
2014-09-05 11:06:30









  首先,在有条件的矿山,应优先设计建设胶带机自发电系统(对于已投产的而没采用胶带机自发电系统的输送机,可进行改造,所需的投资在0.5~1年内可回收本息),即:充分利用自然地形高差,当下运出现负功率时,设计胶带机自发电系统,化害为利,合理开发清洁能源等,幷将上述电能回馈至本企业的电网,供破碎系统、除尘系统、照明等之用,大幅度地降低成本。譬如:古浪铁柜山石灰石矿山胶带机设计时,天津院充分考虑到其技术性能及经济合理,选线结合矿山开采开拓运输系统、当地复杂的地形条件及沿线建构筑物的分布特点,因地制宜,确定了合理的运行线路。本工程采用了长钢芯胶带机自发电系统,是基于全面、深入、透彻地研究了整个矿山的所有工程的特点,幷充分利用了古浪铁柜山石灰石矿山近300米的自然地形高差,创新设计利用长钢芯胶带机运输系统的下运负功率,设计采取了行之有效的措施,使得多条胶带机同时并网自发电并回馈电网,大幅度降低了矿山运营成本,有效地保证了生产安全,合理开发了清洁能源,做好了节能型、个性化矿山设计及建设工作。设计胶带机自发电系统时,应注意以下事项:1. 用足高差,合理选线;2. 设计采用12脉冲4象限-闭环矢量控制变频器(均为重载型,确保恶劣工况下的过载启动)暨电能回馈系统,确保持续 100% 发电馈电网,做到相位角、磁通电流、电压的合理匹配;3. 科学合理的设计确保电能回馈系统时,响应迅速、谐波微小,并能在供电电网出现故障时,不出现逆变失败,而且实现软起动、软制动,切实避免下运负功率胶带机因控制不当而容易飞车等“老大难”问题,化害为利,有效地保证了生产安全等,有利于促进建材矿山的技术进步,设计建设名副其实的节能、低碳、环保示范矿山。














  (1) 矿长、副矿长必须具备相应的安全生产知识和管理能力。

  (2) 专职安全生产管理人员的安全生产知识和管理能力须经相关部门安全生产培训考核,取得合格证后持证上岗。

  (3) 严格爆破作业审批制度,加强爆破安全检查;爆破工必须持有公安部门颁发的爆破证,并按规定参加复训考核。一般机械等操作工人,应由矿山安全生产科考核,每年考核不少于一次,考核后发上岗证,凭上岗证操作。

  (4) 新职工上岗和转岗前,必须进行三级教育,做到不积压、不延迟、不补课、不遗漏,教育内容按有关规定进行,资料归档备案。



  (5) 矿山应制定安全生产教育和培训计划,建立在册人员安全教育和培训档案。应重视培训教育,设备、安全管理部门每年对班组长进行一定形式的、有针对性的班组安全知识及安全管理的业务培训。

  (6) 根据矿山的实际情况,矿山内设置固定的安全教育培训教室和定期的黑板报、安全简报、展览、图片、宣传专栏等宣传形式。负责监督矿山劳动安全卫生设施的维护、保养。







  编者注:基于行业低碳和环保的转型诉求,和助力行业探索行之有效的节能减排方式,中国水泥网将于9月25日在浙江宁波召开“2014第二届中国水泥发展论坛”。本次论坛以“高品质 高性能 绿色建材”为主题,特邀行业领导,产业专家与水泥及上下游行业代表共聚一堂,主要交流水泥、混凝土、砂石骨料行业的绿色生产经验,探讨水泥行业进一步延伸产业链的空间,分析最新节能环保技术装备的技术特点,共同推进建材行业的低碳发展大业!




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According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, some enterprises in the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong in central and southern China tried to push up the price of cement by 30 yuan/ton this week, and the implementation remains to be observed. After the cement prices in various markets in Guangxi have declined to varying degrees, the market has gradually stabilized. The market of the two lakes has not changed much this week, and prices are mainly stable.

2025-01-17 17:39:15

On January 8, China Power Construction Qichun China (Shanghai) High-quality Aggregate Production and Application Summit Forum and Hubei Minben Group Shanghai Sand and Gravel Industry Annual Meeting 2025 were held. Hu Youyi, President of China Sandstone Association, Wang Jingchun, Honorary President of Shanghai Stone Industry Association, Yu Enze, Director of Energy-saving Building Materials Department of Shanghai Housing and Construction Commission, Liu Jingjiang, Director of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Science and Technology and Industrialization Development Center, Wu Delong, President of Shanghai Sandstone Association, and other leaders attended the meeting.

2025-01-08 17:44:15

In this context, the 26th International Cement Technology and Equipment Exhibition will become an important platform to promote industry innovation, bringing together the world's top suppliers, displaying cutting-edge technology and equipment, and many conference activities will be carried out simultaneously during the exhibition, building a one-stop communication bridge for exhibitors and professional audiences, not only promoting domestic brands. It also helps overseas brands to enter China, thus building a more diversified and specialized global cement industry exchange platform.

2024-12-27 09:27:20

On the one hand, with the continuous improvement of national requirements for environmental protection and energy conservation, we need to accelerate the pace of transformation and upgrading, and promote green and low-carbon development; on the other hand, the wave of digitalization and intellectualization is sweeping all walks of life, and we also need to keep up with the pace of the times and actively explore new modes of intelligent production and management. In this context, we need a platform to gather industry elites to discuss countermeasures and find new opportunities for development. This conference is such an excellent platform. We feel that it is necessary, timely and significant.

2024-12-20 09:05:48

Vice Mayor Wang listened carefully to the report while learning about all aspects of the enterprise. He fully affirmed Chunchi Group's practice of "turning stone into gold and turning waste into treasure" in ecological restoration in Zijinshan Park and Yongding Peifeng Recycling Industrial Park, and highly appraised Chunchi's achievements in "technological innovation, equipment transformation, environmental protection upgrading and management upgrading"; He paid great attention to the problems and difficulties faced by the cement industry and Chunchi's domestic production.

2024-11-05 13:19:22

What is happening in the cement industry?

2024-09-16 07:01:17

Faced with the adverse effects of the deep adjustment of real estate and the slowdown of infrastructure investment, the company will adhere to the principle of "market, resources and returns" and enhance market control to promote high-quality M & a projects in areas with low industry concentration and blank markets.

2024-09-13 15:27:16

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the shutdown of kilns in Liaoning, Northeast China, was extended to 20 days in August, the overall price was high and stable, the demand performance was not good, and the momentum to push up again was insufficient.

2024-08-02 17:28:08

According to the market data of China Cement Network, affected by the high temperature weather and rainy season, the demand performance of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is flat and the price is weak.

2024-08-02 17:12:52

According to the cement network market data center news, Ningxia prices continue to decline; Shaanxi region recently due to the contradiction between supply and demand and price competition led to a larger price reduction.

2024-08-02 16:39:35

According to the data center of China Cement Market, due to the low ex-factory prices in various regions, some regions began to resume pricing this week.

2024-08-02 16:30:32

Recently, the announcement of public recruitment and evaluation of the bankruptcy liquidation case of Jilin Jidong Weida Concrete Co., Ltd. was issued.

2024-07-30 13:24:54

Recently, Shao Jun, Chairman of China Cement Network, and his delegation visited CNBM New Materials Co., Ltd. and were warmly received by Tao Xuke, General Manager of CNBM New Materials Co., Ltd. The two sides had in-depth exchanges on the development status of the aggregate industry and other issues.

2024-07-23 12:44:27

Shandong Province issued the Action Plan for Upgrading the Building Materials Industry (2024-2026), which aims to promote the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the building materials industry. The action plan focuses on the cement industry and puts forward the tasks of stable growth, structural adjustment, digital transformation, green manufacturing and safety improvement.

2024-07-01 17:05:09

According to the list of China's top 100 cement clinker production capacity in 2023, Shaanxi Building Material Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd. ranks 70th in the list with an annual production capacity of 2.79 million tons.

2024-07-01 11:08:31

To formulate and promulgate policies and measures to resolve excess capacity in the cement industry, and gradually establish a market-oriented and legalized working mechanism to resolve excess capacity.

2024-06-27 09:44:22

What is the driving force for the development of the next curve of the cement industry? Through the transformation and development of new quality productivity, the second curve of cement industry will be created to achieve a new leap forward in economic and social benefits.

2024-06-19 09:24:26

Next, Quzhou Hushan will shoulder the mission of "creating a better world with materials", actively fulfill the responsibilities and responsibilities of central enterprises, promote green and low-carbon development, make green mountains and rivers produce greater benefits, and make greater contributions to the high-quality development of enterprises.

2024-05-29 10:38:45

Superior enterprises are encouraged to integrate inefficient production capacity in the city through market-oriented mergers and reorganizations, and gradually withdraw from cement clinker production lines of 2500 tons per day or less (except special cement).

2024-05-07 15:19:25

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently approved 454 industry standards, including the Technical Specification for Servo Motors for Multi-joint Robots, covering chemical, petrochemical, metallurgical, non-ferrous metals, building materials and other fields. Among them, the standards related to the cement and concrete industry include Iron Tailings and Gravels for Concrete and Green Supply Chain Management Evaluation Guidelines for Building Materials Enterprises.

2024-04-11 09:36:00

Today, let's follow the lens to the Guizhou cement in the poem, appreciate the landscape of Guizhou and Guizhou, and encounter the beautiful scenery of the southwest. Please follow the picture scroll that we unfold slowly for you to see the distant world and the magnificent mountains and rivers.

2024-03-25 11:27:09

In the course of the prosperity of China's cement industry, Jidong Equipment has contributed a lot.

2024-03-13 09:10:04

Tibet Gaozheng Building Materials Co., Ltd. has developed into a comprehensive building materials enterprise for more than 60 years, supporting the construction of Sichuan-Tibet Railway, and achieving a substantial increase in the production of cement, commercial concrete and aggregates in 2023.

2024-02-20 10:00:16

On January 10, 2024 China (Shanghai) Urban Wasteless-Summit Forum on Wasteless Application Technology and Practice in Construction Industry and Annual Meeting of Shanghai Sandstone Industry were held in Shanghai.

2024-01-10 17:47:56


2023-12-30 08:44:57


2023-12-29 14:53:53


2023-11-02 10:12:19

近日,记者走进位于红花岗区深溪镇的遵义赛德水泥有限公司,干净的厂房、智能化的操作展示现代工厂的新貌,也体现出“生态优先 向绿而行”的实效。

2023-10-23 09:26:18


2023-10-20 14:34:39

10月9日,金隅集团发布了投资者关系活动记录表 ,其中对上半年基建和房地产对水泥需求的贡献如何、上半年骨料业务经营情况怎么样、是否会加速水泥业务的并购、当前水泥及熟料的库位如何等问题进行了回答。

2023-10-09 11:30:39


2023-09-25 10:08:12

河南跌近6%! 1.中国建筑材料联合会原会长乔龙德到访中国水泥网 2.错峰150+X天!川渝地区年度错峰时长有变 3.贵州省公示!能耗不达标+无法核算的水泥企业竟占一半! 4.年产3000万吨!中建材瑞昌砂石骨料项目5天产销量突破50万吨!

2023-09-18 13:30:13


2023-09-07 09:22:32


2023-08-25 11:19:41


2023-08-23 10:32:14


2023-08-17 14:00:37


2023-08-17 09:48:52


2023-08-16 15:07:20


2023-08-11 13:00:15


2023-08-09 13:51:37


2023-07-05 15:33:49