News List

Recently, according to the verification results of Shandong's "two high" industries and the feedback confirmation of enterprises, the Shandong Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology have formulated the List of Cement Grinding Devices above φ3.2m in Shandong Province (the second batch), which will be publicized from January 24 to February 5, 2024. During the period of publicity, if citizens, legal persons or other organizations have objections to the enterprises and devices in the list, they may report them to the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology through the following supervisory telephone and e-mail.


Reasons for the rise and fall of cement prices in Guangxi and Shijiazhuang; Ma Zhifeng: In the era of high cost and low demand, cement enterprises are playing a game between small profits; Conch Cement plans to invest 560 million yuan to build a photovoltaic power generation project; Shanshui Cement is expected to lose 850 million yuan in 2023; the central bank's reduction of reserve requirement ratio and interest rate will help improve the economic and real estate recovery expectations.


Recently, Henan Energy Coking Coal Group Qianye Cement Limestone Mine has passed the national "carbon neutralization" certification, becoming the first cement production enterprise in Henan Province to obtain this certification.


On January 23, 2024, the 2023 Henan Brand Annual Meeting released the Brand Value List of Listed Companies in Henan Province, and China Tianrui Cement ranked 20th on the list.


On the afternoon of January 22, the inaugural meeting of the Cement Branch of Hebei Building Materials Industry Association and the first meeting of the first Council of the Cement Branch were solemnly held in the Provincial Building Materials Association.


Ma Zhifeng said that the cement industry has been overcapacity for a long time, and off-peak production is the only feasible way for the cement industry to explore for many years. If the off-peak production policy can not be effectively implemented, many enterprises will not survive.


In this contract, the company intends to invest 560 million yuan in Wangbu Town to build a 100m W composite photovoltaic power generation project.


In the future, Taiwan Cement Guigang Factory will devote itself to playing its leading role, constantly pursuing excellence and striving to achieve more outstanding results.


On January 25, China Shanshui Cement Group Co., Ltd. issued a profit warning.


During the exchange, we learned that the price increase was mainly due to the recent impact of the shutdown of the environmental protection control production line.


Behind the price drop is the bleak situation of real estate construction falling sharply, key projects landing slowly and cement demand shrinking.


Declining cement prices in Hunan and Yunnan; How to resolve overcapacity in the cement industry; Tapai Group expects net profit growth of 150% -200% in 2023; Announcement of heavy pollution weather performance rating results of Hunan cement enterprises


Lianyungang Municipal Market Supervision and Administration announced the spot check of cement product quality supervision in 2023, in which three batches of cement products were unqualified.


In the past year, the business situation is extremely complex and severe, the real estate market downturn, large fluctuations in raw material prices, serious overcapacity in the industry, extremely difficult repayment, sales prices continue to decline, under the strong leadership of the superior company, South China Material Learning and Implementing Xi Jinping's theme education of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, fully cooperate with the inspection team of the Party Committee of New Tianshan Cement. Take the target results as the guidance, strengthen the benchmarking assessment, and strive to achieve "a little more solid every day, a little better than the ring, a little better at the end of the year".


The national greenhouse gas voluntary emission reduction trading (CCER) has been restarted after seven years.


The Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other five departments jointly issued the Opinions on Promoting Ultra-low Emissions in the Cement Industry, requiring that by the end of 2025, more than 50% of the cement clinker production capacity should be transformed, and by the end of 2028, 80% of the cement clinker production capacity should be transformed. Control indicators include emission concentrations of exhaust particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, etc. Unorganized emissions require effective control facilities, and clean transportation requires the use of railways, waterways and other means of transportation.


For the cement market in 2024, Tapai Group said that from the relevant data, the inflection point of cement demand has been downward, the demand for cement in 2024 mainly depends on the pace of recovery of real estate, and the competition in the regional cement market also depends on the off-peak production of cement industry in various regions this year.


Through policy support and administrative coordination, we will support 1 to 3 large enterprises of 10 million tons in each province, guide other enterprises to share the market and benefits according to their generating capacity, and then eliminate 1/3 of the production capacity by the large enterprises in a unified and balanced manner, so as to reduce the losses of the eliminated enterprises.


The staff of China Building Materials Institute, affiliated to China Building Materials Group, unanimously expressed that in the new year, they should make persistent efforts to develop new quality productivity with practical actions, seize a good start and continue to add new brightness to Made-in-China.


China United Cement Corporation 2024 Working Conference and the Second Session of the Second Workers' Congress was held in Jinan.


Tapai Group issued a performance forecast on January 23, predicting that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in 2023 will be 666 million yuan to 799 million yuan, an increase of 150% to 200% over the same period last year.


On January 22, the Jiangxi Cement 2024 Working Conference and the Second Staff (Member) Congress were held in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province.


There are three A-level cement enterprises, namely Qiyang Conch Cement Co., Ltd., Lianyuan Conch Cement Co., Ltd. and Hunan Yiyang Conch Cement Co., Ltd.


On the afternoon of January 22, Sinoma International Nanjing 2024 Annual Working Conference and the Fifth Session of the Eighth Workers'Congress were held in Nanjing.


It is estimated that the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company in 2023 will be -570 million yuan to -520 million yuan.


In order to maintain the order of cement peak staggering production in Hebei Province and promote the high-quality development of the cement industry in the whole province, on January 19, the Hebei Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, together with the Hebei Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, conducted an interview with Tangshan Feilong Cement Co., Ltd. on the failure to implement the relevant regulations on cement peak staggering production.


Zhang Baogui said that the reason why the cement industry in Tibet can still develop well at present is that Tibet can strictly implement the development plan of the cement industry, strictly control the total production capacity of cement clinker, avoid blind expansion, and prevent Tibet from going to the road of serious overcapacity in the region.


On the morning of January 17, the Central South Cement 2024 Working Conference was held in Changsha.


Fluctuation of cement price in Sichuan and Hebei: lower in Sichuan and higher in Hebei; the new standard of GB175-2023 "General Portland Cement" will be implemented soon; ten predictions of cement industry in 2024


Statistics of cement output of all provinces and cities in China from January to December in 2023


In 2023, TCC actively responded to the requirements of national energy saving and consumption reduction, pollution reduction and carbon reduction, environmental protection transformation, green development and intelligent development, and revitalized the vitality and competitiveness of traditional industries.


Longnan Qilianshan Cement Co., Ltd. won the mining right of the mine with a transaction price of 5.95 million yuan.


Statistics on Import and Export of Natural Sand and Gravel in China from January to December 2023


As a cement production enterprise, what kind of action measures should be taken to maximize the interests of the enterprise under the premise of compliance.


On January 22, the 8.1953% equity of Sichuan Tianying Cement Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as "Tianying Cement") was listed for transfer, with a base price of 2.6419 million yuan.


Wuxi Jingkai East China Materials Co., Ltd. was established with a registered capital of 30 million yuan.


On January 22, the Yunnan Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on the list of green manufacturing in 2023.


China Cement Network called the relevant person in charge of the local cement enterprise at the first time.


Can the supply and demand of cement industry improve in 2024? Can prices be boosted? How will enterprises break the situation?


Top Ten Forecasts of Cement Industry in 2024


Weekly Statistical Report on Winning Bids of National Major Construction Projects Last Week (1.15 ~ 1.21)


The price of cement in many places in Yunnan increased by 30 yuan/ton, and the price of cement in Zhejiang dropped by more than 6%; the forecast profit of Asia Cement (China) and China Resources Building Materials Technology decreased; the State Council approved large projects in 18 provinces; Conch Cement planned to co-ordinate coal procurement resources to reduce costs.


In 2023, Turkish cement prices rose, and downstream concrete products also rose, stimulated by the earthquake. In 2023, the national output is expected to exceed 81 million tons, a record high.


In 2023, India's cement market demand and production continued to grow, the domestic urbanization process was further accelerated, and the investment in infrastructure remained unchanged.


In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions on safety in production, and in accordance with the executive meeting of the State Council and the deployment of the national teleconference on safety in production, resolutely curb the frequent occurrence of serious and extraordinary production safety accidents in the field of mines, with the consent of the leading comrades of the State Council, the "On Preventing and Curbing Serious and Extraordinary Production Safety Accidents in the Field of Mines" is now issued. Please earnestly implement it in light of the actual situation.


Asia Cement (China) announced that the Group's unaudited profit attributable to equity holders in 2023 is expected to decrease by approximately 75% as compared with the same period in 2022, mainly due to the decrease in the selling price of the Group's products during this period.


Profit attributable to owners of the Company for the year ending 31 December 2023 is expected to decrease by approximately 58% to 67% as compared to the year ending 31 December 2022.


According to China Cement Market Data Center, the average price of P.O42.5 bulk cement in China last week was 333.31 yuan/ton, down 2.11% from the previous month.


On January 19, the Jidong Cement 2024 Working Conference and the Second Session of the First Workers' Congress were held in Beijing.


In the process of sustained economic recovery and development, the economic growth rate of many provinces has exceeded that of the whole country, and the total economic output has stepped up to a new level, reflecting that many measures have been taken to stimulate market vitality and strive to restore the regional economy.


Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.