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The cost of raw materials has been pushed up, and the price of concrete in Northeast China has increased steadily.


The market demand performance is general, and the commercial mixed market is expected to decline.


In Zhou Shanjian's view, as a resource-intensive product, cement's consumption of natural resources and energy should be transformed into equivalent economic and social values to maximize the value of resource utilization.


Mainstream enterprises in Tongliao, Chifeng and Xing'an League have successively notified to raise cement prices by 30-60 yuan/ton.


In the research activities, the expert group went to Dengfeng Zhengzhou Wanglou Cement Industry Co., Ltd., Tianrui Xindeng Zhengzhou Cement Co., Ltd., Dengfeng Zhonglian Dengdian Cement Co., Ltd. and other enterprises to investigate, monitor and evaluate the implementation of ultra-low emission in the cement industry.


Huaxin Hongta Cement (Jinghong) Co., Ltd. has a new production line of 2000 tons of cement clinker decomposed outside the kiln by dry process, with an annual output of 1 million tons of cement.


Recently, Shanghai Cement Industry Association and Shanghai Concrete Industry Association jointly issued the Notice on Strengthening the Record Management of Shanghai Cement Transit Enterprises, saying that all bulk cement transit enterprises supplying Shanghai concrete enterprises and construction projects should timely handle the Record Certificate.


Since the middle of the year, some leading enterprises in Leyamei area have lowered the price of bulk cement by 10 yuan/ton.


As the leading enterprises in the industry, CNBM and Conch are shouldering the important task of promoting the transformation and upgrading of the industry, especially in the current difficult economic and industrial period. It is hoped that the two sides will strengthen mutual communication and policy coordination, strengthen exchanges and cooperation, and jointly promote the healthy, sustainable and high-quality development of the industry.


The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China announced the Recommended Catalogue of Energy-saving and Carbon Reduction Technology and Equipment in the Field of National Industry and Information Technology (2024 Edition).


In April, the national cement output was 17395 million tons, down by 8.6%; from January to April, the national cement output was 509.28 million tons, down by 10.3% (compared with the same caliber).


Huaxin Building Materials has set an industry benchmark in energy saving and carbon reduction technology, and its technical level has reached international advanced standards, making an important contribution to green building and sustainable development.


The circular aims to promote key energy-using units to improve energy efficiency and carry out energy efficiency diagnosis. The NDRC requires local governments to evaluate the energy efficiency of key energy-consuming enterprises in order to promote energy conservation, emission reduction and green development. This is an important measure for China to strengthen energy management and promote green and low-carbon transformation.


The General Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued a notice on the public solicitation of opinions on the national ecological environment standard "Technical Guidelines for Grading the Performance of Air Pollution Prevention and Control in Key Industries and Emergency Emission Reduction Measures for Heavily Polluted Weather".


Promote win-win development and build a more sustainable future for the industry.


Fujian's new measure of peak staggering is a positive attempt to alleviate the competitive pressure of local cement enterprises, but the complexity of implementation and the actual effect need to be carefully considered.


Recently, Fujian Building Materials Industry Association issued a notice on the normalization of peak staggering production in the cement industry.


In the future, Huaxin Cement will continue to take green development as the core, continue to increase investment in pollution reduction, carbon reduction, energy saving and consumption reduction, promote the national "double carbon" work with practical actions, and provide Huaxin samples for traditional industrial enterprises to practice the road of green sustainable development.


On May 10, the Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued a reply on the approval of the 9.0 MW waste heat power generation project of Xinyan Cement Co., Ltd. in Datian County, Fujian Province.


In the market with low concentration, we need to adopt the price competition strategy boldly, fight on the fight, but also thoroughly hurt, forcing the production capacity with weak competitiveness to be completely eliminated.


A person in the industry said that the main reason for the low comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of Huaxin cement clinker is the use of alternative fuels, which also shows that alternative fuels can indeed save energy and reduce consumption by a large margin.


On the 13th, Jinqu-Li area again pushed up the price of cement by 20 yuan/ton.


Last week, the leading enterprises notified the main city market to raise the cement price by 30 yuan/ton. At present, the actual transaction price of some enterprises is still at the level before the rise.


By the end of 2025, 50% of the cement clinker production capacity in the whole region will be transformed; by the end of 2028, the cement clinker production enterprises in the whole region will be basically transformed.


Newly-established facilities will implement the air pollutant emission control requirements specified in local standards from May 4, 2024, and existing facilities from January 1, 2025. We will promote the construction of new reconstruction and expansion (including relocation) cement projects at ultra-low emission levels.


The tight capital chain makes it difficult for many enterprises to take substantial steps even if they realize the necessity of equipment renewal.


Layoffs reduce costs, but can they really increase efficiency?


At present, it is an important opportunity for the cement industry to reshape its pattern and open a new chapter of high-quality development.


There are three cement enterprises in the cement industry, namely, Yiliang County Panjiang Cement Co., Ltd., Kunming Hongli Cement Co., Ltd. and Yunnan Construction Yunling Cement Co., Ltd.


As of April this year, the output of clinker has reached 970,000 tons, with a year-on-year increase of 12%; the output of cement has reached 960,000 tons, with a year-on-year increase of 30%; the output of aggregate has reached 2.13 million tons, with a year-on-year increase of 317%; the company has achieved a turnover of 260 million yuan, an output value of 260 million yuan and a tax payment of 30 million yuan.


By 2027, the proportion of key industries reaching the benchmark level of energy efficiency will exceed 30%, and the requirement of eliminating and withdrawing production capacity below the benchmark level of energy efficiency is a tight time and heavy task for the cement industry. Therefore, for these enterprises whose energy efficiency is not up to the standard, they should seize the time to carry out energy-saving transformation, otherwise they will face the risk of being eliminated.


Recently, some truck drivers reported that the trucks of Conch Cement Company in Sishui County, Jining, which pull cement and stones, have serious problems of overloading.


On 13-15, major enterprises in Northeast China again notified an increase in cement prices by 30-50 yuan/ton.


Since the 15th, some major enterprises in Yinchuan have again notified an increase in cement prices by 20-25 yuan/ton.


Gansu Province has invested about 546 billion yuan to start the construction of three new expressway corridors, aiming at upgrading the transportation network, promoting regional economic development and strengthening interconnection.


Under the environment that the industry is facing severe challenges, Queshi Group is also constantly practicing its internal skills to enhance its core competitiveness.


Recently, the price of natural sand along the Yangtze River has dropped slightly, and the Cement Big Data Research Institute of China Cement Network has conducted online research on some sand and gravel enterprises..


On May 9, Sinoma Overseas and Tongwei Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as "Tongwei") formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement.


Looking at the long cycle, the demographic dividend has gradually disappeared, the relationship between supply and demand in the market has undergone major changes, the policy of "no speculation in housing" has become a consensus, residents'expectations are generally poor, and housing enterprises are more C autious in opening new projects. Therefore, the impact of this round of real estate de-warehousing policy on the cement market is relatively limited, and it is difficult to change the long-term downward trend of the cement industry.


In 2023, Shanshui Cement realized business income of 18.116 billion yuan, down 15.69% year on year, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was-884 million yuan, down 217.02% year on year.


Two production lines will be dismantled, and a 6800 t/d new dry process clinker cement production line (one Ф5.36 × 72m kiln) and supporting waste heat power generation technical transformation project will be built.


In order to implement the requirements of the national opinions on promoting the implementation of ultra-low emission in the cement industry, further enhance the environmental management level of the Group and reduce the emission of nitrogen oxides, the Company intends to continue to implement the SCR denitrification technology transformation in certain other subsidiaries on the basis of the results achieved in the implementation of SCR denitrification technology transformation in certain subsidiaries of the Company in the early stage.


At the conclusion of the meeting, Liu Hua emphasized that all cadres and workers should go all out to reduce costs: first, to reduce the cost of ingredients; second, to reduce the cost of indicators; third, to reduce the cost of professional management.


Even from the above four aspects, it is still difficult to fundamentally solve the problem of excess cement production capacity in Henan. If orderly competition and cooperation can not be achieved, the competition between "advanced production capacity and relatively advanced production capacity" will eventually change into the confrontation between "advanced production capacity and advanced production capacity".


Generally speaking, the regional trend shows the characteristics of "rising in the north and falling in the south", and the national market shocks downward.


On September 15, 2023, the court decided to terminate the implementation of the reorganization plan of Sichuan Zhengqiang Cement Co., Ltd. and declared the company bankrupt.


Jurong Cement is proving that the cement industry can not only be a solid cornerstone of economic development, but also a guardian of green ecology. In the symphony of cement and green, they are playing a new era hymn of low-carbon development, moving steadily towards the future.


China Cement Net Market Data Center News: The market demand performance is general, and there is no big change in the commercial mixed market.


Market demand and sales have not improved, and the overall market is weak and stable.


China Cement Network Market Data Center News, around May 1, leading enterprises in many places in Northeast China notified an increase in cement prices of about 50 yuan/ton. After the shutdown of the kiln, clinker stocks declined. At present, the implementation of the price increase is better.


In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.