The General Office of the State Council issued the Work Program for Accelerating the Construction of a Dual Control System for Carbon Emissions

2024-08-02 17:22:08

Formulate product carbon footprint accounting rules and standards. To formulate and issue national standards such as general rules for quantification of product carbon footprint, and to clarify and unify the requirements for product carbon footprint accounting principles, accounting methods and data quality. According to the principle of urgent use first, focus on electricity, fuel,

On July 30, the General Office of the State Council issued the Work Plan for Accelerating the Construction of a Dual Control System for Carbon Emissions (hereinafter referred to as the Plan). Under

the guidance of

Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 20th CPC Central Committee, comprehensively implement Xi Jinping Thought on Economy and Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, and accelerate the construction of a new development pattern. Efforts should be made to promote high-quality development, incorporate carbon emission indicators and related requirements into national planning, establish and improve policy systems and management mechanisms such as local carbon assessment, industry carbon control, enterprise carbon management, project carbon evaluation and product carbon footprint, and effectively link up with the national carbon emission trading market to build a complete system. It provides a strong guarantee for achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization.

By 2025, the carbon emission statistical accounting system will be further improved, a number of industry and enterprise carbon emission accounting standards and product carbon footprint standards will be introduced and implemented, the national greenhouse gas emission factor database will be basically built and regularly updated, and the relevant measurement, statistics and monitoring capabilities will be improved. It will lay a foundation for the implementation of double control of carbon emissions nationwide during the 15th Five-Year Plan period. During

the 15th Five-Year Plan period, we will implement a dual-control system for carbon emissions, with intensity control as the main and total amount control as the supplement, establish a comprehensive assessment system for carbon neutralization at peak carbon emissions, strengthen the accounting capacity of carbon emissions in key areas and industries, improve the management system of key energy-using and carbon-emitting units, and carry out carbon emissions evaluation of fixed assets investment projects. Establish a product carbon footprint management system and a product carbon label certification system in line with China's national conditions to ensure that the carbon peak target is achieved on schedule. After reaching the

carbon peak, we will implement a dual carbon emission control system with total amount control as the main and intensity control as the supplement, establish a carbon neutralization target evaluation and assessment system, further strengthen the carbon emission control requirements for regions and key areas, industries and enterprises, improve the product carbon footprint management system, implement the product carbon label certification system, and promote the steady decline of total carbon emissions.

The Plan mentions

improving the accounting mechanism for carbon emissions in key industries. Give full play to the role of industry authorities and industry associations, focus on power, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, petrochemical, chemical and other industrial sectors, urban and rural construction, transportation and other fields, and rationally delimit the scope of carbon emission accounting in the industry. Relying on energy and industrial statistics, energy activities and industrial production process carbon emissions accounting, the national carbon emissions trading market and other data, to carry out carbon emissions accounting in key industries.

We will improve the management system for key energy and carbon emission units. To formulate and revise carbon emission accounting rules and standards for enterprises in key industries such as electric power, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, petrochemical and chemical industries. To formulate and promulgate energy conservation and carbon reduction management measures for key energy-using and carbon emission units, incorporate carbon emission control requirements into the current management system of key energy-using units, promote the implementation of energy conservation and carbon reduction management requirements for key energy-using and carbon emission units, and strengthen the equipment, verification and calibration of energy and carbon emission measuring instruments.

Improve the environmental impact assessment system of construction projects. Incorporate greenhouse gas emission control into environmental impact assessment, predict and evaluate greenhouse gas emissions and emission levels of construction projects, and carry out environmental impact assessment of greenhouse gas emissions in key industries such as electric power, iron and steel, building materials, non-ferrous metals, petrochemical and chemical industries. Strengthen the coordinated control of pollution reduction and carbon reduction. To formulate technical specifications for environmental impact assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from construction projects in key industries and improve the technical system for environmental impact assessment.

Formulate product carbon footprint accounting rules and standards. To formulate and issue national standards such as general rules for quantification of product carbon footprint, and to clarify and unify the requirements for product carbon footprint accounting principles, accounting methods and data quality. In accordance with the principle of urgent use first, we will focus on key products such as electricity, fuel, steel, electrolytic aluminium, cement, fertilizer, hydrogen, lime, glass, ethylene, synthetic ammonia, calcium carbide, methanol, coal chemical industry, power batteries, photovoltaics, new energy vehicles, electronics and electrical appliances. Organize relevant industry associations, enterprises and scientific research institutions to formulate and issue industry standards or group standards for product carbon footprint accounting. The full text of the

Plan is as follows:

Work Plan

for Accelerating the Construction of a Dual Control System for Carbon Emissions In order to implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, a new mechanism for the comprehensive transformation from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions has been established. This work plan is formulated to accelerate the construction of a system of double control of total carbon emissions and intensity (hereinafter referred to as double control of carbon emissions), actively and steadily promote the carbon neutralization of carbon peak and accelerate the green transformation of development mode.

First, the overall requirement

is to take Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the guide, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC and the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 20th Central Committee, comprehensively implement Xi Jinping's economic thought and Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, and promote it. Efforts should be made to promote high-quality development, incorporate carbon emission indicators and related requirements into national planning, establish and improve policy systems and management mechanisms such as local carbon assessment, industry carbon control, enterprise carbon management, project carbon evaluation and product carbon footprint, and effectively link up with the national carbon emission trading market to build a complete system. It provides a strong guarantee for achieving the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization.

By 2025, the carbon emission statistical accounting system will be further improved, a number of industry and enterprise carbon emission accounting standards and product carbon footprint standards will be introduced and implemented, the national greenhouse gas emission factor database will be basically built and regularly updated, and the relevant measurement, statistics and monitoring capabilities will be improved. It will lay a foundation for the implementation of double control of carbon emissions nationwide during the 15th Five-Year Plan period. During

the Fifteenth Five-Year Plan period, we will implement a dual-control system for carbon emissions, with intensity control as the main and total amount control as the supplement, establish a comprehensive assessment system for carbon neutralization at peak carbon, strengthen the accounting capacity for carbon emissions in key areas and industries, improve the management system for key energy-using and carbon-emitting units, and carry out carbon emissions assessment for fixed assets investment projects. Establish a product carbon footprint management system and a product carbon label certification system in line with China's national conditions to ensure that the carbon peak target is achieved on schedule. After the

carbon peak, we will implement a dual-control system for carbon emissions, with total amount control as the main and intensity control as the supplement, establish a carbon neutralization target evaluation and assessment system, further strengthen the requirements for carbon emissions control in various regions and key areas, industries and enterprises, improve the product carbon footprint management system, and implement the product carbon label certification system. Promote a steady decline in total carbon emissions.

2. Improving the planning system

related to carbon emissions (1) Promoting the incorporation of carbon emission indicators into planning. We will incorporate carbon emission targets into national economic and social development plans, give full consideration to factors such as economic development, energy security, people's normal production and life, and national independent contribution targets, rationally determine carbon emission targets for the five-year plan period, and make overall arrangements for key tasks and major projects. During the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, the reduction of carbon emission intensity will be regarded as a binding indicator for national economic and social development, and the total carbon emission accounting will be carried out, and the energy consumption intensity will no longer be regarded as a binding indicator.

(Two) formulate a carbon peak and carbon neutral action plan. Focusing on the relevant deployment of the five-year plan for national economic and social development, we will study and formulate action plans for carbon peak and carbon neutralization, and refine the measures, key tasks and safeguards for carbon emission target control. During the "15th Five-Year Plan" period, the deployment of the "Action Plan for Carbon Peak by 2030" will be refined and implemented to ensure that the carbon peak will be achieved by 2030.

(Three) improve the relevant laws and regulations on double control of carbon emissions. Comprehensively clean up the contents of the existing laws and policies that are not compatible with the requirements of double control of carbon emissions. We will accelerate the revision of the energy conservation review measures for fixed assets investment projects and the energy conservation management measures for key energy-using units, and incorporate the relevant requirements for double control of carbon emissions.

3. Establishing an evaluation and assessment system

for local carbon emission targets (4) Reasonable decomposition of double control indicators for carbon emissions. In the initial stage of the five-year plan, taking into account the level of economic and social development, regional and functional orientation, industrial and energy structure and other factors, the dual-control indicators of carbon emissions are reasonably decomposed into provinces. Provinces can further refine and decompose the double control indicators of carbon emissions, and consolidate the responsibility of controlling and reducing emissions of prefectures, cities and key enterprises.

(5) Establish a comprehensive evaluation and assessment system for carbon peak and carbon neutralization. To formulate and promulgate comprehensive evaluation and assessment methods for carbon peak and carbon neutralization, clarify the working procedures and application methods of evaluation and assessment, and carry out evaluation and assessment in various provinces. Establish an evaluation and assessment index system as a whole, focusing on total carbon emissions and intensity indicators, including energy structure, energy consumption intensity, resource utilization efficiency, ecosystem carbon sinks, green transformation in key areas and other indicators.

(6) Promoting the establishment of a carbon emission budget management system at the provincial and municipal levels. Promote all regions to carry out carbon emission accounting in accordance with the actual situation, guide the provincial and municipal levels to establish a carbon emission budget management system, carry out annual carbon emission analysis and target forecasting, and strengthen coordination with the national carbon emission trading market. By the end of 2025, we will guide all regions to carry out the trial preparation of carbon emission budgets. During the "Fifteenth Five-Year Plan" period, all regions will be guided to prepare carbon emission budgets and adjust them dynamically according to the target of reducing carbon emission intensity.During and after the "Sixteenth Five-Year Plan" period, we will promote the establishment of a rigid restraint mechanism for total carbon emission control in all regions, and implement the whole process management of the five-year planning period and the annual carbon emission budget.

4. Explore the early warning and control mechanism

of carbon emissions in key industries (7) Improve the accounting mechanism of carbon emissions in key industries. Give full play to the role of industry authorities and industry associations, focusing on power, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, petrochemical, chemical and other industrial sectors, urban and rural construction, transportation and other fields, rationally delimit the scope of carbon emission accounting in the field of industry, relying on energy and industrial statistics, energy activities and industrial production process. Carry out carbon emission accounting in key industries.

(8) Establishing a monitoring and early warning mechanism for carbon emissions in the field of industry. Find out the carbon emission base and emission reduction potential of key industries, regularly carry out carbon emission situation analysis and monitoring, carry out situation early warning for industries with rapid growth of carbon emissions, and take measures such as strict control of new projects, strict control of the national carbon emission trading market, strict management of key energy-using and carbon emission units, etc. When conditions are ripe, the requirements of carbon emission control in key industries will be incorporated into the comprehensive evaluation index system of carbon peak and carbon neutralization.

5. Improving the management system

of energy conservation and carbon reduction in enterprises (9) Improving the management system of key energy-using and carbon-emitting units. To formulate and revise carbon emission accounting rules and standards for enterprises in key industries such as electric power, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, petrochemical and chemical industries. To formulate and promulgate energy conservation and carbon reduction management measures for key energy-using and carbon emission units, incorporate carbon emission control requirements into the current management system of key energy-using units, promote the implementation of energy conservation and carbon reduction management requirements for key energy-using and carbon emission units, and strengthen the equipment, verification and calibration of energy and carbon emission measuring instruments.

(10) Give full play to the regulatory role of market mechanism. We will improve the regulatory mechanism of the national carbon emissions trading market, gradually expand the coverage of the industry, explore the mechanism of paid allocation of quotas, improve the level of reporting and verification, and promote the reduction of carbon emissions by compliant enterprises. We will improve the national greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction trading market, gradually expand the areas of support, and promote a wider range of emission reduction. We will accelerate the improvement of the green certificate trading market and promote the consumption of green electricity.

6. Carry out carbon emission assessment

of fixed assets investment projects (11) Improve the energy conservation review system of fixed assets investment projects. Incorporate the relevant requirements of carbon emission assessment into the energy conservation review of fixed assets investment projects, carry out comprehensive evaluation of project energy use and carbon emissions, and take the relevant review and evaluation opinions as an important basis for the start of construction, completion acceptance and operation management of fixed assets investment projects.

(Twelve) improve the environmental impact assessment system for construction projects. Incorporate greenhouse gas emission control into environmental impact assessment, predict and evaluate greenhouse gas emissions and emission levels of construction projects, carry out environmental impact assessment of greenhouse gas emissions in key industries such as electric power, iron and steel, building materials, non-ferrous metals, petrochemical and chemical industries, and strengthen coordinated control of pollution reduction and carbon reduction. To formulate technical specifications for environmental impact assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from construction projects in key industries and improve the technical system for environmental impact assessment.

7. Accelerate the establishment of product carbon footprint management system

(13) Formulate product carbon footprint accounting rules and standards. To formulate and issue national standards such as general rules for quantification of product carbon footprint, and to clarify and unify the requirements for product carbon footprint accounting principles, accounting methods and data quality. In accordance with the principle of urgent use first, we will focus on key products such as electricity, fuel, steel, electrolytic aluminium, cement, fertilizer, hydrogen, lime, glass, ethylene, synthetic ammonia, calcium carbide, methanol, coal chemical industry, power batteries, photovoltaics, new energy vehicles, electronics and electrical appliances, and organize relevant industry associations, enterprises and research institutes to formulate and publish industry standards or group standards for product carbon footprint accounting.

(14) Strengthen the construction of carbon footprint background database. We will accelerate the construction of a national greenhouse gas emission factor database, establish a regular update and release mechanism, and provide benchmark data for local and enterprise carbon footprint accounting. Industry authorities and conditional areas can build carbon footprint background databases for key industries according to their needs, and encourage relevant industry associations, enterprises and scientific research institutions to explore the construction of carbon footprint background databases for products in the field of subdivision industries.

(Fifteen) establish a product carbon label certification system. To formulate management measures for product carbon labeling certification, develop relevant national standards for carbon labeling, organize qualified cities to focus on key products to carry out pilot tests, and encourage enterprises to carry out product carbon labeling certification in accordance with market principles.

8. Organizing and implementing

all regions and relevant departments should thoroughly implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, speed up the construction of a dual-control system for carbon emissions, refine the implementation plan in accordance with the actual situation, firmly promote key tasks in accordance with the division of responsibilities, and continuously consolidate the work foundation. The National Development and Reform Commission should earnestly fulfill the coordination responsibilities of "double carbon", strengthen dispatch, supervision and implementation, strengthen forward-looking policy research, timely optimize relevant tasks and measures, make up for the shortcomings of the system, and work with relevant departments to strengthen publicity, interpretation and education and training. Timely request for instructions and report on major matters.

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This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.