停窑进行时 陕西关中地区水泥价格上扬

2023-12-21 16:40:29









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The vicious competition of "involution" is a game without winners.

2024-08-08 10:38:47

"There are two leading enterprises fighting in Guanzhong.".

2024-07-31 17:32:22

The downstream construction in the northern region is still general, the demand recovery is less than expected, and the cement price is weak and stable; the shipment in some parts of the southern region has improved, coupled with the long-term low price operation, the enterprise has a strong willingness to raise prices. Generally speaking, the recovery of demand is limited, but driven by the general rise in the Yangtze River Delta region, the national cement price has stopped falling and turned to rise.

2024-04-15 15:30:35

Western Cement expects that the price of Shaanxi cement will remain stable in 2024.

2024-03-19 14:45:45

The two carriages of real estate and infrastructure construction work together to drive the demand for cement to pick up.

2024-03-07 13:20:30

Compared with other provinces in the northwest, the price of cement in Ningxia is much lower, so how did the "price depression" in the northwest of Ningxia come into being?

2024-02-01 15:26:59


2023-12-21 16:40:29


2023-11-16 15:31:52


2021-11-09 10:48:09


2021-09-24 17:34:47


2021-09-17 17:58:13


2021-08-27 16:15:05


2021-07-23 17:42:41


2021-07-16 16:36:40


2021-07-02 14:23:48


2021-06-11 18:15:17


2021-06-04 17:45:46


2021-04-16 17:18:11


2021-04-09 18:04:55


2021-02-26 17:16:55


2020-01-13 09:33:18

Municipal ecological environment departments timely publicize and interpret the requirements of inefficient and ineffective pollution control facilities and monitoring and control systems for enterprises within their jurisdiction, and organize enterprises to complete self-examination by the end of October 2024. In view of the problems found in the self-examination, enterprises should formulate rectification measures and actively promote rectification.