
2023-12-31 20:04:34



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Tianfeng Securities Research Report shows that with the arrival of the peak season in September, the progress of special bonds and special bonds at the infrastructure end has been accelerated and major local projects have been started, and the demand for cement is expected to pick up. Recently, the cement shipment data continued to recover, and the price side also rose synchronously. At present, most cement enterprises are still in a state of loss. With the strengthening of industry supply self-discipline, the superimposed demand is expected to improve marginally, and the industry profit center is expected to be lifted.

2024-09-19 10:18:37

In order to further improve and optimize the financial structure of Ningbo Shangrong Logistics Co., Ltd. and promote sustainable development, the capital source of this capital increase is the company's own funds, which will not adversely affect the company's financial and operating conditions, and will not damage the interests of the company and its shareholders.

2024-09-14 14:18:38

According to incomplete statistics, there are about 33 listed companies developing commercial mixing business in A-share motherboard, Hong Kong stock and Taiwan stock, of which 9 companies take commercial mixing as their main business.

2024-09-10 17:04:29

Relevant data show that the industry lost about 1.2 billion yuan in the first half of the year, with sales falling by 11%. Conch Cement: In the first half of the year, the Company achieved an operating income of RMB45.566 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 30.44%, and a net profit of RMB3.326 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 48.56%. Tapai Group: achieved operating income of RMB1.976 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 31.17%; net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB226 million, representing a year-on-year decrease of 53.43%. It is expected that with the arrival of the traditional peak season of cement sales, the demand side will be better in the second half of the year than in the first half, and the price side is expected to continue to repair.

2024-08-30 10:06:24

The purchase cost of coal, electricity and other energy consumption in the cement products of the Company accounts for more than 50% of the comprehensive cost of the products on average. Once the coal price rises by a large margin, the production cost of the Company will face upward pressure. If the resulting cost increase cannot be fully transmitted to the product price, it will have a negative impact on the profit of the Company. With the rising cost of safety, environmental protection and labor, the cost pressure of enterprises will further increase.

2024-08-29 16:08:07

According to daryo. Uz. On August 27, it was reported that Uzbekistan's Competition Development and Consumer Rights Protection Commission announced that it had imposed a fine of 4.9 billion sum on Shangfeng Friendship Bridge for dumping and other violations. In addition, the regulator has issued a mandatory directive requiring Shangfeng Friendship Bridge to eliminate the identified violations and take measures to prevent future occurrences. On April 28, 2024, the completion ceremony of the 6500t/d clinker production line was successfully held.

2024-08-29 13:07:34

On the evening of August 28, Shangfeng Cement released its semi-annual report for 2024. During the reporting period, the company realized business income of 2.392 billion yuan, down 25.44% from the same period last year. During the reporting period, due to the decrease in market demand for cement building materials, oversupply of production capacity and the decline in product prices, the sales volume and product prices of the company's main products decreased year on year. The asset structure of the Company maintained a good margin of safety. As at the end of the reporting period, the scale of monetary capital of the Company was basically stable, and the actual scale of external financing remained stable.

2024-08-29 09:47:15

A Picture to Understand the Semi-annual Report of Shangfeng Cement in 2024

2024-08-28 22:03:09

Shangfeng Cement has unique advantages in cost control, operational efficiency and industrial structure. Through efforts to improve its own capabilities and competitiveness, Shangfeng Cement has won the recognition of investors and shareholders through a series of practical actions to improve quality and efficiency, and promoted the comprehensive value of the company.

2024-07-19 09:35:56

According to the market data of China Cement Net, the cement market in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has stepped into the off-season, and the push up has not been implemented, and the central and southern parts of Hebei are slightly loose; the market in Inner Mongolia is stable, and the push up is slow; the effect of the early push up in Shanxi is not good, and the market is stable at present.

2024-07-12 15:53:15

According to the cement network market data center news, thanks to the staggered peak kiln, most of the market is relatively stable.

2024-07-12 15:50:01

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, heavy rainfall is prevalent in East China this week, with mountain torrents and floods in some areas. Many construction sites have been shut down, cement demand has plummeted, and cement prices have fallen slightly.

2024-07-12 15:40:36

Big guess, what do you think of the first half performance of Conch Cement?

2024-07-10 09:22:34

The year-on-year decrease in the prices of main products of cement and clinker was the main reason for the decrease in profit during the reporting period.

2024-07-09 17:01:34

At present, the cement industry is experiencing an unprecedented difficult period of economic and talent shortage.

2024-06-20 16:21:00

The serious decline in demand, coupled with the fierce market competition, the low opening and low going of cement prices, continued to bottom out, and the loss of the industry expanded. The loss of the industry in the first quarter exceeded that of 2016, and the pressure of enterprise operation was unprecedented.

2024-05-31 14:35:19

According to the incomplete statistics of China Cement Network, there are about 24 companies with aggregate business in A-share motherboard and Hong Kong listed companies, of which 16 listed companies disclose specific aggregate income..

2024-05-28 16:59:57

Affected by insufficient infrastructure support and the continuous downturn of real estate, the demand of cement industry continued to be weak throughout the year. In 2023, the national cement output was 2.023 billion tons, down 5% from the same period last year. Under the influence of the decline in demand, the contradiction of excess capacity was further intensified, the market competition was extremely fierce, the price of cement dropped significantly, the industry profit shrank sharply again, the annual profit dropped by more than 50%, the development of the cement industry entered an unprecedented difficult period, and many companies suffered heavy losses.

2024-05-23 14:01:48

According to incomplete statistics, there are about 34 listed companies developing commercial mixing business in A-share motherboard, Hong Kong stock and Taiwan stock, of which 8 companies take commercial mixing as their main business.

2024-05-21 17:09:01

The category of hazardous wastes disposed by cement kilns and safe landfills is inconsistent with the category of hazardous wastes approved by the hazardous waste business license, and the hazardous waste disposal business activities are not carried out in accordance with the provisions of the hazardous waste business license.

2024-05-21 09:45:56

The new material industry focused by China Building Material New Material Fund has a huge market space. It is understood that the total output value of China's new material industry will reach about 7.8 trillion yuan in 2023, and the scale of the industry is expected to reach 10 trillion yuan by 2025.

2024-05-21 09:36:50

In the first quarter of 2024, the industry as a whole showed the operational characteristics of "shrinking demand, fierce competition, high inventory and low price".

2024-05-07 09:20:19

Listed companies in the cement industry have released quarterly performance reports one after another, and most enterprises have suffered large losses..

2024-04-30 11:30:16

In the first quarter, the volume and price of the cement industry fell, opened low and went low, the industry's income and profits fell sharply, and many enterprises turned from profit to loss. Shangfeng Cement responded flexibly, improved quality and reduced cost from outside to inside, and developed steadily.

2024-04-30 10:15:10

The announcement showed that due to the overall situation of the industry and the winter break in the first quarter of the Northwest Regional Base, the sales volume and price of the company's cement products declined, the operating income decreased by 34.61% year on year, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 14.5969 million yuan, a decrease of 91.54% year on year.

2024-04-30 09:08:09

The planned future aggregate production capacity of Shangfeng Cement can reach about 30 million tons.

2024-04-29 13:39:12

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, the overall market demand performance is general, Chongqing and Guizhou parts of the week pushed up 30 yuan/ton, the implementation is not yet clear. Cement prices in some markets in Sichuan and Yunnan have dropped by about 20-30 yuan/ton.

2024-04-28 09:42:11

In 2024, with the further decline of cement demand, it remains to be seen how the market share of cement enterprises will change.

2024-04-28 09:07:08

On the evening of April 24, Shangfeng Cement (stock code: 000672. SZ) released its annual report for 2023. In 2023, Shangfeng Cement achieved an operating income of 6.397 billion yuan and a net profit of 744 million yuan attributable to the shareholders of the listed company; the company flexibly adjusted and continuously optimized the total.

2024-04-24 21:24:47

The high-quality upgrading and development of the main business and the nurturing and growth of new projects will help Shangfeng Cement's business continue to grow in 2023. In 2024, the company will continue to focus on the development strategy of "one main body and two wings", focusing on the main industry of cement building materials, deeply cultivating the extension wing of the industrial chain and the equity investment wing of the new economy, forming a stable triangular form, enabling medium- and long-term development.

2024-04-24 21:16:43

Shangfeng was listed in the form of reorganization in 2013, when it did not finance the market, and in the past 10 years, the company has paid a cumulative dividend of 3.124 billion yuan to investors without refinancing the capital market; In 2023, the company plans to further increase the dividend rate, with a cash dividend of 382 million yuan, accounting for 51.38% of the net profit of the year, and a dividend rate of about 5.5%.

2024-04-24 21:10:12

The strategy of Chinese cement enterprises to lay out overseas markets has achieved remarkable results. In the future, with the sustained development of overseas business, it will effectively help Chinese cement enterprises to enhance their influence and competitiveness.

2024-04-23 15:23:09

The annual clinker production capacity of the four enterprises is 4.56 million tons, which has a certain impact on the adjustment of the supply-demand relationship in the regional market after the adjustment of the off-peak shutdown time.

2024-04-15 09:55:07

Xinjiang Tianfeng Investment Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shangfeng Building Materials, intends to acquire 100% equity of Xinjiang Bohai Cement Co., Ltd.

2024-04-03 10:07:10

The first issue of super short-term financing bonds of Shangfeng Cement in 2024 was successfully issued!

2024-04-01 09:40:37

Under the background of such a complex and severe cement market, how can the cement industry survive and develop next? The participants had a heated discussion.

2024-03-28 21:39:54

Shangfeng Cement announced that Xinjiang Tianfeng Investment Co., Ltd., a shareholding company of its wholly-owned subsidiary Zhejiang Shangfeng Building Materials Co., Ltd., plans to acquire all the shares of Xinjiang Bohai Cement Co., Ltd. This is to implement the company's strategic development plan, actively integrate industry resources, and enhance the competitiveness of the main industry. After the acquisition, Shangfeng Building Materials will indirectly hold 30% of Bohai Cement through Xinjiang Tianfeng Investment Co., Ltd. This shows that Shangfeng Cement is expanding its market influence and competitive position in the cement industry through mergers and acquisitions.

2024-03-28 19:12:53

At present, cement enterprises have felt the deep chill of the industry, and the prospect of the cement industry is not optimistic. In this industry situation, cement enterprises should go on firmly.

2024-03-28 16:20:57

Relevant information shows that Xinjiang Tianshan Cement has subscribed a capital contribution of RMB 210 million, with a shareholding ratio of 70%; Zhejiang Shangfeng Building Materials has subscribed a capital contribution of RMB 90 million, with a shareholding ratio of 30%.

2024-03-15 11:01:19

From the time line, in the hottest years of the cement market, the production line was built in violation of regulations, and then failed to put into operation smoothly. With the increasingly severe cement market, it is even more difficult to realize the return on investment of this 5000t/d production line.

2024-03-14 11:01:59

On March 28-29, China Cement Network will hold the "13th China Cement Industry Summit and TOP100 Award Ceremony" in Hangzhou. During the conference, awards will be given to the top 100 cement and supplier enterprises. At the same time, experts and scholars, China Railway and other construction units will be invited to discuss the new development trend of the cement industry in the future, and work together to create the future!

2024-02-27 09:41:58

A few days ago, some investors asked Shangfeng Cement about cement production and marketing orders, project dynamics and other issues on the interactive platform, to which Shangfeng Cement responded one by one.

2024-02-26 13:15:41

Shangfeng's 45-year quality brand has won the trust and support of customers in the market region, and its product reputation and comprehensive competitiveness are the solid foundation for the company to maintain its tenacious growth. We will take every customer and every order seriously.

2024-02-25 13:19:05

According to the data center of China Cement Network, the market started slowly after the year, most of the construction sites and mixing stations in southwest China have not yet started, the demand and sales are low, and the price of cement has not changed much compared with the previous year.

2024-02-23 16:19:35

How about the performance of cement market after the festival? The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Guidelines for the Construction of Carbon Neutralization Standard System in the Industrial Field; Hunan assessed 6 A-level cement enterprises; Jidong Cement 3 million tons of aggregate project was officially put into production and shipped; Duyun Shangfeng Southwest Cement signed the intention of 300000 tons of cement production and marketing order; Guangzhou Lixinsha Bridge was broken.

2024-02-22 13:45:03

Duyun Shangfeng Southwest Cement Co., Ltd. has reached a total of 300000 tons of cement production and marketing orders with several enterprises on the spot.

2024-02-22 09:45:31

The price of cement in Jiangsu declined and the price of bagged cement in Guangxi increased; Conch Cement participated in the establishment of a 15 billion fund to invest in the new material industry; CNBM's 40 million tons of aggregate project was put into operation this year; Shandong Linyi and Kangding Paomashan cement assets were auctioned.

2024-02-20 14:52:09

Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.