
2023-10-13 18:09:15




中国和德国都致力于提高工业领域整体能效,促进工业节能减排,助力实现碳中和目标。德国承诺2045 年实现碳中和,并制定了一个具有约束力的目标,即到2030年终端能源消耗较2008年减少26.5%。中国承诺到2060年前实现碳中和,《“十四五”节能减排综合工作方案》提出到2025年,全国单位国内生产总值能源消耗比2020年下降13.5% 。提高能源效率,减少能源消费是以相对较低的成本减少碳排放的核心手段,其中高耗能行业的能效提高发挥着尤为重要的作用。因此,工业能效基准是本次研讨会的重点。  



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At present, many industries in our country appear market involution, and enterprises are also fighting price war, which seriously affects the profits of enterprises, but also affects the stock prices of many listed companies. Although the occurrence of large-scale industry involution is related to the overcapacity of the industry, it is also related to the competitive concept of enterprises, the low-price bidding of the industry and the blind low-price competition. Therefore, how to carry out healthy competition, how to overcome industry involution, how to carry out reasonable pricing, these are the problems we must face and solve.

2024-12-24 18:33:47

What is happening in the cement industry?

2024-12-16 07:01:05

What is happening in the cement industry?

2024-11-11 07:01:23

Near the end of the year, the domestic concrete market demand continued to weaken, the cost support declined compared with the previous period, and the price of concrete in many places declined steadily. From December 19 to December 25, the national concrete price index closed at 111.39 points, down 0.80% annually and 10.97% year-on-year.