Fujian Building Materials Industry Carbon Peak Implementation Plan Released

2024-03-21 10:28:24

The plan requires that by the end of 2025, the comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of cement clinker will be reduced by 3.7% compared with the end of 2020.

Recently, the Fujian Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Fujian Building Materials Industry Carbon Peak Implementation Plan". The

plan puts forward requirements for the cement industry:

by the end of 2025, the comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of cement clinker will be reduced

compared with that by the end of 2020. Promote it to take the lead in achieving carbon reduction goals.

Support cement enterprises to use market-oriented means to integrate cement production capacity in the province and improve industrial concentration.

We will continue to promote the normalization of cement peak-staggering production, intensify implementation and inspection, improve incentive and restraint mechanisms, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises to implement peak-staggering production in accordance with the law and regulations.

Accelerate the substitution of non-carbonate raw materials in cement industry, and increase the proportion of carbide slag, phosphogypsum, fluorogypsum, manganese slag and steel slag on the premise of ensuring the quality of cement products. Accelerate the popularization and application of new varieties of low carbon cement such as high belite cement and sulfur (iron) aluminate cement. Research and development of sulfur-containing calcium silicate minerals, clay calcined cement and other materials to reduce the amount of limestone.

In cement products, the ability to absorb blast furnace slag, fly ash and other wastes should be improved, and the varieties of solid wastes that can be absorbed should be gradually increased.

Improve the quality and application level of cement products, and promote the reduction of cement use.

We will accelerate the co-disposal of domestic waste in cement kilns and raise the level of co-disposal of urban waste in industrial kilns.

Improve the coal substitution rate of cement and other industries.

The details are as follows (Attachment: Implementation Plan for Fujian Building Materials Industry to Reach Carbon Peak):

< IMG SRC = "https://img7.ccement.com/richtext/img/80vppwi74nn1710987586117.

Fujian Building Materials Industry Carbon Peak Implementation Plan

" Building materials industry is the focus of national economic and social development Basic industries are also the key industries of energy consumption and carbon emissions in the industrial sector. In order to promote the carbon peak work of building materials industry in our province, According to the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Implementing the New Development Concept Completely, Accurately and Comprehensively to Do a Good Job in Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutralization, the Circular of the State Council on Issuing the Action Plan for Carbon Peak by 2030, the Circular of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the National Development and Reform Commission on Issuing the Implementation Plan for Carbon Peak in the Industrial Field, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Notice of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the National Development and Reform Commission on Issuing the Implementation Plan for Carbon Peak in the Building Materials Industry and the Implementation Opinions of the Fujian Provincial People's Government of the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China on Implementing the New Development Concept Completely, Accurately and Comprehensively to Do a Good Job in Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutralization This implementation plan is formulated in conjunction with the Implementation Plan for Carbon Peak in the Industrial Field of Fujian Province.

1. General requirements

(1) Guided by Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the guiding ideology

comprehensively implements the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adheres to the general tone of steady and progressive work, bases itself on the new stage of development, completely, accurately and comprehensively implements the new development concept, and strives to build a well-off society in an all-round way. Constructing a new development pattern, adhering to the concept of system, dealing with the relationship between development and emission reduction, overall and local, long-term and short-term goals, government and market, focusing on the overall goal of carbon peak in building materials industry, taking deepening the structural reform of supply side as the main line, total amount control as the basis, and improving the level of comprehensive utilization of resources as the key. Accelerate the green and low-carbon development level of building materials industry in an all-round way to ensure that the carbon peak is achieved on schedule.

(2) The working principle

is market-oriented and guided by the government. To give full play to the role of enterprises as market players in the process of carbon peak, the government should do a good job in guiding and policy environment construction, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of market players for energy conservation and carbon reduction by building a policy system oriented to carbon emission reduction. Give priority to

saving and make efforts at the source. Insist on saving first, constantly improve the level of comprehensive utilization of resources, implement raw material substitution and total amount control from the source, and continuously reduce the intensity of energy and resource consumption and carbon emissions through the circular link coupling and coordinated development of building materials industry and other industries such as metallurgy and chemical industry.

Innovation-driven, technology-led. Insist on scientific and technological innovation, deepen the application of new generation information technology in building materials industry, improve the level of digital and intelligent application, accelerate the research and development of key common technologies of green low-carbon and industrial application, and drive the high-quality green low-carbon development of building materials industry with innovation.

Highlight the key points and implement step by step. Take the cement industry as the key area of carbon reduction in the building materials industry, and promote it to take the lead in achieving the goal of carbon reduction. On this basis, the mature experience will be promoted and implemented in other fields to promote the building materials industry as a whole to achieve the goal of carbon reduction.

(3) Main objectives

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the industrial structure and energy consumption structure of the building materials industry will be continuously optimized, new progress will be made in the research and development, promotion and application of green low-carbon technologies, the supply capacity and level of green building materials products will be gradually improved, the utilization efficiency of energy resources will be steadily improved, and the intensity of carbon emissions will continue to decline. By the end of 2025, the comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of cement clinker will be reduced compared with the end of 2020. 3

. During the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" period, significant progress has been made in the adjustment of industrial structure and energy consumption structure, remarkable achievements have been made in the research and development, popularization and application of green low-carbon technologies, and the substitution level of raw materials and fuels has been greatly improved. The utilization efficiency of energy resources has been significantly improved, the intensity of carbon emissions has continued to decline, and the industrial system of green low-carbon cycle development has been basically established to ensure that the whole industry will reach its carbon peak by 2030.

2. Key tasks

(1) Strengthen total quantity control

and encourage the withdrawal of inefficient production capacity. We will implement the Catalogue of Guidance for Industrial Structure Adjustment and relevant national policies, eliminate backward technology and equipment according to law, and guide the orderly withdrawal of inefficient production capacity with high energy consumption and large emissions. Promote building materials enterprises to improve energy efficiency and strive to reach the national benchmark level. Building materials enterprises are encouraged to carry out resource integration and merger and reorganization, optimize the allocation of production resources and the spatial layout of the industry, and explore a market-oriented and legalized withdrawal mechanism for production capacity. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Ecological Environment and the Market Supervision Bureau are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

Strictly control the new excess capacity. We will implement the state's industrial policies on cement and flat glass, strengthen the control of excess capacity, and strictly prohibit new production capacity of cement clinker and flat glass in violation of regulations. Support cement enterprises to use market-oriented means to integrate cement production capacity in the province and improve industrial concentration. Strengthen the management of building sanitary ceramics, wall materials and other industries to promote high-quality development of the industry. Support the superior enterprises in the province to "go out" and carry out international capacity cooperation. (Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Development and Reform Commission, Department of Ecological Environment and Department of Commerce are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

Improve the production of cement peak staggering. Standardize industry management, continue to promote the normalization of cement peak staggering production, strengthen implementation and inspection, improve incentive and restraint mechanisms, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises to implement peak staggering production in accordance with the law and regulations. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Department of Ecology and Environment are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

(2) Promote the substitution

of raw materials and gradually reduce the amount of carbonate. Accelerate the substitution of non-carbonate raw materials in cement industry, and increase the proportion of carbide slag, phosphogypsum, fluorogypsum, manganese slag and steel slag on the premise of ensuring the quality of cement products. Accelerate the popularization and application of new varieties of low carbon cement such as high belite cement and sulfur (iron) aluminate cement. Research and development of sulfur-containing calcium silicate minerals, clay calcined cement and other materials to reduce the amount of limestone. (Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and Department of Science and Technology are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

Improve the level of comprehensive utilization of resources. Promote the application of comprehensive utilization technology of stone industry resources, and promote enterprises to develop and produce artificial marble, stone mosaic, aerated concrete block, stone powder brick, machine-made sand and other products by comprehensively utilizing waste materials such as leftover materials and stone powder. Improve the level of co-disposal of sludge, construction waste and other wastes in the new wall material industry.Supporting enterprises to promote circular economy, improving the ability to absorb blast furnace slag, fly ash and other wastes in cement products on the premise of ensuring product quality and ecological safety, and gradually increasing the varieties of solid wastes that can be absorbed. (Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Department of Ecological Environment and Department of Science and Technology are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

to promote the reduction of building materials products. Use building materials accurately and reduce the use of high-carbon building materials products. Improve the quality and application level of cement products, and promote the reduction of cement use. Develop low energy consumption preparation and construction technology, and increase the popularization and application of high performance concrete. We will accelerate the development of new low-carbon cementitious materials and encourage the research and development of carbon-fixing mineral materials and all-solid waste-free new cementitious materials. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Department of Housing and Construction and the Department of Science and Technology are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

to promote the circulation of links between industries. Guided by the needs of building energy conservation, green building and assembly building, we will promote the resource utilization of construction waste and promote the in-depth integration and coordinated development of the construction industry and the building materials industry. We will accelerate the co-disposal of domestic waste in cement kilns and raise the level of co-disposal of urban waste in industrial kilns. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Department of Housing and Construction are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

(3) Changing the energy structure

and increasing the use of alternative fuels. We will support combustible wastes such as biomass fuels to replace coal, and promote the high calorific value, low cost and standardized pretreatment of alternative fuels. Upstream industrial chains such as large-scale recycling of agricultural and forestry wastes and waste source classification will be improved to form a new form of derivative fuel manufacturing with sufficient and stable supply, and to enhance the coal substitution rate in cement and other industries. (Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Development and Reform Commission, Agricultural and Rural Department and Forestry Bureau are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

Optimize the energy consumption structure. We will accelerate the application of clean and green energy, encourage building materials enterprises to participate in green electricity trading, promote clean and low-carbon energy structure, and continuously increase the proportion of natural gas and electricity used in flat glass, ceramics, plasterboard, concrete products and other industries. Building materials enterprises should be guided to actively adopt renewable green energy such as solar energy and hydrogen energy to reduce fossil energy consumption. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Development and Reform Commission and the Department of Ecological Environment are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

to improve energy efficiency. Enterprises should be guided to establish energy management systems, support the construction of energy management centers, and realize energy efficiency optimization and regulation. Strictly enforce the mandatory energy consumption quota standards, and strengthen the energy-saving supervision of existing production lines and the energy-saving review of new projects. Promote energy-saving diagnostic services, focus on key energy-using enterprises, carry out comprehensive diagnosis of technological equipment, energy efficiency and energy management system, tap energy-saving potential and continuously improve energy efficiency level. Encourage key energy-using enterprises to actively declare energy efficiency leaders, set up energy efficiency benchmarks in building materials industry, and promote enterprises to meet energy efficiency standards. (Provincial Office of Industry and Information Technology, Development and Reform Commission and Market Supervision Bureau are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

(4) Accelerating technological innovation

and accelerating the research and development of key low-carbon technologies in the industry. We will tackle key low-carbon technologies in the fields of energy conservation, environmental protection, clean production and clean energy in the building materials industry. New progress and breakthroughs have been made in major low-carbon technologies such as clean energy utilization, fuel substitution, new cementitious materials, reduction of clinker content in cement, preheating outside glass kilns, hydrogen energy calcination in kilns, and low temperature and low pressure waste heat utilization. Strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in innovation, and support enterprises to develop and promote the application of new materials such as aerogel and perovskite photovoltaic materials. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Development and Reform Commission, the Science and Technology Department and the Department of Ecological Environment are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

to guide enterprises to implement technological upgrading and transformation. Promote building materials enterprises to give priority to the adoption of technologies in the national green low-carbon technology catalogue, upgrade technologies in the direction of green, intelligent and ultra-low emissions, and accelerate the popularization of mature technologies. Enterprises in key areas such as cement, flat glass and ceramics should be guided to actively carry out energy-saving and carbon-reducing technological transformation and upgrade the technical equipment level of the industry. Promote enterprises to carry out intelligent system technology transformation, equipment renewal and digital and intelligent upgrading and transformation around improving energy efficiency of production line systems, reducing fossil fuel consumption and reducing energy consumption per unit product. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Development and Reform Commission and the Science and Technology Department are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

to cultivate innovative demonstrations of energy-saving and carbon-reducing technologies. Efforts should be made to cultivate a number of innovative demonstration enterprises of energy-saving and carbon-reducing technologies, and to carry out demonstration projects such as near-zero carbon emissions, carbon capture, utilization and storage, and hydrogen energy, so as to realize the industrial application of carbon capture, storage and utilization technologies in kilns. (Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Development and Reform Commission are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

(5) Promoting green manufacturing

and actively building a green manufacturing system. Develop green design and green production, and actively build a green manufacturing system. Guided by the structural reform of the supply side, we will develop new building materials industries such as high-performance composite materials and prefabricated building parts. We will support green product design and green manufacturing, form a green supply chain, and promote cleaner production and resource recycling in the industry. We will support the development of high-quality cement, special cement and bulk cement , and promote the development of deep processing of photovoltaic glass and building glass. (Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Market Supervision Bureau, Department of Ecological Environment and Department of Housing and Construction are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

Accelerate the production and application of green building materials. We will vigorously develop green building materials, cultivate key enterprises and industrial clusters, encourage building materials enterprises to apply for certification of green building materials products, and promote green building materials to become mainstream products in the market. Promote Fuzhou, Longyan and other places to carry out government procurement to support green building materials, promote the construction of pilot cities to improve building quality, and build livable green low-carbon cities. Promote the coordinated development of green building materials and green buildings, increase the proportion of green building materials used in new buildings and renovation of existing buildings, especially energy-saving glass, new thermal insulation materials and new wall materials, and comprehensively promote green building materials in star-rated green buildings by 2030. (Provincial Industry and Information Technology Department, Housing and Construction Department and Market Supervision Bureau are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

3. Organizational guarantee

(1) Strengthen overall planning and implementation. In accordance with the main objectives and key tasks set out in this plan, the relevant departments should organize and implement them well, strengthen the linkage between the upper and lower levels, the coordination of departments and the coordination of policies, co-ordinate resources, form a joint force, strengthen the analysis, research and supervision of implementation, and enhance the effectiveness of the implementation of the plan. We will strengthen public opinion guidance by various media and public welfare organizations, and publicize policies and regulations on green building materials, typical cases, and advanced low-carbon technologies. Large building materials enterprises should play an exemplary role, combine their own reality, clarify the carbon emission reduction timetable and roadmap, increase technological innovation, reduce carbon emission intensity year by year, and accelerate low-carbon transformation and upgrading. (Relevant departments should implement them separately)

(2) Increase policy support. Strictly implement the national cement and glass production capacity replacement policy, and implement the national and provincial preferential policies on energy conservation and carbon reduction, technological transformation, comprehensive utilization of resources, R & D and innovation. Establish and improve the standard system of government procurement demand for green buildings and green building materials, and increase the procurement of green building materials. On the premise of compliance with the law, controllable risks and sustainable business, financial institutions should be supported to provide financing support for carbon emission reduction projects and technologies of qualified building materials enterprises and consumption of green building materials. (Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Development and Reform Commission, Science and Technology Department, Finance Department, Ecological Environment Department, Housing and Construction Department, Financial Supervision Bureau, Tax Bureau and Xiamen Tax Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

(3) Improve the standard system. On the basis of strictly implementing the requirements of existing standards, enterprises should gradually take domestic and international advanced energy consumption, environmental protection and quality levels as benchmarks to meet the standards and give full play to the basic and leading role of standards. Leading enterprises are encouraged to actively participate in the formulation of national and industrial standards for new technologies, processes and equipment for energy conservation and carbon reduction, and to improve the standard system of building materials industry. Enterprises should be guided to establish monitoring and evaluation systems for energy consumption and carbon emissions, and to carry out accounting, verification, self-evaluation and third-party evaluation of energy consumption and carbon emissions. We should strengthen the research and application of carbon measurement technology and establish and improve the carbon emission measurement system. (Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Development and Reform Commission, Department of Ecological Environment, Market Supervision Bureau and Statistical Bureau are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

(4) Create a good environment. We will improve the enterprise carbon emission reporting and information disclosure system, and promote the disclosure of enterprise carbon emission information. Play the role of strategic consultation, technical support and policy recommendations. Leading enterprises, scientific research institutes, industry associations and other entities are encouraged to jointly build a public service platform for carbon emission reduction in the building materials industry. We will build a multi-level personnel training system for carbon calculation and carbon emission management to enhance the statistical monitoring and accounting capabilities of carbon emissions in the building materials industry. Enterprises are encouraged to organize and implement carbon emission reduction, strengthen the awareness of green and low-carbon development, and create a good environment for the building materials industry to reach its carbon peak. (The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Ecological Environment and the Department of Education are responsible for the division of responsibilities)

The implementation of this scheme is valid until December 31, 2030, and the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology is responsible for the interpretation.

Cement industry has serious overcapacity, the impact of peak staggering production on the supply side has declined significantly, the "competition and cooperation relationship" formed over the years has broken down, and the pressure of industry operation has doubled.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.