河南:房地产形势下滑 水泥行业亟需压力之下求生存

2022-01-13 15:19:34



















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According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, the implementation of the rebound in cement prices in the Pearl River Delta region of central and southern Guangdong is not optimistic, and the Guangxi region is tepid. The market prices of the two lakes are basically stable, and there is a decline in some areas. Leading enterprises in Guangdong try to restore the price of cement, but under the influence of high temperature weather, the actual effect is not good. The rain weather in Guangxi is decreasing, the market demand is limited, the price is stable, and the local market is falling. Cement prices in Hubei are stable, and high temperatures affect demand. The Hunan area continues the high temperature, the demand is weak, the partial price falls. Affected by rainfall, the market demand in Henan is not good, and the price is stable.

2024-08-09 17:12:17

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the price of cement in the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong in central and southern China has recovered by 10-15 yuan/ton, and the quotation in Guangxi is temporarily stable. Prices in some areas of the two lakes have fallen in the early stage, and the overall market is mainly stable this week.

2024-08-02 17:16:26

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center news, Guangdong, Hubei individual market notice to raise cement prices by 30-50 yuan/ton, the implementation remains to be observed. Cement quotations in other areas are basically stable and small.

2024-07-26 16:42:59

According to China Cement Market Data Center, the actual turnover of cement in Guangdong and Guangxi local markets fell slightly by 10-20 yuan/ton this week, but the overall quotation of large factories stabilized. Cement prices in many places in the two lakes have fallen back to the level before the rise.

2024-07-19 17:14:59

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the price of cement in Guangdong and Guangxi markets has been stable this week, and the price in Hainan has fallen sharply. Prices in Hubei are mainly stable, while prices in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan are falling.

2024-07-12 17:23:24

Rainwater in the south has decreased recently, but the growth rate of downstream construction demand is limited, and the price of concrete is mainly stable. From June 27th to July 3rd, the national concrete price index closed at 117.92 points, and the ring ratio remained stable.

2024-07-05 17:34:54

Under the leadership of Dong Shihong, Shijing Science and Technology has never forgotten its original intention of "green", firmly anchored the concept of green development in the torrent of the development of the times, and painted a magnificent and vibrant panorama of green ecological industry with practical actions.

2024-06-20 09:47:34

On June 13, the 11th China Cement Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference and Equipment Renewal Forum, sponsored by China Cement Network, was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

2024-06-13 16:36:33

Cement enterprises that fail to carry out ultra-low emission transformation as expected and have poor environmental performance have the risk of closure and elimination.

2024-05-28 09:54:34

Affected by insufficient infrastructure support and the continuous downturn of real estate, the demand of cement industry continued to be weak throughout the year. In 2023, the national cement output was 2.023 billion tons, down 5% from the same period last year. Under the influence of the decline in demand, the contradiction of excess capacity was further intensified, the market competition was extremely fierce, the price of cement dropped significantly, the industry profit shrank sharply again, the annual profit dropped by more than 50%, the development of the cement industry entered an unprecedented difficult period, and many companies suffered heavy losses.

2024-05-23 14:01:48

How is the cement industry in Hubei? Faced with the current situation, what are the views of cement enterprises in the region?

2024-05-23 13:38:17

"In the first quarter of this year, the demand for cement was the worst season in my career for so many years, except for the year of epidemic prevention and control," said the sales director of a cement enterprise in western Henan.

2024-05-10 18:12:59

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the demand in many places is not good, and the price of cement is under pressure.

2024-04-08 10:15:54

At present, the cement industry is facing serious internal and external troubles, which can be said to be "the autumn of life and death".

2024-04-02 17:13:02

On March 29, the "2024 13th China Cement Industry Summit Main Forum and TOP100 Award Ceremony" was held grandly.

2024-03-29 18:00:30

Under the background of such a complex and severe cement market, how can the cement industry survive and develop next? The participants had a heated discussion.

2024-03-28 21:39:54

According to the market data of China Cement Net, the cement price in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region was stable as a whole this week. Leading enterprises in Shijiazhuang and surrounding areas of Hebei Province recently called for an increase of 50 yuan/ton, but the current demand is not high, new orders are few, and the price increase has not been implemented.

2024-01-19 14:38:06

CNBM is a comprehensive building materials enterprise, and the aggregate business is an extension of the cement business of the company's basic building materials sector.

2024-01-03 11:33:34


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2023-06-30 17:16:52

由孙中山大元帅府纪念馆打造的原创展览 " 中国第一家官办水泥厂——广东士敏土厂简史 " 近日在该馆北楼一楼正式对外开放

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2023-06-02 16:42:21


2023-05-26 16:26:22


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2023-03-14 23:17:32

Municipal ecological environment departments timely publicize and interpret the requirements of inefficient and ineffective pollution control facilities and monitoring and control systems for enterprises within their jurisdiction, and organize enterprises to complete self-examination by the end of October 2024. In view of the problems found in the self-examination, enterprises should formulate rectification measures and actively promote rectification.