
2023-10-15 11:15:52



学习贯彻“五大经营理念” 大讨论活动实施方案


01 开展主题党日活动


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04 开展党建创新活动


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Yufeng Group and Lujian Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement, which will deepen cooperation in raw material supply, market expansion and other fields, jointly promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading, and help Guangxi's economic development.

2024-08-19 22:14:14

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the price of cement in the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong in central and southern China has recovered by 10-15 yuan/ton, and the quotation in Guangxi is temporarily stable. Prices in some areas of the two lakes have fallen in the early stage, and the overall market is mainly stable this week.

2024-08-02 17:16:26

We will further deepen cooperation in supply chain services, building materials supply and other fields.

2024-07-30 15:47:14

Cement prices in the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong rose by 20-30 yuan/ton in the second round of the month, and Guangxi may also have price expectations, according to the China Cement Market Data Center. Affected by the continuous rain weather in the two lakes area, sales in some areas stagnated.

2024-06-28 17:04:10

As a high-level conference held by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the National Science and Technology Award Conference awarded a large number of major scientific and technological achievements and outstanding scientific and technological talents, and awarded them with the highest courtesy of the state.

2024-06-26 09:34:59

Lei Zhenbin emphasized that as an important node connecting production and consumption, the efficient operation of the transit warehouse is the key to ensure the rapid circulation of Yufeng cement products. We should strive for excellence to ensure that every link of the supply chain is in the best condition and improve customer satisfaction.

2024-05-27 10:12:58

Lei Zhenbin, Party Secretary and Chairman of Guangxi Yufeng Group, led a team to visit China Construction West Construction Co., Ltd.

2024-05-20 11:41:23

The meeting pointed out that in the first quarter of this year, the comprehensive sales volume of cement clinker of Yufeng Group was 2.0368 million tons, the business income was 494 million yuan, and the coastal and overseas sales achieved new breakthroughs, which further enhanced the viscosity of key customers such as central enterprises and state-owned enterprises directly under the district. At the same time, by optimizing the procurement mode, the procurement cost of coal, grinding AIDS, fly ash and other materials was further reduced.

2024-04-24 09:58:28

Yufeng Group met and exchanged views with Trading and Commerce Group. The two sides discussed the cement business, market situation and future direction of cooperation and development, hoping to deepen cooperation, broaden cooperation areas and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

2024-04-01 09:25:16

Lei Zhenbin, Party Secretary and Chairman of Yufeng Group, led a team to visit Guilin University of Technology to discuss school-enterprise cooperation, focusing on industry-university-research cooperation, personnel training and future development, aiming at deepening cooperation and creating a new situation of mutual benefit and win-win. The two sides have a long-term cooperative relationship and hope to promote industrial transformation, upgrading and high-quality development through scientific and technological innovation and cooperation in various fields.

2024-03-27 10:24:56

Every Yufeng person should embark on a new journey of transformation, upgrading and high-quality development with a sense of crisis and urgency on the edge of the cliff and a brand-new attitude and determination to win.

2024-03-15 14:01:17

Special cement is the advantage of Yufeng Group.

2024-03-14 14:53:31

Continuously enhance endogenous power to achieve high-quality development of enterprises.

2024-03-14 09:40:59

When the spring tide surges, it is time to set sail. Jinzhou Cement is moving towards spring!

2024-03-11 09:26:38

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, in order to increase profits, major enterprises in Henan, Hunan, Yongzhou and Hengyang notified an increase in cement prices by about 15-30 yuan/ton on the 2nd. In addition, there are signs of loosening in the actual transaction price of cement in some markets in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hubei.

2024-03-08 15:32:55

One is to find a way to survive, and the other is to find a way out and go out.

2024-03-06 16:26:20

Give yourself a chance to embark on a new journey.

2024-03-05 09:45:17

On February 29, Niu Yanlin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Sinoma International (Nanjing), visited Yufeng Group to discuss and exchange on technology sector linkage and business collaboration.

2024-03-05 09:25:05

Lei Zhenbin stressed that we should fully recognize the new normal of the cement industry, such as insufficient cement production capacity, fierce market competition and obvious decline in demand.

2024-03-04 09:06:52

On February 26, Yufeng Group held a financial working conference in 2024. Lei Zhenbin, Party Secretary and Chairman of Yufeng Group, Zou Hongbing, Deputy Party Secretary, Vice Chairman and General Manager, and Deng Yibin, Member of the Party Committee and Chief Accountant, attended the meeting.

2024-02-29 10:04:18

From February 21 to 22, Lei Zhenbin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Yufeng Group, went to Beihai Yufeng and Liuzhou Yufeng Fangchenggang Transit Station to carry out safety production inspection after the festival.

2024-02-26 09:48:15

On February 21, Lei Zhenbin, Party Secretary and Chairman of Yufeng Group, went to Beihai Yufeng for investigation and guidance, accompanied by Luo Ping, Party Committee Member and Deputy General Manager of Yufeng Group, and Wang Dongqing, Deputy General Manager.

2024-02-23 09:34:20

At the beginning of the Year of the Dragon, the production and operation of Jinjiu Cement reported good news, and the operating profit in the first month increased by 30% compared with the same period last year, ushering in a "good start" in the first month.

2024-02-20 09:18:54

On February 18, Yufeng Group held a special meeting on the resumption of production after the Spring Festival in 2024 and the work safety during the National "Two Sessions".

2024-02-20 09:12:13

Recently, Yufeng Group held the 2024 Production and Operation Work Conference and the 2023 Annual Economic Operation Analysis Conference.

2024-02-05 09:17:40

On January 27, Yufeng Group held the first Plenary meeting of the 14th Workers'Congress and the first Plenary meeting of the 12th Trade Union Members' Congress.

2024-01-30 09:17:54

On January 24, Lei Zhenbin, Party Secretary and Chairman of Yufeng Group, went to Du'an Yufeng for investigation. Zou Hongbing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice Chairman and General Manager of Yufeng Group, was accompanied by Wu Qiuyi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Trade Union and Employee Director.

2024-01-26 14:03:11

The average price of the Yangtze River Delta fell to the lowest level in five years; Gao Dengbang: drastically cut production capacity and take a clear-cut stand to stabilize expectations; industry associations are not allowed to make decisions on operators to reduce production and stop production.

2024-01-16 13:54:31

Lei Zhenbin was appointed Party Secretary and Chairman of Guangxi Yufeng Group Co., Ltd.

2024-01-16 09:04:07

Mainly due to the significant decline in downstream demand, coupled with the recent impact of foreign cement, in order to increase sales, the local leading cement enterprises in Hainan Province lowered the price of cement.

2024-01-13 16:18:16


2023-12-26 09:24:15


2023-12-25 09:40:43


2023-12-22 16:23:31


2023-12-18 09:25:02


2023-12-13 09:35:58


2023-11-27 10:05:14


2023-11-21 09:18:17


2023-11-10 16:48:00


2023-11-09 09:45:19


2023-11-08 09:26:27


2023-10-20 16:21:05


2023-10-20 09:31:30


2023-10-18 09:53:24


2023-10-16 09:31:36


2023-10-15 11:15:52


2023-10-14 10:32:53


2023-10-13 16:31:57


2023-09-22 18:02:12