
2022-01-21 09:25:30


























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According to the market data of China Cement Network, affected by the high temperature weather and rainy season, the demand performance of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is flat and the price is weak.

2024-08-02 17:12:52

According to the cement network market data center news, Ningxia prices continue to decline; Shaanxi region recently due to the contradiction between supply and demand and price competition led to a larger price reduction.

2024-08-02 16:39:35

According to the data center of China Cement Market, due to the low ex-factory prices in various regions, some regions began to resume pricing this week.

2024-08-02 16:30:32

Demand is declining, supply is increasing, and the price of sand and gravel industry is adjusted in an all-round way.

2024-07-31 15:56:20

Shandong Province issued the Action Plan for Upgrading the Building Materials Industry (2024-2026), which aims to promote the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the building materials industry. The action plan focuses on the cement industry and puts forward the tasks of stable growth, structural adjustment, digital transformation, green manufacturing and safety improvement.

2024-07-01 17:05:09

To formulate and promulgate policies and measures to resolve excess capacity in the cement industry, and gradually establish a market-oriented and legalized working mechanism to resolve excess capacity.

2024-06-27 09:44:22

By the end of 2025, the proportion of production capacity above the benchmark level of energy efficiency in cement and ceramics industries will reach 30%, that of production capacity above the benchmark level of energy efficiency in flat glass industry will reach 20%, and that of production capacity below the benchmark level of energy efficiency in building materials industry will be completed or eliminated.

2024-05-29 20:21:02

Yan Xiaofeng pointed out that the current building materials industry has maintained a steady recovery trend, but it is still weak. Consolidating and developing traditional industries, vigorously developing new industries, and accelerating the green and low-carbon transformation of industry enterprises are still the main tasks facing the building materials industry.

2024-05-27 10:29:48

The successful launch of the new products of Quzhai Cement Company shows that the company's continuous innovation has enhanced its market competitiveness and enriched its product line, which may provide more choices for the construction industry and help enterprises to further expand their market share.

2024-05-20 09:58:42

Conch Group is a leading enterprise in the global basic building materials industry, focusing on the development of the main cement industry, improving product quality and building urban infrastructure. At the same time, Conch actively lays out new energy and new materials industries, promotes environmental protection and digital transformation, and is committed to low-carbon economy and intelligent manufacturing. As an important participant in international trade, Conch has expanded its foreign trade and promoted the internationalization of its brand. Conch Group closely combines the national strategy to promote the high-quality development of the industrial chain, and is committed to creating a better living space for mankind and becoming a world-class enterprise.

2024-04-22 17:21:08

In 2023, the company achieved an output value of 5.6 billion yuan and a profit of 400 million yuan, an increase of 5.6% and 3.1% respectively over the previous year.

2024-04-22 15:40:55

On April 18, the sixth general meeting of the seventh session of Hubei Cement Industry Association and the annual meeting of cement enterprises in the whole province were successfully held in Yichang, Hubei Province. The theme of this conference is "overcome the difficulties together, concentrate on moving forward, and work together to promote the rational return of the value of Hubei cement industry".

2024-04-19 09:30:08

With the consent of the provincial government, the Implementation Plan for the High-quality Development of Green Building Materials Industry in Hubei Province is now issued to you. Please implement it conscientiously in light of the actual situation.

2024-04-15 13:46:14

According to the annual report of Jinyu Group in 2023, the company's operating income was about 107.956 billion yuan, an increase of 4.99% over the previous year, but the net profit returned to the mother dropped by 97.92% to about 25.2628 million yuan, and the loss of non-net profit deducted expanded to 2.028 billion yuan. The decline in performance is mainly related to the large provision for impairment of assets, especially the inventory impairment of real estate projects. The decline in investment in real estate development across the country has affected the company's real estate development business. Cement production reached a new low, and the company's comprehensive sales of cement and clinker increased, but the gross profit margin decreased. In order to seek new markets, BBMG Group invested in the home and promoted the growth of the whole business. Faced with greater debt pressure, the company plans to optimize the debt structure by issuing debt financing instruments, and use idle funds to invest in financial management to improve capital efficiency.

2024-04-03 09:25:12

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the demand in many places is general, the price continues to decline, and the price push has little effect.

2024-03-30 00:48:34

The first phase of the commercial mixing project is the first project of Gezhouba Cement Yicheng Green Building Material Industrial Park, covering 52 mu, with a total investment of about 120 million yuan.

2024-03-26 09:39:21

The building materials industry is required to speed up the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, vigorously promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, and comprehensively improve the utilization rate of resources.

2024-03-25 14:07:30

The plan requires that by the end of 2025, the comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of cement clinker will be reduced by 3.7% compared with the end of 2020.

2024-03-21 10:28:24

It is understood that a number of recent cement clinker production line construction projects ushered in the latest progress.

2024-03-14 09:46:52

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, in order to increase profits, major enterprises in Henan, Hunan, Yongzhou and Hengyang notified an increase in cement prices by about 15-30 yuan/ton on the 2nd. In addition, there are signs of loosening in the actual transaction price of cement in some markets in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hubei.

2024-03-08 15:32:55

By the end of February, the National Gravel Price Index (CSPI) closed at 83.51 points, down 0.98% annually and 2.60% year-on-year. The National Machine-made Sand Price Index (MSPI) closed at 87.33 points, down 1.14% annually and 5.89% year-on-year.

2024-03-06 09:51:50

Aggregate business is a temporary "life-saving straw" for the cement industry, not a long-term solution.

2024-03-06 09:27:02

The resource reserve of the project is about 310 million cubic meters, with an annual output of 3.18 million cubic meters of granite blocks, 20 million tons of aggregate for construction and 2.15 million tons of washed sand.

2024-03-05 16:36:04

Promoting green and low-carbon development is not only an inevitable choice for the cement industry to respond to the challenges of global climate change and implement the sustainable development strategy, but also an inherent demand for the transformation and upgrading of the industry and the realization of high-quality development.

2024-03-01 15:38:02

Since 2023, Xuancheng Conch Photovoltaic Company has focused on the national goal of "double carbon", thoroughly implemented the new high-quality development model of "one base and five industries" of the group company, actively seized the strategic outlet of new energy, constantly shaped new momentum and new advantages for development, and gradually fostered and strengthened the building photovoltaic industry.

2024-01-30 09:15:18

Focus on reducing cement clinker production capacity in areas where limestone resources are scarce and air quality is poor, and support clinker production enterprises to carry out layout outside the province and transfer to key construction areas determined by the province. We will further study and implement the integrated withdrawal plan for cement clinker production lines with a capacity of 2500 tons per day or less.

2024-01-26 14:20:19

According to the data center of China Cement Network, due to the low temperature and rainy weather, the market demand and sales declined, and the price of cement in the two lakes and parts of Henan Province dropped by 10-30 yuan/ton in the week. The price of bagged cement in individual markets in Guangdong will be raised by 10 yuan/ton, and the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-01-19 16:02:53

The Regulations on the Development and Application of Bulk Cement and New Wall Materials in Guangdong Province have been adopted by the 22nd Standing Meeting of the 14th Guangdong Provincial People's Government on November 30, 2023, and are hereby promulgated for implementation as of March 1, 2024.

2024-01-11 21:11:51

Guangdong up 10 yuan/ton, Hainan down 50 yuan/ton; cement industry missed the good opportunity to cut production capacity; Shanxi 2023 second batch of A-level, B-level, leading enterprises list announced

2024-01-11 15:08:22

Huaxin entered the aggregate industry in 2006, which is the first cement enterprise in China.

2024-01-10 15:12:30

When the input and output of transformation can not achieve the normal rate of return on investment, whether to take a step back and consider transformation may succeed in "jumping the gun" on the new track and break a new world.

2024-01-09 15:46:28

On January 4, Yan Xiaofeng, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of China Building Materials Federation, and his delegation visited Huaxin Huangshi Company and Green Building Materials Industrial Park to learn about Huaxin's achievements and practices in business development, scientific and technological innovation, intelligent manufacturing, green mines and enterprise management.

2024-01-08 17:45:29


2023-12-09 14:42:58


2023-11-24 13:18:57


2023-11-21 10:22:49


2023-11-17 11:35:20

到 2025 年,绿色建材全年营业收入超过 2600 亿元, 2023-2025 年年均增长 15%以上。

2023-11-03 09:28:29


2023-11-02 10:56:17


2023-11-02 10:04:41


2023-11-02 09:34:40


2023-11-02 09:23:25

加强产能置换监管,加快低效产能退出,严禁 新增水泥熟料、平板玻璃产能,引导建材行业向轻型化、集约化、 制品化转型。

2023-10-27 15:16:16


2023-09-25 10:08:12


2023-09-22 18:09:33


2023-09-22 18:02:12

多地调涨水泥价格; 1.水泥冷暖大佬谈|邱景河:国企打价格战损人不利己! 2.新建5000t/d熟料线!又一水泥企业在重庆投资40亿 3.一4960t/d水泥熟料搬迁项目已完成 4.两个月,又有21家混凝土企业破产

2023-09-22 13:45:31


2023-09-22 11:41:52


2023-09-22 10:12:22


2023-09-15 09:47:07


2023-09-12 10:55:54

In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.