New Tianshan Cement 2024 Working Conference Held in Shanghai

2024-01-17 13:31:09

2023 is an extremely difficult and difficult year for New Tianshan Cement. Influenced by multiple factors such as weak social expectations, slowing investment growth and deep adjustment of real estate, the company's three main businesses are facing a severe and complex situation, the contradiction between supply and demand is more acute, and the industry ecology has experienced unprecedented impact.

On January 16, the New Tianshan Cement 2024 Working Conference was held in Shanghai. Zhou Yuxian, Secretary and Chairman of the Party Committee of China Building Material Group and Secretary and Chairman of the Party Committee of China Building Material Co., Ltd., attended the meeting and made an important speech. Wei Rushan, Standing Committee and Deputy General Manager of the Party Committee of China Building Material Group, Deputy Secretary and President of the Party Committee of China Building Material Co., Ltd., attended the meeting and put forward work requirements. Zhao Xinjun, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of China Building Materials Co., Ltd., Secretary and President of the Party Committee of New Tianshan Cement Co., Ltd., made a report on the work of 2023 entitled "Striving for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Deepening Cooperation and Practicing Internal Skills to Create a New Situation of High-quality Development". The meeting was chaired by Liu Yan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of China National Building Material Co., Ltd. and Chairman of New Tianshan Cement.

2023 is an extremely difficult and difficult year for New Tianshan Cement. Influenced by multiple factors such as weak social expectations, slowing investment growth and deep adjustment of real estate, the company's three main businesses are facing a severe and complex situation, the contradiction between supply and demand is more acute, and the industry ecology has experienced unprecedented impact. Faced with difficulties and challenges, New Tianshan Cement strictly implements the principles, policies and work arrangements of China's building materials, all cadres and staff keep a close eye on the goal of "one benefit and five rates", pay close attention to the ecological construction of the industry externally, continue to deepen the three-fine management internally, greatly reduce manufacturing costs, achieve remarkable results in cost control, make progress in transformation and development, and build the Party. Commercial mixing business outperformed the market, aggregate efficiency increased steadily, and the overall operation quality improved significantly.

Zhou Yuxian made a speech

. Zhou Yuxian fully affirmed the work of New Tianshan Cement in 2023, highlighting four highlights: First, the results of cost reduction and efficiency enhancement are obvious; The second is the orderly promotion of reorganization and integration; the third is the bright spot of reform and development; the fourth is the cohesion of Party building. He analyzed the problems existing in the development of New Tianshan Cement and pointed out in a highly general way that all the problems can be attributed to the slow transformation and upgrading and the lack of endogenous power. If New Tianshan Cement wants to get out of adversity, it must break away from the inherent practices and promote innovation with open ideas and innovative thinking. In order to achieve high-quality development in the basic building materials sector, we need to focus on three things: first, we need new momentum from new quality productivity, second, we need new vitality from deepening reform, and third, we need a new atmosphere from strengthening Party building. For the work in 2024, Zhou Yuxian hopes that Xintianshan Cement can work together to cope with the development trend of transformation and upgrading with a more open attitude and a calmer mind, hold high the banner of ecological construction in the industry, at the same time, firmly practice internal skills, adhere to both internal and external training, and continue to maintain a good momentum of cost reduction. Breakthroughs have been made in cement +, double carbon, internationalization, digital transformation and other aspects, and efforts have been made to maximize the value of assets, so as to better fulfill or even exceed the target tasks for the whole year of 2024.

Wei Rushan's work requirements

Wei Rushan affirmed the achievements of New Tianshan Cement in 2023: First, remarkable achievements have been made in reducing costs and increasing efficiency, and the comparable manufacturing costs of cement and commercial mixing have reached the largest decline in history; Second, the business restructuring of the basic building materials segment was carried out in an orderly manner, and the No.1 Project helped the basic building materials segment to further form a synergy; third, the tail-warping factor was constantly consolidated, the proportion of "cement +" revenue and profit contribution was constantly increased, the professional management adjustment of commercial mixing enterprises achieved remarkable results, and the dual carbon and internationalization achieved phased results. With regard to the work in 2024, he asked New Tianshan Cement to follow the working principles of "Ten Questions on High-quality Development" of Chairman Yuxian and "Five Persistences" of General Manager Li Xinhua at the annual meeting of the Group last week, and to transform them into three aspects of work arrangements for the next step in light of its own reality: First, we should adhere to quality and efficiency, keep a close eye on the budget, face challenges and fight hard battles for steady growth; Second, we should adhere to optimization and upgrading, advance and retreat integration, grasp the tail, and enhance sustainable competitiveness in the process of transformation. Third, we should adhere to reform and innovation, concentrate on continuous breakthroughs, and maximize the vitality of enterprises.

Zhao Xinjun made a work report

in which he comprehensively reviewed and summarized the work and achievements of New Tianshan Cement in 2023. He pointed out that 2024 is the third year of the integration of the new Tianshan cement business, the breakthrough year of the company's innovation and entrepreneurship, and the key year of deepening synergy. Make full use of its own scale advantages, industrial chain advantages, group resources and technological advantages, and make every effort to promote the company's high-quality development. With regard to the work in 2024, Zhao Xinjun has arranged four aspects of work: first, focus on the "three main lines" and make every effort to enhance the basic competitiveness; second, grasp the "six accelerations" and make every effort to enhance the ability of sustainable development; third, promote the "three enhancements" and "three improvements" and make every effort to enhance the effectiveness of operational management and control; fourth, strengthen the overall leadership of the Party and lead the high-quality development with high-quality Party building.

Liu Yan presided over the meeting and made a summary

of the meeting. Liu Yan made a summary of the meeting and put forward three suggestions on the implementation of the work after the meeting: First, enterprises at all levels are required to strengthen their study and understanding of the spirit of the speeches made by the leaders of the Group and the joint-stock company. In combination with the annual work report of New Tianshan Cement and the 3633 Action Plan, Second, we should make a smooth start, focus on the key tasks at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, implement the spirit of the Eight Provisions of the Central Committee, and lay a good foundation for the whole year's work; Third, the achievements in 2023 are not easy to come by. In 2024, we still need to work hard, innovate and start businesses, deepen coordination and practice hard, strive to achieve the goals and tasks of the whole year, and make greater contributions to building the group company into a world-class material industry investment group with global competitiveness.

At the meeting, Sui Yumin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of New Tianshan Cement, read out a commendation document, commending 76 advanced collectives and 314 advanced individuals. Four enterprises of Xinjiang Cement, East China Material, Southern Cement and Qilian Mountain Cement exchanged their experiences respectively. He Xiaolong, Vice President of New Tianshan Cement, released the MVP Action Plan for Financial Integration of New Tianshan Cement Industry, and Jiang Dehong, Vice President and Chief Engineer of New Tianshan Cement, made a special exchange on double carbon. Zhang Hua, General Manager of Investment and Capital Operation Department of

China Building Material Group, Shao Xiaoyang, General Manager of Company Management Department, Liu Shuai, Director of Office of China Building Material Co., Ltd., Wang Hailong, Minister of Organizational Department of Party Committee/General Manager of Human Resources Department, and Liu Xiaofeng, Vice General Manager of International Cooperation Department (presiding over the work), attended the meeting. The leading group, middle-level cadres and all staff of the headquarters of New Tianshan Cement, the leading group and middle-level cadres of Ningxia Building Materials and 17 regional companies, and the party and government groups of member enterprises participated in the meeting through on-site or video.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.