
2022-07-12 13:57:31


7月12日,“2022中国水泥产业峰会暨TOP100颁奖典礼”精彩继续。中国水泥网水泥大数据研究院砂石分析师 祝萧芸带来了《2022砂石市场上半年运行情况与下半年形势展望》。祝萧芸表示,上半年砂石需求下滑明显。经测算,1-6月全国混凝土、水泥制品及类似制品使用的砂石骨料约70~75亿吨,同比下降超10%。



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What impact will the new standard bring to the production of cement industry? What changes should cement enterprises focus on?

2024-06-01 10:12:06

The general aggregate market is already fighting in the Red Sea, while the high-end fine aggregate market is still the blue sea market.

2024-04-03 14:16:17

She emphasized that the price war in the sand and gravel industry would be carried out in the future, and even there would be a dangerous situation of "1 yuan decides life and death".

2024-03-29 18:34:52

On March 29, the "2024 13th China Cement Industry Summit Main Forum and TOP100 Award Ceremony" was held grandly.

2024-03-29 18:00:30

From a certain point of view, the concrete industry can feel the "chill" of the downward demand more directly than the cement industry.

2024-03-15 09:36:07

In the course of the prosperity of China's cement industry, Jidong Equipment has contributed a lot.

2024-03-13 09:10:04

Aggregate business is a temporary "life-saving straw" for the cement industry, not a long-term solution.

2024-03-06 09:27:02


2023-02-27 09:17:24


2022-07-12 17:19:17


2022-07-12 13:57:31


2022-07-06 16:34:01


2022-07-05 14:34:32


2021-05-07 14:49:14


2021-04-21 17:27:21


2021-04-09 09:29:14


2021-04-08 11:23:43


2021-03-30 15:08:59

According to the environmental impact report of the project, the overall relocation and technical transformation project of Fenyi Conch 4500 t/d cement clinker production line from the city to the park is located in the digital building materials industrial park of Fenyi Industrial Park, Xinyu City. It is a relocation project to build a 4500 t/d new dry process cement clinker production line and a 7.5MW waste heat power generation system. Supporting construction of cement grinding production line and material storage and transportation projects.