需求下滑 四川水泥企业提升价格维持工厂运转

2023-11-24 11:59:57











为此,中国水泥网将于2023年11月29日,在杭州举办“第五届中国水泥智能化高峰论坛”。大会以“数据驱动决策 智能引领未来”为主题,诚邀行业专家学者及相关企业代表,共同探讨和推动水泥行业的智能化进程。

















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We need to establish the core values of "others earn more, I can earn more" to guide production and operation. In the short run, only by actively limiting production and restoring the balance of supply and demand in the weak market, can the cement industry achieve a recovery in efficiency. Without enough initiative and consistency to limit production, all those who talk about the price of cement are cheaters and hooligans, and they can not succeed.

2024-08-13 15:12:11

China's urbanization rate has increased by 1 percentage point, which can stimulate the new investment demand of trillion yuan scale.

2024-08-07 15:47:16

In August, the market outlook was weak, inventory pressure increased, demand was low..

2024-08-07 14:09:46

"There are two leading enterprises fighting in Guanzhong.".

2024-07-31 17:32:22

The industry must rationally face the current situation of insufficient demand.

2024-07-29 15:09:40

The cumulative consumption has been unable to support the further demand for cement in the future.

2024-07-19 14:27:26

In such a cold winter, should we narrow the battle line.

2024-07-16 14:11:29

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the price of cement in Guangdong and Guangxi markets has been stable this week, and the price in Hainan has fallen sharply. Prices in Hubei are mainly stable, while prices in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan are falling.

2024-07-12 17:23:24

With frequent high temperature and rain weather, the building materials market has entered the off-season of traditional demand.

2024-07-08 16:16:39

Cement and aggregate are "grasshoppers on a rope".

2024-07-05 11:41:59

The largest monthly output of clinker is Anhui Chizhou Conch Cement Co., Ltd., which produces 1.2399 million tons of clinker, accounting for 11.24% of the total output of Anhui Province.

2024-07-02 11:22:10

Following the increase of cement price by 50 yuan/ton at the end of May, leading enterprises in Dali and Lijiang areas of Yunnan continued to notify the increase of cement price by 50 yuan/ton from June 25.

2024-06-26 16:51:15

Looking forward to June, many regions will increase the intensity of kiln shutdown in the off-season. It is expected that the supply will shrink, the inventory will decline, and the cement price will fluctuate slightly.

2024-06-05 15:52:55

Traditional investment in infrastructure construction is difficult to support strong demand for cement.

2024-05-30 16:02:02

Cement manufacturers are facing the embarrassing situation of "opening one day, losing one day".

2024-05-28 15:13:17

On the morning of May 20, the cargo ship "Guiping Wanhua 8689" berthed at the special wharf of Huarun Cement (Guigang) Co., Ltd., after loading 2149.88 tons of cement produced by the enterprise, went all the way east to Shenzhen, the city of Dawan District, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

2024-05-24 15:58:39

The implementation of the new national standard may become an important opportunity for cement prices to rise.

2024-05-23 15:19:32

How is the cement industry in Hubei? Faced with the current situation, what are the views of cement enterprises in the region?

2024-05-23 13:38:17

The reduction of new construction projects and the weakness of infrastructure have a direct impact on cement demand.

2024-05-21 09:52:34

Fujian's new measure of peak staggering is a positive attempt to alleviate the competitive pressure of local cement enterprises, but the complexity of implementation and the actual effect need to be carefully considered.

2024-05-16 17:05:59

In the future, Huaxin Cement will continue to take green development as the core, continue to increase investment in pollution reduction, carbon reduction, energy saving and consumption reduction, promote the national "double carbon" work with practical actions, and provide Huaxin samples for traditional industrial enterprises to practice the road of green sustainable development.

2024-05-16 10:58:59

In the market with low concentration, we need to adopt the price competition strategy boldly, fight on the fight, but also thoroughly hurt, forcing the production capacity with weak competitiveness to be completely eliminated.

2024-05-16 09:26:05

Layoffs reduce costs, but can they really increase efficiency?

2024-05-15 14:41:02

At present, it is an important opportunity for the cement industry to reshape its pattern and open a new chapter of high-quality development.

2024-05-15 14:16:10

Even from the above four aspects, it is still difficult to fundamentally solve the problem of excess cement production capacity in Henan. If orderly competition and cooperation can not be achieved, the competition between "advanced production capacity and relatively advanced production capacity" will eventually change into the confrontation between "advanced production capacity and advanced production capacity".

2024-05-13 15:30:38

It is about 13 times the price of cement in China, which is 4283 yuan/ton higher than that in China.

2024-05-11 14:22:59

Faced with the impact of low price cement, how will Qinghai cement deal with it? "Give up that market." Relevant person in charge of a large cement enterprise in Haidong said that even if the price is reduced, it will not increase much, so it is better to do more projects or commercial concrete stations, and the price is still high.

2024-05-10 17:01:55

Enterprises are under great pressure to operate and actively raise the price of cement, but the foundation of price increase is not stable.

2024-05-09 13:05:55

The voice of cement price is not decided by small enterprises, nor in the hands of large enterprises.

2024-05-07 13:59:52

Asia Cement (China) has favorable conditions to fully participate in the market competition along the Yangtze River.

2024-05-06 09:33:35

Can this push up be implemented? According to the communication between China Cement Network and local cement enterprises, the difficulty of price implementation in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is quite different.

2024-04-29 17:45:49

"Now the main reason for the price increase is that we can't afford it!" An industry insider in Liaoning said bluntly.

2024-04-26 11:34:38

Data show that from January to March 2024, Ningxia's cement output was 1.0661 million tons, a year-on-year decline of 46.9%, making it the province with the largest decline in cement production in China.

2024-04-25 13:47:41

Not only in Hunan, but also in the whole Yangtze River Basin, the prospect of this round of price increases is worrying. According to the analysis of China Cement Network Cement Big Data Research Institute, the current supply and demand situation is still poor, the foundation of price increase is not solid, and the serious shortage of demand may be the main factor that makes this round of price increase difficult to implement.

2024-04-19 09:17:10

As the junction of Henan and Hebei, the cement enterprises in Anyang and Xinghan have maintained a fierce market competition.

2024-04-18 13:32:24

During the exchange, it was learned that the loosening of cement prices in Hexi area of Gansu Province was mainly due to the obvious decline in local cement demand and the impact of foreign cement.

2024-04-18 09:19:14

The cement market along the Yangtze River has always been the core market of the cement industry, which plays an important role in stabilizing the national cement market.

2024-04-17 17:40:05

According to all kinds of information, the situation is not optimistic about how long Hubei can be "stable" after this round of cement price increase.

2024-04-17 10:51:00

According to the feedback from the market, since the end of the off-peak production in the heating season, the overall demand for cement in the northern region has been low, and the clinker inventory has continued to rise. In this regard, the four provinces of Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Henan began to promote the cement industry to stop kilns in April this year.

2024-04-15 16:17:43

Cement prices have remained relatively stable since 2000.

2024-04-15 16:06:10

Cement enterprises are almost faced with the situation that prices can not fall, only rise.

2024-04-12 16:38:44

The cement network APP is an all-round industry assistant integrating audio-visual information, real-time quotations from all parts of the country, production line distribution at home and abroad, global cement clinker ranking, industry leadership resume, project dynamics and industry reports. With its powerful functions and convenient operation, it helps you navigate accurately in the ocean of the cement industry and enjoy the commercial dividends of the information age.

2024-04-12 11:04:59

As of April 9, Daqing Train Depot has completed the unloading of 172 vehicles, 344 standard boxes and a total of 11000 tons of cement clinker, and quickly put them into the Daqing construction market through road freight vehicles, seizing the market opportunities.

2024-04-10 13:06:56

The person in charge of a core cement enterprise in eastern Guangdong predicts that the annual decline in cement sales in 2024 will be greater than that in the previous year.

2024-04-08 17:20:15

Why can Xinjiang stabilize the market and achieve counter-trend growth in 2023?

2024-04-08 10:48:21

The profit situation of the cement industry may improve in March.

2024-04-07 09:17:51

The leader of a cement enterprise in Dalian, Liaoning Province, said frankly that in the face of this situation, the company now does not know what to do, very helpless.

2024-04-03 16:18:15

At present, the cement industry is facing serious internal and external troubles, which can be said to be "the autumn of life and death".

2024-04-02 17:13:02

In the first two months of this year, cement demand in Guizhou fell by about 14% year on year.

2024-04-02 13:20:46