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The two sides will establish a communication and coordination mechanism to promote the application, development and promotion of advanced ceramics and artificial crystal materials in cement production lines, so as to achieve the goal of emission reduction, low carbon and green, and achieve win-win cooperation between the two sides.


On the one hand, the state requires the cement industry to carry out compulsory ultra-low emission transformation, on the other hand, it also gives real gold and silver subsidies and preferential tax policies.


On February 1, Yunnan Cement Building Materials Group held the Second Sixth Workers'Congress.


The construction site has basically stopped, and the market in many places has ended. It is expected that the cement price will continue to fluctuate weakly next week (2.4-2.7).


On February 1, 2024, the Symposium on the work of Sichuan Cement Association in 2024 was held in Chengdu.


Recently, the Economic and Information Bureau of Fanchang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province, issued a notice on the transfer of cement clinker production capacity of Wuhu Ruixin Cement Co., Ltd.


In January 2024, the sales of Xiangshan Cement exceeded the budget by 16%, an increase of 63% over the same period last year, and achieved a "good start" in the first month.


On the morning of February 2, Yizhou Group 2023 Annual Award Ceremony was held in Yizhou Technology Co., Ltd. Chairman Zhang Jianqun, group leaders, advanced representatives and staff representatives from all sectors gathered together to commend the advanced and celebrate the grand ceremony.


One is the "pearl" (Shijiazhuang) protected by all, the other is the "cake" (Zhengzhou) divided up by all, whose situation is more comfortable, it is obvious.


Cement prices in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region were mainly stable this week, according to the market data of China Cement Network.


According to the cement network market data center news, this week the northwest region ushered in rain, snow, freezing rain weather.


On February 2, China Gezhouba Cement Co., Ltd. held the Second Session of the Third Workers' Congress and the 2024 Working Conference.


According to the data center of China Cement Market, the market is off-season, the construction site is shut down, and the price of cement in southwest China tends to be stable.


According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, the Spring Festival is approaching, demand is further weakening, and the overall market in central and southern China is stable this week.


According to the data center of China Cement Market, the quotations in East China were temporarily stable this week, and the actual transaction prices in some areas declined slightly.


According to the data center of China Cement Market, the Northeast market is almost stagnant, manufacturers have holidays, construction sites are shut down, and prices are difficult to change.


Price Forecast of P.O42.5 Bulk Cement in 31 Provinces and Cities in China in February 2024


In recent years, Guangxi has replaced cement production capacity from 18 provinces in China, and the cement clinker production capacity of 12 projects under construction has reached 17.34 million tons, which is 2.9 times the increment of the 13th Five-Year Plan.


On January 31, the Guizhou Development and Reform Commission issued a list of 2000 key private investment projects in Guizhou Province in 2024.


According to the market data of China Cement Network, the average price of P.O42.5 bulk cement in January 2024 was 337.21 yuan/ton.


Nanning Hongshi Cement won the mining right of the mine with a 30050 of 10000 yuan.


How did Ningxia become a "price depression" in Northwest China? Conch Cement won the mining right of limestone mine in Guangxi with 730 million yuan. Bahrain Cement consumed about 1 million tons. Nanning Hongshi Cement won the mining right of limestone mine in Guangxi with 300 million yuan. Several cement production line projects in Guizhou are in progress.


Recently, the MAL01 project in Lahao, Poland, which was constructed by Sinoma International, successfully ignited and produced the first batch of clinker.


The staff of Jiahuateshui, affiliated to China Building Material Group, unanimously expressed that in the new year, they should make persistent efforts to develop new quality productivity with practical actions, seize the opportunity to make a good start, and continue to add new brightness to Made-in-China.


It is reported that the project is divided into three sections, namely, transportation corridor, processing zone and comprehensive building, with a total investment of about 500 million yuan.


On January 31, the 2024 Working Conference of Jiangxi Building Materials Group Co., Ltd. was held in Nanchang.


With the increasingly fierce competition in the cement industry, having stable mine resources can enhance the competitiveness of enterprises and make enterprises have more strategic advantages for long-term development.


Recently, the Sinoma Cement 2024 Working Conference was held in Beijing.


Compared with other provinces in the northwest, the price of cement in Ningxia is much lower, so how did the "price depression" in the northwest of Ningxia come into being?


In 2024, three new clinker production lines will be put into operation in Hunan; the construction of the western region will accelerate the development of new markets; the listed concrete companies will have mixed profits and losses in 2023; the performance of many cement enterprises will decline; and the cement products produced by seven enterprises in Hainan are not up to standard.


Chongzuo Huixin Building Materials Co., Ltd. won the mining right of the mine with 52.0363 million yuan.


Clinker Price Statistics of Major Cities in China (February 1)


Fusui Xinning Conch Cement Co., Ltd. won the mining right of Limestone Mine in Mumin North Mining Area, Changping Township, Fusui County, Chongzuo, Guangxi.


Recently, a number of listed concrete companies and concrete products companies have issued performance forecasts for 2023.


A picture to understand the report of Conch Group's 2024 working conference.


Except for the year-on-year increase in net profit of Tapai Group, the rest of the cement enterprises have experienced a sharp decline year-on-year.


Recently, Sichuan Beichuan Zhonglian, which belongs to Southwest Cement, has successfully put into operation the project of co-disposal of 150000 tons of solid waste and alternative fuels, laying a solid foundation for enterprises to comprehensively promote green transformation.


The Far East Group is optimistic about its development in Jiangxi and will actively consider increasing its investment in Jiangxi.


In order to cope with the downward trend of the total demand of the industry, Western Construction actively adjusted its production capacity and market layout, reduced production and improved efficiency in the traditional dominant areas, and strived to open up new markets such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. At present, the proportion of sales and production capacity in the new market is increasing continuously.


According to the Measures, in accordance with the principle of equal emphasis on passenger and freight transport and simultaneous development of new construction, renovation and expansion, we will support trunk railway projects that smooth the backbone corridors in the central, western and northeastern regions and strengthen national defense support in the border areas; support inter-city railway projects such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei; support projects to enhance railway freight transport capacity; and support projects to upgrade the infrastructure of China-Europe freight trains and expand the capacity of key railway ports.


Anhui and Zhejiang cement index prices rose on a month-on-month basis; cement enterprises suffered losses! How to Break Through; Jinyuan, Fujian, Jidong, Jianfeng, etc. Release 2023 Performance Forecast


The whole team is losing money! Jidong, Jinyu, Jianfeng, Yatai and Jinyuan issued performance forecasts for 2023.


We will accelerate the construction of a green manufacturing and service system, give full play to the basic and guiding role of green factories in the green and low-carbon transformation of manufacturing industry, accelerate the formation of a standardized and long-term cultivation mechanism, and build a leading force in green manufacturing.


On January 30, 2024, Conch Group held the 2024 Working Conference and the Second Session of the Fourth Workers'Congress at its headquarters.


Affected by the decline in market demand, the company's cement sales in 2023 decreased by 5.66% compared with the same period last year, and the average price of cement decreased by 15.87%. As the decrease in the selling price of cement was greater than the decrease in the cost, the gross profit margin of cement sales decreased year on year, resulting in a large loss in the main business during the period.


On January 31, Jilin Yatai Group Co., Ltd.


On January 31, Zhejiang Jianfeng Group Co., Ltd. issued a performance reduction announcement for 2023.


On January 31, Beijing Jinyu Group Co., Ltd. issued a performance reduction announcement for 2023.


On January 31, Tangshan Jidong Cement Co., Ltd. issued a performance forecast for 2023.


Opening up a new track has become the same choice for many cement enterprises.


Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.