
2015-08-13 09:03:34



  Ghori Ⅰ工厂:两座窑,拥有400t/d的熟料产能;报告期Ghori Ⅰ厂由于煤炭获取的限制,处于间歇性经营状态。

  Ghori Ⅱ工厂:两座窑,拥有1200t/d的熟料产能。《全球水泥黄页》显示,Ghori Ⅱ没有建设完成,目前没有生产水泥。

  第三个厂,Ghori Ⅲ工厂,拥有4000t/d的熟料产能,原先计划在2013年投产。然而《全球水泥黄页》证实,工厂建设还未开始。所有的Ghori水泥厂由Afghan Cement LLC所有,这是Afghan Investment Company(AIC)的子公司,AIC直到最近被前总统卡尔扎伊的兄弟穆罕默德·卡尔扎伊和其他与政府有关系的富有投资者所拥有。







  2014年5月,MoM接到了对赫拉特省和帕尔旺省水泥厂建设的报价。15家公司对投标表示了兴趣,提交三个报价,来自Lego Afghan Logistic和Zasu-Honkong Union Holding的两个公司的两项建议被接受。与此同时,MoM表示在帕尔旺省的Jabal Saraj的一家关闭的水泥厂将提出招标。Jabal Saraj厂是阿富汗第一家安装旋窑的水泥厂。湿法窑熟料产能100t/d,自1957年以来从未升级改造过。1996年工厂的正常生产被塔利班中断。在塔利班政权时期,工厂被轰炸十余次。最近,MoM使赫拉特省的Inji工厂开始运营的尝试失败。2013年3月,伊朗的Pesghaman Company中标以完成工厂建设和经营Inji工厂。1978年,Inji工厂3000t/d的产能开始建设,但是内战爆发后施工推迟,最终没有完成。与Pesghaman Company的合同终止,根据MoM的说法,原因是Pesghaman Company不能在27个月内安装好符合要求的产能。这主要归结于缺乏关键的技术和财务举措来挖掘生产所需的的原材料。



  巴基斯坦是阿富汗水泥市场的主要进口国,进口水泥大部分提供给中部和北部地区。巴基斯坦水泥出口量的50%流向阿富汗市场。巴基斯坦公司中出口水泥到阿富汗较多的是Lucky Cement、Bestway、Cherat、Lafarge、Fauji Cement和DG Khan Cement。其中,DG Khan Cement总出口量的30%和Lucky Cement总出口量的20~25%是流向阿富汗市场。



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In the long run, the core factor restricting the rise of cement price lies in the serious overcapacity. At present, the real utilization rate of clinker production capacity has reached a new low level in recent years, and the problem of excess contradiction is extremely acute. Only by taking effective measures to resolutely reduce production capacity and solve the persistent illness, can cement price be guided to return to the normal level.

2024-09-20 11:03:39

Tianfeng Securities Research Report shows that with the arrival of the peak season in September, the progress of special bonds and special bonds at the infrastructure end has been accelerated and major local projects have been started, and the demand for cement is expected to pick up. Recently, the cement shipment data continued to recover, and the price side also rose synchronously. At present, most cement enterprises are still in a state of loss. With the strengthening of industry supply self-discipline, the superimposed demand is expected to improve marginally, and the industry profit center is expected to be lifted.

2024-09-19 10:18:37

From the overall situation, in the first half of 2024, the overall operating situation of the cement industry was grim, and the profits of cement enterprises basically declined sharply, and even some enterprises suffered huge losses. In terms of the operation and management of Conch Cement, the Group will pay close attention to the macroeconomic situation at home and abroad, and continue to improve the quality and efficiency of its operation in line with the guidance of national policies. Huaxin Cement said that it demonstrated the sense of responsibility of large enterprises and actively promoted and implemented new supply-side structural reform programs and measures suitable for the high-quality development of the industry.

2024-09-03 09:43:58

According to the report, in the second half of 2024, the external environment is still complex and severe, and the operation and development still face many risks and challenges. From the perspective of the industry, in the second half of the year, the marginal demand for cement improved, the supply compression continued to increase, and the contradiction between supply and demand in the industry was prominent. From the company's point of view, strategic opportunities and risks coexist, uncertainties increase, the complexity and severity of the business situation, the heavy and arduous tasks continue to intensify.

2024-08-27 11:20:44

Pursue quality management and effective development, reduce production and consumption intensity, and reduce ineffective supply.

2024-08-02 13:05:35

In the first half of 2024, Iran's cement consumption reached 32.17 million tons, an increase of 9.8% over the same period last year.

2024-07-31 17:14:30

In the past two decades, the demand change of China's cement industry has gone through three development stages: high-speed development period (2004-2012), high-level platform period (2013-2021), and downward demand period (from 2022 to now).

2024-07-23 16:45:00

According to China Cement Market Data Center, the actual turnover of cement in Guangdong and Guangxi local markets fell slightly by 10-20 yuan/ton this week, but the overall quotation of large factories stabilized. Cement prices in many places in the two lakes have fallen back to the level before the rise.

2024-07-19 17:14:59

European cement prices may exceed 250 euros/ton.

2024-07-17 16:03:36

For a long time, cement has been recognized as a "short-leg" product. With the advancement of water transport construction, the capacity of major transport channels such as the Yangtze River and the Xijiang River has been improved. With the implementation of rail-water intermodal transport and river-sea intermodal transport, the radius of cement transport has been increasing.

2024-06-18 15:57:19

Strict implementation of off-peak production is an important reason for the rise of local cement prices.

2024-06-18 09:51:24

By the end of 2025, the proportion of production capacity above the benchmark level of energy efficiency in cement and ceramics industries will reach 30%, that of production capacity above the benchmark level of energy efficiency in flat glass industry will reach 20%, and that of production capacity below the benchmark level of energy efficiency in building materials industry will be completed or eliminated.

2024-05-29 20:21:02

Taiwan's cement industry has experienced a complete life cycle from germination, growth, prosperity to recession. Study Taiwan cement industry from the development since demand drops period, have draw lessons from a meaning very much to market of current mainland cement.

2024-05-28 11:53:23

Chang An-ping believes that now, 200 years after the invention of Portland cement, there are only two kinds of cement industries left: those who are still waiting to see, those who are still fighting for production, and those who are looking forward to tomorrow, those who are determined to go all the way.

2024-05-24 09:30:01

In fact, I have no secret to do business, if I have to say, I would like to talk about the three basic points of my business: learning, innovation and responsibility. It is these three basic points that make me stick to the enterprise and make some achievements.

2024-05-22 13:16:41

In 2023, the cumulative cement output of Enterprises above the national scale was about 2.023 billion tons, ranking first in the world for 38 consecutive years. Cement production accounts for more than 50% of global production, and annual carbon dioxide emissions exceed 1.2 billion tons.

2024-05-20 10:06:04

This week, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region continued its efforts to push up the price of cement. At present, only the price increase in Shijiazhuang is well implemented.

2024-05-17 17:41:26

From 15th to 17th, the price of cement in Yinchuan area of Ningxia was pushed up again by 20-25 yuan/ton, and the implementation remains to be observed. Prices in the rest of the market have not changed significantly this week.

2024-05-17 17:30:48

China Cement Network Market Data Center News, Southwest China last week, some leading enterprises in Chongqing notified the main city to raise cement prices by 30 yuan/ton, the current implementation is not up to expectations. The weekly quotation of some markets in Sichuan was slightly reduced by 10 yuan/ton, and the overall market in Yunnan-Guizhou region was relatively stable.

2024-05-17 17:25:50

In the first quarter of 2024, the industry as a whole showed the operational characteristics of "shrinking demand, fierce competition, high inventory and low price".

2024-05-07 09:20:19

Recently, a number of cement listed companies have been surveyed by institutions and expressed their views and judgments on the market trend this year.

2024-04-18 11:15:12

The key to determine the efficiency of the industry is the supply structure and enterprise behavior.

2024-04-07 16:00:37

Tao Congxi mainly analyzed the current situation of carbon emission in cement industry, the technical path of carbon emission reduction at home and abroad, the "3C" carbon neutralization technology in cement industry, and the "3C" carbon neutralization practice cases in cement industry.

2024-04-03 13:58:22

It is highly probable that demand will fall to less than 1 billion tons in 10 years!

2024-03-25 09:31:24

In the course of the prosperity of China's cement industry, Jidong Equipment has contributed a lot.

2024-03-13 09:10:04

At present, the international political and economic situation is complex and changeable, which has a great impact on the cement industry. Cement enterprises, especially many member enterprises from emerging countries, still have to face such issues as "how to attach equal importance to social responsibility and shareholder returns, how to balance sustainable development and short-term survival, and how to coordinate overcapacity and transformation and upgrading".

2024-03-11 09:38:39

Ignatius, Director-General of the Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Textile Industries, Ministry of Industry Warsito explained that there is overcapacity in the cement industry in almost all regions except Bali, Nusa Tenggara and Papua Maluku. "The largest percentage of overcapacity is in Java, at more than 55.4%," Warsito added.

2024-03-02 18:16:25

The domestic cement industry is expected to rebound in 2024 due to the government's tireless efforts to accelerate the implementation of public investment and key transport infrastructure projects, as well as the approval of many industrial and urban infrastructure projects.

2024-03-02 18:09:38

Today (March 1), the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance and other seven departments issued China's first Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Green Development of Manufacturing Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Guiding Opinions). It is suggested that by 2030, the output value of green factories will account for more than 40% of the total output value of manufacturing industry, and green development will become a solid foundation for promoting new industrialization.

2024-03-01 11:49:22

As one of the main sources of global carbon emissions, cement industry will undoubtedly have a far-reaching impact on the industry once it is included in the carbon emissions trading market.

2024-02-28 10:48:46

The author believes that the expansion of the "concrete city" model also reflects the change of the unequal relationship between the North and the South in the world. In the past, multinational companies grabbed a lot of investment and trade gains, but under the new capitalism of "combination of government and business" in Africa, local political and business elites have risen and formed alliance networks, among which the best have even begun to launch reverse m ergers and reshape "North-South relations". With the retreat of neoliberal influence, a new governance model seems to be emerging in West Africa: the government centralizes the promotion of infrastructure projects, enterprises respond to the call to speed up the landing, and the people vote according to the results of their achievements.

2024-02-07 09:41:37

On the morning of January 18, Red Lion Group held a business meeting in 2024.

2024-01-19 21:32:36

[Cement Big Data Research Institute] Cement Industry Chain Index Weekly Report (2024.01.19)

2024-01-19 17:19:56

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the Northeast market is almost stagnant, manufacturers have holidays, construction sites are shut down, and prices are difficult to change.

2024-01-12 16:27:12

The price of cement in Chongqing has dropped; the cement industry will be in a difficult period in the next ten years; "rigid capacity reduction" is the feasible solution to resolve overcapacity.

2024-01-12 14:45:33

In the long run, Zhang Zhenkun believes that the cement industry will be in a difficult period in the next ten years, and the demand for cement will drop from 2.04 billion tons to 1.4 billion tons or even less in ten years.

2024-01-12 09:27:58

Yang Dan believes that the fundamental reason for capacity removal is not "rational capacity removal", but "rigid capacity removal".

2024-01-10 13:53:30

Cement price in East China decreased by 1.02%; national cement output in 2023; Western International Group invested US $1 billion to build a factory in Zimbabwe

2024-01-10 13:05:08

Staggered peak production of cement, only reduce the output, not reduce production capacity.

2024-01-08 15:12:46

Over the past ten years, Conch Cement has adhered to the new development concept, constructed a new development pattern, closely followed the pulse of the times, seized strategic opportunities, and firmly sailed to the vast new blue sea as a pioneer, drawing a magnificent picture of the high-quality development of the "one belt and one road".

2024-01-03 13:08:45

According to the disclosure of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on December 28, Anhui Conch Material Technology Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as "Conch Material Technology") submitted its listing application to the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, with CITIC Construction Investment International as its sole sponsor.

2024-01-03 03:21:55

In the second half of the 14th Five-Year Plan, the cement industry should focus on strengthening energy conservation, carbon reduction and emission reduction, and must strengthen confidence. In the first half of the 14th Five-Year Plan, the expected reduction of energy consumption per unit GDP, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions per unit GDP, and the ratio of days with good air quality in cities at prefecture level and above have been completed.

2024-01-02 14:18:21


2023-12-29 14:53:53


2023-12-28 11:49:29


2023-12-26 13:59:19


2023-12-22 17:20:42


2023-12-08 10:01:48


2023-12-02 16:05:51