
2022-11-03 09:56:12



在《若干意见》附件1《冶金、建材重点行业严格能效约束推动节能降碳行动方案(2021-2025 年)》中明确:水泥熟料能效标杆水平为100千克标准煤/吨。标杆水平相当于日前开始实施《水泥单位产品能源消耗限额(GB16780-2021)》能耗限额等级1级。


今年2月,国家发展改革委等四部委局下发《高耗能行业重点领域节能降碳改造升级实施指南(2022年版)》。在“水泥行业节能降碳改造升级实施指南”明确的工作目标为,到 2025 年,水泥行业能效标杆水平以上的熟料产能比例达到30%,能效基准水平以下熟料产能基本清零,行业节能降碳效果显著,绿色低碳发展能力大幅增强。



国家有关部门提出的水泥行业能效标杆水平(以及基准水平)针对的对象是水泥熟料项目。该市按《产业发展与转移指导目录(2018 年本)》属于“引导不再承接水泥产业转移”的省市之一,且在本市地域内水泥熟料生产线早已关停。曾经筹划结合废弃物处置的水泥熟料生产线项目前期工作也早早下马。




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Based on the market situation of the cement industry and the demand for high-quality and low-carbon development of Conch Cement, Conch will strengthen the research and development of technologies such as energy saving and carbon reduction, green environmental protection, clean energy and low-carbon cement. The main research directions of Conch's scientific and technological innovation in the future are as follows: 1. Research and development project of raw material and fuel substitution in the cement industry; 2. Research and development project of cement clinker quality improvement; 3. Energy-saving and carbon-reducing technical equipment R & D project; 4. Clean and green energy R & D and manufacturing project; 5. Future carbon technology industry exploration project.

2024-11-02 16:34:25

In this journey of green transformation, the cement industry is firmly moving towards a low-carbon future, from technological innovation to management optimization, from the application of clean energy to the promotion of alternative fuels, each initiative is depicting a new journey for the industry. Let us work hand in hand to lead the wave of emission reduction with innovation, fulfill the green mission with practical actions, write a brilliant chapter of green and low-carbon development of the cement industry, and contribute to the construction of a beautiful earth.

2024-10-31 09:43:57

Although the road of carbon emission reduction in the cement industry is full of challenges, through continuous technological innovation and industry practice such as "steel slag phase-separated clinker", we have reason to believe that the cement industry can surpass the "face-saving project", realize the real green transformation, explore a sustainable road of cement concrete development, and leave a cleaner and sustainable earth for future generations.

2024-09-24 14:31:59

The cement industry will soon be incorporated into the carbon trading market, and the importance of green low-carbon transformation has become increasingly apparent. In response to the policy guidance, China Cement Network will hold the "2024 China Cement Double Carbon Conference and the 12th Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference" in Wuhu Conch International Hotel on October 24-25. The conference will focus on the core issues of low-carbon development and green upgrading in the cement industry, discuss the application of energy efficiency improvement and energy-saving and carbon reduction technologies, and how the cement industry can use the carbon trading mechanism to promote its low-carbon transformation.

2024-09-04 15:34:06

Gathering the wisdom of the four seas, condensing the strength of the heroes, the two-day conference is full of dry goods, which will surely make every guest return with a full load, turn pressure into power, and jointly promote the new journey of ultra-low emission transformation of Zhejiang cement industry towards brilliance!

2024-07-24 15:09:50

On July 23-24, the "Zhejiang Cement Industry Ultra-low Emission Transformation and Assessment Monitoring Training Conference and Cement Industry High-quality Development Exchange Conference" will be held in Hangzhou.

2024-06-25 14:32:59

What is the driving force for the development of the next curve of the cement industry? Through the transformation and development of new quality productivity, the second curve of cement industry will be created to achieve a new leap forward in economic and social benefits.

2024-06-19 09:24:26

On June 13, the 11th China Cement Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference and Equipment Renewal Forum, sponsored by China Cement Network, was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

2024-06-13 16:36:33

It is not a day's work for the cement industry to reduce carbon. It needs to start from technology, raw materials, fuel, production management and policy response to form a comprehensive strategy to promote the industry's transformation to low carbon and contribute to the global carbon neutrality goal.

2024-06-03 10:04:44

According to the price of admixtures and the manufacturing cost of clinker in different places, there will be great differences.

2024-05-23 11:35:03

By 2027, the proportion of key industries reaching the benchmark level of energy efficiency will exceed 30%, and the requirement of eliminating and withdrawing production capacity below the benchmark level of energy efficiency is a tight time and heavy task for the cement industry. Therefore, for these enterprises whose energy efficiency is not up to the standard, they should seize the time to carry out energy-saving transformation, otherwise they will face the risk of being eliminated.

2024-05-15 11:49:26

Especially in the past two years, due to the sharp decline in profits in the cement industry, many enterprises have encountered one of the biggest obstacles in upgrading and transformation is the shortage of funds. Therefore, cement enterprises should seize this opportunity.

2024-05-11 11:01:06

Let's look back on those historical moments that have gathered wisdom and stirred up thinking!

2024-05-09 10:19:56

China Cement Network will hold the "11th China Cement Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference-Equipment Renewal Forum" in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province on June 13-14.

2024-05-07 15:00:43

The voice of cement price is not decided by small enterprises, nor in the hands of large enterprises.

2024-05-07 13:59:52

Can this push up be implemented? According to the communication between China Cement Network and local cement enterprises, the difficulty of price implementation in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is quite different.

2024-04-29 17:45:49

China Cement Network will hold the "11th China Cement Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference-Equipment Renewal Forum" in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province on June 13-14.

2024-04-29 09:09:37

Tao Congxi mainly analyzed the current situation of carbon emission in cement industry, the technical path of carbon emission reduction at home and abroad, the "3C" carbon neutralization technology in cement industry, and the "3C" carbon neutralization practice cases in cement industry.

2024-04-03 13:58:22

On March 28, the 13th China Cement Industry Summit and TOP100 Award Ceremony hosted by China Cement Network was held grandly.

2024-03-28 18:30:58

The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region recently issued the Action Plan for Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, which aims to significantly improve the energy efficiency level of key industries in the region by 2025. The plan calls for energy-intensive industries such as building materials to adopt advanced technology and management improvements to improve energy efficiency, and to promote key low-carbon technologies and energy-saving equipment. Especially in the cement industry, energy-saving technology and intelligent system should be adopted in an all-round way to reduce energy consumption. At present, the energy consumption per unit product of many cement enterprises in Xinjiang has not yet reached the benchmark level, and they are facing the arduous task of clearing the inefficient production capacity.

2024-03-12 10:40:31


2023-11-29 18:41:40


2023-11-13 14:11:28


2023-11-02 10:56:17


2023-08-25 08:51:35


2023-08-04 10:10:06


2023-07-08 14:37:05


2023-07-05 15:33:49


2023-06-09 13:59:49


2023-06-01 15:05:00


2023-05-26 09:43:56


2023-05-22 10:27:46


2023-03-16 18:08:34


2023-03-15 17:54:48


2023-02-24 14:03:03


2023-01-27 17:54:13


2023-01-03 09:36:41


2022-11-03 09:56:12


2022-09-08 09:15:26

2022年9月1日,由中国水泥网主办的“第九届中国水泥节能环保技术交流大会暨水泥‘双碳’大会”在安徽芜湖召开,此次会议以“节能降碳 创新增效 绿色升级”为主题。

2022-09-01 20:20:44


2022-08-01 17:16:34


2022-07-15 09:05:35


2022-06-21 15:45:32


2022-05-30 09:13:07


2022-04-22 11:26:50


2022-04-22 10:53:29


2022-03-04 16:52:58


2022-01-04 09:20:54


2021-12-18 17:14:07


2021-12-07 09:53:01

中国水泥网将于2021年12月21-22日,在安徽芜湖海螺大酒店举办以“节能降碳 创新增效 绿色升级”为主题的“第九届中国水泥节能环保技术交流大会暨水泥‘双碳’大会”。

2021-11-29 16:45:38

According to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Xinjiang Qingsong Building Materials and Hetian Qingsong Cement Clinker Construction Project Capacity Replacement Scheme has been announced, and no objection has been received, which has been officially announced.