
2015-07-10 09:04:26




  近期位于塞内加尔的ALiko Dangote 新的日产4000吨的生产线开始投产运营。除了遍及13个国家的水泥业务以外,尼日利亚商业巨头Dangote已与美国私募股权投资公司Blackstone Group和 Carlyle Groupxie签署了投资协议,以探索跨撒哈拉以南非洲地区的石油和天然气领域的机会。在尼日利亚,Dangote集团计划将建设一个处理65万桶原油及年产聚丙烯和聚乙烯的250万吨的原油精炼厂。在2014年年底,迪拜投资公司投资3亿美元于Dangote的水泥业务。拉法基非洲的首席财务官Anders Kristiansson曾表示,他很乐观地认为,该国水泥价格在年中时会再度攀升。2014年11月水泥价格下降了22%。在最近的一次采访中,Anders Kristiansson证实集团位于尼日利亚和南非的水泥产能将由目前的年产1200万吨增至2020年的2000万吨。同时,BUA Group提到其已经完成了在尼日利亚市场增加530万吨的计划。集团执行董事Yusuf Binji,声称随着Okpella工厂的全国运行,尼日利亚的水泥年产能将从3000万吨提升至3500万吨。

  由于经济增长乏力、电力短缺及竞争剧烈等原因,南非最大水泥企业PPC的运营依然困难重重,有关于它在卢旺达、津巴布韦、埃塞俄比亚和刚果民主共和国活动的正面报道。公司增加了其在埃塞俄比亚Habesha水泥的股权,合并的Safika水泥在津巴布韦和博茨瓦纳呈现增长。在2015年4月,报道的与AfriSam合并的提案已经失败。在喀麦隆Dangote 水泥年产150万吨的Doula工厂,已于2014年投产,终于在今年2月开始生产。这将使喀麦隆国内年水泥产量提升至360万吨,包括来自摩洛哥Cimaf的50万吨及拉法基的子公司Cimencam的160万吨。




  今年早些时候,据allAfrica报道,由Sheikh Fahad Al Thani率领的一个卡塔尔商业团参观在埃塞俄比亚的各种投资项目,并有计划推出价值5亿美元的四大投资项目。其中就包括在Dire Dawa建设一个水泥工厂。埃塞俄比亚是非洲成为增长最快的经济体之一。该国有铁路、公路、大坝项目可提供可靠的运输和廉价的电力。该国目前正在参与一个50亿美元的电力项目,建成后将产生6000兆瓦的电力以供国内使用和出口。

  埃及近年来遭受长期的电力短缺,一直在努力满足国内需求。一些国内水泥企业积极推进设备改造,以适应进口煤所产生的能源对设备的要求。价格高位和能源短缺抑制了工业品的产出。令人鼓舞的消息是,俄罗斯已经签署了一项在亚历山大以西168公里处的EI-Dabaa建设一个核电厂的协议。两国之间的另一项交易是在沿苏伊士运河(Suez Canal)建立俄罗斯工业区。总部位于阿布扎比的开发商Eagle Hills计划投资8000万美元在首府Cairo附近建设一个新的城市,这将包括机场、商场、酒店、学校、医院以及私人住宅。

  尽管地区动荡不安,摩洛哥经济一直保持稳定增长,据世界银行预测至2020年其经济增速将保持在4.6%。摩洛哥政府希望再生能源能产生以已装机总能源产量的42%。大集团正在研究开发项目,以实现这一目标。其中一个主要的成员就是意大利水泥。它的目标是要达到,在中期,50兆瓦的全国装机容量。今年将完成在 Ait Baha水泥厂的太阳热能试点项目的第三个组成部分,其将每年产生1000兆瓦小时、节约800吨二氧化碳排放。Red Horse Cements Group 报道说,其今年进口到阿尔及利亚的水泥较2014年同期下降了21%。拉法基的新工厂Silas Biskia即将投产,同时阿尔及利亚水泥工业集团(GICA)欲提升在Ain Keira 和 Chlef的产量,计划新建两座水泥厂。

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In 2024, due to the downturn of real estate and the slowdown of infrastructure growth, the demand of domestic cement industry continued to shrink, the profits of the industry declined sharply, and enterprises generally faced the dilemma of overcapacity and intensified price war. In this context, leading enterprises such as Conch Cement, Jidong Cement and Huaxin Cement have listed overseas development as the core strategic direction in 2025.

2025-02-17 13:23:10

In 2024, Taiwan Cement has shown great determination and action in overseas expansion, and actively promoted its internationalization strategy.

2025-01-03 15:35:57

Whether Red Lion Group can use new ideas to break the current predicament of the domestic photovoltaic industry remains to be tested by time. But "cold winter" more than a year, suddenly appeared a new player to open the posture to attack, but also to add some sunshine to the industry.

2024-12-27 10:54:21

In this context, the 26th International Cement Technology and Equipment Exhibition will become an important platform to promote industry innovation, bringing together the world's top suppliers, displaying cutting-edge technology and equipment, and many conference activities will be carried out simultaneously during the exhibition, building a one-stop communication bridge for exhibitors and professional audiences, not only promoting domestic brands. It also helps overseas brands to enter China, thus building a more diversified and specialized global cement industry exchange platform.

2024-12-27 09:27:20

At present, many industries in our country appear market involution, and enterprises are also fighting price war, which seriously affects the profits of enterprises, but also affects the stock prices of many listed companies. Although the occurrence of large-scale industry involution is related to the overcapacity of the industry, it is also related to the competitive concept of enterprises, the low-price bidding of the industry and the blind low-price competition. Therefore, how to carry out healthy competition, how to overcome industry involution, how to carry out reasonable pricing, these are the problems we must face and solve.

2024-12-24 18:33:47

Li Yeqing, president of Huaxin Cement, mentioned in an investor relations event in the first half of this year that Huaxin Cement does not have too many restrictions on overseas development in the region, and the company will expand along a region, such as Africa in the recent stage, Asia is still looking for opportunities, and South America will go in the future. If Huaxin is committed to becoming a global multinational company, it will not stick to or be confined to a certain country or region.

2024-12-18 13:20:19

European cement prices may exceed 250 euros/ton.

2024-07-17 16:03:36

Taiwan's cement industry has experienced a complete life cycle from germination, growth, prosperity to recession. Study Taiwan cement industry from the development since demand drops period, have draw lessons from a meaning very much to market of current mainland cement.

2024-05-28 11:53:23

Chang An-ping believes that now, 200 years after the invention of Portland cement, there are only two kinds of cement industries left: those who are still waiting to see, those who are still fighting for production, and those who are looking forward to tomorrow, those who are determined to go all the way.

2024-05-24 09:30:01

After the completion of the transaction, Jidong Cement holds 100% equity interest in China-Africa Building Materials.

2024-04-28 17:33:55

In 2024, what are the development plans and layouts of the major cement enterprises in the market? According to the annual report of the enterprise, the following are arranged..

2024-04-03 13:45:12

Although the current "Belt and Road" countries still have a large market demand, they should also be alert to the hidden risks and challenges. Cement enterprises should not only learn to recognize gold, but also guard against dangerous reefs on the seabed.

2024-03-21 17:31:55

From the perspective of the main direction of going to sea, China's cement enterprises focus on the layout of Southeast Asia, Central Asia and other countries along the Belt and Road; from the perspective of the route of going to sea, most enterprises mainly build their own production lines.

2024-03-19 16:34:55

Under the support of the "one belt and one way" initiative, Chinese enterprises are still facing great opportunities to go out.

2024-02-21 09:05:11

The author believes that the expansion of the "concrete city" model also reflects the change of the unequal relationship between the North and the South in the world. In the past, multinational companies grabbed a lot of investment and trade gains, but under the new capitalism of "combination of government and business" in Africa, local political and business elites have risen and formed alliance networks, among which the best have even begun to launch reverse m ergers and reshape "North-South relations". With the retreat of neoliberal influence, a new governance model seems to be emerging in West Africa: the government centralizes the promotion of infrastructure projects, enterprises respond to the call to speed up the landing, and the people vote according to the results of their achievements.

2024-02-07 09:41:37


2023-12-06 17:15:23


2023-10-30 09:34:30


2023-10-26 10:13:41


2023-10-21 14:12:23


2023-10-18 15:24:37


2023-10-16 17:37:17


2023-10-10 16:08:11


2023-09-27 11:26:29


2023-08-31 17:04:49


2023-08-23 10:51:45


2023-08-07 16:59:35


2023-07-21 13:05:47


2023-04-07 16:42:07


2023-03-15 09:22:42


2023-03-02 09:41:36

11月4日,华新水泥总部的智能数字化监控室内,巨型屏幕上数据变幻,实时显示着全国14个省市和海外8个国家280多家分子公司的经营状况。 华新水泥党委书记、总裁李叶青介绍,凭借过硬的品牌实力,自2000年以来,华新水泥主要经济指标实现了年复合24%的增长。2021年,在“中国500强最具价值品牌”榜单,华新水泥以815.72亿元的品牌价值位列榜单第79位。

2022-11-09 10:54:04


2022-10-22 12:57:06


2022-10-09 10:51:19


2022-09-06 11:00:56


2022-04-21 09:48:49


2022-04-13 16:11:02


2022-03-04 11:30:23


2021-12-16 11:15:00


2021-11-26 10:23:13


2021-11-20 16:26:34


2021-07-01 09:24:31


2021-06-30 15:17:42


2021-06-22 09:17:07


2021-05-08 17:08:26


2021-04-01 15:15:53


2021-02-23 09:28:28


2020-12-09 15:59:08


2020-11-26 13:35:26


2020-10-31 14:35:12


2020-09-14 12:13:06

This week, the pace of downstream resumption of work in most regions of China is still relatively slow, coupled with the unstable support of the cost side, the price of concrete has declined steadily. From February 17 to February 21, the national concrete price index closed at 100.27 points, down 1.76% annually and 19.23% year-on-year.