/ m3 respectively; When the hot blast stove is used, the emission concentrations of PM, SO2 and NOx (reference oxygen content 8%) are not higher than 10, 50 and 100mg/m3 respectively.

Emission reduction measures require

A-level enterprises to encourage them to take emission reduction measures independently in light of actual conditions. During the yellow warning period of

Grade B enterprises

, it is encouraged to take emission reduction measures independently according to the actual situation.

Orange warning period: cement kiln production is limited by 20% (based on the average daily output of the last 10 normal production days of the cement kiln before the warning is issued). The daily emission of NOx from the cement kiln is reduced by 20% (based on the average daily emission of NOx at the kiln tail in the last 10 days of the normal production day of the cement kiln before the warning is issued); If an enterprise has a single grinding production line to stop production, and has multiple grinding production lines to stop production by 50%, the daily emission of PM in the grinding process will be reduced by 50% (based on the average daily emission of PM in the last 10 days of the normal production day of grinding before the warning is issued). Stop using vehicles with national five emission standards for transportation.

Red alert period: stop production. Stop using vehicles with national five emission standards for transportation.

  During the yellow warning period of Class C enterprise

: the enterprise stops production of a single cement kiln, stops production of multiple cement kilns by 50%, and reduces the daily emission of NOx in the cement kiln by 50% (based on the average daily emission of NOx at the kiln tail in the last 10 days of normal production of the cement kiln before the warning is issued); If an enterprise has a single grinding production line to stop production, and has multiple grinding production lines to stop production by 50%, the daily emission of PM in the grinding process will be reduced by 50% (based on the average daily emission of PM in the last 10 days of the normal production day of grinding before the warning is issued). Stop using vehicles with emission standards of China IV and below for transportation.

Orange warning period: stop production. Stop using vehicles with national five or below emission standards for transportation.

Red alert period: stop production. Stop road transport except for pure electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Grade

D enterprises

stop production during the yellow and above warning

period. It is urgent to stop the ultra-low emission of road transportation

except pure electric or hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. For cement enterprises, the urgent task is to find their own ultra-low emission transformation technology. To this end, on June 13-14, China Cement Network held the "11th China Cement Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference-Equipment Renewal Forum" in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, which will make a comparative analysis of the technical routes of ultra-low emission transformation of cement enterprises. After the meeting, we will also organize a visit to Jurong Taini Cement Co., Ltd., a national green factory and a national green mine.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.