Cement Economy 50 People Forum | Chen Zhongsheng: "Lift the Table and Have No Food to Eat"

2024-03-28 18:00:03

Chen Zhongsheng stressed that we should work together to maintain the industry ecology, so as to ensure the survival of each enterprise, and then to have the quality of life of employees. Shanshui Group will always be the defender and practitioner of the healthy ecology of the industry.

On March 28, the "Cement Economy 50 People Forum" hosted by China Cement Network was successfully held in Hangzhou. The theme of the forum was: Understanding the Changing Situation, Solving the Difficult Situation and Seeking Development. Chen Zhongsheng, vice president of

Shandong Shanshui Cement Group Co., Ltd., said that in the past year, everyone felt that it was too difficult and the market was too chaotic. How did this mess come into being? Overcapacity is the main reason.

Chen Zhongsheng said that it is impossible for people to solve the problem by price war. So how to solve the mess?

First, the government has come forward to set the bottom line of cement industry prices. With the lowest price line, cement enterprises can only compete for the market by comparing quality and service, so that the industry can be better than bad, so as to more effectively reduce production capacity. At the same time, with the protection of base price, cement enterprises can make reasonable profits and make better efforts to upgrade environmental protection and equipment.

Second, the industry should have the spirit of contract. Over capacity is an established fact, and price war can not solve the problem. Apart from off-peak production, there is no other way out for the cement industry at present. We should adhere to peak staggering production, improve the effect of peak staggering production, and maximize the pace of peak staggering production.

Chen Zhongsheng said that under the disorderly competition, the cement industry will fall into a chaotic "battle of eight kings", and the cost of price war is the loss of more than 100 billion yuan in the whole industry! But it didn't solve anything! Cement industry should pay attention to ecology, survival and life, once "there is no food to eat when the table is lifted".

Chen Zhongsheng stressed that we should work together to maintain the industry ecology, so as to ensure the survival of each enterprise, and then to have the quality of life of employees. Shanshui Group will always be the defender and practitioner of the healthy ecology of the industry.

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