
2022-01-28 09:13:49





(一)绩效分级达到 A 级,或被工信部评为绿色工厂的水泥生产企业的水泥熟料生产线全年错峰生产天数不得少于30天

(二)绩效分级达到 B 级,或有全年协同处置城市生活垃圾及有毒有害废弃物等任务的水泥生产企业的水泥熟料生产线全年错峰生产天数不得少于42天。确因全年协同处置城市生活垃圾及有毒有害废弃物等任务繁重无法错峰停窑的水泥熟料生产线,错峰生产任务可以由同一水泥集团公司内部按产能等量换算调剂替代。







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The Yangtze River Economic Zone is one of the most dynamic economic regions in China. There are 168 enterprises and 608 production lines in ten provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Basin, with a total clinker production capacity of 720 million tons. If we can take the lead in realizing the high-quality and healthy development of the cement industry in the Yangtze River Basin, the cement industry in other regions can also embark on the road of sound development.

2024-09-10 10:03:17

Seeing the title, some people are sure to say: "This is not true. A few years ago, everyone in the cement industry ushered in six years of good times in the process of sharing happiness." Is this really the case? As a typical cyclical industry, the development of cement industry is full of ups and downs. From the past experience, when the industry encounters a low ebb, it is easier for enterprises to form a consensus and deal with challenges together; however, after the industry recovers, it is difficult to maintain this spirit of unity.

2024-08-20 16:27:06

According to China Cement Market Data Center, the demand and sales in southwest China are sluggish, cement prices in Sichuan and Chongqing continue to fall, and some regions have fallen back to the level before the price increase in June. Some markets in the surrounding Yunnan-Guizhou region are still pushing up in the week, and the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-08-02 17:25:15

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the price of cement in the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong in central and southern China has recovered by 10-15 yuan/ton, and the quotation in Guangxi is temporarily stable. Prices in some areas of the two lakes have fallen in the early stage, and the overall market is mainly stable this week.

2024-08-02 17:16:26

At the beginning of July, the market along the Yangtze River ushered in the third round of cement price increase in the year, with a range of 50 yuan/ton, but most of them only implemented 20-30 yuan/ton, and some markets did not even increase the price at all.

2024-08-01 14:23:38

"There are two leading enterprises fighting in Guanzhong.".

2024-07-31 17:32:22

In the past two decades, the demand change of China's cement industry has gone through three development stages: high-speed development period (2004-2012), high-level platform period (2013-2021), and downward demand period (from 2022 to now).

2024-07-23 16:45:00

Although Henan Province has once again tried to raise cement prices, the actual results of this move are still worrying in view of the weak market situation, and the implementation is full of uncertainty.

2024-07-12 15:58:24

In the second quarter, especially since June, the cement market demand is gradually recovering, the cement price in some regions has improved significantly, and the performance of Jidong Cement is expected to be restored with the recovery of the industry.

2024-07-09 11:06:30

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, heavy rainfall is prevalent in East China this week, with mountain torrents and floods in some areas. Many construction sites have been shut down, cement demand has plummeted, and cement prices have fallen slightly.

2024-07-05 16:08:54

From 2015 to 2022, the whole seven-year window period, the industry did not think about how to put the capacity into practice, but continued to increase the actual capacity through various means.

2024-07-04 09:19:12

Shandong Province issued the Action Plan for Upgrading the Building Materials Industry (2024-2026), which aims to promote the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the building materials industry. The action plan focuses on the cement industry and puts forward the tasks of stable growth, structural adjustment, digital transformation, green manufacturing and safety improvement.

2024-07-01 17:05:09

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the price of cement in Northeast China is generally stable, the demand is stable, and the expectation of off-peak kiln shutdown is good.

2024-06-28 17:09:41

According to the data center of China Cement Network, the cost of cement production has risen, and the price of cement in Dali and Lijiang areas of Yunnan has risen again by 30 yuan/ton. The market demand in Sichuan and Chongqing is weak, and local cement prices have fallen.

2024-06-28 17:06:31

According to the cement network market data center news, this week, the price of cement in Northeast China is stable, the peak is over, and the kiln lines resume operation.

2024-06-21 16:28:46

According to the market data of China Cement Net, the price increase in some areas of central and southern Hebei has not been effective, while the demand in northern Hebei has declined due to the high temperature, and the overall price has remained stable; the demand in Shanxi Province is weak, and the implementation of the price increase remains to be observed; the market in Inner Mongolia is relatively stable.

2024-06-21 15:42:33

Cement prices in Gansu and Qinghai were temporarily stable after rising this week, while the actual implementation range in Ningxia was narrowed, according to the cement market data center. The overall performance of Shaanxi market is stable.

2024-06-21 15:30:08

At present, the cement industry is experiencing an unprecedented difficult period of economic and talent shortage.

2024-06-20 16:21:00

Strict implementation of off-peak production is an important reason for the rise of local cement prices.

2024-06-18 09:51:24

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the price of cement in some markets in Sichuan and Chongqing has been raised by 50-130 yuan/ton, which is a large increase, and the actual implementation remains to be observed.

2024-06-14 20:06:50

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, this week, the second round of cement prices in Guangxi began to rise by 30-40 yuan/ton in a month, while cement prices in Guangdong were mixed.

2024-06-14 19:47:39

The objectives and tasks put forward in the Action Plan are clear, the safeguard measures are strong, and the guidance and operability are strong, which is of great significance to promote the green and low-carbon development level of the cement industry.

2024-06-07 23:36:27

By the end of 2025, the proportion of production capacity above the benchmark level of energy efficiency in cement and ceramics industries will reach 30%, that of production capacity above the benchmark level of energy efficiency in flat glass industry will reach 20%, and that of production capacity below the benchmark level of energy efficiency in building materials industry will be completed or eliminated.

2024-05-29 20:21:02

Taiwan's cement industry has experienced a complete life cycle from germination, growth, prosperity to recession. Study Taiwan cement industry from the development since demand drops period, have draw lessons from a meaning very much to market of current mainland cement.

2024-05-28 11:53:23

How is the cement industry in Hubei? Faced with the current situation, what are the views of cement enterprises in the region?

2024-05-23 13:38:17

Under the background of the current downturn in the cement market and the tightening of the mine transfer policy, it is extremely difficult to solve the mine problem in the short term, and ultimately waiting for such enterprises, I am afraid they will withdraw from the market.

2024-05-22 09:17:44

The cost of purchased limestone is basically more than 40 yuan/ton, and the cost of limestone purchased by some enterprises is even 50-60 yuan/ton, which is more than 30 yuan/ton higher than the cost of limestone per ton of self-owned mining enterprises. Converted to clinker, the cost of raw materials per ton of clinker is almost 40 yuan/ton higher.

2024-05-21 17:34:42

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the overall demand for cement in East China has been bleak in recent years, and cement prices in many places have been lowered to varying degrees.

2024-05-17 17:31:09

Even from the above four aspects, it is still difficult to fundamentally solve the problem of excess cement production capacity in Henan. If orderly competition and cooperation can not be achieved, the competition between "advanced production capacity and relatively advanced production capacity" will eventually change into the confrontation between "advanced production capacity and advanced production capacity".

2024-05-13 15:30:38

China Cement Network Market Data Center News, around May 1, leading enterprises in many places in Northeast China notified an increase in cement prices of about 50 yuan/ton. After the shutdown of the kiln, clinker stocks declined. At present, the implementation of the price increase is better.

2024-05-11 16:51:41

According to the data center of China Cement Market, prices in some parts of East China have declined this week, but many places have stabilized prices.

2024-05-11 16:48:37

According to the market data of China Cement Network, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has once again tried to push up prices, and major enterprises in Baotou and Tongliao regions of Inner Mongolia have also tried to push up prices, and the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-05-11 16:05:21

From the perspective of policy purpose, peak staggering production and capacity replacement are indeed two important strategies for the supply-side structural reform of the cement industry, but why is it that after several years of development, the overcapacity of the cement industry has become more and more serious, and the effect of the supply-side structural reform of the cement industry has gradually disappeared?

2024-05-11 09:30:03

Faced with the impact of low price cement, how will Qinghai cement deal with it? "Give up that market." Relevant person in charge of a large cement enterprise in Haidong said that even if the price is reduced, it will not increase much, so it is better to do more projects or commercial concrete stations, and the price is still high.

2024-05-10 17:01:55

Bazhou Qingsong Lvyuan Building Materials Co., Ltd. will adjust the kiln opening time during the off-peak period from May 17 to May 31, 2024 (15 days) to the kiln shutdown time during the non-off-peak period from September 16 to September 30, 2024 (15 days).

2024-05-10 13:27:43

All cement clinker production lines in Liaoning Province will be shut down for 15 days from 8 o'clock on May 1, 2024 to 8 o'clock on May 16, 2024.

2024-05-08 09:40:47

Superior enterprises are encouraged to integrate inefficient production capacity in the city through market-oriented mergers and reorganizations, and gradually withdraw from cement clinker production lines of 2500 tons per day or less (except special cement).

2024-05-07 15:19:25

The voice of cement price is not decided by small enterprises, nor in the hands of large enterprises.

2024-05-07 13:59:52

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, the overall market demand performance is general, Chongqing and Guizhou parts of the week pushed up 30 yuan/ton, the implementation is not yet clear. Cement prices in some markets in Sichuan and Yunnan have dropped by about 20-30 yuan/ton.

2024-04-28 09:42:11

In the case of 200 days of shutdown, the actual production capacity of Shanxi cement is still about 58.2 million tons, far greater than the demand of 44 million tons. Therefore, even if the kilns in Shanxi are stopped for 200 days, the supply is still greater than the demand.

2024-04-24 15:52:47

In 2023, the association organized the provincial cement clinker enterprises to stagger the peak production for a total of 181 days. Of the 82 clinker production lines in the province, the number of days of kiln shutdown is 14842 days, the actual total number of days of kiln shutdown is 16934 days, and the overall rate of kiln shutdown is over 110%. Clinker production was reduced by 62.29 million tons, coal consumption was reduced by 8.1 million tons, carbon dioxide emissions were reduced by 53.85 million tons, nitrogen oxide emissions were reduced by 75,000 tons, and dust emissions were reduced by 5,500 tons, which made a positive contribution to the construction of beautiful Shandong while promoting the implementation of the structural reform of the supply side of the industry. The report also makes arrangements for the normal peak staggering production in 2024, and the total time of the annual peak staggering production plan is not less than 200 days.

2024-04-19 17:03:39

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center News, Northeast China: Northeast market demand is weak and stable, cement prices have loosened.

2024-04-19 16:57:31

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, since the middle of the year, many enterprises in Sichuan and Chongqing have notified the price of cement to be raised by 15-30 yuan/ton. At present, the implementation is mostly around 10-20 yuan/ton. The market demand and sales volume in Yunnan-Guizhou region is low, and the price of cement in some markets has dropped by 10-20 yuan/ton in the week, and the range in some regions is about 40 yuan/ton.

2024-04-19 16:50:45

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, this week, all regions basically completed a round of general rise, but the implementation of individual regions is not good.

2024-04-19 15:53:19

According to the data of China Cement Network, the overall market is weak, with prices falling by 15-40 yuan/ton in central and southern Hebei and north of Jinzhong.

2024-04-19 15:34:55

In short, production lines with clinker overproduction of 10% or more are major changes in scale and need to re-submit EIA documents for approval! These overproduction production lines should ask themselves whether their overproduction behavior is illegal?

2024-04-19 14:23:03

In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.