
2017-03-30 11:08:52






  现国民经济发展进入新常态,浙江水泥新动态或许可称为“新浙江现象”。 浙江曾在我国新型干法水泥发展上所起的提升作用,已经在新型干法水泥发展史上写下过浓浓的一笔。“新浙江现象”或许又是水泥发展史上新的风向标,拭目以待吧!

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This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.

2024-09-16 10:19:30

Recently, the domestic market demand has recovered slightly compared with the previous period, but the overall level is still significantly lower than same period in previous years, and the price of concrete before the Mid-Autumn Festival is mainly a smooth transition. From September 5th to September 11th, the national concrete price index closed at 113.17 points, and the ring ratio remained stable, with a year-on-year decline of 10.81%.

2024-09-14 19:27:38

China Cement Net Market Data Center News: The market demand in East China continues to be depressed, and the concrete price is weak and stable.

2024-09-14 13:54:51

Recently, the price of raw materials has shown an upward trend again, but due to the lack of new orders in the concrete market and the fierce competition among enterprises, the focus of transactions continues to decline steadily. From August 29 to September 4, the national concrete price index closed at 113.17 points, down 0.45% annually and 11.09% year-on-year.

2024-09-06 17:22:16

The price of raw materials in the Yangtze River Delta region of East China has been rising, and the price of concrete is weak and stable.

2024-09-06 12:01:33

Most regions in China are affected by capital factors, lack of construction increment downstream, no improvement in concrete market demand, and downward pressure on local quotations. From August 22 to August 28, the national concrete price index closed at 113.68 points, down 0.42% annually and 11.12% year-on-year.

2024-08-30 17:31:27

From a supply perspective. In 2024, the cement industry still showed a trend of "serious overcapacity". Although the expectation of environmental protection and low carbon still maintains the trend of "continuous overweight", "normalization of staggered peak production" and "carbon peak" have some constraints on the compression of cement supply in most regions, due to the overall weakening of market demand, the original production intensity of compressed cement has been difficult to reverse the current contradiction between supply and demand in a large scale, and the market. The effect of regulation and control on the supply side of superimposed peak staggering production is weakened, and the market competition is further intensified.

2024-08-28 11:34:46

Domestic high temperature rain weather has not yet subsided, downstream construction activity is still low, the concrete market is relatively flat, and the market price is stable. From August 15 to August 21, the national concrete price index closed at 114.16 points, down 0.28% annually and 11.40% year-on-year.

2024-08-23 17:35:52

Affected by the environment in East China, demand has not improved, and prices in some areas have fallen this week.

2024-08-23 17:17:05

Domestic construction conditions have not improved significantly, coupled with the small number of new key projects, the market demand is still relatively low, and the price of concrete has fallen more or risen less. From August 8 to August 14, the national concrete price index closed at 114.48 points, down 0.33% annually and 11.69% year-on-year.

2024-08-17 10:46:53

Demand is still weak, and concrete prices begin to decline.

2024-08-16 17:16:26

Due to the rainy weather in Zhejiang, the market demand is general, and the shipment volume is about 6-7%. In order to promote sales, some manufacturers reduce the price of cement, and try to push up the price to enhance market confidence, but the actual implementation remains to be observed. The overall market demand in Jiangsu has not improved significantly, with shipments hovering at 4-6% of normal production capacity. Manufacturers in southern Jiangsu have reduced prices for promotion, while the markets in northern and central Jiangsu are expected to face a downward trend.

2024-08-16 16:37:36

We need to establish the core values of "others earn more, I can earn more" to guide production and operation. In the short run, only by actively limiting production and restoring the balance of supply and demand in the weak market, can the cement industry achieve a recovery in efficiency. Without enough initiative and consistency to limit production, all those who talk about the price of cement are cheaters and hooligans, and they can not succeed.

2024-08-13 15:12:11

The domestic market continued to be controlled by the hot and rainy weather, the market demand was weak, the price of concrete continued to fall steadily, and the decline in Sichuan and Chongqing was relatively large. From August 1st to August 7th, the national concrete price index closed at 114.86 points, down 0.43% from the previous month.

2024-08-09 18:09:08

Due to the continuous high temperature weather in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the demand of construction industry has weakened, resulting in a general decline in cement sales, and the price of cement in some areas has dropped by 20-35 yuan/ton, among which Yangzhou, Taizhou, Huaian, Nanjing, Zhenjiang and other places in Jiangsu have been greatly affected. Due to the high temperature weather in Anhui, the construction site slowed down, the demand was weak, and the cement price in Ma'anshan, Chuzhou, Hefei and other areas was reduced by 10-20 yuan/ton. Cement prices in Zaozhuang, Linyi, Jining, Tai'an and other places fell by 10-30 yuan/ton due to cloudy weather and the resumption of clinker production in Shandong.

2024-08-09 16:18:24

In the traditional off-season, concrete demand continues to weaken..

2024-08-09 15:44:53

For an industry, it is very important to maintain a reasonable profit level. Reasonable profit is not only an important basis for the survival and development of enterprises, but also a source of power to promote technological innovation and high-quality development of the industry. The current "involution" competition in the cement industry is more like a farce of "one loss, all losses". When the farce will end depends on the actions and efforts of all cement enterprises. The first is to strengthen industry self-discipline, the second is to advocate rational competition, the third is to promote industry integration, and the fourth is to guide and supervise the government.

2024-08-09 10:05:39

The vicious competition of "involution" is a game without winners.

2024-08-08 10:38:47

Did the summary not express clearly, or did it not introduce the new requirements of the country at all at the symposium and use "up to standard"? Because this "standard" is quite different from the ultra-low emission requirements, the construction unit needs to further clarify it.

2024-08-06 11:54:29

Domestic construction conditions have not been significantly improved, coupled with insufficient new projects in most regions, the concrete market is still flat. From July 25th to July 31st, the national concrete price index closed at 115.36 points, down 0.59% from the previous month.

2024-08-02 17:29:53

Rainy weather is frequent, concrete market demand is insufficient..

2024-08-02 16:50:42

According to the data center of China Cement Market, due to the low ex-factory prices in various regions, some regions began to resume pricing this week.

2024-08-02 16:30:32

In view of the loss predicament of the cement industry in the first half of the year, Zhejiang Cement Association put forward a proposal to prevent involution competition.

2024-08-02 15:00:00

Pursue quality management and effective development, reduce production and consumption intensity, and reduce ineffective supply.

2024-08-02 13:05:35

At the beginning of July, the market along the Yangtze River ushered in the third round of cement price increase in the year, with a range of 50 yuan/ton, but most of them only implemented 20-30 yuan/ton, and some markets did not even increase the price at all.

2024-08-01 14:23:38

Looking forward to the second half of 2024, we believe that the demand for cement will improve compared with the first half of the year, and the price will continue to rebound. However, under the constraints of weak demand and serious overcapacity, the repair of cement price is limited. Throughout the year, cement demand will face

2024-08-01 09:19:52

Demand is declining, supply is increasing, and the price of sand and gravel industry is adjusted in an all-round way.

2024-07-31 15:56:20

During the exchange, the two sides agreed that it is difficult to achieve the goal of capacity reduction only by off-peak production. If the industry wants to get out of the current predicament, it still needs large enterprises to take active action and take the initiative to assume responsibility.

2024-07-31 11:13:42

Rainfall continued in many parts of the country, local typhoons invaded, downstream construction was slow, and concrete prices fell steadily. From July 18th to July 24th, the national concrete price index closed at 116.05 points, down 0.58%.

2024-07-26 20:17:51

In order to reduce inventory pressure, cement prices showed signs of a slight decline.

2024-07-26 15:37:00

We will jointly discuss and analyze the practice path of ultra-low emission in the cement industry, and promote the industry to move towards a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly future.

2024-07-23 18:02:53

In the past two decades, the demand change of China's cement industry has gone through three development stages: high-speed development period (2004-2012), high-level platform period (2013-2021), and downward demand period (from 2022 to now).

2024-07-23 16:45:00

Since the 13th Five-Year Plan, more than 16 billion yuan has been invested in the research and development of frontier technologies for energy conservation and emission reduction.

2024-07-23 15:59:45

It has vigorously promoted "eliminating backwardness, optimizing layout, upgrading technology and eliminating a large number of backward production capacity" and achieved remarkable results.

2024-07-23 14:51:01

Since the 19th, some major manufacturers in Yongwentai area of Zhejiang have notified that the price of high-grade bulk cement will be raised by 30 yuan/ton, and the price of bagged and low-grade cement will be raised by 15 yuan/ton.

2024-07-23 14:44:02

Ultra-low emission has become the legal responsibility of every cement enterprise in Zhejiang, rather than the encouragement orientation like other regions in China.

2024-07-23 14:43:18

Some regions in China are affected by high temperature and rain weather, coupled with insufficient new projects, the price of concrete is weakening. From July 11th to July 17th, the national concrete price index closed at 116.73 points, down 0.47% from the previous month.

2024-07-19 17:35:12

Demand is weak, raw material prices are bottoming out, and concrete prices are falling steadily..

2024-07-19 16:11:07

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, many off-peak production, in order to reduce inventory pressure, cement prices slightly declined signs.

2024-07-19 15:20:00

Shangfeng Cement has unique advantages in cost control, operational efficiency and industrial structure. Through efforts to improve its own capabilities and competitiveness, Shangfeng Cement has won the recognition of investors and shareholders through a series of practical actions to improve quality and efficiency, and promoted the comprehensive value of the company.

2024-07-19 09:35:56

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, the northeast region continued to implement the staggered peak kiln shutdown, clinker supply shortage, 5-10 days to push up 50-60 yuan/ton.

2024-07-12 17:29:19

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the overall market demand and sales in southwest China are weak due to the off-season market and the impact of rainy weather. The price of cement in some markets of Sichuan, Chongqing and Yunnan has been loosened and declined, ranging from 20-50 yuan/ton.

2024-07-12 17:26:00

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the price of cement in Guangdong and Guangxi markets has been stable this week, and the price in Hainan has fallen sharply. Prices in Hubei are mainly stable, while prices in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan are falling.

2024-07-12 17:23:24

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, heavy rainfall is prevalent in East China this week, with mountain torrents and floods in some areas. Many construction sites have been shut down, cement demand has plummeted, and cement prices have fallen slightly.

2024-07-12 15:40:36

Raw material prices are rising, and concrete prices are mainly stable..

2024-07-12 14:42:11

On the 8th, some major manufacturers in Jin-Qu-Li area notified to raise the price of high-grade cement by 30 yuan/ton, low-grade cement by 15 yuan/ton, and some major manufacturers in Hang-Jia-Hu-Shao area notified to raise the price of high-grade bulk cement by 50 yuan/ton.

2024-07-10 14:42:48

Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.