
2015-05-07 09:05:08






  缅甸拥有13个水泥厂,水泥产能309万吨/年。目前Siam水泥的子公司Mawlamyine Cement Ltd (MCL)正在建设一条180万吨的水泥生产线,Semen Indonesia计划在缅甸建设一条250万吨/年产能的生产线。Myanmar Ceramic Industries是缅甸唯一一个拥有1个以上水泥厂的水泥企业,它有4个水泥厂,产能合计141万吨/年,占缅甸全部产能的45.6%。缅甸有1家粉磨企业,隶属于中国安徽海螺集团,产能为12.8万吨/年。

  USGS2012年矿产调查数据显示2012年缅甸水泥产量为54万吨,较2011年的53.8万吨略有增长(表6)。USGS表示能源来源的不稳定以及基础设施不健全导致大部分水泥企业产能不能完全发挥。2012年缅甸水泥消耗量为400万吨,缅甸投资部门急需投建新的水泥生产线,近年来批准了多个来自不同投资者的水泥生产线建设项目提案。工业部长U Maung Myint 表示:“随着多条水泥生产线项目的批复,国内水泥产能有望达到1050万吨/年。随着建筑业的快速发展,国外投资者在基础设施建设项目如公路、港口、酒店、特殊经济区等项目建材供应上将扮演重要角色。”另外,他强调新建的水泥生产线需要降低能源消耗和碳排放。

  据Siam水泥建材业务部门的缅甸区域负责人Chana Poomee介绍,缅甸的住宅开发主要是在Yangon, Mandalay 和 Nay Pyi Taw。在开放国外投资之后的这几年,消费需求和国际投资大力拉动了缅甸的GDP和人均GDP的增长,同时这增加了水泥销售机会。

  缅甸大部分的水泥需要进口,主要来源国为泰国、印尼、马来西亚和孟加拉。国内水泥市场供不应求,同时国内水泥产品质量差价格高。价格高被归咎于那些小的水泥厂,品质低则被归咎于水泥厂用中国设备和零配件去替换德国设备。Taw Win 建筑的老板则表示:“水泥厂配备缺乏专业知识甚至根本不懂专业的工人,因此水泥的质量是不可靠的,水泥厂的管理和技术力量急需提升。”

  缅甸水泥市场供不应求同时国内水泥高价低质导致其对进口商有较大吸引力。2014年2月,南印度地区的水泥企业开始出口水泥到缅甸。据Dalmia Bharat的CEO Vipin Agarwal表示,出口利润空间并不是非常大,他希望市场能够提供更大的利润空间。意大利水泥集团最近也表示未来几年有意进入缅甸市场,据集团最高领导Carlo Pesenti表示意大利水泥正在与缅甸当地的合作伙伴进行谈判,同时正在研究该国的外商投资相关法律。



  数据来源: The USGS mineral survey 2012.


  2014年3月Siam水泥宣称其子公司Mawlamyine 水泥(MCL)位于Mon via的180万吨/年的水泥生产线将于2016年投产,该生产线投资40000万美元。Siam水泥的Poomee表示:“我们认为缅甸是东盟的中心地带,这里有很多很好的机会,我们看到了缅甸有巨大的发展潜力。”上述生产线将配备余热发电、垃圾衍生燃料等环保技术。水泥生产线组件由中信重工供应,Cargotec's Siwertell供应一个800t/hr的轨道卸船机。Siam水泥正在缅甸探索投资机会,未来的投资将通过新建和收购的方式进行。



  2015年1月Semen Indonesia宣告称如果不能与当地合作伙伴达成一致意见,公司有可能会取消在缅甸的投资计划。对于股价和股权规模的分歧是重点,公司秘书Agung Wiharto表示如果当地合作者要求的价格过高,Semen Indonesia有可能要寻找其他的合作伙伴,或者将投资计划转移至亚洲其他国家。


  IMF预测2015、2016年缅甸GDP增速将分别达到8.5%、7.6%。USGS认为由于经济改革的不断深化,外商投资将大幅提升,缅甸未来经济将有强劲走势。得益于良好的经济环境和政府的基础设施建设项目(包括通往中国的石油管道、高速公路和交通项目以及深海港口等),不远的将来,新的采矿及水泥项目将得到实施。Siam水泥看到缅甸市场蕴含巨大的潜力,尤其是即将到来的AEC的建立将带来巨大投资机会。“Siam水泥在缅甸进行大规模基础设施建设带来的结构产品增长中看到了更多的机会” Poomee表示,Siam水泥预计到2017年水泥消费将增加10%。





  据USGS统计,2012年菲律宾水泥产量为1890万吨,较2011年增加280万吨(表7)。据菲律宾水泥制造企业协会(CeMAP)会长Ernesto M Ordonez介绍,2014年全国水泥销量同比增长9.6%,其中国内销量为2130万吨,较2013年增长190万吨。2014年第四季度销量为520万吨,同比增长15.7%。


  豪瑞(菲律宾)2014年的业绩与CeMAP的市场观察一致,其全年净收入为11300万美元,净利润同比增长12.9%至11500万美元。豪瑞(菲律宾)的CEO Eduardo Sahagun表示:“健康的经济环境为公司业务取得良好发展提供了契机,2014年持续的建设热潮所面临的挑战是要确保有足够的水泥供应来保证项目按时、按预算完成。”



  数据来源:The USGS mineral survey 2012






  2014年11月太平洋水泥公司(PACEMCO)水泥业务的暂停期限延长三个月,以便完成公司与实现水泥厂重新运营所需的投资基金的谈判。5月5日在合作方Surigao del Norte电力公司停止供电后水泥厂暂停运营,停止供电的原因为太平洋水泥公司有至少555432美元的债务未偿还。








  新加坡没有综合水泥厂,只有1个位于Tuas Crescent的30万吨/年的粉磨站,该粉磨站隶属于G&W工业集团。新加坡水泥行业的代表是新加坡水泥和混凝土协会,协会有8家企业会员。

  EnGro在Jurong港有一个水泥中转库,具有60万吨水泥的存储功能,水泥中转能力达120万吨。新加坡水泥制造公司是Hong Leong(亚洲)和Taiheiyo(新加坡)的合资公司,在新加坡港口有一个中转库,该中转库的前身是一个粉磨站,1984年改建为仅用于进口的中转库。新加坡水泥制造公司的第二个中转库位于Jurong港口,水泥存储功能为50万吨。其他的水泥企业例如联合水泥、Sin Heng Chan,同样也是运营水泥中转库。












  在政治危机期间,Siam水泥宣告称由于国家经济前景较为消极,公司将集中精力于水泥出口市场。据公司董事长Kan Trakulhoon表示,2014年1-2月水泥及建筑材料的销量同比下降7%-8%,与之前预估的4%-5%的增长差别巨大。通常12月至来年4月随着人们房屋建造及改造需求的释放,建筑材料进入销售旺季。

  2014年3月TPI Polene宣告称计划在2013-2016年投资34100万美元在其Saraburi生产基地新建300万吨/年产能的生产线。同时公司计划进军可再生能源领域,建设一个90MW的发电系统,燃料为生活垃圾,该计划正在等待环评审查。该发电系统的2/3发电量将售予泰国电力局,其余的供应企业室内用电。该计划自1997年因经济危机被搁浅。TPI Polene将成为经济危机之后泰国第一个进行产能扩张的水泥企业,它已与P&V项目(西门子)、ALC Tournai、Magotteaux和阿特拉斯.科普柯签署了关于该项目的谅解备忘录。



  数据来源:The USGS mineral survey 2012,The USGS cement survey 2015






  越南有58个水泥厂,总产能共计9140万吨/年,在东盟国家中水泥厂数量最多,产能规模最大。国内两个最主要水泥企业,一个是国有企业越南水泥工业集团(Vicem),这是越南最大的水泥制造商,拥有12个水泥厂,产能总计2520万吨/年;第二大水泥制造商是Vissai集团,拥有4个水泥厂,产能总计1160万吨/年。越南有15个粉磨站,粉磨能力为1370万吨/年。豪瑞在越南有3个水泥粉磨站,Vicem(通过 Ha-Tien 水泥)控制4个粉磨站,拉法基有1个粉磨站。


  尽管国内水泥消费量及国外需求水平有所增长,但国内的水泥生产线数量已经堪忧。据越南水泥制造商协会(VCMA)表示,国内水泥生产线的总体产能2015年有望超过9000万吨/年,而需求预计只有7500-7600万吨。2014年3月越南总理Nguyen Tan Dung指示建设部重新评审水泥行业发展规划,淘汰落后产能。2014年初,大量水泥生产线从水泥发展规划中移除,包括9个产能规模小于2500t/d的生产线项目,2014年9月再次移除5个生产线,合计产能为91万吨/年。





  数据来源: The USGS mineral survey 2012 ,The USGS cement survey 2015.


  2014年2月当局撤销一个Cam Lo,Quang Tri在建的120万吨/年水泥生产线建设许可,原因是该生产线建设进度太过缓慢。该项目2009年6月开工,但公司无法继续建设。2014年3月Quang Nam的Thach My水泥的一条170万吨/年水泥生产线在由于原材料短缺导致短暂的施工延误后开始运行。

  2014年4月,越南水泥制造商无法完成政府规定的余热发电系统建设的情况逐渐显现。在越南水泥工业2020年发展规划中要求,到2015年,所有大于2500t/d的熟料生产线必须配套建设余热发电系统以节约20%的电量消耗。然而,截止到2015年,除了南部地区的豪瑞和Ha Tien和北方地区的Chinfon和Cong Thanh进行了余热发电系统的投资,其他水泥企业由于负债较高且销量低迷未进行余热发电系统的投资建设。

  2014年6月Semen Indonesia宣称将在越南投资30000万美元透过其子公司Thang Long水泥建设一条150万吨/年的生产线。项目预计2015年开工,2018年投产。Semen Indonesia持有Thang Long水泥70%股份,Thang Long水泥目前拥有230万吨/年水泥产能,第二条230万吨/年的水泥厂产线处于安装阶段。

  2014年8月Vissai集团签署了一份法国Ciment de Bourbon留尼旺岛高速公路项目150万吨水泥供应合同。据Vissai集团副主任Nguyen Tien Dat表示这是越南国内水泥企业迄今为止获得的最大合同。合同规定熟料船运价格为42美元/吨,供应年限为5年。

  2014年10月,7000升有毒石油从下龙湾边缘提取出来,送往豪瑞Hon Chong水泥厂进行处置。据当地媒体报道,该水泥厂是越南唯一具有处置危险品技术的水泥厂。石油污染物为多氯联苯(PCBSA),该物质可导致内分泌失调、神经中毒以及癌症,在越南是非法生产的。

  2015年2月,DAP联合股份公司,一家自2009年开始生产了200万吨合成石膏的企业,开始利用其石膏生产水泥添加剂。DAP与Vicem签订了合作协议,协议规定Vicem有义务使用DAP生产的水泥添加剂。年产能60万吨的石膏回收企业Dinh Vu Gypsum JSC为Vicem位于Ha Nam的But Son水泥厂提供1万吨人工石膏。

  2015年2月,Vissai集团开始开展Do Luong水泥厂的工作,这个水泥厂最终将以48800万美元的代价售予Nghe An的Song Lam水泥厂。新增600万吨产能,将以两个阶段实现投产,一期项目为两条6000t/d熟料生产线,预计2016年投产;二期项目为一条6000t/d熟料生产线,建设时间为2017-2020年。




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Involution is a roadblock to the development of the industry and a fat stone to move forward, which is harmful but not beneficial. Because the core of involution competition is to protect oneself, protect the market, and fight price war, once the enterprise is difficult to operate and its efficiency declines, without economic support, the enterprise is like a body drive with its skeleton and blood removed, unable to gain a foothold, it can no longer have new ideals and goals, can no longer concentrate on technological innovation and effective technological transformation, and can no longer take society and the overall situation into account. It is impossible to truly achieve green, low-carbon and digital operation, in short, enterprises without economic support will be eliminated and eliminated sooner or later, where can we talk about progress and development?

2024-11-15 18:10:09

Sincerely hope that colleagues, the future of the cement industry where to go, carry out a big discussion within the industry, brainstorm, and work together to break the situation!

2024-11-13 15:58:52

With the gradual expansion of the national carbon emissions trading market, it has brought higher requirements and greater pressure for carbon management in all walks of life. To establish and improve the carbon management system is to respond to the national dual-carbon strategy, which is also the future development trend; to improve the carbon emission management of enterprises, which can provide comprehensive analysis and decision-making for the future development strategy of enterprises; and to accurately predict the changes in the carbon market, strengthen the enterprise's response to climate change risks in all aspects, and guide the preservation and appreciation of carbon assets.

2024-11-13 11:19:44

According to the information from China Cement Market Data Center, the price of cement in Chongqing in the southwest region is pushed up by 50-100 yuan/ton, and the implementation is to be observed; the price in Zhaotong in Yunnan is pushed up by 50 yuan/ton, and the implementation is to be observed; the price in Nanchong, Guang'an and Suining in Sichuan is pushed up by 50 yuan/ton, and the price in Yibin and Luzhou is partially dropped.

2024-11-08 17:19:35

Nowadays, with the rise of local enterprises, such as Ningbo Yiyu Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. and other high-tech enterprises, relying on their professional R & D and production capacity in the field of dust removal products and pneumatic components, they provide cement plants with reliable and cost-effective localization alternatives.

2024-11-05 13:54:53

Recently, at the invitation of Heidelberg Materials Group, Executive Director Tong Laigou, accompanied by Deputy General Manager and General Counsel Ma Aiguo and Deputy General Manager Wang Bin, went to Brevik of Heidelberg Materials Group. Factory survey and high-level meeting with Heidelberg Materials Group. Axel Conrads, Chief Technology Officer, Heidelberg Materials Group Warmly welcome Tong Laigou and his delegation to visit, comprehensively introduce the development plan of Heidelberg Materials Group, share its carbon emission reduction targets and CCUS planning, and point out that Sinoma Construction is an international company worthy of trust and trust, and hope that Sinoma Construction will extensively participate in the group's low-carbon development.

2024-11-05 13:07:08

At the meeting, Yan Haochun brought the theme report "Dream of Blue Sky: Exploring the Green Footprint of Cement Industry in the Context of Carbon Market". She pointed out that the cement industry faced the risk of rising costs in the context of the carbon market.

2024-11-01 16:10:56

The incorporation of the cement industry into the national carbon market will have a significant impact on cement enterprises in terms of production and operation, data control, transaction costs, energy saving and carbon reduction investment. With the carbon quota from basic satisfaction to tight reduction, it will effectively promote production reduction, thereby affecting competitiveness and supply and demand pattern.

2024-11-01 09:52:46

Based on the market situation of the cement industry and the demand for high-quality and low-carbon development of Conch Cement, Conch will strengthen the research and development of technologies such as energy saving and carbon reduction, green environmental protection, clean energy and low-carbon cement. The main research directions of Conch's scientific and technological innovation in the future are as follows: 1. Research and development project of raw material and fuel substitution in the cement industry; 2. Research and development project of cement clinker quality improvement; 3. Energy-saving and carbon-reducing technical equipment R & D project; 4. Clean and green energy R & D and manufacturing project; 5. Future carbon technology industry exploration project.

2024-10-29 16:34:25

Looking forward to the future, we still need to continue our efforts in breaking through the existing clinker system, innovating the design of new low-carbon clinker (new clinker), breaking through the time lag and multi-scale barriers, building a digital system without "gap" in the whole process, maximizing the value of data, and supporting low-carbon in the whole process (time-sharing power consumption, coal consumption, low-carbon ratio, etc.).

2024-10-29 14:07:23

By 2025, the national and provincial carbon emission annual report and express report system will be fully established, a number of industry and enterprise carbon emission accounting standards and product carbon footprint accounting standards will be issued and implemented, positive progress will be made in the construction of product carbon footprint management system, and the national greenhouse gas emission factor database will be basically completed and regularly updated. The ability of measurement, detection, monitoring and analysis of carbon emissions has been significantly improved.

2024-10-25 10:05:07

What is happening in the cement industry?

2024-10-21 07:01:25

Let us work together to practice the concept of green development with practical actions and contribute our strength to the realization of the country's "double carbon" goal. Look forward to your participation and jointly create a bright future for the cement industry!

2024-10-18 13:57:30

Enterprises also need to understand the operation process of the carbon emission trading market, including the declaration, verification and reporting of carbon emission data, the allocation, trading and clearance of quotas, especially the accuracy of carbon emission data will directly affect the quota allocation and transaction costs of enterprises. Enterprises also need to pay attention to the dynamics and trends of the carbon emissions trading market, understand the market price fluctuations, trading activity and other information, in order to formulate reasonable trading strategies and risk management measures.

2024-10-17 11:20:09

Every employee should know what emission sources are available in his position, what emission reduction measures are available, and how much emission reduction can be achieved by these measures, so that they can understand the principle of emission, learn the method of accounting, use the carbon management platform, and improve the carbon management ability of each position, so as to achieve "carbon management in the whole process".

2024-10-16 13:15:57

According to the China Cement Market Data Center, the price of cement in Lanzhou-Baiyin area of Gansu Province has risen by 10 yuan/ton; the prices in Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang and Shaanxi are stable. Affected by the big drop in temperature, rain and snow before the festival, the market demand in Qinghai has declined significantly. As the weather cleared up, cement sales in the region rebounded, and the market showed signs of warming up.

2024-10-12 17:29:56

At the upcoming conference, the leaders of Conch Cement will deliver welcome speeches, share the experience and achievements of Conch Cement's low-carbon development with the participants, and inject new impetus into the green upgrading of the industry.

2024-10-12 16:29:42

However, it should be noted that brand promotion is not achieved overnight, but requires years or even decades of efforts. Our primary service offering is pricing strategies for large and mid-sized businesses to improve margins and achieve growth. The profit is equal to the price times the sales volume minus the cost. According to our research, there is a tenfold relationship between pricing and profit, while there is only a sixfold relationship between cost and sales volume, because when sales volume increases, the corresponding cost will also rise. We support Chinese enterprises to improve their profits, because only profits are the key to the survival of enterprises.

2024-10-12 13:16:50

Key carbon emission units may use carbon emission reduction to offset part of their carbon emissions, and the proportion of use shall not be higher than 5% of the annual carbon emissions of the unit confirmed by the municipal ecological environment department in that year. The offset ratio of national greenhouse gas certified voluntary emission reductions generated by key carbon emission units using projects outside the municipal administrative region shall not exceed 2.5% of the annual carbon emissions of the unit confirmed by the municipal ecological environment department.

2024-10-11 13:17:07

The ultra-low emission transformation of cement industry should be carried out from the perspective of the whole process. According to the characteristics of production and pollutant emission, enterprises should carry out all-factor and all-round upgrading and transformation of organized emission, unorganized emission, material and product transportation, monitoring and control, environmental management, pollution reduction and carbon reduction, each of which is very important.

2024-10-09 10:17:40

From September 23 to October 5, at the invitation of Saudi Aramco, Holcim Group, Dangote Group, GPC Group and other enterprises, Zhou Yuxian, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Building Materials Group, went to Saudi Arabia, Germany, France and Nigeria to attend the group's promotion meeting in Saudi Arabia. He witnessed the signing of strategic cooperation agreements with Saudi Aramco, GPC Group and Dangote Group and the signing ceremony of China-Africa Green Building Materials Joint Laboratory, met with relevant government agencies and well-known enterprise groups in four countries, and investigated local enterprises.

2024-10-08 09:10:31

On October 2, China Building Materials Group and Dangote Group formally signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement in Lagos, Nigeria. Zhou Yuxian, Chairman of China Building Material Group, and Aliko, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dangote Group Dangote attended the signing ceremony and delivered a speech. Zhi Xiao, Assistant General Manager of China Building Material Group and Chairman of China Building Material Institute, and Olakunle Alake, Vice President of Dangote Group Sign the agreement on behalf of both parties. Looking back on the 16-year cooperation between the two sides, China Building Materials Group and Dangote Group have signed more than 20 contracts with a total contract value of more than 5 billion US dollars.

2024-10-05 13:56:18

Strictly implement the policy of capacity replacement, strengthen the control of excess capacity, resolutely curb illegal new capacity, build new cement projects according to ultra-low emission level, eliminate backward capacity according to law and regulations through comprehensive means, give full play to the standard role of energy consumption, environmental protection, quality, safety, material consumption and water consumption, and guide high energy consumption. Conditional areas can formulate plans for the withdrawal of restricted capacity.

2024-09-29 10:25:13

On September 27, the Ninth General Election Congress of Shanghai Cement Industry Association was successfully held in Qingpu District, Shanghai. The General Assembly elected the Ninth Council, the Board of Supervisors and the head of the Association. Kong Xiangzhong, Executive Chairman of China Cement Association, Zhang Lijie, Researcher of Policy Research Office of Shanghai Municipal Housing and Construction Commission, and Wang Bo, Chief of Social Management Department of Civil Affairs Bureau attended the meeting.

2024-09-28 16:19:44

As the world's largest manufacturer of building materials and the world's leading developer and integrated service provider of new materials, China Building Materials Group is not only a technology-based company, but also an industrial company serving the world, as well as an international company with deep cooperation and win-win future, and is currently striving to build a world-class industry. It is willing to contribute the wisdom, plan and strength of Chinese building materials to the development of Saudi Arabia.

2024-09-27 15:17:29

At present, there are nine regional carbon emission trading markets and corresponding exchanges in China. These exchanges are located in different regions, covering a wide geographical range from north to south, aiming to promote the development of carbon emissions trading and green finance throughout the country.

2024-09-27 11:11:58

Calculate clinker production process emissions, fuel combustion emissions, electricity & heat consumption emissions, total carbon emissions & carbon intensity and other related data. For more cement industry carbon emission policies and data, please visit: Cement Industry Carbon Emission Calculation Center.

2024-09-26 16:58:15

According to the Plan, by the end of 2025, more than 50% of the cement clinker production capacity in the province will have been basically transformed, and the clinker production capacity of large cement group companies such as Huaxin, Gezhouba and Yadong over 2500 tons per day (excluding) will have been basically transformed into organized and unorganized ultra-low emissions, with 30 enterprises of B level and above or performance-leading enterprises. The proportion of performance-leading enterprises in independent grinding stations has reached more than 30%.

2024-09-26 15:14:47

Promoted by the "policy combination boxing" of the state adopting mandatory standards to promote the withdrawal of low-quality and low-efficiency production capacity and strengthening the supervision of new and stock projects, cement enterprises are promoting joint restructuring through m & a, equity participation and other forms, curbing new production capacity from the source, reducing and eliminating backward production capacity from the stock, and adjusting the structure. Promote the sustainable development of the industry.

2024-09-26 14:10:42

According to the Announcement of Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment on Adjusting the Inclusion Standards of Chongqing Carbon Market (Yuhuan [2023] 55), the original list of Chongqing Carbon Market is updated according to the inclusion standards of industrial enterprises whose annual greenhouse gas emissions reach 13000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (about 5000 tons of standard coal for comprehensive energy consumption) and above. A list of key emission units (hereinafter referred to as key emission units) in Chongqing carbon market in 2023 has been formed, and 334 key emission units have been included in the quota management in 2023.

2024-09-25 14:44:14

The circular calls for the implementation of ultra-low emission transformation of cement clinker production enterprises (excluding mines), independent grinding stations (including cement enterprises producing special cement and co-disposing solid waste) and coking enterprises (including semi-coke production). By 2028, the province's cement industry will strive to complete the transformation of 80% clinker production capacity. Cement enterprises that have completed the ultra-low emission transformation should check and fill in the gaps according to the scheme to ensure that the corresponding processes meet the requirements of the scheme on schedule.

2024-09-25 11:21:09

The cement industry has been clearly included in the carbon emissions trading market in 2024. Cement enterprises need to comprehensively and accurately understand the relevant regulations and guidelines. According to the actual situation of the enterprises themselves, they should seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, turn inward, practice hard, continuously reduce their carbon emissions per ton of clinker, reduce the production cost of clinker, and win in the current industry trend. So that their enterprises can survive and develop better.

2024-09-25 09:05:05

By integrating Asment de T Témara and Grabemaro, expanding Heidelberg Materials Morocco's cement national coverage, while expanding concrete and aggregate systems, can strengthen Heidelberg Materials'position in the Moroccan market for building materials and sustainable solutions..

2024-09-24 16:33:19

Although the road of carbon emission reduction in the cement industry is full of challenges, through continuous technological innovation and industry practice such as "steel slag phase-separated clinker", we have reason to believe that the cement industry can surpass the "face-saving project", realize the real green transformation, explore a sustainable road of cement concrete development, and leave a cleaner and sustainable earth for future generations.

2024-09-24 14:31:59

The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) approved the acquisition of Dyckerhoff Cement Ukraine by CRH Ukraine on 5 September 2024. 99.9775% equity interest. This will make CRH the largest cement producer in Ukraine.

2024-09-24 14:08:32

Faced with the current difficult situation faced by the basic building materials industry and the foreseeable development trend in the future, Liu Yan pointed out that the company should not only base itself on the present, withstand the pressure, reverse the target and sprint with all its strength, but also adhere to the concept of system, do a good job in strategic planning, reform and innovation, especially in upgrading the three modernizations and talent team construction, so as to lay a solid foundation for the development of the next ten years or even longer.

2024-09-24 10:59:20

At present, Sichuan is speeding up the development of green low-carbon new productivity and promoting the transformation and upgrading of the cement industry. In recent years, Sichuan's industrial sector has vigorously promoted the construction of a full-cycle and full-process green manufacturing system, and continued to carry out the gradient cultivation of green manufacturing demonstration units. The province's cement industry has created a total of 11 national green factories and 35 provincial green factories. One cement enterprise has successfully entered the national energy efficiency "leader" and two cement enterprises have been rated as provincial energy saving and carbon reduction benchmarking enterprises.

2024-09-23 11:02:17

By 2027, the energy consumption of more than 30% of cement production lines will be better than benchmark level, and all production lines in the industry will reach the benchmark level of energy efficiency standards. More than 70% of cement enterprises have achieved a high degree of automation in the whole production process, and the proportion of enterprises with digital transformation maturity level 3 or above has reached more than 20%, and the level of greening and digitalization of the industry has been significantly improved.

2024-09-23 10:29:16

Municipal ecological environment departments timely publicize and interpret the requirements of inefficient and ineffective pollution control facilities and monitoring and control systems for enterprises within their jurisdiction, and organize enterprises to complete self-examination by the end of October 2024. In view of the problems found in the self-examination, enterprises should formulate rectification measures and actively promote rectification.

2024-09-20 11:34:21

In the long run, the core factor restricting the rise of cement price lies in the serious overcapacity. At present, the real utilization rate of clinker production capacity has reached a new low level in recent years, and the problem of excess contradiction is extremely acute. Only by taking effective measures to resolutely reduce production capacity and solve the persistent illness, can cement price be guided to return to the normal level.

2024-09-20 11:03:39

Adani is also a big man in the Indian cement industry and is the second largest cement producer in India. He entered the industry in 2022 with the acquisition of Holcim's cement business in India, which acquired about 70 million tons of cement per year for $10.5 billion. Adani plans to expand its annual cement production capacity to 140 million tons by 2028. Adani has previously invested $1.6 billion to acquire Sanchi Cement and Penna Cement, and is expected to acquire an additional 21 million tons of production capacity.