供大于求 库存高位不下 水泥价格战或在这些地方“打响”!水泥网“分享汇·一周谈”精彩回顾

2022-06-23 16:40:35















低迷的水泥行情何时能迎来复苏?市场格局变动之下,水泥行业又将面临哪些新挑战,获得哪些发展新机遇?2022年7月11-12日,中国水泥网将在杭州举办“2022中国水泥产业峰会暨TOP100颁奖典礼”,本次会议以“新挑战 新机遇 新生态”为主题,诚邀各位嘉宾一起深度探讨当前及未来水泥行业发展新态势,共襄盛举、共谋发展!

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The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are the main demand market for sand and gravel aggregates, with a total annual demand of nearly 5 billion tons. Hubei is located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, with natural geographical advantages, while relying on the advantages of water transportation, the production of sand and gravel will be transported to the downstream Yangtze River Delta hot sand and gravel market.

2025-01-14 15:21:52

On January 8, China Power Construction Qichun China (Shanghai) High-quality Aggregate Production and Application Summit Forum and Hubei Minben Group Shanghai Sand and Gravel Industry Annual Meeting 2025 were held. Hu Youyi, President of China Sandstone Association, Wang Jingchun, Honorary President of Shanghai Stone Industry Association, Yu Enze, Director of Energy-saving Building Materials Department of Shanghai Housing and Construction Commission, Liu Jingjiang, Director of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Science and Technology and Industrialization Development Center, Wu Delong, President of Shanghai Sandstone Association, and other leaders attended the meeting.

2025-01-08 17:44:15

From the sharp decline in production to the fierce competition in the market, from the imbalance between supply and demand to the continuous shrinkage of benefits, every event has a profound impact on the future direction of the industry. Let's use these key words to review the cement industry in 2024. They not only record the hard journey of the industry, but also indicate the dawn of future development.

2024-12-31 09:15:34

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, cement prices in the central and southern regions of Guangdong and Guangxi have generally declined this week, and cement prices in the two lakes regions are mainly stable. Recently, the temperature in Henan has dropped significantly, the main core market is affected by heavy pollution weather, the construction progress is limited, the market demand is weak, coupled with the poor implementation of some enterprises, the market competition is intensified.

2024-12-27 17:17:01

Construction activity in the northern region has been significantly reduced, with only a few key projects still ongoing, resulting in a substantial stagnation of market activity. In contrast, although there is a local demand for rush work in the southern region, the actual concrete shipments are expected to decline steadily due to poor capital repayment and insufficient number of new orders.

2024-12-10 13:30:36

Demand is declining, supply is increasing, and the price of sand and gravel industry is adjusted in an all-round way.

2024-07-31 15:56:20

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center news, Guangdong, Hubei individual market notice to raise cement prices by 30-50 yuan/ton, the implementation remains to be observed. Cement quotations in other areas are basically stable and small.

2024-07-26 16:42:59

Market demand is weak and prices are stable and weak.

2024-07-26 14:32:16

Hebei concrete market is stable and needs to be changed, while weak demand in Shanxi and Inner Mongolia restrains prices.

2024-06-14 15:32:24

According to China Cement Market Data Center, cement prices in Sichuan were mixed this week, cement prices in Chongqing continued to fall by about 10-20 yuan/ton, and the Yunnan-Guizhou market was relatively stable.

2024-04-08 10:25:16

The general aggregate market is already fighting in the Red Sea, while the high-end fine aggregate market is still the blue sea market.

2024-04-03 14:16:17

According to the market data of China Cement Network, there are not many construction sites in North China, and construction is expected to resume after the Lantern Festival.

2024-02-23 17:07:28

Zhejiang: Construction is expected to start in March, which may lead to a rise in cement prices; 6 billion investment, annual production capacity of 30 million tons of projects put into operation! Huarun's "next success"; Jidong Cement: will promote related acquisition projects according to the annual investment plan; the latest market research on cement and concrete

2024-02-23 13:30:10

Cement, Concrete, Sandstone Monitoring Report Released; Cement Industry's "Darkest Hour" Has Not Yet Arrived; Three People Fined 1.29 Million yuan for Illegal Mining

2024-01-05 13:23:10

Cement market price shocks; Zhang Xiaohua: "Rational capacity reduction" is an important strategy for the cement industry to get out of the predicament; the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the list of typical application scenarios and cases of industrial green microgrid in 2023.

2024-01-04 13:09:03


2023-12-28 11:49:29


2023-12-15 17:18:06


2023-12-04 11:54:11


2023-12-01 16:16:05


2023-10-13 16:16:05

是否会加速水泥业务的并购? 金隅集团回复;降价近1300万!四川一水泥企业部分股权第三次拍卖;上百家商混、水泥、砂石企业熬不过今年了

2023-10-09 13:23:05

多地调涨水泥价格; 1.水泥冷暖大佬谈|邱景河:国企打价格战损人不利己! 2.新建5000t/d熟料线!又一水泥企业在重庆投资40亿 3.一4960t/d水泥熟料搬迁项目已完成 4.两个月,又有21家混凝土企业破产

2023-09-22 13:45:31


2023-08-08 09:07:52


2023-07-21 16:28:06


2023-07-05 15:33:49


2023-06-30 17:16:52


2023-06-16 17:44:39


2023-06-02 17:53:06


2023-05-29 09:28:02


2023-05-26 17:26:49


2023-05-22 09:30:39


2023-05-19 17:31:55


2023-05-19 17:20:22


2023-04-28 16:17:09


2023-04-27 09:20:32


2023-04-24 14:14:42


2023-04-21 17:27:56


2023-04-20 16:53:42


2023-04-20 11:55:24

This week, the pace of downstream resumption of work in most regions of China is still relatively slow, coupled with the unstable support of the cost side, the price of concrete has declined steadily. From February 17 to February 21, the national concrete price index closed at 100.27 points, down 1.76% annually and 19.23% year-on-year.