[独家]守信光荣 失信可耻

2014-07-01 13:43:24






  《纲要》指出,提高商务诚信水平是社会信用体系建设的重点,是商务关系有效维护、商务运行成本有效降低、营商环境有效改善的基本条件,是各类商务主体可持续发展的生存之本,也是各类经济活动高效开展的基础保障。放在商务诚信第一位的是生产领域信用建设。要求建立安全生产信用公告制度,完善安全生产承诺和安全生产不良信用记录及安全生产失信行为惩戒制度。推动建立质量信用征信系统,建立质量诚信报告、失信黑名单披露、市场禁入和退出制度。就在不久前,媒体就揭露有瘦身袋装水泥混迹在市场,也有胡作非为乱掺加混合材再包装冒充品牌产品销售,失信者视水泥产品质量为儿戏,即使被质检、工商部门查获,他们所付出的代价又偏低,换个地方接着“干”。 生产领域信用的建立,可以将不法生产与经销者列入黑名单,人人喊打,无处藏身,无法危害社会。








  只要全社会积极努力,《社会信用体系建设规划纲要(2014—2020年)》制定的 “到2020年,社会信用基础性法律法规和标准体系基本建立,以信用信息资源共享为基础的覆盖全社会的征信系统基本建成,信用监管体制基本健全,信用服务市场体系比较完善,守信激励和失信惩戒机制全面发挥作用。政务诚信、商务诚信、社会诚信和司法公信建设取得明显进展,市场和社会满意度大幅提高。全社会诚信意识普遍增强,经济社会发展信用环境明显改善,经济社会秩序显着好转”主要目标一定能达到。全社会将广泛形成守信光荣、失信可耻的浓厚氛围,使诚实守信成为全民的自觉行为规范。水泥企业也会有良好的商务运行成本低的营商环境。

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This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.

2024-09-16 10:19:30

In order to make preparations for being incorporated into the national carbon market, we should actively establish and improve the dual-carbon planning system, management system, system, innovation system, trading system and capacity system, do a good job in the research of dual-carbon policy, find out the family background, consolidate the quality of data, decompose and implement the goal of carbon reduction, and strive to achieve the goal of carbon reduction. We will continue to promote the substitution of raw materials, the transformation of energy consumption structure, the acceleration of technological innovation, the promotion of green manufacturing and intelligent leadership, and the coordinated promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction and green expansion. Growth.

2024-09-13 16:07:12

Recently, Jiuquan Vientiane Building Materials Co., Ltd. It is understood that Jiuquan Vientiane Building Materials Co., Ltd. was established in 2011 with a registered capital of 160 million RMB. There is a 2500t/d waste residue comprehensive utilization new dry process cement production line and 7.5MW pure low-temperature waste heat power generation green building materials circular economy project in the plant area, which is the only large-scale cement production project in Hexi Corridor in recent years approved by Gansu Provincial Industry and Information Technology Commission and recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as a national capacity replacement project, and is also a "new, large and excellent" project for Jiuquan City to attract investment.

2024-09-12 14:11:24

To sum up, the ultra-low emission transformation of the cement industry is a systematic project, which requires comprehensive measures from the aspects of capital, technology, management, awareness and cooperation. Only by adhering to scientific development and paying attention to the balance between economic and environmental benefits, can cement industry go further and more steadily on the road of ultra-low emissions.

2024-09-11 10:31:41

We will further strengthen the construction of the carbon market, steadily expand the coverage of the industry, enrich the trading varieties and methods, and improve the national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market. By the end of this year, in addition to the existing power industry, the national carbon emission trading market will also include key emission industries such as steel, cement and aluminium smelting. We will further improve the carbon pricing mechanism and accelerate the establishment of a carbon footprint management system.

2024-09-08 17:42:29

Many contents in the Plan are closely related to the cement industry, such as continuously promoting the reduction of excess capacity and capacity replacement, transformation and upgrading of the cement industry; promoting new energy medium and heavy trucks in the cement industry and developing zero-emission freight fleets; striving to complete the treatment of ultra-low emission transformation projects of cement clinker and coking enterprises in key cities by 2025; To study the multi-source and whole-process control and monitoring and supervision technology of volatile organic compounds, and to carry out research on key technologies of pollution reduction and carbon reduction in key industries such as parks, cement and steel.

2024-09-06 10:01:57

The cement industry will soon be incorporated into the carbon trading market, and the importance of green low-carbon transformation has become increasingly apparent. In response to the policy guidance, China Cement Network will hold the "2024 China Cement Double Carbon Conference and the 12th Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference" in Wuhu Conch International Hotel on October 24-25. The conference will focus on the core issues of low-carbon development and green upgrading in the cement industry, discuss the application of energy efficiency improvement and energy-saving and carbon reduction technologies, and how the cement industry can use the carbon trading mechanism to promote its low-carbon transformation.

2024-09-04 15:34:06

From the overall situation, in the first half of 2024, the overall operating situation of the cement industry was grim, and the profits of cement enterprises basically declined sharply, and even some enterprises suffered huge losses. In terms of the operation and management of Conch Cement, the Group will pay close attention to the macroeconomic situation at home and abroad, and continue to improve the quality and efficiency of its operation in line with the guidance of national policies. Huaxin Cement said that it demonstrated the sense of responsibility of large enterprises and actively promoted and implemented new supply-side structural reform programs and measures suitable for the high-quality development of the industry.

2024-09-03 09:43:58

Recently, Jiangxi Cement Association issued the Proposal on Further Strengthening Industry Self-discipline and Preventing Involution Vicious Competition, which includes the following four points: 1. Recognize the industry situation and strengthen confidence in development; 2. Strengthen industry self-discipline and prevent vicious competition; 3. Firmly stagger peak production and alleviate the contradiction of surplus; 4. Accelerate transformation and upgrading and promote high-quality development. It is proposed that all cement enterprises in the province should recognize the situation and take the initiative to respond to it. The cement industry has entered a period of declining demand, which is the general trend of the economic development cycle and is irreversible in the short term.

2024-08-29 09:23:22

The company will pay close attention to the macroeconomic situation and industrial policies, optimize the strategic layout, promote the "vertical integration" expansion of the industrial chain, and build the ecological chain of the building materials industry. The company will deepen its main business, widely use digital intelligence technology and green technology, and promote the optimization and upgrading of the cement industry chain; Expand the industrial layout to promote the healthy development of the industry from the strategic height, expand the layout of the commercial concrete industry around the core areas, and further enhance the market influence and discourse power; precisely supplement the chain, combine the company's resource endowment, Industrial base, cultivate related diversified industries, and cultivate the second growth curve.

2024-08-28 11:00:03

This lack of demand is the general trend of the economic cycle, which is irreversible in the short term. It is determined by the economic development cycle and is a problem in the process of development and transformation. The disorderly competition among enterprises leads to the meager profits of the whole industry. Therefore, we need to take the initiative to respond, maintain strategic strength, strengthen confidence in development, advocate the concept of fair competition and win-win cooperation, and jointly promote the healthy and orderly development of the industry.

2024-08-16 09:09:17

We should strengthen industry communication and enterprise dialogue, abandon the Cold War mentality, not vicious competition, not "cheap" products, not "involution" marketing, consciously resist the use of low-price dumping, loss-making sales and other improper means, jointly create a fair and stable market environment and competition order, build a good industry ecology, and reduce waste of resources and environmental pressure.

2024-08-12 11:33:12

Due to the continuous high temperature weather in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the demand of construction industry has weakened, resulting in a general decline in cement sales, and the price of cement in some areas has dropped by 20-35 yuan/ton, among which Yangzhou, Taizhou, Huaian, Nanjing, Zhenjiang and other places in Jiangsu have been greatly affected. Due to the high temperature weather in Anhui, the construction site slowed down, the demand was weak, and the cement price in Ma'anshan, Chuzhou, Hefei and other areas was reduced by 10-20 yuan/ton. Cement prices in Zaozhuang, Linyi, Jining, Tai'an and other places fell by 10-30 yuan/ton due to cloudy weather and the resumption of clinker production in Shandong.

2024-08-09 16:18:24

Hebei Building Materials Industry Association issued a proposal to jointly resist the "involution of vicious competition" to promote the healthy and stable development of the industry, saying that since this year, with the continuous weakening of the cement market demand, the contradiction between supply and demand in the cement industry in our province has intensified, and some enterprises are still conservative in the "quantity and profit" business thinking. Vicious competition has occurred from time to time, and the benefits of the cement industry in the province have fallen to the lowest level in the past 10 years.

2024-08-09 16:08:45

The vicious competition of "involution" is a game without winners.

2024-08-08 10:38:47

On August 5, Shandong Cement Industry Association issued the Initiative on Jointly Resisting "Involution Vicious Competition" to Promote the Healthy and Stable Development of the Industry, saying that since this year, as the market demand continues to decline, the contradiction between supply and demand in the cement industry in Shandong Province has intensified.

2024-08-06 10:01:09

Pursue quality management and effective development, reduce production and consumption intensity, and reduce ineffective supply.

2024-08-02 13:05:35

Create a new business model of "multi-industry development, multi-point support, deep integration of industrial chain and supply chain".

2024-07-30 16:10:53

Gathering the wisdom of the four seas, condensing the strength of the heroes, the two-day conference is full of dry goods, which will surely make every guest return with a full load, turn pressure into power, and jointly promote the new journey of ultra-low emission transformation of Zhejiang cement industry towards brilliance!

2024-07-24 15:09:50

In the current period of change, the key lies in how to transform the pressure of ultra-low emission transformation into the driving force to promote efficiency. To this end, President Yao put forward three major programs of action: cut overcapacity, cut production, and transform and upgrade.

2024-07-24 14:58:21

On July 20, 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on the implementation measures of capacity replacement in the cement and glass industry. The revised Measures for the Implementation of Capacity Replacement in the Cement and Glass Industry will come into effect on August 1, 2021.

2024-07-24 12:08:35

We will jointly discuss and analyze the practice path of ultra-low emission in the cement industry, and promote the industry to move towards a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly future.

2024-07-23 18:02:53

Shangfeng Cement has unique advantages in cost control, operational efficiency and industrial structure. Through efforts to improve its own capabilities and competitiveness, Shangfeng Cement has won the recognition of investors and shareholders through a series of practical actions to improve quality and efficiency, and promoted the comprehensive value of the company.

2024-07-19 09:35:56

According to the work plan of Fujian Longyan Municipal Committee and Municipal Government on the "July 8 Longyan Enterprise Day" series of activities, on July 12, Vice Mayor Wang Bo led a team to conduct in-depth research on cement enterprises in Longyan City, and held a symposium on the promotion of cement industry development on the spot, which was widely listened to.

2024-07-16 10:52:56

"Wa Stone" implies the spirit of Nuwa mending the sky and the quality of five-color stone. Wei Huashan said: "The name of Queshi Group is to show the pragmatic spirit of constantly surpassing oneself, vigorous progress and down-to-earth."

2024-07-02 10:02:35

Shandong Province issued the Action Plan for Upgrading the Building Materials Industry (2024-2026), which aims to promote the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the building materials industry. The action plan focuses on the cement industry and puts forward the tasks of stable growth, structural adjustment, digital transformation, green manufacturing and safety improvement.

2024-07-01 17:05:09

According to the list of China's top 100 cement clinker production capacity in 2023, Shaanxi Building Material Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd. ranks 70th in the list with an annual production capacity of 2.79 million tons.

2024-07-01 11:08:31

It can be said that Zhejiang cement industry has always stood at the forefront of the national environmental protection action, demonstrating its determination and courage on the road of green development.

2024-06-28 09:55:09

How can the cement industry solve the problem and step out of the deep mud?

2024-06-26 10:19:01

Since obtaining the mining license in July 2019, the company has continuously increased its investment in the construction of green mines, and promoted the construction of green mines with high standards, high requirements and all-round.

2024-06-21 09:51:54

It will continue to provide stable and high-quality refractory products for the cement industry, contribute to the high-quality development of the refractory industry, and join hands with cement enterprises to achieve green, efficient and sustainable development.

2024-06-20 16:41:14

Energy saving and consumption reduction is not only a response to environmental responsibility, but also the only way for the cement industry to break the cocoon and enter high-quality development.

2024-06-20 16:33:57

At present, the cement industry is experiencing an unprecedented difficult period of economic and talent shortage.

2024-06-20 16:21:00

Bataibin explained in detail the current situation of denitrification technology in domestic cement industry from the aspects of the necessity of denitrification, the research of Nox, the discussion of out-of-stock technology and the selection of out-of-stock technology.

2024-06-20 09:10:15

Chongqing Conch Cement Company uses biodegradation technology to treat kitchen waste and convert it into oil and organic fertilizer raw materials, thus realizing waste recycling. This first cement kiln co-processing system in China helps to reduce carbon dioxide and other harmful gas emissions and promote green development. Zhongxian County cooperated with Chongqing Conch to invest in the construction of kitchen waste treatment projects, which solved the problem of kitchen waste treatment in the local and surrounding districts and counties. At the same time, the company itself is also transforming to digitalization and greening, reducing carbon emissions and winning a number of national green titles.

2024-06-19 12:19:34

What is the driving force for the development of the next curve of the cement industry? Through the transformation and development of new quality productivity, the second curve of cement industry will be created to achieve a new leap forward in economic and social benefits.

2024-06-19 09:24:26

Green is the background of high-quality development of cement industry.

2024-06-18 14:36:10

Feel its extraordinary charm and transformation as a national green factory at close range.

2024-06-14 17:24:18

On June 13, the 11th China Cement Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference and Equipment Renewal Forum, sponsored by China Cement Network, was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

2024-06-13 16:36:33

Environmental protection is the red line for the survival of cement enterprises.

2024-06-13 14:01:44

At present, coal accounts for the majority of energy consumption and cost in the cement industry, and the key to reducing cost and increasing efficiency is to control coal.

2024-06-13 11:43:46

The transformation and development of new quality productivity will create the second curve of the cement industry and achieve a new leap forward in economic and social benefits.

2024-06-13 09:17:04

The objectives and tasks put forward in the Action Plan are clear, the safeguard measures are strong, and the guidance and operability are strong, which is of great significance to promote the green and low-carbon development level of the cement industry.

2024-06-07 23:36:27

Jurong Taiwan Cement, as a leader in the industry, is not only committed to the production of high-quality cement products, but also has taken a solid step in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development.

2024-06-07 09:59:12

Intelligent construction is a part of the technological transformation of cement enterprises. Promoting intelligent construction can make the production process of cement enterprises more optimized and the production efficiency higher.

2024-06-06 14:12:49

Conch Cement said at the meeting, "As a benchmarking enterprise, Conch Cement has been carrying out comprehensive energy efficiency transformation.". At present, about 30% of the company's production lines meet the first-level energy consumption standards, and it is implementing the transformation of the second-level and third-level energy efficiency production lines, which is planned to reach 50% in 2025. 。

2024-05-31 11:32:12

By the end of 2025, the proportion of production capacity above the benchmark level of energy efficiency in cement and ceramics industries will reach 30%, that of production capacity above the benchmark level of energy efficiency in flat glass industry will reach 20%, and that of production capacity below the benchmark level of energy efficiency in building materials industry will be completed or eliminated.

2024-05-29 20:21:02

Cement enterprises that fail to carry out ultra-low emission transformation as expected and have poor environmental performance have the risk of closure and elimination.

2024-05-28 09:54:34

Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.