
2021-11-25 14:39:57











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Many contents in the Plan are closely related to the cement industry, such as continuously promoting the reduction of excess capacity and capacity replacement, transformation and upgrading of the cement industry; promoting new energy medium and heavy trucks in the cement industry and developing zero-emission freight fleets; striving to complete the treatment of ultra-low emission transformation projects of cement clinker and coking enterprises in key cities by 2025; To study the multi-source and whole-process control and monitoring and supervision technology of volatile organic compounds, and to carry out research on key technologies of pollution reduction and carbon reduction in key industries such as parks, cement and steel.

2024-09-06 10:01:57

The National Development and Reform Commission issued a list of relevant county-level administrative regions applicable to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Ecological Protection Law of the People's Republic of China.

2024-07-31 10:34:31

We will jointly discuss and analyze the practice path of ultra-low emission in the cement industry, and promote the industry to move towards a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly future.

2024-07-23 18:02:53

Since the 13th Five-Year Plan, more than 16 billion yuan has been invested in the research and development of frontier technologies for energy conservation and emission reduction.

2024-07-23 15:59:45

Listen to the singing of new willow branches, "old trees" blossom and "flowers" are more red. We believe that this cement production enterprise with a glorious history of more than 50 years will create a more brilliant future in the new journey of pursuing high-quality development.

2024-07-02 10:10:04

It can be said that Zhejiang cement industry has always stood at the forefront of the national environmental protection action, demonstrating its determination and courage on the road of green development.

2024-06-28 09:55:09

To formulate and promulgate policies and measures to resolve excess capacity in the cement industry, and gradually establish a market-oriented and legalized working mechanism to resolve excess capacity.

2024-06-27 09:44:22

Since obtaining the mining license in July 2019, the company has continuously increased its investment in the construction of green mines, and promoted the construction of green mines with high standards, high requirements and all-round.

2024-06-21 09:51:54

Chongqing Conch Cement Company uses biodegradation technology to treat kitchen waste and convert it into oil and organic fertilizer raw materials, thus realizing waste recycling. This first cement kiln co-processing system in China helps to reduce carbon dioxide and other harmful gas emissions and promote green development. Zhongxian County cooperated with Chongqing Conch to invest in the construction of kitchen waste treatment projects, which solved the problem of kitchen waste treatment in the local and surrounding districts and counties. At the same time, the company itself is also transforming to digitalization and greening, reducing carbon emissions and winning a number of national green titles.

2024-06-19 12:19:34

On June 13, the 11th China Cement Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference and Equipment Renewal Forum, sponsored by China Cement Network, was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

2024-06-13 16:36:33

Jurong Taiwan Cement, as a leader in the industry, is not only committed to the production of high-quality cement products, but also has taken a solid step in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development.

2024-06-07 09:59:12

On June 2, the General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the Notice on the Assessment and Monitoring of Ultra-low Emissions in Cement and Coking Enterprises.

2024-06-06 22:52:03

Intelligent construction is a part of the technological transformation of cement enterprises. Promoting intelligent construction can make the production process of cement enterprises more optimized and the production efficiency higher.

2024-06-06 14:12:49

Organize a visit to Jurong Taini Cement Co., Ltd., a national green factory and a national green mine.

2024-06-06 13:47:14

Sichuan Cement Association held a review meeting on the Guidelines for the Implementation of Ultra-low Emission Transformation in Sichuan Cement Industry, aiming at promoting the environmental protection upgrading of the cement industry, achieving ultra-low emission and promoting green development. The guidelines will guide cement enterprises to carry out technological transformation, improve environmental performance, and help achieve the environmental protection goals of Sichuan Province.

2024-05-24 14:27:23

By the end of 2024, cement and coking enterprises have basically completed the transformation of organized and unorganized ultra-low emissions.

2024-05-23 15:41:10

How much economic benefits can new vehicles such as unmanned mining cards and new energy mining cards bring to enterprises in the cement industry?

2024-05-21 10:18:08

In 2023, the cumulative cement output of Enterprises above the national scale was about 2.023 billion tons, ranking first in the world for 38 consecutive years. Cement production accounts for more than 50% of global production, and annual carbon dioxide emissions exceed 1.2 billion tons.

2024-05-20 10:06:04

In the research activities, the expert group went to Dengfeng Zhengzhou Wanglou Cement Industry Co., Ltd., Tianrui Xindeng Zhengzhou Cement Co., Ltd., Dengfeng Zhonglian Dengdian Cement Co., Ltd. and other enterprises to investigate, monitor and evaluate the implementation of ultra-low emission in the cement industry.

2024-05-17 13:52:04

Huaxin Hongta Cement (Jinghong) Co., Ltd. has a new production line of 2000 tons of cement clinker decomposed outside the kiln by dry process, with an annual output of 1 million tons of cement.

2024-05-17 13:45:36

Huaxin Building Materials has set an industry benchmark in energy saving and carbon reduction technology, and its technical level has reached international advanced standards, making an important contribution to green building and sustainable development.

2024-05-17 09:51:48

The General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a notice on the public solicitation of opinions on the national ecological environment standard "Technical Guidelines for Grading the Performance of Air Pollution Prevention and Control in Key Industries and Emergency Emission Reduction Measures for Heavily Polluted Weather".

2024-05-17 09:12:02

By the end of 2025, 50% of the cement clinker production capacity in the whole region will be transformed; by the end of 2028, the cement clinker production enterprises in the whole region will be basically transformed.

2024-05-15 17:00:23

Newly-established facilities will implement the air pollutant emission control requirements specified in local standards from May 4, 2024, and existing facilities from January 1, 2025. We will promote the construction of new reconstruction and expansion (including relocation) cement projects at ultra-low emission levels.

2024-05-15 16:46:18

In order to implement the requirements of the national opinions on promoting the implementation of ultra-low emission in the cement industry, further enhance the environmental management level of the Group and reduce the emission of nitrogen oxides, the Company intends to continue to implement the SCR denitrification technology transformation in certain other subsidiaries on the basis of the results achieved in the implementation of SCR denitrification technology transformation in certain subsidiaries of the Company in the early stage.

2024-05-14 09:41:51

Jurong Cement is proving that the cement industry can not only be a solid cornerstone of economic development, but also a guardian of green ecology. In the symphony of cement and green, they are playing a new era hymn of low-carbon development, moving steadily towards the future.

2024-05-13 09:46:53

"Standing at the new historical starting point of the development of ecological civilization, only by anchoring the new track of green and low-carbon development and protecting the green mountains and rivers can we win Jinshan and Yinshan." Xiao Zhanding, party secretary and chairman of Qianye Cement, said.

2024-05-11 10:11:27

Lei Zhenbin analyzed and guided the difficulties faced by CITIC Yufeng, and put forward the work requirements of "three turns".

2024-05-10 11:44:36

Supervision and examination are carried out in two stages: enterprise self-examination and on-site verification.

2024-05-10 09:41:58

If 40% of alternative fuels are used in cement production, about 100,000 tons of carbon dioxide will be saved for every 1 million tons of clinker produced.

2024-05-10 09:27:37

"At present, SCR technology has become the absolute mainstream technology." An industry insider said frankly that SCR catalytic denitrification technology is an inevitable choice to achieve ultra-low emissions of nitrogen oxides. However, SCR denitrification technology can be divided into high temperature and high dust SCR, high temperature and low dust SCR, medium temperature and medium dust SCR, etc.

2024-05-09 14:26:01

The cancellation of the purchase restriction policy mainly benefits the consumer side rather than the investment side, so as long as the house is not built, the impact on cement is not great.

2024-05-09 13:06:21

Jidong Cement Tongchuan Company actively responded to the call of the national new energy system construction, using the existing plant top resources of 10000t/d clinker cement production line in Huiyuan Industrial Park, the construction of 3.26 MW distributed photovoltaic power generation project has been successfully connected to the grid recently, opening a new chapter of green low-carbon development.

2024-05-09 09:30:02

The first quarter of 2024 belongs to the traditional off-season in the north, which is affected by the decline in demand and other factors, resulting in losses. Sales and prices have improved in April.

2024-05-08 16:09:50

At a time when the industry is facing severe challenges, enterprises need to actively promote the upgrading of production equipment, promote energy-saving technological innovation and environmental protection upgrading and transformation of the cement industry, and enhance the core competitiveness of cement enterprises in order to survive.

2024-05-08 10:39:22

The replacement rate of intelligent equipment or robots for dangerous and heavy jobs in coal mines and non-coal mines should not be less than 30% and 20% respectively, and the number of underground personnel in mines nationwide should be reduced by more than 10%, so as to build a batch of intelligent mines with no more than 50 workers in a single shift.

2024-05-08 09:55:10

The third round of the second batch of central ecological environment protection inspectors was launched in an all-round way. The inspection team will carry out the inspection work for about one month, and coordinate the river basin supervision and provincial supervision.

2024-05-07 17:21:41

Superior enterprises are encouraged to integrate inefficient production capacity in the city through market-oriented mergers and reorganizations, and gradually withdraw from cement clinker production lines of 2500 tons per day or less (except special cement).

2024-05-07 15:19:25

China Cement Network will hold the "11th China Cement Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference-Equipment Renewal Forum" in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province on June 13-14.

2024-05-07 15:00:43

Sales of cement, clinker, concrete and aggregate in the first quarter of China Resources Building Materials Technology increased. Among them, the total sales volume of cement clinker is about 1303 The sales volume of concrete was 2.3 million cubic meters, representing a year-on-year increase of 50.16%, and the sales volume of aggregate was 14.16 million tons, representing a year-on-year increase of 169.5%.

2024-05-07 14:53:43

On April 30, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the Recommended Catalogue of Energy-saving and Carbon Reduction Technology and Equipment in the Field of National Industry and Information Technology (2024 Edition).

2024-05-07 14:25:16

However, as the cement industry prepares for the dawn of equipment innovation, it has to face the reality of poor overall profitability of the industry.

2024-05-07 11:29:18

Henan Yongan Cement Co., Ltd., Tianrui Group Yuzhou Cement Co., Ltd. and Tianrui Group Guangshan Cement Co., Ltd. are proposed to be included in the list of Henan provincial green factories.

2024-05-07 09:42:21

Four cement enterprises were selected, namely, Huaxin Cement (Daoxian) Co., Ltd., Huaxin Cement (Huangshi) Co., Ltd., Wuzhong Saima New Building Materials Co., Ltd., and Jidong Haitian Cement Wenxi Co., Ltd.

2024-05-07 09:17:28

Guided by innovation and green development, Ningguo Cement Plant, a subsidiary of Conch Group, has won many honors, including being included in the list of green mines in Anhui Province. Reduce energy consumption through intelligent transformation, use waste to improve environmental protection efficiency, invest in training centers to train green talents, and achieve a balance between economic and ecological benefits. In the future, it will continue to promote the intelligent and green development of factories.

2024-04-01 09:35:43

Southern Cement upholds the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "Congratulations Letter", adheres to the Party's overall leadership, deepens the reform of state-owned enterprises, and promotes high-quality development. The company is committed to the deep integration of Party building and operation, and strengthens the core competitiveness of enterprises through digital transformation. Through the establishment of a digital platform, covering party building, production, logistics and other fields, to achieve the modernization of party affairs management. At the same time, Southern Cement has also made remarkable achievements in intelligent manufacturing and green development, such as the construction of intelligent factories and the development of green mines, and is committed to becoming a world-class enterprise.

2024-04-01 09:27:25

On March 28, the 13th China Cement Industry Summit and TOP100 Award Ceremony hosted by China Cement Network was held grandly.

2024-03-28 18:30:58

The company continues to streamline the organization and optimize personnel, establish and improve the flexible salary system, and constantly reduce costs.

2024-03-26 09:26:35

Cement demand in 2024 is expected to continue the trend of the previous two years and continue to decrease. The downstream of cement is mainly divided into three parts: infrastructure, real estate and new rural construction. It is expected that the demand for infrastructure and rural market will remain stable. The key is whether the growth rate of real estate investment can stabilize and rebound, thus supporting the demand for cement.

2024-03-18 13:43:28

In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.