Shaanxi Cement Association Proposes to Jointly Resist "Involution" Competition and Promote the Healthy Development of the Industry

2024-08-02 12:13:03

Shaanxi Cement Association advocates that member enterprises resist "involution" competition and promote the healthy development of the industry through positive competition culture, optimizing resource allocation, diversified evaluation system, sustainable development and industry self-discipline and cooperation.

On August 1, Shaanxi Cement Association issued an initiative to its member units, advocating that all member units jointly resist "involution" competition. The specific contents are as follows:

Shaanxi Cement Association jointly resist "involution" competition. Proposal

to promote the healthy development of the industry Member enterprises:

Recently, the competition in the cement market in our province is fierce, and some enterprises are competing for quantity at low prices. This "involution competition" not only consumes the resources of enterprises, increases operating costs, and affects innovation capabilities, but may ultimately lead to increased overall competitive pressure and reduced efficiency. In order to implement the requirement of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China that "industry self-discipline should be strengthened and vicious competition should be prevented", we hereby issue the following proposals to all member units in order to jointly build a more healthy, harmonious and sustainable industry environment. Establish a positive competition culture in

1、: actively advocate and practice the industry culture with value creation as the core and fair competition as the basis, encourage enterprises to carry out cooperation and exchanges based on complementary advantages and mutual benefit, and jointly enhance the overall competitiveness of the industry. The strategy of optimizing the allocation of resources in the

2、 is to advocate enterprises to accurately locate the market, scientifically plan and efficiently utilize core resources such as human resources, capital and technology based on their long-term development goals, so as to avoid ineffective investment and excessive competition and realize the optimal allocation and efficient utilization of resources.

3、 to build a diversified performance evaluation system: Advocate the establishment of a multi-dimensional performance evaluation system based on innovation, customer satisfaction, product quality, brand influence, employee growth, social contribution and other measurement standards, reduce the single pursuit of short-term financial indicators, and stimulate the internal power and sustainable growth potential of enterprises.

4、 promotes the sustainable development strategy: encourage enterprises to establish the concept of green development, integrate environmental protection and social responsibility into the enterprise development strategy, achieve win-win economic and social benefits through technological innovation and management upgrading, and contribute to the sustainable development of the industry.

5、 strengthens industry self-discipline and cooperation: calls on all member enterprises to consciously abide by industry norms, resolutely resist "involution" malicious competition, strengthen information communication and resource sharing, jointly maintain a good market order and industry ecology, and form a good situation of joint efforts to meet challenges and share development opportunities.

We firmly believe that through the joint efforts and active cooperation of all member enterprises, we will be able to promote the healthy, stable and sustainable development of the cement industry in our province.

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2024-01-04 16:14:55

近日,华新水泥发布公告,公司通过全资子公司华新(香港)国际与INTERCEMENT TRADING INVERSIONES签署股份买卖协定收购Natal Portland Cement Company (Pty) Ltd.100%股权已完成股权交割手续。收购完成后,华新水泥海外熟料产能达到1250万吨,水泥产能达2187万吨,这对低迷的行业和华新将产生哪些影响?“走出去”是化解产能过剩的一剂良药吗?

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华新水泥12月27日发布公告,内容有关公司全资子公司华新(香港)国际控股有限公司收购Natal Portland Cement Company(Pty)Ltd.100%股权的交易。

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2023-01-14 10:31:19

This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.