
2023-09-27 15:46:40






新天山水泥党委副书记、总裁赵新军作了题为《坚定信心 迎难而上 苦练内功 全力以赴稳增长开新局》的工作报告,系统回顾了两年来公司的发展历程,总结了业务整合所取得的成果,指出了存在的问题和不足,为迈向世界一流明确了目标和路径,同时对决战四季度作了全面动员。他提出:当前,公司上下要坚定信心,发扬“三不四千”精神,外抓市场、内强管理,深化改革、加快转型,扎实落实集团和股份公司的各项工作部署,咬定全年目标不动摇,全力以赴决战四季度,力争交出一份满意答卷。




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This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.

2024-09-16 10:19:30

In order to make preparations for being incorporated into the national carbon market, we should actively establish and improve the dual-carbon planning system, management system, system, innovation system, trading system and capacity system, do a good job in the research of dual-carbon policy, find out the family background, consolidate the quality of data, decompose and implement the goal of carbon reduction, and strive to achieve the goal of carbon reduction. We will continue to promote the substitution of raw materials, the transformation of energy consumption structure, the acceleration of technological innovation, the promotion of green manufacturing and intelligent leadership, and the coordinated promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction and green expansion. Growth.

2024-09-13 16:07:12

Data show that in the first half of 2024, Tianshan shares sold 94.44 million tons of cement, down 11.68% year on year; The sales volume of clinker was 11.59 million tonnes, representing a year-on-year decrease of 21.30%, and the total sales volume of cement and clinker was 106 million tonnes. Looking at Conch Cement, in the first half of 2024, the total net sales volume of cement and clinker was 128 million tons, down from the same period last year. The sales volume of cement clinker products was 126 million tonnes, representing a year-on-year decrease of 3.35%.

2024-09-06 13:11:58

From the overall situation, in the first half of 2024, the overall operating situation of the cement industry was grim, and the profits of cement enterprises basically declined sharply, and even some enterprises suffered huge losses. In terms of the operation and management of Conch Cement, the Group will pay close attention to the macroeconomic situation at home and abroad, and continue to improve the quality and efficiency of its operation in line with the guidance of national policies. Huaxin Cement said that it demonstrated the sense of responsibility of large enterprises and actively promoted and implemented new supply-side structural reform programs and measures suitable for the high-quality development of the industry.

2024-09-03 09:43:58

Relevant data show that the industry lost about 1.2 billion yuan in the first half of the year, with sales falling by 11%. Conch Cement: In the first half of the year, the Company achieved an operating income of RMB45.566 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 30.44%, and a net profit of RMB3.326 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 48.56%. Tapai Group: achieved operating income of RMB1.976 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 31.17%; net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB226 million, representing a year-on-year decrease of 53.43%. It is expected that with the arrival of the traditional peak season of cement sales, the demand side will be better in the second half of the year than in the first half, and the price side is expected to continue to repair.

2024-08-30 10:06:24

On the evening of August 26, Tianshan Stock released the semi-annual report of 2024. In the first half of the year, the company realized operating income of 39.699 billion yuan, down 25.72% year-on-year; net loss of 3.414 billion yuan, profit to loss year-on-year; basic earnings per share of -0.394 yuan. According to the data, among the subsidiaries of Tianshan Stock Company, China United Cement Group Co., Ltd. performed well in the first half of this year, with net profit turning from loss to profit.

2024-08-27 15:32:57

In the first half of the year, Tianshan's revenue was 39.699 billion yuan, down 25.72%, with a net loss of 3.414 billion yuan. The main reason for the decline in performance was the sharp drop in cement demand and the decline in gross profit margin caused by the price drop exceeding the cost drop.

2024-08-27 11:52:21

According to the report, in the second half of 2024, the external environment is still complex and severe, and the operation and development still face many risks and challenges. From the perspective of the industry, in the second half of the year, the marginal demand for cement improved, the supply compression continued to increase, and the contradiction between supply and demand in the industry was prominent. From the company's point of view, strategic opportunities and risks coexist, uncertainties increase, the complexity and severity of the business situation, the heavy and arduous tasks continue to intensify.

2024-08-27 11:20:44

Tianshan shares in the evening of August 26th issued 2024 semi-annual report, the company achieved operating income of 39.699 billion yuan in the first half of the year, down 25.72%; net loss of 3.414 billion yuan, profit to loss; basic earnings per share -0.394 yuan.

2024-08-27 09:26:36

Tianshan shares in the evening of August 26th issued 2024 semi-annual report, the company achieved operating income of 39.699 billion yuan in the first half of the year, down 25.72%; net loss of 3.414 billion yuan, profit to loss; basic earnings per share -0.394 yuan. During the reporting period, due to the continuous decline in real estate investment and insufficient funds for infrastructure projects, the demand for cement declined significantly. Although the year-on-year decline in coal prices led to a significant reduction in costs, due to the continued low price, the year-on-year decline was greater than cost decline, the gross profit margin declined year-on-year, and the benefits declined significantly year-on-year.

2024-08-27 09:14:28

In the short term, rigid peak staggering is the only way out for the cement industry. We must accurately stagger the peak and stop at the same time. If it is difficult to start at the same time, we should stop at the same time first. In the long run, further improving the concentration is an effective way to reduce production capacity in the cement industry.

2024-08-23 13:13:52

When night falls and the lights are on, the night production of the cement plant will officially begin. Under the smooth lines, the beauty of order is shocking. In this colorful picture, Golden Carp Cement is a "bright pearl" embedded in the Xijiang Economic Corridor. Under the blue sky of Luoding, the distant mountains are like Dai. Sinoma Luoding uses blue writing style to interpret a different style, which injects vitality into the quiet night. At this time, the south of Guilin still refused to stop, persistently illuminating the way forward with the light of self-confidence. The light of the production area in the south of Guzhang at night is so beautiful that it seems to be a galaxy falling from nine days to the earth.

2024-08-21 09:17:17

Yin Zhisong fully affirmed the work of Sinoma Cement in the first half of 2024, pointing out that under the complex and changeable economic environment, all the cadres and staff of Sinoma Cement have made outstanding achievements. Faced with multiple challenges such as slow recovery of domestic demand for basic building materials and complex overseas situations, Sinoma Cement has achieved remarkable results in international development, business performance, management ability and Party building. Yin Zhisong deeply analyzed the new situation and challenges of the cement industry at home and abroad. He stressed that the current economic environment is in a cyclical change. Only by constantly learning and changing, can we accurately grasp the future development situation and implement the internationalization strategy.

2024-08-19 14:53:56

Due to the rainy weather in Zhejiang, the market demand is general, and the shipment volume is about 6-7%. In order to promote sales, some manufacturers reduce the price of cement, and try to push up the price to enhance market confidence, but the actual implementation remains to be observed. The overall market demand in Jiangsu has not improved significantly, with shipments hovering at 4-6% of normal production capacity. Manufacturers in southern Jiangsu have reduced prices for promotion, while the markets in northern and central Jiangsu are expected to face a downward trend.

2024-08-16 16:37:36

On August 10, Ningxia Building Materials announced that it would terminate the exchange of shares to absorb and merge China Construction Information and issue shares to no more than 35 specific investors, including China Building Materials, to raise matching funds. At the end of January this year, the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued an audit decision on terminating the absorption and merger of building materials in Ningxia and the sale of major assets and raising matching funds. However, Ningxia Building Materials failed to fully explain the basis for the absence of significant uncertainty in the collection of accounts receivable of China Construction Information and the related favorable impact of the transaction on the company.

2024-08-16 10:15:40

Tianshan shares announced in the evening of August 9 that due to the long duration of the transaction and certain fluctuations and changes in the macro-environment and the industrial environment, the company decided to terminate the transaction of acquiring the controlling rights of the cement and other related business subsidiaries held by the related party Ningxia Building Materials and the trademarks and other assets involved in the cement and other related businesses.

2024-08-12 09:46:54

The vicious competition of "involution" is a game without winners.

2024-08-08 10:38:47

Recently, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region issued the Announcement of Capacity Replacement Scheme for the Construction Project of Aksu Tianshan Duolang Cement Co., Ltd., which shows that the 4000t/d clinker production line of Aksu Tianshan Duolang Cement Co., Ltd.

2024-08-08 09:22:09

Chizhou Municipal Party Committee and Chizhou Municipal Government will continue to support the construction of East China Material Chizhou Project, provide all necessary support, work together to promote the early completion and commissioning of the project, and build the project into a first-class green mine production base.

2024-08-06 16:12:02

Actively respond to the call of the state to "strengthen industry self-discipline and prevent" involution "vicious competition", and spare no effort to maintain the industry ecology and maintain reasonable profits.

2024-08-06 13:06:52

Tianshan shares said that after the completion of the acquisition, it will help to promote the international layout of the company's cement business, expand the scale of the company's assets, enhance future profitability and improve the company's sustainable operation ability.

2024-07-29 09:37:33

According to the announcement, the cancellation of Shanxi Jintou Xiagong Cement Co., Ltd. was due to the expiration of the validity period, while the cancellation of Yangquan Shitou Special Cement Co., Ltd. and Quwo Weidun Cement Co., Ltd. was due to the renewal of provincial certificates.

2024-07-25 13:29:19

In the first half of 2024, affected by multiple factors such as the slowdown of national macroeconomic growth, the deep adjustment of real estate and the slowdown of capital construction, the company's operation was under deep pressure, and the three major businesses were facing an unprecedentedly severe and complex situation.

2024-07-19 13:19:57

According to the market data of China Cement Net, the cement market in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has stepped into the off-season, and the push up has not been implemented, and the central and southern parts of Hebei are slightly loose; the market in Inner Mongolia is stable, and the push up is slow; the effect of the early push up in Shanxi is not good, and the market is stable at present.

2024-07-12 15:53:15

According to the cement network market data center news, thanks to the staggered peak kiln, most of the market is relatively stable.

2024-07-12 15:50:01

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, heavy rainfall is prevalent in East China this week, with mountain torrents and floods in some areas. Many construction sites have been shut down, cement demand has plummeted, and cement prices have fallen slightly.

2024-07-12 15:40:36

According to the research and statistics of the People's Bank of China, according to the issuance plans announced by various places, the issuance scale of new local bonds in the third quarter was as high as 1966.9 billion yuan, an increase of 605.3 billion yuan over the same period last year; plus the maturity scale of 1067.6 billion yuan of local bonds, it is expected that in the third quarter

2024-07-10 14:08:28

Big guess, what do you think of the first half performance of Conch Cement?

2024-07-10 09:22:34

Affected by the weak market demand and the sharp drop in the prices of cement and commercial concrete, the gross profit of cement clinker and commercial concrete decreased year on year.

2024-07-08 16:58:52

Next, the contradiction between domestic cement supply and demand continues to intensify, and what results will China Resources Building Materials Technology achieve when it enters the market with a fighting posture? We'll see.

2024-07-02 09:45:01

The two sides should further deepen cooperation, work together to do a good job in innovation, and jointly export new productivity for the high-quality development of the industry.

2024-06-21 09:17:46

Green is the background of high-quality development of cement industry.

2024-06-18 14:36:10

On June 13, the 11th China Cement Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference and Equipment Renewal Forum, sponsored by China Cement Network, was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.

2024-06-13 16:36:33

After listening carefully to the production and operation of Zhejiang Cement and its future development plan, Liu Yan spoke highly of the company's outstanding achievements in three fine management, optimization and upgrading.

2024-06-07 15:15:55

The serious decline in demand, coupled with the fierce market competition, the low opening and low going of cement prices, continued to bottom out, and the loss of the industry expanded. The loss of the industry in the first quarter exceeded that of 2016, and the pressure of enterprise operation was unprecedented.

2024-05-31 14:35:19

Liu Yan fully affirmed the achievements of the company's scientific and technological innovation work in 2023, emphasized the importance of scientific and technological innovation to Tianshan Materials at the present stage, and put forward clear requirements for the work in 2024.

2024-05-29 10:07:33

According to the incomplete statistics of China Cement Network, there are about 24 companies with aggregate business in A-share motherboard and Hong Kong listed companies, of which 16 listed companies disclose specific aggregate income..

2024-05-28 16:59:57

Affected by insufficient infrastructure support and the continuous downturn of real estate, the demand of cement industry continued to be weak throughout the year. In 2023, the national cement output was 2.023 billion tons, down 5% from the same period last year. Under the influence of the decline in demand, the contradiction of excess capacity was further intensified, the market competition was extremely fierce, the price of cement dropped significantly, the industry profit shrank sharply again, the annual profit dropped by more than 50%, the development of the cement industry entered an unprecedented difficult period, and many companies suffered heavy losses.

2024-05-23 14:01:48

Promote win-win development and build a more sustainable future for the industry.

2024-05-16 20:15:03

Sales of cement, clinker, concrete and aggregate in the first quarter of China Resources Building Materials Technology increased. Among them, the total sales volume of cement clinker is about 1303 The sales volume of concrete was 2.3 million cubic meters, representing a year-on-year increase of 50.16%, and the sales volume of aggregate was 14.16 million tons, representing a year-on-year increase of 169.5%.

2024-05-07 14:53:43

In the first quarter of 2024, the industry as a whole showed the operational characteristics of "shrinking demand, fierce competition, high inventory and low price".

2024-05-07 09:20:19

Listed companies in the cement industry have released quarterly performance reports one after another, and most enterprises have suffered large losses..

2024-04-30 11:30:16

In fact, as the largest cement giant in China with complete industrial chain and national layout, the future development of Tianshan shares is also highly expected by the market. After the seasonal factors are gradually cleared, the company's cost reduction and cost control effect will be further transformed into profit momentum, combined with the performance commitment compensation landing, the company may usher in market value revaluation. With the acceleration of the company's internal optimization of quality and efficiency and the transformation of digital intelligence, the release of profit expectations driven by overseas layout and aggregate business, the growth space of Tianshan shares is worth looking forward to by the market.

2024-04-30 11:04:11

In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.