Cement Economy 50 Forum | Pan Zhonghong: Lower Expectations, Abandon Fantasy, and Look at the Market with Normal Thinking

2024-03-28 18:49:53

Pan Zhonghong, deputy general manager of Anhui Conch Cement Co., Ltd., said that the current situation of the industry is very anxious and we do not want to see it. The serious overcapacity and the sharp decline in demand have further intensified the contradictions in the industry.

On March 28, the "Cement Economy 50 People Forum" hosted by China Cement Network was successfully held in Hangzhou. The theme of the forum was: Understanding the Changing Situation, Solving the Difficult Situation and Seeking Development. Pan Zhonghong, deputy general manager of Anhui Conch Cement Co., Ltd., said that the current situation of the industry is very anxious and we do not want to see it. The serious overcapacity and the sharp decline in demand have further intensified the contradictions in the industry. In the next ten years, cement production will drop to 1 billion tons. How many 3000 cement enterprises will be left in the next 10 years? This is the law of market development.

For the current market situation, Pan Zhonghong gave the following suggestions:

1. Staggered production to solve the problem of capacity. The more open the market price is, the more difficult it is to maintain the market, where the concentration is low, it is difficult to rely on self-discipline to maintain the market, and it is difficult to withdraw a large amount of production capacity in a short period of time. Therefore, at present, we can only rely on off-peak production to reduce production capacity, and Conch Cement firmly supports off-peak production. New production capacity is strictly prohibited in

2、. The excess capacity caused by the previous period is due to the lack of strict prohibition of new production, and now the balance between production and marketing is very fragile, so new production capacity and capacity replacement must be strictly controlled.

3、 lower expectations. It is difficult to go back to the era of high profits, so we should look at the market with normal thinking. How do

cement enterprises do?

1、 promotes technological innovation. Cement enterprises are major carbon emitters, and the cement industry accounts for about 15% of the country's carbon emissions, promoting technological innovation to reduce carbon emissions.

2、 carbon trading. Eliminate backward production capacity through carbon trading.

3、 insists on transformation and upgrading to improve the high-quality development of the industry. Market-oriented capacity removal is a long process, and large and small enterprises will be very painful. So it's better to be out now than later, otherwise it's hard to leave in the end. If cement enterprises want to enhance their competitiveness, they need to strengthen the extension of the industrial chain and not hang on a tree.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.