
2018-08-22 09:30:24










  巴拿马:由于建筑业罢工,普通硅酸盐水泥产量下降。据《La Prensa》报道,2018年前5个月产量同比下降15%,从2017年同期的83万吨降至71万吨。包括混凝土在内的其他建筑材料的生产也受到了负面影响。

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This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.

2024-09-16 10:19:30

In September 13th, some investors asked, what is the company's plan for the next 3 years? Li Qunfeng, executive director and general manager of Conch Cement, said that the company would persist in effective investment, continue to consolidate the competitive advantages of cement and upstream and downstream industries, and foster new energy, environmental protection, digitalization and other emerging industries.

2024-09-13 15:47:40

From the overall situation, in the first half of 2024, the overall operating situation of the cement industry was grim, and the profits of cement enterprises basically declined sharply, and even some enterprises suffered huge losses. In terms of the operation and management of Conch Cement, the Group will pay close attention to the macroeconomic situation at home and abroad, and continue to improve the quality and efficiency of its operation in line with the guidance of national policies. Huaxin Cement said that it demonstrated the sense of responsibility of large enterprises and actively promoted and implemented new supply-side structural reform programs and measures suitable for the high-quality development of the industry.

2024-09-03 09:43:58

In the first half of 2024, Conch Cement realized an operating income of RMB45.566 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 30.44%, and a net profit attributable to parent company of RMB3.326 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 48.56%.

2024-08-30 14:56:13

According to the report, in the second half of 2024, the external environment is still complex and severe, and the operation and development still face many risks and challenges. From the perspective of the industry, in the second half of the year, the marginal demand for cement improved, the supply compression continued to increase, and the contradiction between supply and demand in the industry was prominent. From the company's point of view, strategic opportunities and risks coexist, uncertainties increase, the complexity and severity of the business situation, the heavy and arduous tasks continue to intensify.

2024-08-27 11:20:44

Yin Zhisong fully affirmed the work of Sinoma Cement in the first half of 2024, pointing out that under the complex and changeable economic environment, all the cadres and staff of Sinoma Cement have made outstanding achievements. Faced with multiple challenges such as slow recovery of domestic demand for basic building materials and complex overseas situations, Sinoma Cement has achieved remarkable results in international development, business performance, management ability and Party building. Yin Zhisong deeply analyzed the new situation and challenges of the cement industry at home and abroad. He stressed that the current economic environment is in a cyclical change. Only by constantly learning and changing, can we accurately grasp the future development situation and implement the internationalization strategy.

2024-08-19 14:53:56

The real value of an enterprise lies not only in its short-term financial performance, but also in its leadership in the industry and its contribution to the future development of the industry. From this perspective, Conch Group still has a long way to go.

2024-08-06 15:02:54

In the first half of 2024, Iran's cement consumption reached 32.17 million tons, an increase of 9.8% over the same period last year.

2024-07-31 17:14:30

Tianshan shares said that after the completion of the acquisition, it will help to promote the international layout of the company's cement business, expand the scale of the company's assets, enhance future profitability and improve the company's sustainable operation ability.

2024-07-29 09:37:33

It has vigorously promoted "eliminating backwardness, optimizing layout, upgrading technology and eliminating a large number of backward production capacity" and achieved remarkable results.

2024-07-23 14:51:01

European cement prices may exceed 250 euros/ton.

2024-07-17 16:03:36

"Integrated transformation and development, overseas development, new building materials business development, traditional industry + digital innovation".

2024-07-02 10:27:00

Huaxin Cement has formulated the action plan of "improving quality, increasing efficiency and emphasizing returns" in 2024, aiming at implementing the spirit of the Central Conference, responding to the initiative of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, improving the company's quality, investment value and market competitiveness, optimizing its operation and governance, actively returning investors and creating a good image of the capital market.

2024-07-01 17:06:15

Premier Li Qiang of the State Council delivered a speech at the opening ceremony and attended a forum for representatives of foreign business circles. Zhou Yuxian, Party Secretary and Chairman of China Building Materials Group, was invited to attend the opening ceremony and participate in related activities.

2024-06-28 10:05:42

For China Building Materials Group, accelerating the development of new quality productivity is the mission and responsibility of implementing the Party Central Committee's decision-making and deployment, and is an urgent need for its own development.

2024-06-26 09:50:59

Strict implementation of off-peak production is an important reason for the rise of local cement prices.

2024-06-18 09:51:24

Taiwan's cement industry has experienced a complete life cycle from germination, growth, prosperity to recession. Study Taiwan cement industry from the development since demand drops period, have draw lessons from a meaning very much to market of current mainland cement.

2024-05-28 11:53:23

Chang An-ping believes that now, 200 years after the invention of Portland cement, there are only two kinds of cement industries left: those who are still waiting to see, those who are still fighting for production, and those who are looking forward to tomorrow, those who are determined to go all the way.

2024-05-24 09:30:01

On May 21, Taiwan Cement Co., Ltd. held a shareholders' meeting to officially announce that Taiwan Cement Co., Ltd., which has a history of 78 years, will become a group holding company after seven years of active low-carbon transformation. Cement Corporation to TCC Group Holdings, a total of 11 industries across the global layout of 13 multinational markets. At the same time, the board of directors elected Zhang Anping as the chairman of Taiwan Cement.

2024-05-23 13:50:00

In fact, I have no secret to do business, if I have to say, I would like to talk about the three basic points of my business: learning, innovation and responsibility. It is these three basic points that make me stick to the enterprise and make some achievements.

2024-05-22 13:16:41

In 2023, the cumulative cement output of Enterprises above the national scale was about 2.023 billion tons, ranking first in the world for 38 consecutive years. Cement production accounts for more than 50% of global production, and annual carbon dioxide emissions exceed 1.2 billion tons.

2024-05-20 10:06:04

On May 9, Sinoma Overseas and Tongwei Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as "Tongwei") formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement.

2024-05-14 15:44:31

In the second quarter, the construction of infrastructure, real estate and key projects resumed one after another, and the effective demand became more important. From the situation in April, the production and sales volume of cement has increased significantly, and the cost of sales per ton is expected to continue to decline, so the gross profit per ton of cement is expected to increase.

2024-05-07 09:31:10

As the export business of Yufeng Group is on the right track, the internationalization process of Yufeng Group is accelerating. The "Yufeng" brand cement will further demonstrate the hard core strength of "Made in China", provide superior cement for customers in more countries and regions, and jointly build a beautiful earth home.

2024-05-06 09:23:34

In fact, as the largest cement giant in China with complete industrial chain and national layout, the future development of Tianshan shares is also highly expected by the market. After the seasonal factors are gradually cleared, the company's cost reduction and cost control effect will be further transformed into profit momentum, combined with the performance commitment compensation landing, the company may usher in market value revaluation. With the acceleration of the company's internal optimization of quality and efficiency and the transformation of digital intelligence, the release of profit expectations driven by overseas layout and aggregate business, the growth space of Tianshan shares is worth looking forward to by the market.

2024-04-30 11:04:11

After the completion of the transaction, Jidong Cement holds 100% equity interest in China-Africa Building Materials.

2024-04-28 17:33:55

In the face of unprecedented changes in the world in a century, in order to better cope with risks and challenges and seize development opportunities, we must plan, act and act according to the situation.

2024-04-23 09:17:14

On April 18, CNBM announced that it expected the unaudited loss attributable to equity holders (net profit loss attributable to parent company) for the three months ended March 31, 2024 to be RMB1.3 billion.

2024-04-18 11:57:26

Looking forward to 2024, CNBM will continue to unswervingly promote the implementation of internationalization strategy, promote the internationalization of all business, all processes and all elements, comprehensively strengthen the construction of overseas compliance risk control system, and take various measures to achieve high-quality development of international business.

2024-04-16 10:11:46

In the downward cycle of demand, price is the basis of share and sales volume. The price of sacrifice can be compared with the cost reduction. If the cost is reduced by 20 yuan and the price is reduced by 100 yuan, can the benefit recover?

2024-04-16 09:26:17

On April 8, 2023, China National Building Material Company Limited held its 2023 annual performance conference in Hong Kong. At the meeting, the company's top management shared the highlights of its performance and future development strategy. In 2023, the company's operating income reached 210.2 billion yuan, and the net profit of the parent company was 3.86 billion yuan. The company will accelerate the transformation and upgrading, continue to promote the development of basic building materials, new materials, engineering and technical services, and emphasize the internationalization strategy and the interests of shareholders. It has implemented the "14th Five-Year" international development plan, promoted green development, improved shareholder returns, and planned to increase the dividend rate to 50%. The company's management communicated with investors and analysts on various aspects, and about 70 well-known investment banks and analysts attended the meeting.

2024-04-09 09:19:56

Zheng Jianhui expects cement demand to decline by at least 3% in 2024.

2024-04-03 15:12:49

In 2024, what are the development plans and layouts of the major cement enterprises in the market? According to the annual report of the enterprise, the following are arranged..

2024-04-03 13:45:12

Xinjiang Tianfeng Investment Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shangfeng Building Materials, intends to acquire 100% equity of Xinjiang Bohai Cement Co., Ltd.

2024-04-03 10:07:10

Although the current "Belt and Road" countries still have a large market demand, they should also be alert to the hidden risks and challenges. Cement enterprises should not only learn to recognize gold, but also guard against dangerous reefs on the seabed.

2024-03-21 17:31:55

In 2023, Conch Cement realized operating income of 140.999 billion yuan, an increase of 6.8% over the previous year, and net profit attributable to the parent company of 10.43 billion yuan, a decrease of 33.4% over the previous year.

2024-03-20 11:44:45

Up to now, Conch Cement has accumulated 13.888 million tons of clinker production capacity overseas, ranking first in the overseas production capacity of Chinese cement enterprises.

2024-03-20 11:44:32

From the perspective of the main direction of going to sea, China's cement enterprises focus on the layout of Southeast Asia, Central Asia and other countries along the Belt and Road; from the perspective of the route of going to sea, most enterprises mainly build their own production lines.

2024-03-19 16:34:55

Special cement is the advantage of Yufeng Group.

2024-03-14 14:53:31

Specialized institutions should also be established to accelerate the process of international testing, evaluation and certification of new green materials. Focusing on application norms, technology integration, standard establishment, certification and identification, we should gather resources and concentrate our efforts to build an international standard working mechanism with government guidance, enterprise main body and industry-university-research linkage, strengthen all-round benchmarking and systematic integration at home and abroad, break through institutional obstacles, and let green materials, green products and green standards go to the world.

2024-03-11 09:38:19

On March 7, Tan Hua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of China Gezhouba Group, went to the cement company for investigation, emphasizing that we should keep up with the pace of development of the "three new" energy construction, take the lead in accelerating the "four major transformations", continue to write brilliant, and make new and greater contributions to the high-quality development of China's energy construction with new achievements and breakthroughs.

2024-03-08 14:44:41

Recently, Yin Zhisong, Party Secretary and Chairman of Sinoma International, met with Mr. Saad Fayeq Mohammed, Chairman of Iraq DCC Company and his delegation at the headquarters.

2024-03-05 09:32:00

Cement export is expected to become an important way to resolve the serious overcapacity of cement production in the coastal and border areas of Northeast China.

2024-03-04 09:11:33

In order to achieve the international development goal of "rebuilding a Chinese building material overseas" in 10 years, we will write a new chapter of high-quality development belonging to South African companies.

2024-03-01 10:55:13

Sinoma International (600970) released a record of investor relations activities on February 26, and the company was surveyed by seven institutions on February 23, 2024, including insurance companies, fund companies and securities companies.

2024-02-27 13:39:27

The subordinate units of Gezhouba Cement Company earnestly studied and comprehended the spirit of the meeting at the first time, and expressed that they should keep up with the pace of the company's reform and development, maintain a vigorous and popular style, a realistic and pragmatic attitude, and dare to do good deeds, and implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Committee and the company to the letter, so as to make unremitting efforts for the company to build a first-class building materials provider with high-quality development!

2024-02-23 10:12:52

On the afternoon of February 20, Yin Zhisong, Party Secretary and Chairman of Sinoma International and Chairman of Sinoma Cement, went to the headquarters of Sinoma Cement to investigate and guide the internationalization work, and cordially consoled the cadres and staff of Sinoma Cement.

2024-02-23 09:38:06