
2017-12-18 15:07:38




  欧洲水泥市场最吸引眼球的就是意大利,意大利市场近几年水泥生产企业间的并购交易不断,意大利水泥行业终于决心开始做出一些实际行动来改善该国长期低迷的水泥市场。图1显示出,意大利水泥行业的水泥消费强度在近年来出现了较大幅度的下降,反映出意大利建筑行业已经开始由新建转向修补。自2007年金融危机以来,意大利的水泥产量从2006年的4900万吨每年下降到了2015年的2100万吨/年。根据欧洲水泥协会(European Cement Association)的估算,意大利2016年的水泥消费量同比下降了4.7%,预计2017年还将进一步下降3%。低迷的市场也让意大利的水泥资产价格大幅度贬值,目前阶段可能是意大利水泥资产价格最低的时期,即将触底反弹。



  跨过意法边界,我们来看看另一边的法国。在经历了数年的回落后,2016年法国的水泥消费量开始回升。法国水泥工业工会(Syndicat Fran?ais de l’industrie Cimentière)预计2017年法国的水泥消费量将增长到1810万吨。几乎市场上所有的主要水泥生产商都一致认为,法国市场正在复苏。水泥行业也开始了新一轮的项目投资,例如拉法基豪瑞就在Martres水泥厂新修建了一条的孰料生产线,欧洲几大知名水泥设备生产企业也表示收到了许多来自法国的设备订单。








  除了中印,其它几大水泥市场的表现也各不相同。2017年上半年,美国水泥产量略微下降1.2%只3580万吨,尽管表现低于波特兰水泥协会(PCA)的预期,但是协会仍然表示2017年下半年和2018年美国的水泥消费量将实现增长。波特兰水泥协会的首席经济学家艾德.沙利文(Ed Sullivan)在出席2017年IEEE-IAS/PCA水泥行业会议上总结了美国水泥行业目前的困境:“毫无疑问特朗普的政策将影响水到美国水泥行业,但是这种影响具体是什么谁也不知道。”

  与此同时,巴西则在继续遭受水泥生产和销售下滑的困局。2017年上半年,巴西水泥产量下降了6%到2670万吨,销售额也在逐步下降。然而,巴西水泥协会(SNIC)的保罗 .卡米罗.彭娜(Paulo Camillo Penna)在评论2017年9月的数据时说,同2016年相比,巴西水泥产量下降的趋势正在放缓,2018年预计将会取得一些进展。




  对于水泥生产商,毫无疑问需要关注排行第一第二的跨国巨头,不仅仅是因为他们的体量,也是因为它们参与更多的市场,能更好的反应出总体的情况。拉法基这两年一直在应对此前并购遗留的各种问题,努力将原拉法基和原豪瑞在各个市场的生产销售系统打通。通过资产出售等拉法基豪瑞在不断的瘦身,期望通过合理的瘦身保留更加优质的资产,提高企业的盈利能力,然而从2016年和2017年拉法基豪瑞发布的年报来看,似乎并不那么乐观,增长仍然异常艰辛。除了需要应对股东对提高盈利能力的压力,去年爆出的拉法基叙利亚丑闻也让公司高层们焦头烂额,尽管之前的调查发现拉法基豪瑞前首席执行官埃里克.奥尔森 (Eric Olsen)和该事件并无关系,甚至都不曾知晓该事件,但是其仍然被迫辞去了CEO的职务,也有市场分析人士猜测这可能是合并双方激烈斗争的结果。新上任的CEO Jan Jenisch将要面临非常大的挑战。




  这种增长的停滞在其他更小一些的跨国公司身上也可以看得出来,例如西麦斯就是这个方面的一个典型例子。尽管按照原本的预期,印度的UltraTech在收购了Jiprakash Associates的2100万吨水泥产能后应该获益巨大,然而印度总理莫迪的废大钞政策和印度不断上涨的燃料成本把UltraTech打的一个措手不及,目前其利润不升反降。未来水泥生产商的数量还会进一步降低,具体的企业经营效益表现很大程度上取决的企业所处的市场,例如,巴西的沃特兰亭和菲律宾的鹰牌水泥,一个处于衰退的巴西,一个则处于目前经济蓬勃发展的菲律宾,鹰牌的表现远超过沃特兰亭。





  尽管水泥产量不断地下降,许多市场仍存在很多不确定性,跨国水泥企业的销售增长缓慢,但是前景仍然可能没有大家预期的那样糟糕。欧洲市场在长达多年的停滞后终于开始有所复苏,南美部分市场也表现的非常优秀,北美市场即使增长低于预期,也仍然取得了非常好的成绩,巴基斯坦的基础设施建设正在如火如荼的展开,非洲国家的经济增长普遍较好,因此那些参与全球布局的跨国企业的优势将逐渐回归。这也是为什么现阶段合并和收购潮涌现的原因,随着时间的推移,合并带来的协同回报即将逐步显现,至少在理论上应是如此。不过我们对未来仍然要保持一丝谨慎,就如同物理学家尼尔斯.玻尔 (Niels Bohr)所说:“预测是非常困难的,尤其是关于未来的。”

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On January 15, the Tianshan Material 2025 Working Conference and the Second Session of the First Workers'Congress were held in Shanghai. Zhou Yuxian, Secretary and Chairman of the Party Committee of China Building Material Group and Secretary and Chairman of the Party Committee of China Building Material Co., Ltd., attended the meeting and made an important speech. Wei Rushan, Standing Committee and Deputy General Manager of the Party Committee of China Building Material Group, Deputy Secretary and President of the Party Committee of China Building Material Group, and Liu Yan, Standing Committee of the Party Committee of China Building Material Group and former Chairman of Tianshan Materials, attended the meeting and put forward work requirements. Zhao Xinjun, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board of Directors and President of Tianshan Materials, made a speech entitled Facing Difficulties Concentrate on improving quality and efficiency, reform and innovation to promote the company's high quality

2025-01-16 15:38:08

At present, many industries in our country appear market involution, and enterprises are also fighting price war, which seriously affects the profits of enterprises, but also affects the stock prices of many listed companies. Although the occurrence of large-scale industry involution is related to the overcapacity of the industry, it is also related to the competitive concept of enterprises, the low-price bidding of the industry and the blind low-price competition. Therefore, how to carry out healthy competition, how to overcome industry involution, how to carry out reasonable pricing, these are the problems we must face and solve.

2024-12-24 18:33:47

Li Yeqing reviewed the contribution of Huaxin Cement to the cause of standardization and emphasized the importance of standardization to the development of the industry. He said that Huaxin Cement is actively promoting green, low-carbon and intelligent transformation, leading the development of industry standardization through technological innovation. Huaxin Cement will uphold an open attitude, be willing to share the achievements of standardization construction with all partners, jointly meet the challenges, and promote China's cement industry to occupy a more favorable position in the global competition.

2024-12-19 14:46:16

At the meeting, Yan Haochun brought the theme report "Dream of Blue Sky: Exploring the Green Footprint of Cement Industry in the Context of Carbon Market". She pointed out that the cement industry faced the risk of rising costs in the context of the carbon market.

2024-11-01 16:10:56

However, it should be noted that brand promotion is not achieved overnight, but requires years or even decades of efforts. Our primary service offering is pricing strategies for large and mid-sized businesses to improve margins and achieve growth. The profit is equal to the price times the sales volume minus the cost. According to our research, there is a tenfold relationship between pricing and profit, while there is only a sixfold relationship between cost and sales volume, because when sales volume increases, the corresponding cost will also rise. We support Chinese enterprises to improve their profits, because only profits are the key to the survival of enterprises.

2024-10-12 13:16:50

On October 2, China Building Materials Group and Dangote Group formally signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement in Lagos, Nigeria. Zhou Yuxian, Chairman of China Building Material Group, and Aliko, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dangote Group Dangote attended the signing ceremony and delivered a speech. Zhi Xiao, Assistant General Manager of China Building Material Group and Chairman of China Building Material Institute, and Olakunle Alake, Vice President of Dangote Group Sign the agreement on behalf of both parties. Looking back on the 16-year cooperation between the two sides, China Building Materials Group and Dangote Group have signed more than 20 contracts with a total contract value of more than 5 billion US dollars.

2024-10-05 13:56:18

As the world's largest manufacturer of building materials and the world's leading developer and integrated service provider of new materials, China Building Materials Group is not only a technology-based company, but also an industrial company serving the world, as well as an international company with deep cooperation and win-win future, and is currently striving to build a world-class industry. It is willing to contribute the wisdom, plan and strength of Chinese building materials to the development of Saudi Arabia.

2024-09-27 15:17:29

This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.

2024-09-16 10:19:30

In the first half of 2024, affected by multiple factors such as the slowdown of national macroeconomic growth, the deep adjustment of real estate and the slowdown of capital construction, the company's operation was under deep pressure, and the three major businesses were facing an unprecedentedly severe and complex situation.

2024-07-19 13:19:57

China Building Materials Group is the only central enterprise in the field of building materials in China, and is also the leader of the central enterprise in scientific and technological innovation and the construction of a modern industrial system. How will it develop new quality productivity?

2024-03-06 21:48:14

From February 21 to 22, the 2024 Working Conference of Sinoma Construction and the Third Session of the Third Workers'Congress were held in Beijing.

2024-02-26 10:48:38

The author believes that the expansion of the "concrete city" model also reflects the change of the unequal relationship between the North and the South in the world. In the past, multinational companies grabbed a lot of investment and trade gains, but under the new capitalism of "combination of government and business" in Africa, local political and business elites have risen and formed alliance networks, among which the best have even begun to launch reverse m ergers and reshape "North-South relations". With the retreat of neoliberal influence, a new governance model seems to be emerging in West Africa: the government centralizes the promotion of infrastructure projects, enterprises respond to the call to speed up the landing, and the people vote according to the results of their achievements.

2024-02-07 09:41:37

2023 is an extremely difficult and difficult year for New Tianshan Cement. Influenced by multiple factors such as weak social expectations, slowing investment growth and deep adjustment of real estate, the company's three main businesses are facing a severe and complex situation, the contradiction between supply and demand is more acute, and the industry ecology has experienced unprecedented impact.

2024-01-17 13:31:09

Looking forward to 2024, we will continue to carry out the mission of materials to create a better world and work together to create a better future!

2024-01-10 09:43:01


2023-12-29 15:02:54


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2023-12-09 14:42:58


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2023-04-20 09:29:07


2023-04-11 15:28:45


2023-01-15 13:55:06


2023-01-13 14:38:42


2022-11-21 10:18:21


2022-11-02 10:06:51


2022-09-26 21:34:56


2022-07-21 09:22:50


2022-07-18 10:47:28


2022-06-06 15:12:29


2022-05-26 14:57:20


2022-05-26 14:15:00


2022-05-18 16:13:24


2022-04-25 19:34:40


2022-04-19 16:59:20


2022-04-07 09:57:01


2022-04-01 09:05:46


2022-03-17 17:00:55

“水泥将如何转变,被环境主义者视为‘祸害’的水泥,或许会变成减缓全球气候变暖的好帮手”。这是英国《经济学人》The Economist杂志2021年11月6~12日周刊 第 67~69页上一篇题为“绿色混凝土”文章中的第一句话。笔者认为这是一篇有灼见的文章,其概括面广,信息量大,归纳得顺理成章。值得注意的是,它提出了一个“水泥可以由“祸害”变成好帮手”的新观点,发人深思,颇受启迪。故此笔者特将其翻译校核, 增补了不少重要信息,尤其是中国的最新情况,突出主题,重新撰写成此文,供我国水泥混凝土界同好共享。

2022-01-23 09:55:19


2022-01-04 09:58:17


2021-12-31 09:36:21


2021-12-31 09:05:27


2021-12-10 16:06:19


2021-11-22 18:45:25


2021-09-15 14:12:50


2021-07-29 09:26:51


2021-07-24 14:00:05


2021-06-30 15:17:42


2021-06-05 16:09:25

Anhui Bengbu Area Cement Price Reduction