
2022-02-16 11:06:30


2022年1月17日,湖南省工业和信息化厅印发了《关于印发湖南省水泥玻璃行业产能置换工作规程的通知》(湘工信原材料〔2021〕542号,规范性文件统一登记号HNPR-2022-05001 ,以下简称《工作规程》),对湖南省水泥玻璃行业产能置换工作程序和要求进行了进一步规范。










2、熔窑能力不超过150 吨/天的新建工业用平板玻璃项目可不制定产能置换方案。


















All can be viewed after purchase

According to the statistics of all compliant cement clinker production lines in the city listed in the list in 2023 (as of December 31, 2023), there are 47 production lines in 31 enterprises. After deducting the 8 production lines of 4 enterprises that have been announced to be relocated, there are 39 production lines of 27 enterprises in normal production. There are 21 production lines of 14 enterprises that have not completed the peak staggering production task in 2023. Regardless of the number of enterprises or the number of production lines, more than half of the peak staggering production tasks have not been completed in 2023.

2024-08-16 11:06:02

This lack of demand is the general trend of the economic cycle, which is irreversible in the short term. It is determined by the economic development cycle and is a problem in the process of development and transformation. The disorderly competition among enterprises leads to the meager profits of the whole industry. Therefore, we need to take the initiative to respond, maintain strategic strength, strengthen confidence in development, advocate the concept of fair competition and win-win cooperation, and jointly promote the healthy and orderly development of the industry.

2024-08-16 09:09:17

Those who sell below the cost price are regarded as "involution" vicious competition in the cement industry. Market stability is the prerequisite for the industry to obtain reasonable profits. Strengthen the self-discipline of the cement industry, prevent and resist "involution" disorderly competition, low-price dumping and other acts harmful to the interests of the industry, promote the smooth operation of the market, orderly development, fair competition, and create a good environment for the development of the industry.

2024-08-13 10:02:36

On July 20, 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on the implementation measures of capacity replacement in the cement and glass industry. The revised Measures for the Implementation of Capacity Replacement in the Cement and Glass Industry will come into effect on August 1, 2021.

2024-07-24 12:08:35

In the past two decades, the demand change of China's cement industry has gone through three development stages: high-speed development period (2004-2012), high-level platform period (2013-2021), and downward demand period (from 2022 to now).

2024-07-23 16:45:00

Shandong Province issued the Action Plan for Upgrading the Building Materials Industry (2024-2026), which aims to promote the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the building materials industry. The action plan focuses on the cement industry and puts forward the tasks of stable growth, structural adjustment, digital transformation, green manufacturing and safety improvement.

2024-07-01 17:05:09

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the price of cement in Northeast China is generally stable, the demand is stable, and the expectation of off-peak kiln shutdown is good.

2024-06-28 17:09:41

According to the data center of China Cement Network, the cost of cement production has risen, and the price of cement in Dali and Lijiang areas of Yunnan has risen again by 30 yuan/ton. The market demand in Sichuan and Chongqing is weak, and local cement prices have fallen.

2024-06-28 17:06:31

To formulate and promulgate policies and measures to resolve excess capacity in the cement industry, and gradually establish a market-oriented and legalized working mechanism to resolve excess capacity.

2024-06-27 09:44:22

According to the market data of China Cement Net, the price increase in some areas of central and southern Hebei has not been effective, while the demand in northern Hebei has declined due to the high temperature, and the overall price has remained stable; the demand in Shanxi Province is weak, and the implementation of the price increase remains to be observed; the market in Inner Mongolia is relatively stable.

2024-06-21 15:42:33

Strict implementation of off-peak production is an important reason for the rise of local cement prices.

2024-06-18 09:51:24

The objectives and tasks put forward in the Action Plan are clear, the safeguard measures are strong, and the guidance and operability are strong, which is of great significance to promote the green and low-carbon development level of the cement industry.

2024-06-07 23:36:27

On May 29, the State Council issued the Action Plan for Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction from 2024 to 2025.

2024-05-29 23:13:36

By the end of 2025, the proportion of production capacity above the benchmark level of energy efficiency in cement and ceramics industries will reach 30%, that of production capacity above the benchmark level of energy efficiency in flat glass industry will reach 20%, and that of production capacity below the benchmark level of energy efficiency in building materials industry will be completed or eliminated.

2024-05-29 20:21:02

Taiwan's cement industry has experienced a complete life cycle from germination, growth, prosperity to recession. Study Taiwan cement industry from the development since demand drops period, have draw lessons from a meaning very much to market of current mainland cement.

2024-05-28 11:53:23

How is the cement industry in Hubei? Faced with the current situation, what are the views of cement enterprises in the region?

2024-05-23 13:38:17

China Cement Network Market Data Center News, around May 1, leading enterprises in many places in Northeast China notified an increase in cement prices of about 50 yuan/ton. After the shutdown of the kiln, clinker stocks declined. At present, the implementation of the price increase is better.

2024-05-11 16:51:41

According to the data center of China Cement Market, prices in some parts of East China have declined this week, but many places have stabilized prices.

2024-05-11 16:48:37

According to the market data of China Cement Network, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has once again tried to push up prices, and major enterprises in Baotou and Tongliao regions of Inner Mongolia have also tried to push up prices, and the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-05-11 16:05:21

From the perspective of policy purpose, peak staggering production and capacity replacement are indeed two important strategies for the supply-side structural reform of the cement industry, but why is it that after several years of development, the overcapacity of the cement industry has become more and more serious, and the effect of the supply-side structural reform of the cement industry has gradually disappeared?

2024-05-11 09:30:03

Superior enterprises are encouraged to integrate inefficient production capacity in the city through market-oriented mergers and reorganizations, and gradually withdraw from cement clinker production lines of 2500 tons per day or less (except special cement).

2024-05-07 15:19:25

The plan requires that by the end of 2025, the comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of cement clinker will be reduced by 3.7% compared with the end of 2020.

2024-03-21 10:28:24

Ten enterprises, including Guangyuan Conch, Luding Shansheng, Yibin Changning Red Lion, Yibin Huafu Shuangsan, Jiangyou Red Lion, Qianwei BMW, Dazhou Conch, Junlian Southwest, Beichuan Four Stars and Yibin Ruixing, have not completed the task of peak staggering production.

2024-03-15 13:35:23

It is understood that a number of recent cement clinker production line construction projects ushered in the latest progress.

2024-03-14 09:46:52

Recently, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Hebei Province issued an announcement on the acceptance of the 5500t/d new dry process cement clinker production line and co-disposal of solid waste environmental protection demonstration project of Tangxian Jidong Cement Co., Ltd.

2024-03-13 10:40:28

Strictly organizing production according to the approved production capacity and strictly implementing the number of days of kiln shutdown are the necessary means for the reform of cement clinker supply side, pollution reduction and carbon reduction.

2024-02-29 18:38:56

With insufficient market demand and high total production capacity, the cement industry urgently needs to solve the problem of excess capacity withdrawal.

2024-02-28 09:36:29

Focus on reducing cement clinker production capacity in areas where limestone resources are scarce and air quality is poor, and support clinker production enterprises to carry out layout outside the province and transfer to key construction areas determined by the province. We will further study and implement the integrated withdrawal plan for cement clinker production lines with a capacity of 2500 tons per day or less.

2024-01-26 14:20:19

Staggered peak production of cement, only reduce the output, not reduce production capacity.

2024-01-08 15:12:46

The single peak-staggering production policy based on "days" has gradually failed with the transformation of production and the decline of the market.

2024-01-07 15:06:43


2023-12-20 09:27:18


2023-12-18 14:46:34


2023-12-18 13:14:07


2023-12-08 10:44:05


2023-11-14 17:15:21


2023-11-09 16:40:21


2023-11-09 14:09:27


2023-11-08 09:52:44


2023-11-02 17:15:46


2023-11-02 10:56:17

加强产能置换监管,加快低效产能退出,严禁 新增水泥熟料、平板玻璃产能,引导建材行业向轻型化、集约化、 制品化转型。

2023-10-27 15:16:16


2023-08-30 10:31:02


2023-08-21 11:25:39


2023-08-16 09:24:10


2023-08-08 10:13:17


2023-08-03 17:33:19


2023-07-14 16:26:35


2023-07-03 09:38:39