
2023-11-16 13:14:47




为此,中国水泥网将于2023年11月29日,在杭州举办以“数据驱动决策 智能引领未来”为主题的“第五届中国水泥智能化高峰论坛”,诚邀行业专家学者及相关企业代表,共同探讨和推动水泥行业的智能化进程。

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The semi-annual report of Tapai Group shows that in terms of operating conditions, the cost of cement sales per ton of Tapai Group is 194 yuan, down 33 yuan from the same period last year. On September 12, Tapai Group said that in recent years, cement market demand has been declining, competition has further intensified, and cement prices are low. In order to cope with the market competition, the company strengthened market research and judgment, responded scientifically and implemented precise policies, continued to promote cost reduction and efficiency enhancement, continued to streamline the organization and optimize personnel, continued to slim down and strengthen the body, lightened the burden, went into battle lightly, and paid close attention to cost control.

2024-09-13 11:55:23

The environmental protection planning of Tapai Group mainly includes: promoting the construction of the 300,000 tons/year general solid waste resource comprehensive utilization project of Jiaoling Branch, which has been reviewed and approved by the eighth meeting of the fifth board of directors; the company plans each Alternative fuel projects will be built in the clinker production line of 5000t/d, with the goal of replacing 30% of coal consumption and reducing the total energy consumption.

2024-09-13 11:39:14

Many contents in the Plan are closely related to the cement industry, such as continuously promoting the reduction of excess capacity and capacity replacement, transformation and upgrading of the cement industry; promoting new energy medium and heavy trucks in the cement industry and developing zero-emission freight fleets; striving to complete the treatment of ultra-low emission transformation projects of cement clinker and coking enterprises in key cities by 2025; To study the multi-source and whole-process control and monitoring and supervision technology of volatile organic compounds, and to carry out research on key technologies of pollution reduction and carbon reduction in key industries such as parks, cement and steel.

2024-09-06 10:01:57

Energy saving and consumption reduction is not only a response to environmental responsibility, but also the only way for the cement industry to break the cocoon and enter high-quality development.

2024-06-20 16:33:57

If 40% of alternative fuels are used in cement production, about 100,000 tons of carbon dioxide will be saved for every 1 million tons of clinker produced.

2024-05-10 09:27:37

The replacement rate of intelligent equipment or robots for dangerous and heavy jobs in coal mines and non-coal mines should not be less than 30% and 20% respectively, and the number of underground personnel in mines nationwide should be reduced by more than 10%, so as to build a batch of intelligent mines with no more than 50 workers in a single shift.

2024-05-08 09:55:10

The Department of Ecology and Environment of Guizhou Province recently put forward the Implementation Plan for Continuous Improvement of Air Quality in Guizhou Province (Draft for Consultation), aiming at strengthening the environmental control of the cement industry. The plan requires new reconstruction and expansion projects to strictly abide by national industrial planning and environmental protection policies, adopt clean transportation, and implement capacity replacement and total pollutant discharge control. Focus on stopping projects with high energy consumption and high emissions, and recommend the use of clean transportation methods such as railways and waterways to ensure the cleanliness of bulk cargo transportation. At the same time, we should improve the concentration of the cement industry, encourage mergers and reorganizations within the industry, and promote the transformation of ultra-low emissions in steel, cement and other industries to ensure that emissions meet strict standards. This reflects the importance attached by Guizhou Province to the protection of the ecological environment and its determination to adjust the industrial structure.

2024-04-18 10:06:04

On March 29, the "2024 13th China Cement Industry Summit Main Forum and TOP100 Award Ceremony" was held grandly.

2024-03-29 18:00:30

Through the development of wind power, garbage power generation, photovoltaic power generation and other five forms of green power, the enterprise generates 207.5 million degrees of electricity annually, saves 55000 tons of standard coal, and builds a green cycle demonstration enterprise to achieve zero external power purchase.

2024-01-17 09:18:34


2023-11-29 18:41:40


2023-11-22 10:04:13


2023-11-16 13:14:47


2023-11-16 13:08:58


2023-11-02 10:04:41


2023-10-25 09:21:57

浙江、江苏、安徽、四川等地水泥价格上调 1.中国建材、海螺、华润等多家企业上碳排放总量榜,水泥行业面临多重挑战。 2.周育先做客央视《对话》:讲述中国建材参与“一带一路”建设的ESG生动实践

2023-10-24 14:31:50


2023-10-10 09:17:16

是否会加速水泥业务的并购? 金隅集团回复;降价近1300万!四川一水泥企业部分股权第三次拍卖;上百家商混、水泥、砂石企业熬不过今年了

2023-10-09 13:23:05


2023-08-23 10:59:03


2023-08-22 16:39:45

水泥价格有上行预期; 1.[评论]人民币持续贬值 水泥市场或将承压; 2.工信部批准的新行业标准来了!这些标准涉及水泥行业! 3.绿色税制:减免海螺2298.39万元,“白送”冀东一座1050万元污水处理站 4.原料燃料替代:低碳水泥生产的关键

2023-08-16 13:20:24


2023-07-08 14:37:05


2023-06-29 10:06:34


2023-06-16 09:14:02


2023-06-01 09:46:27


2023-06-01 09:23:14


2023-06-01 09:04:25


2023-05-31 09:11:37


2023-05-29 09:28:02


2023-04-26 09:42:00


2023-04-25 18:24:31


2023-04-17 17:00:48


2023-04-15 10:42:40

今年作为经济复苏的关键之年,我们了解到海螺水泥在积极做大做强水泥产业链主业,同时也加大进军新能源新赛道力度,打造新的产业增长级,培植新的利润增长点。 2023年,海螺水泥将资本性支出193.18 亿元,主要用于项目建设、节能环保技改、并购项目支出等,预计海螺的市场占有率将进一步提升,龙头地位也将持续巩固。 你看好海螺水泥未来发展吗?欢迎在评论区留言讨论。

2023-04-07 17:23:11


2023-04-07 09:15:10


2023-04-04 15:24:29


2023-03-28 14:16:00


2023-03-27 11:36:53


2023-03-17 09:32:10


2023-03-15 17:54:48


2023-03-14 23:17:32


2023-03-07 15:55:29


2023-03-06 15:26:37


2023-02-22 09:18:16


2023-02-20 09:35:31

“双碳目标的提出,为我们重新定义了低碳的数字化转型路径与可持续发展的使命愿景。今年1月,集团最新编制的 23 项科技创新重点课题,其中有16项涵盖了节能减排技术、二氧化碳转化应用及低碳技术、绿色新能源技术,海螺正在加速构建绿色低碳循环发展体系。”杨军表示。

2023-02-15 11:45:17


2023-02-13 09:59:58


2023-02-09 09:11:37


2023-02-08 09:17:38