
2013-10-17 08:50:55





  2009年、2010年和2011年重庆市水泥产能井喷式增长,且集中释放,市场过度竞争,致使2012年重庆水泥行业亏损冠全国;经过2011、2012年市场恶战,不少企业认为谁也杀不死谁已成定局,为有序释放产能奠定了基础。2013年6月底,水泥产能7300万吨(不含粉磨站1000万吨),其中,新型干法6960万吨,占总产能的95.3%;1-6月水泥产量为2769万吨(P.O 42.5与P.C32.5比例为6:4),同比增长12.2%,窑运转率75%左右;其中,新型干法2346万吨,同比增长12.4%,占水泥总产量97.5%(含粉磨站产量);机立窑产量67万吨,占总产量的2.5%;散装水泥1048万吨,同比增长13.9%。




   根据协会调研: 重庆市P.C 32.5水泥均价为296元/吨,P.O 42.5水泥均价为301元/吨。水泥价格呈现前高后低和区域差异大的走势。

  4月P.C 32.5水泥出厂价格比2月下降20元/吨,全市出厂均价为301元/吨;6月比4月又下降近30元/吨,出厂均价为272元/吨。从1月到6月水泥价格下降了15.8%,个别水泥企业P.O 42.5水泥出厂价触底210元/吨。

  重庆市P.O 42.5水泥与P.C 32.5水泥价差只有5元/吨左右;但南翼生态保护发展区P.O 42.5水泥与P.C 32.5水泥价差维持在15元/吨左右。









  城市发展新区(即原一小时经济圈内除主城9区以外的12个区县):该区域水泥产能特别大,产品运输到消费区距离较远,出厂价格普遍偏低。特别是合川地区水泥企业扎堆布局,出厂价格长期处于全市洼地。到6月,合川地区P.C 32.5出厂均价为226元/吨,同比下降13.4%(每吨下降35元),P.O 42.5出厂均价为233元/吨,同比下降17.38%(每吨下降49元),是全市水泥市场竞争最为激烈的地区。这该区域水泥企业亏多盈少,是重庆亏损量、亏损额最为严重的地区。












   ⑤优质未优价。长期以来,P.O 42.5和P.C 32.5两个品种价差太小;








   国民经济(GDP)要保持在合理区间运行(大于7%,小于8%),水泥企业出厂价格和到岸价也应有合理的区间,协会在调研的基础上建议:P.O 42.5水泥出厂价或到岸价都不应低于当地C30混凝土销售价格为宜。同企业P.O 42.5和P.C 32.5水泥出厂价差不小于20元/吨为宜。


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Under the background of the current market downturn, cement enterprises are facing heavy pressure. The decline of market demand leads to the decrease of cement production and sales, which has a serious impact on the profits and operation of enterprises. In this case, for cement enterprises, new clinker projects should be carefully considered!

2025-01-16 16:59:38

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the cement market in southwest China is weak. In January, Chongqing continued to implement the policy of peak staggering and kiln shutdown for 25 days, which led to a decline in the inventory of enterprises in the region. Recently, some clinker production lines in Yunnan have been stopped at off-peak, and near the end of the year, leading enterprises intend to stabilize prices, and there is no significant change in the quotation of leading enterprises in many places in the week.

2025-01-03 17:36:40

According to the information from China Cement Market Data Center, the price of cement in many places in Yunnan in southwest China has risen by 100 yuan/ton, and the implementation remains to be observed; Liangshan and Panzhihua in Sichuan have also begun to push up by 50 yuan/ton. In Guizhou, some major manufacturers in Qiannan, Qianxinan, Zunyi, Tongren and other regions have recently raised the cement price by 10-40 yuan/ton, while the quotation in other regions has been stable for the time being.

2024-11-01 17:32:29

As of September 2024, the proportion of healthy enterprises in the ready-mixed concrete industry has decreased by 1.3 percentage points to 92.9% compared with 2022; the proportion of dishonest enterprises has increased from 5.0% to 6.1%; the proportion of bankruptcy reorganization enterprises has increased from 0.8% to 1.0%..

2024-09-25 09:21:01

Demand is declining, supply is increasing, and the price of sand and gravel industry is adjusted in an all-round way.

2024-07-31 15:56:20

Taiwan's cement industry has experienced a complete life cycle from germination, growth, prosperity to recession. Study Taiwan cement industry from the development since demand drops period, have draw lessons from a meaning very much to market of current mainland cement.

2024-05-28 11:53:23

How is the cement industry in Hubei? Faced with the current situation, what are the views of cement enterprises in the region?

2024-05-23 13:38:17

China Cement Network Market Data Center News, Southwest China last week, some leading enterprises in Chongqing notified the main city to raise cement prices by 30 yuan/ton, the current implementation is not up to expectations. The weekly quotation of some markets in Sichuan was slightly reduced by 10 yuan/ton, and the overall market in Yunnan-Guizhou region was relatively stable.

2024-05-17 17:25:50

On April 28, Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. released the first quarter report of 2024.

2024-04-29 10:25:40

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, the overall market demand performance is general, Chongqing and Guizhou parts of the week pushed up 30 yuan/ton, the implementation is not yet clear. Cement prices in some markets in Sichuan and Yunnan have dropped by about 20-30 yuan/ton.

2024-04-28 09:42:11

Disorderly competition will only lead to low-price competition, widespread losses, and "no food to eat when the table is lifted".

2024-04-18 16:59:35

Looking forward to the second quarter, with the gradual stabilization of real estate and the accelerated issuance of special bonds, demand is expected to continue to release, but we should also be alert to the adverse factors such as insufficient funds, the arrival of rainy season and busy farming season, the amount of project start-up may be variable, the overall demand may still be less than the same period, and the space for cement price to rise under high inventory pressure. It is expected that the profit level may be at a low level in recent years.

2024-04-12 16:16:19

According to China Cement Market Data Center, cement prices in Sichuan were mixed this week, cement prices in Chongqing continued to fall by about 10-20 yuan/ton, and the Yunnan-Guizhou market was relatively stable.

2024-04-08 10:25:16

Zheng Jianhui expects cement demand to decline by at least 3% in 2024.

2024-04-03 15:12:49

On March 28, the 13th China Cement Industry Summit and TOP100 Award Ceremony hosted by China Cement Network was held grandly.

2024-03-28 18:30:58

Enterprises with strong competitiveness and rapid response to the external environment can win the future.

2024-03-19 15:10:10

In 2024, the contradiction between supply and demand in the cement industry is becoming more and more serious, and the battle of "grabbing share" among major cement enterprises is imminent, and the national situation is more complex and pessimistic.

2024-03-13 09:15:24

Recently, a number of listed concrete companies and concrete products companies have issued performance forecasts for 2023.

2024-02-01 11:17:04

In the Yangtze River Delta region in 2023, Shanghai performed best in terms of demand, while the annual average price of cement was Zhejiang > Shanghai > Anhui > Jiangsu, but both fell to the lowest level in five years.

2024-01-16 09:14:58

The price of cement in Chongqing has dropped; the cement industry will be in a difficult period in the next ten years; "rigid capacity reduction" is the feasible solution to resolve overcapacity.

2024-01-12 14:45:33

Recently, the cement network APP video number carried out the online live broadcast of "Sharing Hui Building Materials Observation", and Li Kunming, an analyst of China Cement Network Cement Big Data Research Institute, looked forward to the cement industry in 2024.

2024-01-12 12:10:02

CNBM is a comprehensive building materials enterprise, and the aggregate business is an extension of the cement business of the company's basic building materials sector.

2024-01-03 11:33:34


2023-12-28 11:49:29


2023-11-23 10:20:52


2023-10-26 14:36:30


2023-10-24 17:06:00


2023-10-20 09:18:36


2023-09-15 11:06:16

广东粤东散装水泥价格上调; 1.开展碳盘查 建立数据库 水泥行业“碳”寻未来 2.“储能+水泥厂”大爆发!为什么水泥行业急需储能? 3.起拍价1.18亿!100万吨水泥粉磨站等资产破产拍卖 4.嘉峪关祁连山水泥光伏发电项目并网发电

2023-09-13 15:04:51


2023-09-12 16:03:03


2023-09-01 17:57:44


2023-08-31 13:11:21


2023-08-31 12:18:19


2023-08-25 17:06:38