
2014-05-07 11:47:53

需要指出的是,这次安徽省环保厅监测判定环境违法依据还是现行《水泥厂大气污染物排放标准》(2004版)。从2015年7月1日起将执行《水泥工业大气污染物排放标准》(2013版)和《水泥窑协同处置固体废物污染控制标准》(GB 30485-2013)。新版排放标准更为严格,在整改中宜适度考虑与过渡到执行新标准的衍接。

一则“海螺水泥等16家公司因污染问题被安徽环保厅挂牌督办”报道在当今大气污染严峻形势下理应会特别受人关注。在16家公司中,水泥有5家,从数量上占了3成。按安徽省环保厅所述的有关企业违法事实中。有4家涉及颗粒物排放浓度超标,其中最为严重1家窑尾颗粒物排放浓度627mg/m3,超标11.5倍;2家涉及氟化物排放浓度超标,其中1家氟化物排放浓度67.4 mg/m3,超标12.5倍;1家涉及二氧化硫排放浓度超标1倍。




需要指出的是,这次安徽省环保厅监测判定环境违法依据还是现行《水泥厂大气污染物排放标准》(2004版)。从2015年7月1日起将执行《水泥工业大气污染物排放标准》(2013版)和《水泥窑协同处置固体废物污染控制标准》(GB 30485-2013)。新版排放标准更为严格,在整改中宜适度考虑与过渡到执行新标准的衍接。





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This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.

2024-09-16 10:19:30

The cement industry will soon be incorporated into the carbon trading market, and the importance of green low-carbon transformation has become increasingly apparent. In response to the policy guidance, China Cement Network will hold the "2024 China Cement Double Carbon Conference and the 12th Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference" in Wuhu Conch International Hotel on October 24-25. The conference will focus on the core issues of low-carbon development and green upgrading in the cement industry, discuss the application of energy efficiency improvement and energy-saving and carbon reduction technologies, and how the cement industry can use the carbon trading mechanism to promote its low-carbon transformation.

2024-09-04 15:34:06

On August 29, Conch Environmental announced that from August 29, 2024, Li Xiaobo resigned as executive director and general manager, and ceased to be a member of the Strategic, Sustainable Development and Risk Management Committee, authorized representative and agent of legal process documents; Wang Chunjian was appointed as an executive director and general manager, a member of the strategy, sustainable development and risk management committee, an authorized representative and a process agent.

2024-09-02 11:05:21

We need to establish the core values of "others earn more, I can earn more" to guide production and operation. In the short run, only by actively limiting production and restoring the balance of supply and demand in the weak market, can the cement industry achieve a recovery in efficiency. Without enough initiative and consistency to limit production, all those who talk about the price of cement are cheaters and hooligans, and they can not succeed.

2024-08-13 15:12:11

Due to the continuous high temperature weather in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the demand of construction industry has weakened, resulting in a general decline in cement sales, and the price of cement in some areas has dropped by 20-35 yuan/ton, among which Yangzhou, Taizhou, Huaian, Nanjing, Zhenjiang and other places in Jiangsu have been greatly affected. Due to the high temperature weather in Anhui, the construction site slowed down, the demand was weak, and the cement price in Ma'anshan, Chuzhou, Hefei and other areas was reduced by 10-20 yuan/ton. Cement prices in Zaozhuang, Linyi, Jining, Tai'an and other places fell by 10-30 yuan/ton due to cloudy weather and the resumption of clinker production in Shandong.

2024-08-09 16:18:24

On June 21, the opening ceremony and keynote report of the 2024 RCEP Local Government and Friendship City Cooperation (Huangshan) Forum were held in Huangshan City, Anhui Province. Yang Jun, chairman of Conch Group, said in his introductory speech at the meeting that RCEP is a smooth trade channel for enterprises.

2024-06-24 10:59:10

Chongqing Conch Cement Company uses biodegradation technology to treat kitchen waste and convert it into oil and organic fertilizer raw materials, thus realizing waste recycling. This first cement kiln co-processing system in China helps to reduce carbon dioxide and other harmful gas emissions and promote green development. Zhongxian County cooperated with Chongqing Conch to invest in the construction of kitchen waste treatment projects, which solved the problem of kitchen waste treatment in the local and surrounding districts and counties. At the same time, the company itself is also transforming to digitalization and greening, reducing carbon emissions and winning a number of national green titles.

2024-06-19 12:19:34

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the high temperature weather continues, the demand is flat, and the price has stabilized in many places.

2024-06-14 19:37:39

Conch Cement said at the meeting, "As a benchmarking enterprise, Conch Cement has been carrying out comprehensive energy efficiency transformation.". At present, about 30% of the company's production lines meet the first-level energy consumption standards, and it is implementing the transformation of the second-level and third-level energy efficiency production lines, which is planned to reach 50% in 2025. 。

2024-05-31 11:32:12

As of December 31, 2023, there are 91 production lines in production and to be withdrawn in Anhui Province, with a total annual clinker production capacity of 13758 5,000 tons.

2024-05-08 16:28:01

The replacement rate of intelligent equipment or robots for dangerous and heavy jobs in coal mines and non-coal mines should not be less than 30% and 20% respectively, and the number of underground personnel in mines nationwide should be reduced by more than 10%, so as to build a batch of intelligent mines with no more than 50 workers in a single shift.

2024-05-08 09:55:10

The unmanned transportation of open-pit cement mines manufactured and applied by Anhui Haibo Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. and Wuhu Conch Cement Co., Ltd. and the intelligent blasting of non-coal mines manufactured and applied by Hongda Blasting Engineering Group Co., Ltd. and Zhaoqing Runxin New Materials Co., Ltd. were selected into the list of typical application scenarios of robots in the mining field.

2024-05-06 13:52:10

Conch Group is a leading enterprise in the global basic building materials industry, focusing on the development of the main cement industry, improving product quality and building urban infrastructure. At the same time, Conch actively lays out new energy and new materials industries, promotes environmental protection and digital transformation, and is committed to low-carbon economy and intelligent manufacturing. As an important participant in international trade, Conch has expanded its foreign trade and promoted the internationalization of its brand. Conch Group closely combines the national strategy to promote the high-quality development of the industrial chain, and is committed to creating a better living space for mankind and becoming a world-class enterprise.

2024-04-22 17:21:08

It was originally planned to build two 5,000 t/d clinker production lines.

2024-04-03 13:34:16

As a key area of cement clinker production capacity replacement in recent years, a large number of new production lines have emerged in Guangxi, most of which have taken a fancy to the rich market potential of Guangxi and the convenient water transportation of the Xijiang River, so as to achieve the market coverage target of radiating the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area at the other end of the Xijiang River while selling locally.

2024-04-03 09:27:32

At present, the cement industry is facing serious internal and external troubles, which can be said to be "the autumn of life and death".

2024-04-02 17:13:02

Guided by innovation and green development, Ningguo Cement Plant, a subsidiary of Conch Group, has won many honors, including being included in the list of green mines in Anhui Province. Reduce energy consumption through intelligent transformation, use waste to improve environmental protection efficiency, invest in training centers to train green talents, and achieve a balance between economic and ecological benefits. In the future, it will continue to promote the intelligent and green development of factories.

2024-04-01 09:35:43

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, 25 major manufacturers in Nanjing notice to raise the price of bulk cement 20 yuan/ton, the implementation remains to be observed. The market demand in other regions is general, and the cement market is stable and weak.

2024-03-30 13:06:23

On March 29, the "2024 13th China Cement Industry Summit Main Forum and TOP100 Award Ceremony" was held grandly.

2024-03-29 18:00:30

According to the cement market data center, In the early stage, the leading enterprises in Guanzhong area of Shaanxi had notified to raise the cement price by 30 yuan/ton. Recently, the market demand has declined, coupled with the impact of price reduction in the surrounding market, the quotation of enterprises in Guanzhong area has dropped by about 20 yuan/ton in the week.

2024-03-29 17:12:50

Under the background of such a complex and severe cement market, how can the cement industry survive and develop next? The participants had a heated discussion.

2024-03-28 21:39:54

Fengyang County, Anhui Province, announced the acceptance of the environmental impact report form for the 1.2 million tons of quartz sand purification project of Fengyang Conch Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. The project is located in Fengyang County, Chuzhou, Anhui Province, with a total planned investment of 170.9 million yuan, an environmental protection investment of 26.95 million yuan, and an estimated construction period of 6 months.

2024-03-25 10:27:37

Recently, the Anhui Provincial People's Government issued the Notice on Issuing the List of Key Projects in Anhui Province in 2024, in which Conch and Southern Projects were listed.

2024-03-08 17:31:52

Conch Cement announced that Anhui Conch Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company, provided guarantee for Fuping Conch Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. with a guarantee amount of RMB 17 million.

2024-03-06 09:20:36

Anhui Conch Group has successfully incubated Haibo Intelligence and other companies through the development of new industries and the construction of "one base and five industries" model. It has launched a driverless system with independent intellectual property rights, which has been applied in many mining scenarios, and plans to accelerate the transformation of digital intelligence and build a world-class enterprise.

2024-03-04 10:16:20

In principle, the salary range of the president/vice president of the research Institute is between 500000 and 2 million yuan, and the salary range of high-level talents is between 300000 and 1 million yuan.

2024-02-26 13:45:31

Anhui Zongyang Conch Cement Co., Ltd. was selected as the national green factory list in 2023, becoming the 27th national green factory of Conch Cement. Relying on intellectualization, environmental protection technology and clean energy, the plant has realized the full utilization of mine resources, zero waste discharge and the improvement of ecological environment, which reflects the efforts and responsibilities of enterprises in promoting green and high-quality development.

2024-02-26 11:34:45

Since 2017, Anhui Conch Group Co., Ltd. has invested nearly 450 million US dollars in three projects in Uzbekistan. The Tashkent Conch Cement Project, with a planned investment of 320 million US dollars and an annual output of 2.5 million tons of cement, is the second cement project invested by Conch Group in Uzbekistan. In addition, the Andijan Conch Cement Project invested by the company in Andijan is scheduled to be put into operation in 2024.

2024-02-17 09:20:57

On January 30, 2024, Conch Group held the 2024 Working Conference and the Second Session of the Fourth Workers'Congress at its headquarters.

2024-01-31 10:30:23

Reasons for the rise and fall of cement prices in Guangxi and Shijiazhuang; Ma Zhifeng: In the era of high cost and low demand, cement enterprises are playing a game between small profits; Conch Cement plans to invest 560 million yuan to build a photovoltaic power generation project; Shanshui Cement is expected to lose 850 million yuan in 2023; the central bank's reduction of reserve requirement ratio and interest rate will help improve the economic and real estate recovery expectations.

2024-01-25 13:05:17

Recruitment of Party discipline inspection, personnel administration, electrical, mechanical and other personnel.

2024-01-21 16:39:58

Cement price in East China decreased by 1.02%; national cement output in 2023; Western International Group invested US $1 billion to build a factory in Zimbabwe

2024-01-10 13:05:08

Over the past ten years, Conch Cement has adhered to the new development concept, constructed a new development pattern, closely followed the pulse of the times, seized strategic opportunities, and firmly sailed to the vast new blue sea as a pioneer, drawing a magnificent picture of the high-quality development of the "one belt and one road".

2024-01-03 13:08:45

CNBM is a comprehensive building materials enterprise, and the aggregate business is an extension of the cement business of the company's basic building materials sector.

2024-01-03 11:33:34


2023-12-29 09:05:48


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2023-12-20 10:03:46


2023-12-18 09:54:13


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2023-12-05 15:44:14


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2023-12-01 09:16:40


2023-11-30 14:11:31

Municipal ecological environment departments timely publicize and interpret the requirements of inefficient and ineffective pollution control facilities and monitoring and control systems for enterprises within their jurisdiction, and organize enterprises to complete self-examination by the end of October 2024. In view of the problems found in the self-examination, enterprises should formulate rectification measures and actively promote rectification.