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At the 2023 annual performance conference, Conch Cement demonstrated its continuous consolidation in the main cement industry and the key promotion of the upstream and downstream industrial chain. Chairman Yang Jun pointed out that the company's aggregate production capacity has been in the forefront of the country, and aggregate sales and profits have increased significantly year on year, and the commercial mixing industry has also achieved stable sales and benefit growth. Conch's investment in the green building materials industrial park project is generous, covering not only the cement business, but also other building materials industries. Looking forward to 2024, Conch Cement plans to continue to strengthen its main cement industry and upstream and downstream industrial chains, seek opportunities for mergers and acquisitions, and promote the development of aggregate and commercial mixing industries, so as to provide support for the company's transformation, upgrading and profit growth.


Tianshan Stock (000877) released its annual report in 2023, facing the challenges of overcapacity and declining demand in the cement industry, the company's revenue fell by 19.01% to 107.380 billion yuan, with a net profit of 1.965 billion yuan. Nevertheless, the company's total assets increased to 294 billion 722 million yuan, and the asset-liability ratio decreased slightly. Through lean management and technological innovation, the company promotes high-quality development, reduces costs and increases R & D investment. At the same time, Tianshan Stock Company plans to change its name to "Tianshan Material Co., Ltd." To reflect its national layout and industrial chain advantages. Among the difficulties faced by the industry, the upcoming China Cement Industry Summit will discuss the new development trend of the cement industry.


A Picture to Understand the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report of Tianshan Stock in 2023


Lei Zhenbin, Party Secretary and Chairman of Yufeng Group, led a team to visit Guilin University of Technology to discuss school-enterprise cooperation, focusing on industry-university-research cooperation, personnel training and future development, aiming at deepening cooperation and creating a new situation of mutual benefit and win-win. The two sides have a long-term cooperative relationship and hope to promote industrial transformation, upgrading and high-quality development through scientific and technological innovation and cooperation in various fields.


"When demand goes down, it is the time for the T-shaped strategy to shine." An industry insider said.


The mining right of Qishigang quarry of Guangdong Hongfeng Cement Co., Ltd. has been successfully transferred to Guangdong Conch Hongfeng Cement Co., Ltd. at a 25720 of 183.694 million yuan.


Xinjiang Tianshan Cement Co., Ltd. announced the proposed change of company name to Tianshan Materials Co., Ltd. and the corresponding amendments to the Articles of Association. The name change aims to better reflect the company's business scope and development strategy, but will not affect the company's stock exchange code "000877" and securities referred to as "Tianshan shares".


Tianshan Stock (000877. SZ) released its annual report for 2023, which showed that the company's operating income was 107.38 billion yuan, a decrease of 19.01% compared with the previous year, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 1.965 billion yuan, a decrease of 56.74% compared with the previous year. Affected by the weakening of market demand and the decline of sales price, the gross profit margin and profit of the company's cement, commercial concrete and aggregate business have declined. Although aggregate sales increased by 23.55% year on year, the overall performance declined sharply. The company's operating conditions are in line with the development trend of the industry, and the sales of cement, clinker and commercial mixing have declined. The company announced a cash dividend of 1.14 yuan per 10 shares.


On the 26th, leading enterprises in Chengdu notified an increase in the price of bulk cement by 30 yuan/ton


In the first ten days, the leading enterprises in Pu'er and Honghe Prefecture raised the cement price by 30 yuan/ton, which has fallen back to the level before the rise in recent days.


In 2024, the setting of Xinjiang's economic development target indicates that the cement market demand will continue to grow, and the market is expected to remain stable.


The company has made remarkable achievements in the new year: it has signed major project contracts with the Lao government to promote international cooperation; it has participated in the official release of international standards to enhance China's influence in the field of global standardization; it has obtained the highest rating of national digital transformation to show its strength in the industrial Internet platform; it has appeared in the advanced ceramics exhibition to highlight its leading position in the industry; It was selected as the main enterprise in the general contracting chain of general integration in Shanghai, reflecting its influence in the advanced material industry; it led the establishment of a green ecological innovation consortium in the cement industry, and was committed to scientific and technological innovation and green development.


Liu Yan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of China National Building Material Corporation and Chairman of New Tianshan Cement, and his team went to Jiahuateshui for investigation, appreciated its scientific and technological innovation work, and put forward four requirements: adjusting the development plan to expand the special cement business, optimizing the layout of production capacity, saving the construction of headquarters base, and improving the ability of scientific research personnel. At the same time, it emphasizes the implementation of the spirit of the Eight Provisions of the Central Committee and the focus on the objectives and tasks.


Evergreen said on the interactive platform for investors on March 25 that the company has set up a new energy subsidiary to actively lay out the new energy industry. At present, it has completed photovoltaic power generation projects of some subsidiaries of the company, and will continue to vigorously promote the development of related industries in the future.


In the future, cement enterprises will still have to face the situation of insufficient market demand and the rising trend of production costs, and the industry will face great operational pressure.


The first phase of the commercial mixing project is the first project of Gezhouba Cement Yicheng Green Building Material Industrial Park, covering 52 mu, with a total investment of about 120 million yuan.


On March 25, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region issued a public announcement on the update of cement clinker production line in 2023.


The company continues to streamline the organization and optimize personnel, establish and improve the flexible salary system, and constantly reduce costs.


At the end of the meeting, Chairman Yang Jun said that the company would actively respond to the new situation and challenges, comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of operation and management, create greater value for the majority of shareholders, and hoped that investors would continue to pay attention to the development of the cement industry and the company.


The board of directors of Qingsong Jianhua in 2023 showed that the company's operating income increased by 20.01% year on year, but its operating cost increased by 22.92%, resulting in a 2.2 percentage point decrease in gross interest rate. Nevertheless, the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies increased by 11.53%, and the net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses increased by 65.10%. Especially in the cement sector, despite the overcapacity of cement in Xinjiang, the company achieved 35.51% growth in cement sales and 23.75% growth in sales revenue through regional policies and investment recovery, while the gross profit margin remained almost unchanged, only decreased by 0.04 percentage points, reflecting that the company effectively controlled costs in the case of rising raw material and fuel prices.


Leading enterprises in Yibin area have successively lowered cement prices by 20 yuan/ton around 22 days.


Since the 25th, major manufacturers in Nanjing have notified an increase in the price of bulk cement by 20 yuan/ton.


Major manufacturers in Henan continue to reduce the price of cement by about 20 yuan/ton.


The construction of these transportation infrastructure projects is expected to boost cement demand in the two provinces and promote local economic development.


The building materials industry is required to speed up the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, vigorously promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, and comprehensively improve the utilization rate of resources.


The Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision and Administration has supervised and inspected six types of licensed enterprises, such as wires and cables, and conducted spot checks on their products. The inspection found that 40 enterprises had suggested improvements in inspection equipment, while one of the 72 cement products was unqualified, and the unqualified item was loss on ignition. The Supervisory Bureau will urge enterprises to rectify and strengthen targeted supervision.


Today, let's follow the lens to the Guizhou cement in the poem, appreciate the landscape of Guizhou and Guizhou, and encounter the beautiful scenery of the southwest. Please follow the picture scroll that we unfold slowly for you to see the distant world and the magnificent mountains and rivers.


According to the annual report of Xinjiang Tianye in 2023, the company's revenue was 11.465 billion yuan, down 19.61% from the same period last year, and its net profit loss was 775 million yuan, turning profit into loss.


Hebei Chicheng Cement Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has two grinding production lines with a total capacity of 2 million tons per year.


Fengyang County, Anhui Province, announced the acceptance of the environmental impact report form for the 1.2 million tons of quartz sand purification project of Fengyang Conch Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. The project is located in Fengyang County, Chuzhou, Anhui Province, with a total planned investment of 170.9 million yuan, an environmental protection investment of 26.95 million yuan, and an estimated construction period of 6 months.


According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, the average price of P.O42.5 bulk cement in China last week was 321.33 yuan/ton, down 0.30% from the previous month.


It is highly probable that demand will fall to less than 1 billion tons in 10 years!


According to the data center of China Cement Market, the market demand in East China is bleak this week, and the cement quotations of enterprises all over the country have declined.


Major enterprises intend to stabilize prices, but the situation is grim, which does not rule out the possibility of falling prices in the later period.


Since March, major enterprises in Beijing, Tianjin and northern Hebei have pushed up cement prices, but the market demand is low and the price rise is difficult to support.


According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the external quotations of enterprises in Henan have basically returned to the level before the March rise. The inventory pressure of enterprises in the two lakes region has been reduced. As a whole, the market demand in Guangdong and Guangxi is gradually recovering, and the price of cement is basically stable.


In 2024, if the price of cement in Zhejiang is difficult to stabilize, how can the price of cement in the whole Yangtze River Delta and even in East China be supported?


It is understood that the price rise is mainly due to the gradual and slight recovery of market demand in Tibet, while in the first quarter, Tibet is in the off-peak kiln shutdown, cement clinker inventory is low, coupled with the increase in electricity costs of enterprises.


Raw material prices are falling, concrete prices are stable and falling..


The market is gradually recovering, and the price of concrete is stable and small..


19-22 Major manufacturers in Lhasa, Shannan, Xigaze and other places notified an increase in cement prices by 20-30 yuan/ton


Can we still confidently say that "the world's cement looks at China"?


At present, the demand for cement is declining and the market competition is fierce. In the future, the competition of cement enterprises will eventually be the cost competition. We can reduce the cost and increase the efficiency of standard conch cement, so as to occupy a favorable position in the market competition and avoid being eliminated by the market.


Raw material price glides, concrete market slants weak give priority to..


Chang Zhangli, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of China Building Materials Group, and Cai Guobin, Vice President of China Building Materials Co., Ltd., investigated Southern Cement, affirmed its achievements, and stressed that we should adhere to the leadership of Party building, deepen the three fine management, promote digital transformation, strengthen safety and environmental protection, play a leading role in the industry, and contribute to the high-quality development of the group.


Although the price of cement in Wuhai area of Inner Mongolia has been raised, in fact, the market demand has not recovered, and the price still has a downward trend. As Inner Mongolia is classified as a high-risk debt province, a large number of projects have been suspended and the demand for cement has dropped sharply. It is estimated that the demand may shrink by about 40%. At present, the daily shipment volume of each cement plant is more than 1,000 tons, and it is expected to resume normal operation in the middle and late April.


From 21-22, some leading enterprises in Dali, Lijiang, Diqing and other regions notified an increase in cement prices by 50-60 yuan/ton.


In practice, on the contrary, it is often found by the supervision team of ecological environment protection that in some places, the "two high" projects are blindly launched and not strictly controlled, and the production capacity is increased in violation of regulations. What should have been seen by the "expert" in charge was seen by the "layman" in environmental protection. Aren't you ashamed?