Red Lion Group Holds 2024 Business Work Conference

2024-01-19 21:32:36

On the morning of January 18, Red Lion Group held a business meeting in 2024.

On the morning of January

18, Red Lion Group held a business meeting in 2024. Zhang Xiaohua, Chairman and General Manager of the Group, attended the meeting and delivered a speech entitled "Focusing on improving quality, reducing costs and increasing efficiency, stimulating organizational vitality, strengthening technology-driven, adapting to the new situation, seizing new opportu nities and realizing new development", summarizing the main work in 2023, deploying the target tasks in 2024, mobilizing all employees to strive hard and move forward. It has always adhered to customer-centered, value-creator-oriented and long-term struggle to achieve high-quality development of "cement + polysilicon".

< IMG SRC = " Zhang Zong said that in 2023, facing the downturn of macro-economy and cement demand, the polysilicon industry experienced ups and downs." Under the leadership of the board of directors, all employees have made concerted efforts to expand the market, and the main operating indicators have outperformed the industry. Through a series of endogenous growth measures, the company focused on projects and improved management efficiency, which significantly improved the competitiveness of the company in the downturn period of the market; the project maintained a high investment, the 10,000-ton line of Dongjia Red Lion in Indonesia was put into operation, and the overseas projects had a good momentum of development; the successful merger and acquisition of Asia Silicon Industry, the smooth commencement of Haidong Red Lion, and the polysilicon plate began to take shape. The Group has been selected as the "Top 500 Chinese Enterprises" for six consecutive years, and its subsidiaries have won 103 honors at or above the county level, which has enhanced the corporate image and the overall strength of the Group to a higher level.

< IMG SRC = " that the domestic economy is faced with insufficient effective demand, overcapacity in some industries, and weak social expectations." The complexity, severity and uncertainty of the external environment are on the rise. At the same time, the state continues to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy, and puts forward "three no less than" for real estate financing, which is conducive to stabilizing the expectations of real estate and related industries and promoting economic growth.

< IMG SRC = "The

cement industry is facing serious overcapacity." Enterprise brand premium and cost have become the decisive factors for the start and stop of production lines, and enterprises with brand premium and cost advantages can still maintain a high operation rate and achieve better benefits. We should vigorously promote endogenous growth so that existing production lines can create more cash flow by improving quality and reducing costs. At the same time, "competition to reduce production capacity" will accelerate the withdrawal of some cement enterprises. We should pay attention to enterprises with better regional location, mining resources and process equipment, and cooperate with projects with competitive and synergistic value. At present, the domestic cement technology has reached the world's first-class level, and some countries along the "Belt and Road" line have investment opportunities, so it is necessary to speed up the layout in countries with a high degree of marketization and legalization and great potential for economic growth.

Mr. Zhang pointed out that "double carbon" is the main line of economic development, photovoltaic will change from supplementary energy to main energy, and polysilicon market has broad prospects. At the same time, in recent years, a large amount of capital has entered the polysilicon industry, polysilicon has shifted from short supply to overcapacity, market demand has shifted from P-type materials to N-type materials, polysilicon enterprises have been divided, and enterprises with strong competitiveness can still achieve better profits. Polysilicon plate should continue to improve quality and reduce costs, Haidong Red Lion should build high-quality projects with high standards, and at the same time, we should base ourselves on the current situation, plan for the long term, and do a good job in the layout of new projects. Layout determines the fate of the enterprise, choice is more important than effort, choice is the most important effort, according to the ultimate pattern of the industry in the next 10 years to decide how to layout now and win the future.

Where there are changes, there are opportunities, and the opportunities of Red Lion in the downward period of the industry outweigh the challenges. No winter will not pass, no spring will not come. As long as we are confident and have no distractions to practice our internal skills, we can cross the industry cycle and meet a better future.

< IMG SRC = "Every business entity of the should focus on" improving quality, reducing cost and increasing efficiency ". Improve operation quality, product quality, asset quality and work quality, reduce manufacturing cost, financial cost and period cost, enhance the profitability of enterprises per ton of cement, and realize more net cash flow increase. The second is to meet the differentiated needs of customers and create value for customers. Customers are the source of all the income of an enterprise, and "customer-centered" is the starting point of all the work of an enterprise. We should do a good job in customer segmentation and demand mining, and better meet the needs of different customers through product serialization. High-end products have more added value, enhance the market share of high-end products, and the low-end market should also become a strong brand to create greater value. The three is to strengthen technology drive and enhance endogenous growth momentum. Enterprises have changed from extensive development to endogenous growth, and technology-driven is the basis of endogenous growth. Each specialty should master the cutting-edge technology, continuously improve the production technology indicators, so that the group's technology level gradually comes to the forefront of the industry, and truly achieve technology-driven growth. Fourth, stimulate organizational vitality and gather resources to "win battles" at the front end. The competition of enterprises is essentially the competition of the ability to control and change the organization. Structure determines function, and systematic organizational ability is very important. We should take "getting things done" as the criterion for judging all kinds of work, mobilize all resources to empower the front end, and let the front end "win battles". Project operation should be promoted in accordance with "time guidance, plan inversion, node control, process management, division of labor implementation, responsibility binding, result acceptance, assessment reward and punishment", so that key work can be effectively implemented. Fifth, strengthen basic management and consolidate the foundation of enterprises. Basic management is the foundation of an enterprise, and only a solid foundation can grow into a towering tree. To achieve "six must have", the process is the best practice, the experience and wisdom accumulated by excellent employees over the years are upgraded to the process, the process carries business control, so that low-cost people can do what high-cost talents can do, so that ordinary people can make extraordinary achievements, to achieve the daily work template, the main business process, the main process IT-based, IT data-driven. The more difficult it is, the more important it is to practice internal skills. Only by practicing internal skills can we survive the bitter winter. Management is about doing the hard and right thing. Sixth, enhance the self-drive of employees and realize the common growth of employees. Employee self-drive is the key to achieve high business goals. We should do a good job in training and reserving talents, promote and use talents from the ranks of "winning battles", and put managers with outstanding achievements in improving quality, reducing costs and increasing efficiency into more important positions in accordance with the "three more emphases". We should implement the "salary package" mechanism in an all-round way, so that individuals and companies can become a "community of interests", so that employees can truly "know that they have a long future and do not need to raise their whips". Seventh, strengthen the construction of senior management style and enhance team combat effectiveness. The style of work is combat effectiveness, the team spirit is full, vigorous and resolute, and the execution does not stay overnight, that is, the team that wins the battle. The work intensity and time of executives are no less than anyone else, most of the work results are the accumulation of time, are the function of time, a pay a harvest. Executives need to go deep into the scene, and the feeling of the scene is far more valuable than piles of abstract data. Executives should win the trust of subordinates and enhance the team's combat effectiveness. An excellent team is not a simple addition of individual strength, but a multiplier effect after reorganization, which can burst out beyond the sum of individual combat effectiveness, overcome difficulties and win. The eighth is to practice the ESG concept and realize the unity of social value and economic value. We should advocate green development and improve the factory environment according to the requirements of "garden in factory, factory is garden". We should actively promote the transformation of ultra-low emissions, so that the emission indicators are significantly better than the national standards. It is necessary to protect the rights and interests of employees so that their salaries and welfare benefits are significantly higher than those of their peers. We should harmonize community relations, actively participate in public welfare undertakings and transmit positive energy to society. We should continue to improve the modern enterprise management system and achieve sustainable development.

< IMG SRC = " should start with greater efforts, faster start, stronger motivation, more solid action and stronger measures.". The beginning is running, and the beginning is leaping forward. Standing at a new starting point, we should be confident and courageous to achieve high-quality development of "cement + polysilicon" and strive to become an international first-class green material enterprise! Ccement. Com/richtext/IMG/rzxmkclroyn1705671301781. He Jun, Deputy General Manager of the Group's Technology Center, Gong Wei, Deputy General Manager of Indonesia Region, Shao Yanlong, Deputy General Manager of the Operation Assessment Department, and Guo Zhanli, General Manager of Jiangyou Red Lion, made speeches as advanced representatives. He Jun, Deputy General Manager of

Technology Center, Speech

by Gong Wei, Deputy General Manager of Indonesia < IMG SRC = " Wang Tihu, General Manager of Silicon Asia, and company leaders attended the meeting.". More than 2000 managers of group departments, middle-level and above personnel of subsidiaries at home and abroad attended the meeting on the spot or by video.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.