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Data show that from January to February 2023, the national cement output was 198.55 million tons, an absolute decrease of 15.75 million tons this year, a decrease of 7.9%.


According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, the average price of P.O42.5 bulk cement in China last week was 322.31 yuan/ton, down 0.73% from the previous month.


The interview reported the problems found in the verification and inspection, and analyzed the causes of the problems. Chongqing Conch Cement, Sichuan-Chongqing Regional Management Committee of Conch Cement Group and Conch Cement Group made review speeches respectively.


What are the drawbacks of the existing sales model of cement enterprises?


On March 13, Lei Zhenbin, Party Secretary and Chairman of Yufeng Group, led a team to Zunyi Saide Cement Co., Ltd., affiliated to Guizhou Tianshan Cement Co., Ltd. for investigation and exchange, accompanied by Wu Qiuyi, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Trade Union and Employee Director of Yufeng Group, and Luo Huan, Member of the Party Committee, Deputy General Manager and General Counsel.


On March 15, China Shanshui Cement Group Co., Ltd. released a preliminary performance report for 2023.


The market demand in Gansu and Ningxia is general, and the shipment volume of enterprises is about 30% of the normal level.


In December 2023, China Resources Cement changed its name to China Resources Building Materials Technology, and its Tianyang base was the first cement enterprise lighthouse factory certified by the World Economic Forum, and also the first lighthouse factory of global building materials enterprises. The new Tianyang Lighthouse plant has deployed more than 30 fourth industrial revolution technology use cases, improving energy, labor and equipment efficiency and quality performance through advanced analysis, automatic driving and industrial Internet of Things. The carbon emission of the base is reduced by 24%, the labor productivity is increased by 105%, the unplanned downtime of equipment is reduced by 56%, and the quality stability is improved by 25%.


According to China Cement Net Market Data Center, the Northeast market is gradually warming up, and the market price dropped to a low level at the end of last year. In order to improve the business situation, the leading enterprises in Harbin notified the implementation of the new ex-factory price on the 14th, releasing the price increase signal, followed by Jilin and Liaoning. At present, the market demand has not yet fully recovered, and the price is stable.


The price adjustment measures, on the one hand, is to reduce the price to stimulate sales, reduce inventory pressure in order to restart the production line; on the other hand, it is also to cope with the impact of Chongqing Conch Cement down the river.


According to the market data of China Cement Network, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has been dominated by fine weather recently, with the temperature rising and the demand for cement warming up.


Leading enterprises in Deyang and Mianyang plan to raise cement prices by 30 yuan/ton on the 16th.


According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, the market demand in Jiangsu has recovered recently, and some major manufacturers in Yancheng have pushed up the price of cement by 10 yuan/ton since the 14th.


In terms of the overall supply-demand relationship, the thermal coal market may continue to be in a state of excess, and the market price focus is expected to further move down, such as the price of 5500 kcal water coal around the Bohai Sea may fluctuate in the range of 800-950 yuan/ton.


The weather improves, the demand picks up, and the price of concrete is stable.


The market is gradually recovering, and concrete shipments have increased slightly..


On the 14th, leading enterprises in northern Shanxi notified an increase in cement prices by 20-30 yuan/ton.


Every Yufeng person should embark on a new journey of transformation, upgrading and high-quality development with a sense of crisis and urgency on the edge of the cliff and a brand-new attitude and determination to win.


Ten enterprises, including Guangyuan Conch, Luding Shansheng, Yibin Changning Red Lion, Yibin Huafu Shuangsan, Jiangyou Red Lion, Qianwei BMW, Dazhou Conch, Junlian Southwest, Beichuan Four Stars and Yibin Ruixing, have not completed the task of peak staggering production.


Mr. Li Jian decided to devote more time to his personal affairs and resigned as an executive director and deputy general manager of the Company.


Relevant information shows that Xinjiang Tianshan Cement has subscribed a capital contribution of RMB 210 million, with a shareholding ratio of 70%; Zhejiang Shangfeng Building Materials has subscribed a capital contribution of RMB 90 million, with a shareholding ratio of 30%.


Hefei South has made every effort to build a new modern factory for green intelligent manufacturing, and has built a demonstration line of green low-carbon technology and equipment for cement, which is ready for transformation and upgrading, and realizes the green development of ecological priority.


Kunming Municipal Market Supervision and Administration, in cooperation with the Professional Committee of Building Materials Products of Yunnan Quality Inspection Association, has carried out quality improvement actions for local cement production enterprises. The purpose of this action is to ensure that enterprises comply with the main responsibility of quality and safety, check and maintain the conditions for obtaining certificates, and prevent violations. Through on-site inspection, interviews and record review, 17 of the 19 certified enterprises were inspected, and 120 problems were found, of which 6 were considered serious. In addition, the production licenses of industrial products of enterprises were inspected, 59 problems were found and suggestions for improvement were put forward. The other two enterprises have not been inspected due to the suspension of production, and will be inspected after they meet the conditions for resumption of work.


In 2023, Tapai Group achieved a revenue of 5.535 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 8.29%; the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 742 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 178.55%.


From a certain point of view, the concrete industry can feel the "chill" of the downward demand more directly than the cement industry.


Tangshan Jidong Cement Co., Ltd., Shandong Shanshui Cement Group Co., Ltd. and Beijing Jinyu Group Co., Ltd. are the top three in Shanxi Province in terms of annual clinker production capacity, and their total annual clinker production capacity accounts for about 40% of the province's total.


Special cement is the advantage of Yufeng Group.


Promoting large-scale equipment renewal and replacing old consumer goods with new ones is an important measure to speed up the construction of a new development pattern and promote high-quality development, which will effectively promote investment and consumption, benefiting both the present and the long-term.


Zhang Liqun pointed out that facing the future, China's economy can not stay at this level for a long time, is in the start-up period of new development, the cement industry needs to be confident and fully prepared.


Since this year, Cement Co., Ltd. has firmly established the idea of "living a tight life", adhered to the "big cost thinking" and vigorously carried out the work of "double increase and double saving". Up to now, it has achieved 5.1 million yuan.


Holcim Group's annual pre-tax profit reached 4.760 billion Swiss francs (equivalent to about 39 billion yuan), and more than 2900 cement enterprises in China have not "done" a Holcim Group!


From the time line, in the hottest years of the cement market, the production line was built in violation of regulations, and then failed to put into operation smoothly. With the increasingly severe cement market, it is even more difficult to realize the return on investment of this 5000t/d production line.


Leading enterprises in Yichang area notified to reduce cement price by 30 yuan/ton


It is understood that a number of recent cement clinker production line construction projects ushered in the latest progress.


Continuously enhance endogenous power to achieve high-quality development of enterprises.


Recently, the actual transaction price of cement in the Pearl River Delta region has fallen by 15-30 yuan/ton.


From November 11 to December 12, some leading enterprises in Leshan, Ya'an and Meishan areas lowered the price of bagged cement by 20 yuan/ton, while the rest of the industry temporarily wait-and-see.


Some leading enterprises in Pingxiang, Ji'an, Yichun and other places notified a reduction in the price of bagged cement by about 15 yuan/ton.


Some enterprises in Qujing area notified to raise the cement price by 30 yuan/ton from 12 to 14 days.


Tang Limin (Credit No.: BH034582), the environmental assessment personnel of Minghe Environmental Protection Technology (Dalian) Co., Ltd. (Now renamed as Zhongheng Environmental Protection Technology (Dalian) Co., Ltd.), acted as the preparation host and main preparation personnel to prepare the Environmental Impact Report of 5000t/d Clinker New Dry Process Cement Production Line Project of Chaoyang Lanling Cement Co., Ltd., which has serious quality problems. Question. The person was punished by prohibiting the preparation of environmental impact reports (forms) within five years according to law, and was given 20 points for dishonesty by the Liaoning Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, and was blacklisted by the credit platform since September 19, 2023.


On the 13th, leading enterprises in the Wuhai region of Inner Mongolia notified an increase in cement prices by 20-25 yuan/ton.


Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. announced that the board of directors of the company will be on March 28, 2024 (Thursday). To hold a meeting of the Board to consider and approve, among other things, the annual results of the Company and its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2023 and the recommendation of an annual dividend, if any.


It is reported that Red Lion Holdings, whose main business covers cement, polysilicon production and sales, and solid waste treatment, is a leading cement producer in China, ranking 348th among the top 500 private enterprises in China in 2023. In recent years, based on the main business of cement, Red Lion Holdings has accelerated the pace of going to sea, and has invested in several cement projects in Indonesia, Laos, Nepal and other countries along the "Belt and Road"; at the same time, it has seized the opportunity to control the Asian silicon industry and entered the polysilicon industry, and the dual business pattern of "cement + polysilicon" has initially taken shape. Red Lion Holdings focuses on the accumulation of R & D investment and innovation advantages, ranking among the top 100 private enterprises in Zhejiang, and has obtained 380 patents related to cement and clinker.


Recently, Hubei Province released the list of B-level and leading enterprises in the second batch of key industries with heavy polluted weather in 2023.


Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian will certainly become the strategic places for China Resources to compete for this share.


Municipal ecological environment departments timely publicize and interpret the requirements of inefficient and ineffective pollution control facilities and monitoring and control systems for enterprises within their jurisdiction, and organize enterprises to complete self-examination by the end of October 2024. In view of the problems found in the self-examination, enterprises should formulate rectification measures and actively promote rectification.