
2020-11-09 09:22:43





























































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In the first half of the year, China's cement output fell by 10% year-on-year, the price of P.O42.5 bulk cement fell by 18% year-on-year, both volume and price fell, and the whole industry lost money in the first half of the year, which was rare in history. Similar to the decline in domestic cement demand, cement demand in neighboring South Korea has also fallen sharply this year, but the price performance has been unusually strong. Facing the same decline in demand and overcapacity, why are the prices of the two countries different?

2024-09-18 11:46:02

Leading enterprises in Chengdu, Deyang, Mianyang, Leshan, Ya'an and other places in the province plan to raise cement prices by about 40 yuan/ton from September 6.

2024-09-05 15:38:53

In the short term, rigid peak staggering is the only way out for the cement industry. We must accurately stagger the peak and stop at the same time. If it is difficult to start at the same time, we should stop at the same time first. In the long run, further improving the concentration is an effective way to reduce production capacity in the cement industry.

2024-08-23 13:13:52

We need to establish the core values of "others earn more, I can earn more" to guide production and operation. In the short run, only by actively limiting production and restoring the balance of supply and demand in the weak market, can the cement industry achieve a recovery in efficiency. Without enough initiative and consistency to limit production, all those who talk about the price of cement are cheaters and hooligans, and they can not succeed.

2024-08-13 15:12:11

We should strengthen industry communication and enterprise dialogue, abandon the Cold War mentality, not vicious competition, not "cheap" products, not "involution" marketing, consciously resist the use of low-price dumping, loss-making sales and other improper means, jointly create a fair and stable market environment and competition order, build a good industry ecology, and reduce waste of resources and environmental pressure.

2024-08-12 11:33:12

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, the market demand in southwest Sichuan and Chongqing continued to be weak, cement prices in some regions fell by 10-20 yuan/ton, and Yunnan-Guizhou region was mixed. The market demand continued to be weak due to the high temperature off-season in Sichuan and Chongqing, and some enterprises in Sichuan lowered the cement price to increase the shipment volume, while the original plan to raise the price in Chengdu was not implemented. The demand for cement in Chongqing is declining and the price is stable. Rainy weather in Yunnan is frequent, market demand is low, and prices in some areas have fallen after pushing up. Cement prices in Guizhou are generally stable.

2024-08-09 17:19:44

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, the implementation of the rebound in cement prices in the Pearl River Delta region of central and southern Guangdong is not optimistic, and the Guangxi region is tepid. The market prices of the two lakes are basically stable, and there is a decline in some areas. Leading enterprises in Guangdong try to restore the price of cement, but under the influence of high temperature weather, the actual effect is not good. The rain weather in Guangxi is decreasing, the market demand is limited, the price is stable, and the local market is falling. Cement prices in Hubei are stable, and high temperatures affect demand. The Hunan area continues the high temperature, the demand is weak, the partial price falls. Affected by rainfall, the market demand in Henan is not good, and the price is stable.

2024-08-09 17:12:17

Looking forward to the second half of 2024, we believe that the demand for cement will improve compared with the first half of the year, and the price will continue to rebound. However, under the constraints of weak demand and serious overcapacity, the repair of cement price is limited. Throughout the year, cement demand will face

2024-08-01 09:19:52

In order to reduce inventory pressure, cement prices showed signs of a slight decline.

2024-07-26 15:37:00

On July 20, 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on the implementation measures of capacity replacement in the cement and glass industry. The revised Measures for the Implementation of Capacity Replacement in the Cement and Glass Industry will come into effect on August 1, 2021.

2024-07-24 12:08:35

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, many off-peak production, in order to reduce inventory pressure, cement prices slightly declined signs.

2024-07-19 15:20:00

According to the market data of China Cement Network, the cement industry in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region is facing double pressures of raw material contraction and off-season demand.

2024-07-05 16:18:06

According to the cement network market data center news, the overall market is stable and weak, some enterprises in Hanzhong area of Shaanxi Province notified an increase in cement prices by 50 yuan/ton, the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-07-05 16:15:11

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, heavy rainfall is prevalent in East China this week, with mountain torrents and floods in some areas. Many construction sites have been shut down, cement demand has plummeted, and cement prices have fallen slightly.

2024-07-05 16:08:54

From January to February, leading enterprises in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region actively promoted the price increase of 50 yuan/ton

2024-07-02 11:45:10

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the price of cement in Northeast China is generally stable, the demand is stable, and the expectation of off-peak kiln shutdown is good.

2024-06-28 17:09:41

Strictly implement rigid and precise peak-staggering production, support the abolition of the peak-staggering production exemption policy, and contribute to the steady growth of regional industry benefits, energy conservation and carbon reduction, and the continuous improvement of atmospheric quality.

2024-06-17 10:16:53

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the price of cement in some markets in Sichuan and Chongqing has been raised by 50-130 yuan/ton, which is a large increase, and the actual implementation remains to be observed.

2024-06-14 20:06:50

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, this week, the second round of cement prices in Guangxi began to rise by 30-40 yuan/ton in a month, while cement prices in Guangdong were mixed.

2024-06-14 19:47:39

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the high temperature weather continues, the demand is flat, and the price has stabilized in many places.

2024-06-14 19:37:39

According to China Cement Market Data Center, cement prices in Northwest China continue to rise under the influence of the new national standard and the policy of staggering peak and stopping kilns.

2024-06-14 17:35:49

Recently, leading enterprises in Zigong, Luzhou and Yibin areas of Sichuan notified an increase in cement prices by 80 yuan/ton.

2024-06-12 17:26:27

On the 8th, some leading enterprises notified that the price of cement in Nanchong and Suining areas would be raised by 120 yuan/ton.

2024-06-11 17:12:31

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the price increase of cement in Northeast China has been well implemented, and the new national standard and peak staggering production support the market.

2024-06-07 17:05:38

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the implementation of the new national standard has increased the cost of cement production. Leading enterprises in most areas have notified to raise the price of cement by 30-50 yuan/ton. Enterprises in Chongqing plan to raise 100-130 yuan/ton on the 8th.

2024-06-07 16:54:53

According to the data center of China Cement Market, in the traditional off-season of June, demand has declined, and cement prices around the country have fallen.

2024-06-07 13:59:27

According to the cement network market data center news, the implementation of the new national standard, the cost of cement increased, Gansu Wuwei, Ningxia, northern Shaanxi major enterprises notice to raise the price of cement 30-50 yuan/ton, the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-06-07 13:57:03

According to the market data of China Cement Net, the cement price in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and Shanxi region has been raised by 30-50 yuan/ton, and the price implementation of demand weakening remains to be observed; the western region of Inner Mongolia has also been notified to raise the cement price by 20-50 yuan/ton, which has been implemented steadily and steadily.

2024-06-07 13:53:03

Taiwan's cement industry has experienced a complete life cycle from germination, growth, prosperity to recession. Study Taiwan cement industry from the development since demand drops period, have draw lessons from a meaning very much to market of current mainland cement.

2024-05-28 11:53:23

Under the background of the current downturn in the cement market and the tightening of the mine transfer policy, it is extremely difficult to solve the mine problem in the short term, and ultimately waiting for such enterprises, I am afraid they will withdraw from the market.

2024-05-22 09:17:44

The cost of purchased limestone is basically more than 40 yuan/ton, and the cost of limestone purchased by some enterprises is even 50-60 yuan/ton, which is more than 30 yuan/ton higher than the cost of limestone per ton of self-owned mining enterprises. Converted to clinker, the cost of raw materials per ton of clinker is almost 40 yuan/ton higher.

2024-05-21 17:34:42

Generally speaking, the regional trend shows the characteristics of "rising in the north and falling in the south", and the national market shocks downward.

2024-05-13 11:37:00

China Cement Network Market Data Center News, around May 1, leading enterprises in many places in Northeast China notified an increase in cement prices of about 50 yuan/ton. After the shutdown of the kiln, clinker stocks declined. At present, the implementation of the price increase is better.

2024-05-11 16:51:41

According to the data center of China Cement Market, prices in some parts of East China have declined this week, but many places have stabilized prices.

2024-05-11 16:48:37

According to the market data of China Cement Network, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has once again tried to push up prices, and major enterprises in Baotou and Tongliao regions of Inner Mongolia have also tried to push up prices, and the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-05-11 16:05:21

From the perspective of policy purpose, peak staggering production and capacity replacement are indeed two important strategies for the supply-side structural reform of the cement industry, but why is it that after several years of development, the overcapacity of the cement industry has become more and more serious, and the effect of the supply-side structural reform of the cement industry has gradually disappeared?

2024-05-11 09:30:03

On the 10th, leading manufacturers in Shijiazhuang, Cangzhou, north of Hengshui and other areas notified an increase in cement prices by 50 yuan/ton.

2024-05-10 11:33:13

At the beginning of April, the National Cement Price Index (CEMPI) was 104.8 points, closing at 108.1 points at the end of the month, up 2.51% annually and down 20.36% year-on-year.

2024-05-07 16:54:23

In the case of 200 days of shutdown, the actual production capacity of Shanxi cement is still about 58.2 million tons, far greater than the demand of 44 million tons. Therefore, even if the kilns in Shanxi are stopped for 200 days, the supply is still greater than the demand.

2024-04-24 15:52:47

In the first quarter of 2024, the recovery of cement industry demand was less than that of the same period, the overall peak staggering time in the northern region was not much different from that in previous years, and the peak staggering time in many southern provinces was extended.

2024-04-23 17:03:58

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center News, Northeast China: Northeast market demand is weak and stable, cement prices have loosened.

2024-04-19 16:57:31

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, since the middle of the year, many enterprises in Sichuan and Chongqing have notified the price of cement to be raised by 15-30 yuan/ton. At present, the implementation is mostly around 10-20 yuan/ton. The market demand and sales volume in Yunnan-Guizhou region is low, and the price of cement in some markets has dropped by 10-20 yuan/ton in the week, and the range in some regions is about 40 yuan/ton.

2024-04-19 16:50:45

According to the feedback from the market, since the end of the off-peak production in the heating season, the overall demand for cement in the northern region has been low, and the clinker inventory has continued to rise. In this regard, the four provinces of Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Henan began to promote the cement industry to stop kilns in April this year.

2024-04-15 16:17:43

Cement prices have remained relatively stable since 2000.

2024-04-15 16:06:10

Looking forward to the second quarter, with the gradual stabilization of real estate and the accelerated issuance of special bonds, demand is expected to continue to release, but we should also be alert to the adverse factors such as insufficient funds, the arrival of rainy season and busy farming season, the amount of project start-up may be variable, the overall demand may still be less than the same period, and the space for cement price to rise under high inventory pressure. It is expected that the profit level may be at a low level in recent years.

2024-04-12 16:16:19

According to the recent record of investor relations activities released by Jidong Cement, the sales volume of cement and clinker in the first quarter of 2024 is expected to reach 12 million tons, but due to the impact of the Spring Festival holidays, the sales volume is not fully comparable with the same period last year. Cement sales prices are relatively stable in the north, while in the south, they have declined due to intensified market competition. The company is trying to take advantage of the special national debt policy for post-disaster reconstruction and the opportunity of the construction of Xiongan New Area to raise prices during the peak season. At present, trillions of national debt funds have been implemented into specific projects, of which more than 200 billion yuan has been used for post-disaster reconstruction in Beijing and Tianjin, and the share of Jidong Cement in the post-disaster reconstruction market has exceeded 70%.

2024-04-08 09:23:39

In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.