魏瑜:分布式光伏前景广阔 但也面临一些挑战

2023-07-06 15:25:44






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We will further strengthen the construction of the carbon market, steadily expand the coverage of the industry, enrich the trading varieties and methods, and improve the national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market. By the end of this year, in addition to the existing power industry, the national carbon emission trading market will also include key emission industries such as steel, cement and aluminium smelting. We will further improve the carbon pricing mechanism and accelerate the establishment of a carbon footprint management system.

2024-09-08 17:42:29

The cement industry will soon be incorporated into the carbon trading market, and the importance of green low-carbon transformation has become increasingly apparent. In response to the policy guidance, China Cement Network will hold the "2024 China Cement Double Carbon Conference and the 12th Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference" in Wuhu Conch International Hotel on October 24-25. The conference will focus on the core issues of low-carbon development and green upgrading in the cement industry, discuss the application of energy efficiency improvement and energy-saving and carbon reduction technologies, and how the cement industry can use the carbon trading mechanism to promote its low-carbon transformation.

2024-09-04 15:34:06

Formulate product carbon footprint accounting rules and standards. To formulate and issue national standards such as general rules for quantification of product carbon footprint, and to clarify and unify the requirements for product carbon footprint accounting principles, accounting methods and data quality. According to the principle of urgent use first, focus on electricity, fuel,

2024-08-02 17:22:08

Shandong Province issued the Action Plan for Upgrading the Building Materials Industry (2024-2026), which aims to promote the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the building materials industry. The action plan focuses on the cement industry and puts forward the tasks of stable growth, structural adjustment, digital transformation, green manufacturing and safety improvement.

2024-07-01 17:05:09

Under the leadership of Dong Shihong, Shijing Science and Technology has never forgotten its original intention of "green", firmly anchored the concept of green development in the torrent of the development of the times, and painted a magnificent and vibrant panorama of green ecological industry with practical actions.

2024-06-20 09:47:34

Green is the background of high-quality development of cement industry.

2024-06-18 14:36:10

On June 13, the 11th China Cement Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference and Equipment Renewal Forum, sponsored by China Cement Network, was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

2024-06-13 16:36:33

By the end of 2025, the proportion of production capacity above the benchmark level of energy efficiency in cement and ceramics industries will reach 30%, that of production capacity above the benchmark level of energy efficiency in flat glass industry will reach 20%, and that of production capacity below the benchmark level of energy efficiency in building materials industry will be completed or eliminated.

2024-05-29 20:21:02

Jidong Cement has successfully put into operation 10 photovoltaic projects and actively promoted the construction of new energy, which shows that the company is vigorously transforming green development and is committed to improving energy efficiency and sustainability.

2024-05-20 09:59:25

"Standing at the new historical starting point of the development of ecological civilization, only by anchoring the new track of green and low-carbon development and protecting the green mountains and rivers can we win Jinshan and Yinshan." Xiao Zhanding, party secretary and chairman of Qianye Cement, said.

2024-05-11 10:11:27

Jidong Cement Tongchuan Company actively responded to the call of the national new energy system construction, using the existing plant top resources of 10000t/d clinker cement production line in Huiyuan Industrial Park, the construction of 3.26 MW distributed photovoltaic power generation project has been successfully connected to the grid recently, opening a new chapter of green low-carbon development.

2024-05-09 09:30:02

Tao Congxi mainly analyzed the current situation of carbon emission in cement industry, the technical path of carbon emission reduction at home and abroad, the "3C" carbon neutralization technology in cement industry, and the "3C" carbon neutralization practice cases in cement industry.

2024-04-03 13:58:22

On March 28, the 13th China Cement Industry Summit and TOP100 Award Ceremony hosted by China Cement Network was held grandly.

2024-03-28 18:30:58

The plan requires that by the end of 2025, the comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of cement clinker will be reduced by 3.7% compared with the end of 2020.

2024-03-21 10:28:24

In December 2023, China Resources Cement changed its name to China Resources Building Materials Technology, and its Tianyang base was the first cement enterprise lighthouse factory certified by the World Economic Forum, and also the first lighthouse factory of global building materials enterprises. The new Tianyang Lighthouse plant has deployed more than 30 fourth industrial revolution technology use cases, improving energy, labor and equipment efficiency and quality performance through advanced analysis, automatic driving and industrial Internet of Things. The carbon emission of the base is reduced by 24%, the labor productivity is increased by 105%, the unplanned downtime of equipment is reduced by 56%, and the quality stability is improved by 25%.

2024-03-15 16:26:57

Hefei South has made every effort to build a new modern factory for green intelligent manufacturing, and has built a demonstration line of green low-carbon technology and equipment for cement, which is ready for transformation and upgrading, and realizes the green development of ecological priority.

2024-03-15 11:01:01

Promoting green and low-carbon development is not only an inevitable choice for the cement industry to respond to the challenges of global climate change and implement the sustainable development strategy, but also an inherent demand for the transformation and upgrading of the industry and the realization of high-quality development.

2024-03-01 15:38:02

In response to the dual-carbon strategy, Jidong Cement Yangquan Company immediately launched the 4.2MW distributed photovoltaic power station project and successfully connected to the grid. The project is expected to generate 5 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, save 1.6 million yuan of electricity, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 4800 tons, promote energy saving and carbon reduction, reduce costs and increase efficiency, and promote green and low-carbon development.

2024-02-28 09:49:02

Anhui Zongyang Conch Cement Co., Ltd. was selected as the national green factory list in 2023, becoming the 27th national green factory of Conch Cement. Relying on intellectualization, environmental protection technology and clean energy, the plant has realized the full utilization of mine resources, zero waste discharge and the improvement of ecological environment, which reflects the efforts and responsibilities of enterprises in promoting green and high-quality development.

2024-02-26 11:34:45

Since 2023, Xuancheng Conch Photovoltaic Company has focused on the national goal of "double carbon", thoroughly implemented the new high-quality development model of "one base and five industries" of the group company, actively seized the strategic outlet of new energy, constantly shaped new momentum and new advantages for development, and gradually fostered and strengthened the building photovoltaic industry.

2024-01-30 09:15:18

Focus on reducing cement clinker production capacity in areas where limestone resources are scarce and air quality is poor, and support clinker production enterprises to carry out layout outside the province and transfer to key construction areas determined by the province. We will further study and implement the integrated withdrawal plan for cement clinker production lines with a capacity of 2500 tons per day or less.

2024-01-26 14:20:19

In the future, Taiwan Cement Guigang Factory will devote itself to playing its leading role, constantly pursuing excellence and striving to achieve more outstanding results.

2024-01-25 10:01:32

Building a beautiful China is an important goal of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and an important part of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

2024-01-12 10:30:43

Six projects are expected to generate 17 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, save more than 5200 tons of standard coal and reduce more than 14000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, creating a new business card for green development.

2024-01-06 11:37:52


2023-12-29 15:02:54


2023-12-26 15:35:54


2023-12-21 14:04:07


2023-11-21 10:22:49


2023-11-03 14:03:46


2023-11-02 10:56:17


2023-10-18 09:22:33


2023-09-12 18:08:43


2023-09-12 09:26:59


2023-08-29 08:49:07


2023-08-23 13:31:23


2023-08-11 14:19:47

1.台泥英德厂启用中国水泥行业最大储能系统 2. 西部水泥一熟料生产线项目奠基! 3.梅州市政协原主席被查,曾任水泥厂厂长 4. 经济环境效益双提升!替代燃料助力水泥企业降本减碳

2023-08-11 13:20:42


2023-08-04 16:11:07


2023-08-03 17:33:19


2023-07-20 11:25:11


2023-07-14 16:26:35


2023-07-13 10:16:53


2023-07-12 09:14:53


2023-07-08 14:37:05


2023-07-07 14:14:19


2023-07-07 10:02:46


2023-07-06 18:06:22


2023-07-06 15:25:44


2023-07-05 11:35:37


2023-06-29 18:37:32